Was Torah given by ELOHIM or angels?

We read the Old Testament that ELOHIM gave the Torah to Moses on the mountain, but the New Testament says it was given by malachim (angels). What really happened? Is this a contradiction  as some have said?

Old Testament scriptures:

Exodus 31:18 (Samaritan Torah)

And He gave to Moses, when He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, the two tablets of the testimony written by the Finger of ELOHIM.”

Exodus 32:15-16 (Samaritan Torah)

And Moses turned and went down from the mountain with the two tablets of the testimony in his hands, tablets were written on both sides, they were written on one side and the other. And the tablets were ELOHIM’s work, and the writing was ELOHIM’s writing engraved on the tablets.”

Exodus 34:1 (Samaritan Torah)

And YAHWEH said to Moses, cut out for yourself two tablets like the former ones, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the former tablets which you shattered.”

Deuteronomy 5:28 (Samaritan Torah)

And you, stand here by Me, that I shall SPEAK to you all the commandments, the statues, and the judgments which you shall TEACH THEM, that they may do them in the land which I give them to possess.”

Jubilees 1:4

And Moses was on the Mount forty days and forty nights, and YAHWEH TAUGHT him what was and what will be, and the division of all the days of the Torah and of the witness.”

New Testament scriptures:

Acts 7:51-53 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You continually oppose the RUACH HA’KODESH (THE SET-APART SPIRIT)! You do the same things your fathers did! Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They killed those who told in advance about the coming of the Righteous, and now you have become his betrayers and murders! --- You!--- who receive the Torah as having been delivered by angels (malachim)—but do not keep it!”

Galatians 3:19 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Then what is the use of the law (Torah)? It was added because of transgression, till the coming of the heir to whom the promise was made; and the law was given by angels by the hand of a Mediator.”

Hebrews 2:2 (Aramaic Peshitta)

For if the word spoken by angels has been affirmed, and everyone who has heard it transgressed it has received a just reward…”

So, do we have a contradiction? Or is there something we may have missed? Let us examine further:

Jubilees 30:18 (Malach/Angel of the presence speaking)

And the seed of Levi was chosen for the PRIESTHOOD and to be LEVITES, that they might minister before YAHWEH, AS WE DO (Malachim/angels), continually, and that Levi and his sons may be blessed forever….”

Another witness to this is the “Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice,” which was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. Eight manuscripts were found in cave #4 and one manuscript was found in cave #11. Here is a brief summary from ibiblio.org:

4Q403 (ShirShabbd)
Copied mid-first century B.C.E
Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority

The Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, also known as the “Angelic Liturgy,” is a liturgical work composed of thirteen separate sections, one for each of the first thirteen Sabbaths of the year. The songs evoke angelic praise and elaborate ANGELIC PRIESTHOOD, the heavenly temple, and the Sabbath worship in that temple.”

So, the malachim/angels minister in the heavens in a Priest and Levite role just as earthly Levites and Priests did in the temple on earth and of course YESHUA is the High Priest. Everything that is done on earth with YAHWEH’s people is a shadow of what is in the heavens, so it only makes sense that this would be the case.

Hebrews 8:3-5 (Complete Jewish Bible)

For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices; so this high priest too has to have something he can offer. Now if He were on earth, He wouldn’t be a priest at all, since there already are priests offering the gifts required by the Torah. But what they are serving is only A COPY AND SHADOW OF THE HEAVENLY ORIGINAL; for when Moses was about to erect the Tent, ELOHIM warned him, “See to it that you make everything ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN YOU WERE SHOWN ON THE MOUNTAIN.”

So, seeing that the Levitical priesthood is a copy of what is being done in the heavens, we can look at the role of priests and Levites. One of the roles of the priests and Levites was to teach the Torah to the people, so keep this in mind.

Deuteronomy 33:10 (Complete Jewish Bible)

They (Levites) will TEACH Jacob Your rulings, Israel Your TORAH. They will set incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar.”

Nehemiah 8:9 (Complete Jewish Bible)

“Nehemiah the governor, Ezra the COHEN (PRIEST) AND TORAH-TEACHER and the LEVITES WHO TAUGHT THE PEOPLE said to all the people, “Today is consecrated to YAHWEH your ELOHIM; don’t be mournful, don’t weep.” For all the people had been weeping when they heard the words of the Torah.”

So, we have Ezra who is the Priest and Torah teacher (As YESHUA is our High Priest who taught us how to walk out Torah as YAHWEH intended) and the Levites (As the angels are described in Jubilees 30:18) all teaching the Torah to the people.

Malachi 2:7-9 (Parenthesis mine)

A COHEN’S (PRIESTS) lips should safeguard knowledge, and people should SEEK TORAH FROM HIS MOUTH, because he is the MESSENGER OF YAHWEH (Jubilees 30:18 malachim/angels are also messengers) of YAHWEH. But you turned away from the path, you caused many to fail IN THE TORAH, you corrupted the covenant of LEVI,” says YAHWEH-Tsva’ot (Hosts). Therefore I have in turn made you contemptible and vile before all the people, because you did not keep MY WAYS but were partial in APPLYING THE TORAH.”

Leviticus 10:8-11 (Samaritan Torah)

And YAHWEH then spoke to Aaron (high priest), saying, do not drink wine or strong drink, neither you nor your sons with you, when you come into the tent of meeting, that you will not die. It is a perpetual statute throughout your generations. And to make a distinction between the set-apart and the profane, and between the unclean and the clean (Ezekiel 22:26). And to TEACH the Sons of Yisra’el ALL THE STATUES (LAWS) which YAHWEH has spoken to them THROUGH MOSES (TORAH).”


Testament of Rueben 6:8

Therefore I command you to listen to LEVI, because he will KNOW THE TORAH OF YAHWEH, and will give STATUTES for judgment and will slaughter for all Yisra’el until the end of the times, as the anointed High Priest, of whom YAHWEH spoke.”

Testament of Levi 9:6-7

And Isaac called me (Levi) continually to put me in remembrance of the Torah of YAHWEH, even as the messenger of YAHWEH showed me.” And he taught me the Torah of the priesthood, of slaughtering’s, ascension offerings, first-fruits, freewill offerings, and peace offerings.”

Testament of Levi 14:3-4

For as the heaven is purer in the sight of YAHWEH than the earth, so also you (sons of Levi) should be, as the LIGHTS OF YISRA’EL, purer than all the nations. But if you are darkened through transgressions, what, therefore, will all the nations do, who live in blindness? Yes, you will bring a curse upon our race, because the LIGHT OF THE TORAH-which was given to LIGHTEN EVERY MAN- you desire to destroy by teaching commands contrary to the judgments of ELOHIM.”

How does scripture define light?

Proverbs 6:23

For the command is a lamp, and the TORAH A LIGHT.”

So, the Levites were chosen to be LIGHTS OF YISRA’EL by teaching Israelites the TORAH which is LIGHT.

So, what is the conclusion? Our ELOHIM gave the Torah to Moses and wrote it with His finger, but the malachim/angels were also present and were helping to teach the Torah to Moses which is one of the roles of priests and Levites, and a role they serve in the heavens. But let’s add one more layer to this it will become even clearer. Going back to this scripture from Paul shows it:

Galatians 3:19 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Then what is the use of the law (Torah)? It was added because of transgression, till the coming of the heir to whom the promise was made; and the law was given by angels by the hand of a Mediator.

Who is the Mediator?

1 Timothy 2:4 (Complete Jewish Bible)

He wants all humanity to be delivered and come to full knowledge of the truth. For ELOHIM is ONE, and there is but ONE MEDIATOR between EL and humanity, YESHUA the Messiah, Himself human, who gave himself as a ransom on behalf of all, thus providing testimony to ELOHIM’s purpose at just the right time.”

Testament of Dan 6:1-2

And now, fear YAHWEH, my children, and beware of Satan and his spirits. Draw near to ELOHIM and to the MESSENGER that MEDIATES for you, for He is a MEDIATOR BETWEEN ELOHIM AND MAN, and for the peace of Yisra’el He will stand up against the kingdom of the enemy.”

YESHUA is the Mediator! Also an Malach/Angel was ONE of His manifestations that we see in Exodus 23:20-21, the Angel who had the power to forgive transgressions and YAHWEH’s Name in Him as YESHUA means YAHWEH is Salvation.

John 1:29 (Hebrew Gospels)

And on the next day Yochanan (John) saw YESHUA who came unto him; and he said, “Behold, this is EL (God), who takes away the iniquities from the world.”

John 1:35-36 (Hebrew Gospels)

And on another day, Yochanan and two of his talmidim (disciples) stood again, looking at YESHUA as He walked and said, “Behold the MALACH (Angel) of YAHWEH.”

All of this matches when we connect it back to Acts when Stephen was speaking:

Acts 7:38 (Parenthesis mine)

This is the man (Moses) who was in the assembly in the wilderness, accompanied by the MALACH (ANGEL) that had SPOKEN TO HIM AT MOUNT SINAI and by our fathers, the man who was given LIVING WORDS (10 COMMANDMENTS) to pass on to us.”

Therefore, we see that YESHUA (The High Priest) gave the Torah to Moses written by His finger and the angels in their roles as Levites/Priests were with Him teaching Moses the Torah, and there is no contradiction, but rather a complete picture of what occurred on the mountain.

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

Women should be silent! What does this mean?

The words of Paul in 1 Timothy 2:12-14 and 1 Corinthians 14:34 has caused much confusion and has been interpreted several different ways, many have been extreme saying a woman should not speak at all, and others ignore these scriptures all together and have women leading the congregation.  So, we will examine what Paul is really saying using the Aramaic scriptures and prayerfully clear up the confusion surrounding these passages. As I have already stated in the message titled “Wives submit to your husbands!” I listed many witnesses from the scriptures that women should not preach, lead a congregation, nor have authority over a man. Men and women have different roles within a marriage and within the Body of Messiah and must be followed according to the hierarchy that the scriptures outline for us. So, what do we make of Paul’s writings when he says a woman should be silent in the congregation?

1 Corinthians 14:33-34 (Complete Jewish Bible)

For ELOHIM is not a ELOHIM of unruliness but of shalom (peace). As in all the congregations of ELOHIM’S people, let the wives REMAIN SILENT when the congregation meets; they are certainly not permitted to SPEAK OUT. Rather, let them remain subordinate, as also the Torah says (Genesis 3:16); and if there is something they want to know, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for a woman to SPEAK OUT in a congregational meeting.”

Notice Paul says she is not allowed to SPEAK OUT! So what does not speaking out mean? Let’s examine another scripture.

1 Timothy 2:11-14 (Lamsa’s Aramaic Peshitta)

Let the woman LEARN IN SILENCE with all subjection. I do not think it seemly for a woman to DEBATE PUBLICLY or otherwise usurp the authority of men, but she should be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and she transgressed the law.”

1 Timothy 2:11-12 (Aramaic English New Testament)

Let a woman LEARN IN SILENCE, with all submission: for I do not allow a woman to teach or to be assuming over the man; but let her remain in STILLNESS.”

Stillness is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as “as in silence, incapacity for OR RESTRAINT from speaking; as in quietness.”

As we see in both letters from Paul is that the directive is during a congregational setting, which means that a message was being preached to the assembly. This is why Paul says that the woman must “learn in silence”, meaning she is listening to the message being delivered and thus “learning” from what is being preached.   Also, the other key words that were mentioned was that a woman should “not debate publicly” nor “speak out” in the congregation.

So, the message that is being conveyed by Paul is one we have to view from the Hebraic lens of how they conducted themselves in the assembly. During a congregational meeting the pastor would preach to the assembly and the men would ask questions or possibly interrupt the speaker when there was something they did not understand which would qualify as a form of debating, which is why the Aramaic stated “debate publicly”; however, a woman could not interrupt the speaker and get involved in the discussion. In other words, when brothers and sisters come together in the congregation and a message is being preached, then the woman should learn in silence and if she disagrees with something that is said or does not understand it, then she is not allowed to “speak out” which means to “publicly debate” with the congregational leader. She is to wait until they leave the assembly and ask her husband at home. To be fair not everyone woman is married and have no husband to ask; therefore, she would be able to ask the pastor or elders outside of the congregational meeting and they should make themselves available to answer their questions.

 If Paul meant that a woman could not speak at all, then how would she be able to prophesy (which is not teaching), pray, sing or teach the young women and children? That would contradict what he wrote in Titus.

Titus 2:2-5 (Aramaic English New Testament)

And so also the elder women that they be in behavior as is becoming to the Fear of ELOHIM; and not be slanderers; and not be addicted o much wine; and to be TEACHERS of beautiful things, making the younger women to be modest, to love their husbands and their children, to be chaste and Set-Apart and to take good care of their households and to be obedient to their husbands, so that no one may reproach the Word of ELOHIM.”

Footnote #3 in the Aramaic English New Testament says “The concern in 1 Timothy seems not so much about WOMEN SPEAKING, but to NOT SPEAK OUT OF TURN WHILE THE OFFICAL LEADER IS TEACHING. Surely, such action is disrespectful universally; neither is it normal for men to be given such liberty. Shaul encourages the older and spiritually mature women to both teach and be examples for the YOUNGER WOMEN, as they are able to help safeguard young men and women from “worldly lusts.” We don’t see endorsement of women CONGREGATINAL LEADERS in Paul’s writings, but we certainly do see encouragement for women to exercise leadership in modesty and be Set Apart unto YHWH.”

Adam Clarke writes concerning 1 Corinthians 14:34 “It is evident from the context that the apostle refers here to ASKING QUESTIONS, and what we call dictating in the assemblies. It was permitted to any man to ASK QUESTIONS to object, altercate, attempt to refute in the synagogue, but this was NOT allowed for women. St. Paul confirms this reference also to the Christian church; he orders them to keep silence; and, if they wished to learn anything, let them inquire of their husbands at home; because it was perfectly indecorous for women to be CONTENDING WITH MEN IN THE PUBLC ASSEMBLIES, on points on doctrine, cases of conscience, etc. But this by no means intimated that when a woman received any particular influence from ELOHIM to enable her to teach, that she was not to obey that influence; on the contrary, she was to obey it, and the apostle lays down directions in chap. 11 for regulating her personal appearance when thus employed. All that the apostle opposes here is their questioning, finding fault, disputing, etc…”

This matches exactly what is written in the Aramaic that a woman should not debate publicly but to learn in silence and Clarke also says that this does not mean a woman could not say anything at all and references 1 Corinthians 11, which is about praying and prophesying, not about teaching and we have seen that Paul says that women should teach the women and children. This cannot contradict what Clarke wrote saying “what we call dictating in the assemblies”. Dictating is defined by Collins dictionary as to prescribe or command forcefully, to impose or give orders with or as with authority, to give orders or instructions arbitrarily, which is not the role of a woman to be a congregational leader.

So, in conclusion Paul is saying that a woman should not have authority over a man and that she cannot ask questions during a gathering/congregational meeting because she should not debate publicly; therefore, she is to present her questions to her husband at home. And for anyone who dismisses Paul and writes him off as a false apostle, I want to point out that Polycarp was a direct disciple of John who walked with YESHUA, and he endorsed Paul in Chapters 3, 9, and 11 in his letter to the Philippians in 108 AD. So, we have ancient witnesses confirming that Paul was legit.

 I pray that this has cleared up any confusion and that we all continue to return to the ancient paths of worship as our ancestors did.

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

Is drinking alcohol wrong?

1 Corinthians 6:9

Don’t you know that unrighteous people will have no share in the Kingdom of ELOHIM? Don’t delude yourselves-----people who engage in sex before marriage, who worship idols, who engage in sex after marriage with someone other than their spouse, who engage in active or passive homosexuality, who steal, who are greedy, WHO GET DRUNK, who assail people with contemptuous language, who rob---none of them will share in the Kingdom of ELOHIM.”

As we see in Paul’s letter to the assembly of Corinth is that drinking was not the problem, but drunkenness is, and that no drunkard will not inherit the kingdom of ELOHIM.

1 Peter 5:8

Stay SOBER, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone do devour.”

How can you be sobered minded when you are drunk? When you are drunk you are not in the right state of mind just like getting high, which means you not able to think rationally and this opens the doorway for Satan to tempt you into transgression.

Drinking was allowed

Psalms 104:15 (Complete Jewish Bible)

WINE that gladdens the human heart, oil to make faces glow, and food to sustain their strength.”

Deuteronomy 14:26 (Samaritan Torah)

And you may spend the money for whatever your soul desires, for bulls, and in sheep WITH WINE, OR STRONG DRINK, or whatever your soul desires.”

Deuteronomy 14:26 (Complete Jewish Bible)

And exchange the money for anything you want—cattle, sheep, WINE, OTHER INTOXICATING LIQUOR, or anything you please---and you are to eat there in the presence of YAHWEH your ELOHIM, and enjoy yourselves, you and your household.”

The etymology for the word wine is #H3196 “Yayin”, Brown-Driver’s Brigg’s says wine is from an unused root meaning to effervesce. And effervesce which is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes. Dictionary.cambridge.org defines it as to emit bubbles, as certain kinds of LIQUIORS; to effervesce, as sparkling wine. Strong’s says: From an unused root meaning to effervesce; wine (as FERMENTED); by implication INTOXICATION-banqueting, wine, wine bibber.

The etymology for Strong drink is #H7941 “Shekar” pronounced (Shay-kawr) and defined by Brown-Driver’s-Brigg’s as strong drink, INTOXICATING drink, FERMENTED, or INTOXICATING LIQUOR. Strong’s definition is an intoxicant, that is, intensely alcoholic liquor-strong drink, drunkard, strong wine.

Numbers 6:1-4 (Samaritan Torah)

And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying, speak to the Sons of Yisra’el and say to them, when a man or woman makes a special vow of a Nazirite, to dedicate himself to YAHWEH, he shall abstain from WINE AND STRONG DRINK. He shall drink no vinegar, made from wine or strong drink, nor shall he drink any grape juice, nor eat fresh or dried grapes. All the days of his naziriteship he shall not eat anything that is produced by the grape vine, from the seeds even to the skin.”

The Nazirite vow in the Torah shows that wine and strong drink were only forbidden during the time of the vow, which proves that if someone was not taking a Nazarite vow that they would be able to drink wine and strong drink.

So, as we see in the Torah that wine and strong drinks were allowed by our ELOHIM; however, He does not permit you to drink to become drunk. All fermented/intoxicating drinks CAN LEAD to drunkenness if one does not know how to control himself. Other scriptures prove this to be true.

Deuteronomy 21:18-20

If a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey what his father or mother says, and even after they discipline him he still refuses to pay attention to them; then his father and mother are to take hold of him and bring him out to the leaders of his town, at the gate of that place, and say to the leaders of his town, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he doesn’t pay attention to us, lives wildly, GETS DRUNK.”

Testament of Judah 11:1-2

And I knew that the race of the Kana’anites was wicked, but the impulse of youth blinded my mind. And when I saw her pouring out wine, I was deceived BECAUSE OF INTOXICATION FROM WINE, and took her, although my father had not counselled it.”


Testament of Judah 14:1-8

And now, my children, I say to you: do not be DRUNK WITH WINE, for wine turns the mind AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, and inspires the passion of lust, and leads the eyes into error. For the spirit of whoring has wine as an attendant to give pleasure to the mind; for these two also take away the mind of man. For if a man DRINKS WINE TO DRUNKENNESS, IT DISTURBS THE MIND WITH UNCLEAN THOUGHTS which lead to whoring, and heats the body to fleshly union. And if the cause of the lust is present, he works the iniquity, and is not ashamed. Such is the DRUNK MAN, my children; for he who is DRUNK does not respect anyone. For behold, it (wine) caused me to also ERR, so that I was not ashamed of the multitude in the city, in that before the eyes of all I turned aside to Tamar, and I worked a great transgression, and I uncovered the covering of my sons’ shame. After I had drunk wine I did not respect the command of ELOHIM, and I took a woman of Kana’an as wife. For the man who drinks wine NEEDS MUCH DISCRECTION, my children; and here is discretion in drinking wine: A MAN MAY DRINK SO LONG AS HE PRESERVES MODESTY. But if he goes BEYOND THIS LIMIT, the spirit of deceit attacks his mind, and it makes the DRUNKARD to speak uncleanness, and to transgress, and not to be ashamed, but even to esteem in his shame, and to think himself honorable.”

The drunkard speaks uncleanness by being verbally abusive and he is not ashamed because the alcohol has given him liquid courage and he/she spews out words from his or her mouth that they cannot take back. Some people are unaware of their actions until they are told after they have sobered up. Also, what Judah describes about how alcohol heats up the body to fleshly union can cause people to fornicate. If you can drink in moderation and not become drunk or it does not lead to other transgressions then drinking is not wrong, but if you cannot control yourself when you drink then it is wrong for all the reasons outlined! I personally saw what it did to me, so I obeyed the words of YESHUA and removed what made me stumble out of my life.

Matthew 5:29-30 (Hebrew)

Surely, if your right eye offends (causes you to stumble), take it out and remove it far from you, for it is better for you that one member perishes, than for all the body to be punished. And if your right hand offends, cut it off and remove it far from you, for it is more appropriate to you that one member perishes than for all the body to be punished forever.”

Testament of Judah 16:1-5

Observe, therefore, my children, the RIGHT LIMIT IN WINE; for there are four evil spirits in it: lust, heated passion, wickedness, and greed. If you drink wine in gladness, be MODEST IN THE FEAR OF ELOHIM. For if in your gladness the fear of ELOHIM departs, then DRUNKENNESS arises and shamelessness sneaks in. BUT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE CAUTIOUSLY, DO NOT DRINK WINE AT ALL, lest you transgress in words of outrage, and in fighting’s and slanders, and transgressions of the commands of ELOHIM, and you die before your time.”

Judah reiterates that if you are going to drink to do it in moderation and in the fear of YAHWEH, but once that fear of ELOHIM departs is when you become drunk, which then leads to lusts, heated passions, wickedness, slander, and greed. Others start fights are filled with words of outrage and these would be classified as the angry drunks. If this is you when you drink then alcohol is not for you, because you are transgressing against the Torah, why? All these actions are OPPOSITE of the love which the Torah is.

Testament of Issachar 7:3

I did not drink wine to be led astray by it. I did not covet any desirable thing that was my neighbor’s.”

1 Timothy 3:1-3

Here is a statement you can trust: anyone aspiring to be a congregation leader is seeking worthwhile work. A congregation leader must be above reproach, he must be faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, orderly, hospitable and able to teach. He must NOT DRINK EXCESSIVELY or get into fights…”

Paul did not say the elders/congregational leaders or the deacons could not drink, he said they should not drink excessively, which means becoming drunk.

1 Timothy 5:23

Stop drinking water; instead, use A LITTLE WINE for the sake of your digestion and because of your frequent illnesses.”

Titus 1:7

For an overseer, as someone entrusted with ELOHIM’s affairs, must be blameless---he must not be self-willed or quick-tempered, HE MUST NOT DRINK EXCESSIVELY (Aramaic says “Not excessive in WINE”)…

Sirach 31:25-31

Do not show your bravery in wine; for wine HAS DESTROYED MANY. The furnace proves the edge by dipping: so does wine the hearts of the proud by DRUNKEDNESS. Wine is as good as life to a man, IF IT IS DRUNK MODERATELY: what life is then to a man that is without wine? For it was made to make men glad (Psalms 104:15). Wine measurably drunk and in season brings gladness of the heart and cheerfulness of the mind. But wine drunk with EXCESS makes bitterness of the mind, with FIGHTING AND QUARRELING. DRUNKENNESS increases the rage of a fool until he offends: it diminishes strength and makes wounds. Do not rebuke your neighbor drinking wine and do not despise him in his joy: give him no despiteful words and do not press on him with urging to drink.”

Many people will rebuke their neighbors for drinking when it is not supported in the scriptures, rather their personal convictions have become another man’s law! I personally do not drink for the reasons stated above, but I would never tell anyone that it is wrong when it is not.

In conclusion, we see that drinking is NOT FORBIDDEN in the scriptures, the only thing that is forbidden is drunkenness because we see the aftermath of drunkenness is transgression and we know that drunkards will not inherit the kingdom. So, if you know how to drink in moderation then enjoy the beautiful gift that YAHWEH created to make the heart glad, but if you cannot control yourself then you must let it go.

As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!


Through the mercy and love of our Father YAHWEH and His Son YESHUA many brothers and sisters have awakened to the truth about the pagan origins of X-mas; however, there is a need to address this topic again because many believers who are seeking the truth are being led astray by false teachers. To see more about the pagan origins of the satanic holidays that Christians are celebrating today, please visit yeshuasavesall.com and go to the free store link and download the free “Spiritual Detox” book. I’ll be covering an article from a historian, some facts about Xmas, the origins of Santa Claus, and do atheist celebrate X-mas.

Ezekiel 22:26

Her priests have done violence to My Torah, profaned by set-apart things, MADE NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SET-APART AND COMMON, NOT DISTINGUISHED BETWEEN THE UNCLEAN AND CLEAN, hidden their eyes from My Shabbats, and PROFRANED ME AMONG THEMSELVES.”

The pastors of Christianity have not distinguished between the unclean and the clean. And the majority of the world is profaning the Name of YAHWEH with these unclean demonic celebrations.

Jeremiah 23:11, 15 (Aramaic Peshitta)

For both prophets and priests have BECOME PAGANS; yea, even in My house have I found their wickedness, says YAHWEH.” Verse 15 “Therefore thus says YAHWEH of hosts concerning the prophets: behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink bitter water; for from the prophets of Jerusalem PAGANISM has gone forth throughout all the land.”

The unexpected origins of popular Christmas traditions

DECEMBER 25, 2018 / 9:05 AM / CBS NEWS

Though December 25 is the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the date itself and several of the customs we've come to associate with Christmas actually evolved from PAGAN TRADITIONS celebrating the winter solstice. 

"Christmas is really about bringing out your INNER PAGAN," historian Kenneth C. Davis told "CBS This Morning." According to Davis, Christmas was celebrated as early as the fourth century, SUGGESTING THAT IN HAD ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH JESUS CHRIST.”

The historian Kenneth Davis says plainly that Xmas is about celebrating your inner pagan and had nothing to do with YESHUA. Remember the scriptures above from Ezekiel and Jeremiah about the pagan priests and prophets that YAHWEH did not like?  Xmas is a pagan satanic celebration, so how can it be for our Messiah when this is a direct violation of His word?

Deuteronomy 12:1-4, 29-31

Here are the laws and rulings you are to observe and obey in the land YAHWEH, the ELOHIM of your ancestors, has given you to possess as long as you live on the earth. You must destroy all the places where the nations you are dispossessing served their mighty ones, whether on high mountains, on hills, or under some leafy trees. Break down their altars, smash their standing-stones to pieces, burn up their sacred poles completely and cut down the carved images of their mighty ones. Exterminate their name from that place. But you are NOT TO TREAT YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM THIS WAY.” Verses 29-31 “When YAHWEH your ELOHIM has cut off ahead of you the nations you are entering in order to dispossess, and when you have dispossessed them and are living in their land. Be careful, after they have been destroyed ahead of you, not to be trapped into FOLLOWING THEM; SO THAT YOU INQUIRE AFTER THEIR MIGHTY ONES and ask, ‘HOW DID THESE NATIONS SERVE THEIR MIGHTY ONES? I WANT TO DO THE SAME.’ You must not do this to YAHWEH your ELOHIM! For they have done to their mighty ones all the abominations that YAHWEH HATES! They even burn up their sons and daughters in the fire for their mighty ones!”

YAHWEH says plainly not to worship Him as the pagans do and not even to inquire about how the pagans worshipped their false mighty ones because you will want to do the same! Yet, that is exactly what is happening today, Christians are recreating pagan rituals that YAHWEH has forbidden and then reasoning in their hearts and minds as to how they can take pagan worship that YAHWEH hates and claim they are doing it to worship Him! He says “You shall not do this to YAHWEH your ELOHIM!” So how can it be justified?

 Jeremiah 10:2


YAHWEH says do not learn the way (the religion and the behavior) of the gentiles/pagans, yet as the historian said, those that celebrate Xmas are unleashing their inner pagan, thus you have learned the way of pagans! This cannot be justified at all and shows a complete rebellion against the Creator that you claim to serve! This is blatant idolatry and breaks the first commandment.

Article continued: "In ancient Rome there was a feast called Saturnalia that celebrated the solstice. What is the solstice? It's the day that the sun starts coming back, the days start getting longer. And most of the traditions that we have that relate to Christmas relate to the solstice,  which was celebrated in ancient Rome on December 25. So when Christianity became the official religion in a sense, in Rome, they were able to fix this date. ... There's a little discrepancy about it but there's no question that the fact that it was celebrated in Rome as an important day with gift giving, candle lighting, and singing and decorating houses really cemented Christmas as December 25."

ANOTHER CUSTOM WE CAN THANK PAGANS FOR? CHRISTMAS TREES. Davis explained that the evergreen trees signaled the "return of life" and "light" as the winter solstice meant the days were starting to get longer.

"They started to hang an apple on it, so little red balls on green trees — get the picture here? (Davis here is hinting that the apples hung on the trees eventually turned into ORNAMENTS AND BALLS hung on the x-mas trees today and are just recreating pagan rituals) ... So all of these things celebrate the idea that life and light are coming back into the world, which is essentially what Christmas means to Christians around the world."

Mistletoe, though, that was started by the Druids, who believed it was an all-powerful healing item from the sacred oak tree.

"If you met someone in the forest you gave them the sign of peace under the mistletoe so people started to hang mistletoe above their doorways as a symbol of peace. This was such a POWERFUL SYMBOL OF PAGANISM that English churches actually BANNED the use of it," Davis said.

Davis also pointed out that the very first instance of a "war on Christmas" actually dates back to the Puritans in the mid-17th century.

"They knew all of these things, the date, the traditions, were PAGAN IDEAS. The Puritans banned Christmas for 20 years in America before the celebration became just too popular."

Psalms 106:20

Thus they changed My esteem into the form of an ox that eats grass.”

YAHWEH says that the children of Yisra’el changed His esteem, His set-apartness into an image of an ox that they could physically see and said this is what brought us up out of Egypt. The Christians have attempted to change The Esteem of YAHWEH into a corruptible Xmas tree and Santa Claus, and with vain reasoning’s in their heart claim it’s for the birth of our Messiah!

Facts about Xmas

YESHUA was not born during the winter season, Luke gives us an indicator around the time He was born.

1.      Luke 2:8

“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.”

 If the shepherds were living out in the field keeping watch over their flock at night, we can determine it was not cold outside as it is in December; therefore, we can estimate His birth to be in the late summer or early fall. More likely it was near or during the Appointed Times on YAHWEH’s calendar, which would either be The Feast of Tabernacles or Shavuot (Pentecost), we simply do not know for sure, so how can Christianity apply the 25th as the day?

 So, if YESHUA was not born on December 25th then who was? Ezekiel 8:14 tells us whose birth is being celebrating on this day. Ezekiel 8:14 says “Then He (YAHWEH) brought me (Ezekiel) to the entrance to the north gate of the house of YAHWEH and I saw women sitting there, mourning for Tammuz. He said to me, “Do you see this, son of man? You will see things that are even more detestable than this.” The women were weeping for the pagan mighty one Tammuz who died when he was 40 years old. When Nimrod died his mom/wife needed to secure her reign as the Queen of Babylon (Queen of Heaven). So after deifying Nimrod as Baal the sun deity she had to find a way to make Nimrod live again and bring him back to the people. So Semiramis consulted with her astrologers and they told her the sun dies on December 21st (the shortest day of the year) but comes back to life on the eve of December 24th. She decided to say that the sun god Nimrod impregnated her with the rays of the sun on March 25th and 9 months later on December 25th she gave birth to Tammuz which is Nimrod reincarnated. She then ordered the pagans to go into the groves (forest) and place a gift on a tree to honor Nimrod.

2.      The church in Rome began formally celebrating Christmas on December 25 in 336, during the reign of the emperor Constantine. As Constantine had made Christianity the effective religion of the empire, some have speculated that choosing this date had the political motive of weakening the established pagan celebrations. Why Is Christmas in December? | Britannica And we know that Constantine changed the true Shabbat from the 7th Day of YAHWEH to Sunday the first day of the week, the day of the sun, so Constantine was no stranger to paganism and has Christians engaging in it today.

3.        12 Days of Xmas comes from a 12-day feast of Saturnalia. Chaldeans call December 25th Yule Day which means “day of the infant” and that infant is Tammuz found in Ezekiel 8:14. Definition of Yule, dictionary.com says (noun) Christmas, or the Christmas season. Origin of Yule: First recorded before 900; Middle English yole, Old English geol, geol(a) “Christmas day, Christmastide”, cognate with Old Norse jol, the name of the PAGAN WINTER FEAST LASTING 12 DAYS, LATER APPLIED TO CHRISTMAS; akin to Gothic jiuleis.

Interesting Santa Claus was known as the YULE FATHER! This link to this information will be included in the next section.

4.       Santa comes from a pagan deity named Odin, who traveled around the world on a white horse with 8 legs. (That is where the idea for the 8 reindeer came from and Rudolph was added later). He would go around with dark helpers known as black jacks or Krampus which looked like demons. If you were good Odin would give gifts but if you were bad the Krampus would beat the children. They later changed these demonic helpers into harmless looking elves. This deceives the world and the origin of it all, the world willfully accept what is put before them without looking for the truth and the end result is deception. This tradition is still being carried out today where people will dress up as these demonic Krampus and scare children.

Santa is Odin | L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library (ecpubliclibrary.info) adds this: Santa is Odin

December 20, 2021/in BlogCuriositiesSpecial Interest/by Bradley, Reference Services

You heard me! Santa has been heavily influenced by traditions surrounding Odin, the Norse god of the Norse gods, a.k.a. the Allfather. As I write this, I imagine many readers with a cock-eyed expression indicating a skepticism that the two seemingly different beard-laden individuals could have much in common aside from their facial hair. The truth is, there can be little doubt that Odin’s lore has factored into Santa as we know him today.

Here’s the down and dirty on the comparisons.

Santa Clause

·        Flies around in December for Christmas to bring gifts to good children.

·        Has eight reindeer pulling his sleigh.

·        Is the most visually iconic figure of Christmas, symbolizing giving, joy, and peace.

·        Before Coca-Cola popularized the jolly, jiggly Santa we all know today, Santa was depicted thin as often as chubby, and usually donned brown, blue, or red robes.

·        Has elves who make toys for children.

·        Sometimes referred to as Father Christmas. (We only have ONE FATHER AND THAT IS YAHWEH ELOHIM)

 Odin the Allfather

·        Flew around in December for Yuletide to head off the Wild Hunt. He knew who had been bad and good and hunted down or abducted those who deserved it.

·        Had an eight-legged horse, Sleipnir, that pulled his sleigh.

·        Was the most iconic figure of Yuletide, a holiday that celebrated hospitality, feasting, and gift-giving.

·        Is often depicted wearing either blue or brown robes.

·        Elves and dwarves (Christmas elves seem to be an amalgamation of the two) originate from Norse Mythology and are known as amazing creators.

·        Was referred to as Yule Father. (This ties into the definition given in the third bullet point regarding the paganism of YULE!

 Though it’s quite obvious that Santa has influence from Odin, we can’t ignore some of the other obvious influences such as Saint Nicholas of Myra and the Dutch Sinterklaas.

A few other traditions that Christmas has borrowed from Norse tradition include tree decoration, mistletoe, and wreaths.

Information from this post was gathered from both my personal interest in the subject and this article. The article contains more details with comparisons between the two as well as many references to more resources on the subjects of Odin, Santa Claus, and Norse Mythology.”


Consider this: Atheist do not want anything to do with YESHUA or religion, yet they don’t find it offensive to their beliefs to celebrate the same day as a Christian! Why? Because as an unbeliever they know that X-mas has no connection to the truth and that should be alarming. If any atheist is celebrating Xmas and a Christian is also celebrating Xmas, how can we tell you apart? We can’t! Simply put you look just like the world and we can’t tell the difference between a believer and a non-believer!

In an article from Atheists Celebrating Christmas - SpiritCrossing says:

Another option is to accept that the modern Christmas has little or nothing to do with Jesus anyway and that it is mostly a selling opportunity for businesses and corporations. Every trick in the book is used to pressure people into spending as much money as possible in the ‘holiday season’. If an atheist can find something to celebrate among the rampant consumerism, then they can celebrate it by loading up their credit cards, the same way Christians do.

A third option is to accept that Christmas has always been more to do with PAGAN TRADITIONS than with Christmas and that almost all the traditions of Christmas have nothing to do with Christianity at all. Evergreen trees and holly were symbols of the WINTER FESTIVAL LONG BEFORE CHRISTIANITY since these plants did not lose their leaves and appear not to ‘die-off’ during the long northern European winters. Similarly, the Yule log is part of a Nordic festival of 12 days of general feasting, partying and drinking, probably in honor of Yolnir, who was later called Woden and then Odin.

Christmas, just a winter festival

Christmas is basically a winter festival that was hijacked first by Christians, and which has since been hijacked by greedy capitalists out to make as much money from it as they can.

Christmas is more concerned with the winter solstice than with the birth of a baby 2000 years ago. It is rather odd that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus anyway since they normally celebrate the death (especially martyrdom),

Even the atheists understands that we are to remember YESHUA’s death which is why we observe Passover!

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

For what I received from the Master is just what I passed on to you that the Master YESHUA, on the night He was betrayed, took bread; and after He had made the blessing He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you. Do this as  A MEMORIAL TO ME”; likewise also the cup after the meal, saying, “This cup is the New Covenant effected by My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, AS A MEMORIAL TO ME.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you PROCLAIM THE DEATH OF THE MASTER, UNTIL HE COMES.”

Article continued: “Such as those of the saints, and of course, Jesus. Winter festivals have long been connected with birth – the birth of the invincible sun, Natalis Solis Invicti – the name given to the celebrations in 274 CE by pagan emperor, Aurelian, in a year when the winter solstice fell on December 25th. The winter solstice was also celebrated by many other pagan groups in Europe, and the celebrations included those of Mithras, the sun. In the darkest, shortest days of winter, the return of the sun and longer days was celebrated.”

I pray that this truth has opened up the eyes of anyone who wants to celebrate this pagan day and know that it is not of YAHWEH at all! As time is running out on this earth, it’s time to repent and follow YESHUA in truth! As always, may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

What is the Name of the SON?

As I explained in the message last week about the Name of our Father in heaven, the exact same things have occurred with the Name of the Son of YAHWEH. Over the past few years, I have gotten emails, comments on the YouTube page, and comments on TikTok concerning His Name and the claims are that “YESHUA” the way I spell and pronounce His Name is the part of a Jewish conspiracy, that I’m “blotting out His Name”, that I’m calling on a false Messiah and that Yahshua and the many other variations are the true Hebrew Names for our Savior! Are these claims and accusations true? Again, I have brothers and sisters who call our Messiah by a different Name because as I stated in the last message we are all brothers and sisters in the Body of Messiah. The false claims about YESHUA have exceeded that of our Father’s Name, so this message just like the last one isn’t one of judgment, rather it is about addressing the false claims with the truth.

 I explained why I say YAHWEH and YESHUA in my testimony and will continue to use these Names, so I will by provide evidence from research to support it, and prayerfully this will address the statements, comments, and confusion surround His Name. We will discuss 4 points, the ancient pronunciation of His Name and that Yeshua and Yehoshua are interchangeable, His Name in Hebrew and Aramaic, examining Yahshua form and the year it was first used, and the supposed conspiracy theory name cover up.

1.      In the Complete Jewish Bible, Restored Names Septuagint, The Scriptures 2009, and the Jewish Publication Society Bible all spell Joshua’s name as “Yeho’shua” not “Yaho’shua”, I will be covering the Yahshua form of the name in point #3. Yeho’shua means “YAHWEH is Salvation” and YESHUA is the shorted form of Yeho’shua which also means “YAHWEH is Salvation”, for example my brother’s name is Clifton, but I call him Cliff for short.

Furthermore the names “Yehoshua” and “YESHUA” are interchangeable in scripture so let’s view some examples:

Joshua 1:1 (Restored Names Septuagint and TS2009)
And it came to pass after the death of Mosheh, that YAHWEH spoke to YEHOSHUA THE SON OF NUN…”

Nehemiah 8:17 (Restored Names Septuagint and TS2009)
And all the congregation who had returned from the captivity made booths and dwelt in booths: for the children of Yisra’el had not done so from the days of YESHUA THE SON OF NUN until that day…”

Ezra 3:2 (Restored Names Septuagint and TS2009)
Then YESHUA stood up the son of Yotzadak and his brothers the priests and Zerubbavel the son of She’alti’el….

The same high priest named “Yeshua” in Ezra 3:2 is called “Yehoshua” in Zechariah.

Zechariah 3:1,4 (Restored Names Septuagint and TS2009)
And YAHWEH showed me YEHOSHUA the high priest standing before the malach (angel) of YAHWEH and Satan stood at his right hand to resist him.” Verse 4 Now YEHOSHUA was clothed in filthy garments and stood before the malach.”

Joshua 1:1 (Complete Jewish Bible)
And it came to pass after the death of Moshe the servant of YAHWEH,  YAHWEH spoke to Y’HOSHUA THE SON OF NUN…”

Nehemiah 8:17 (Complete Jewish Bible)
The entire community of those who had returned from the exile made sukkot and lived in the sukkot, for the people of Isra’el had not done this since the days of  YESHUA THE SON OF NUN until that day…”

Ezra and Zechariah in the Complete Jewish Bible read just like all the other versions showing that YESHUA and YEHOSHUA are interchangeable.

Hebrewgospels.com writes in the glossary of the Good News of Matthew “YESHUA Hebrew Name for ‘Jesus’. ‘YESHUA’ is short for ‘YEHOSHUA,’ which means ‘YHWH is Salvation,’ see Mat. 1:21.

The Aramaic English New Testament footnote #1 for Matthew Chapter 1 writes “The name Y’SHUA is short for Y’HOSHUA and means YAHWEH is Salvation. The giving of names in Israel is a prophetic act. His name Y’shua therefore carries great prophetic insight regarding the office and identity of Mashiyach.”

Whenever you see a name in Hebrew written in a form such as “Y’shua” the pronunciation is Yeshua, because the apostrophe represents the “eh” sound.

Also, the Jewish Publication Society Bible (1917) version, it lists the chapters of all the books, and list the Nevim (The Prophets) as Yehoshua – Joshua. Jewish Bible (JPS 1917) - Yehoshua Chapter 1 (hareidi.org)

Jewish Bible (JPS 1917) (breslov.com)

So, after presenting all the witnesses and evidence that YEHO’shua and YEShua are interchangeable in the scriptures and all translated the same way, how can Sacred Name Bibles change the original pronunciation? An example of this is

Joshua 1:1 (Halleluyah scriptures)
And it came to be, after the death of Mosheh, the servant of YAHWEH, that YAHWEH spoke to YAHOSHUA Son of Nun, the assistant of Mosheh saying…

Nehemiah 8:17 (Halleluyah scriptures)
And the entire assembly of those who had come back from the captivity made booths and sat under the booths, for since the days of YESHUA son of Nun until that day…”

We have seen that Yehoshua and Yeshua have been consistent and interchangeable in every manuscript listed and Hebrew speakers/scholars have verified this. Even in the Halleluyah scriptures version “Yeshua” remained intact in Nehemiah 8:17, so if “Yahoshua” was the original name wouldn’t it be translated as “Yahshua” in Nehemiah 8:17 and not Yeshua? This further shows that YESHUA is the Name He was given as it is the short form of Yehoshua. Again, I will go into more detail about this in point #3. Also, I have no issues with the team at Halleluyah scriptures as they are beautiful people that I have known for a while, I simply proving the point with evidence.

2.      YESHUA is His Name in Hebrew and Aramaic:
David Stern the translator of the Complete Jewish Bible writes in his commentary on Matthew “YESHUA the Messiah” is rendered as “Jesus Christ” in other English versions, as if the man’s first name were “Jesus” and his last name “Christ.” Neither is the case. “YESHUA” is Jesus name in HEBREW AND ARAMAIC, the LANGUAGES HE SPOKE; in his thirty-some years on earth people called him YESHUA. The word “Jesus” represents the EFFORTS of English-speakers to pronounce the name of the Messiah as it appears in the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, “Iesous”---yee-soos in Modern Greek, perhaps yay-soos in ancient Koine Greek, which began to displace Aramaic as the lingua franca of the Near East after Alexander’s conquests (331-323 B.C.E). In turn the word “Iesous” represents the ancient Greek-speakers ATTEMPTS at pronouncing “YESHUA” By using Hebrew “YESHUA” throughout, the JNT (Jewish New Testament) calls attention to the JEWISHNESS of the Messiah.” Mattityahu 1 chapter Jewish New Testament and comments of David H. Stern (kifakz.github.io)

torahportions.ffoz.org writes “The angel told Joseph to name the baby boy Jesus. But the angel was NOT SPEAKING GREEK and did not use the Greek version of the Name. The HEBREW/ARAMAIC version of the Name Jesus is YESHUA, and yeshuah is a Hebrew word that means Salvation…” Jesus, Jeshua, Joshua, Yeshua, Yehoshua | Gospel Insights | Torah Portions (ffoz.org)

Jersusalempotter.biz sells tiles with the ancient inscription of YESHUA on them: YESHUA, the Name of Jesus as it was written in His time writes on their website “The Hebrew Name of Jesus-YESHUA-as it was written on an ossuary dating from the time of Jesus, found in a rock cut tomb in the vicinity of Jerusalem. The HEBREW AND ARAMAIC name “YESHUA”, Jesus, is a late form of the Hebrew “Yehoshua”, and was a very common name during the first century. The meaning of the name YESHUA is “YAHWEH is Salvation”, or “YAHWEH Saves”, and is alluded to in Matthew 1:12 and Luke 2:21. YESHUA therefore refers to the Savior and was one of the Christian ways of naming and identifying Jesus.” Yeshua - the name of Jesus in Aramaic as written in His time (jerusalempottery.biz)

In David Sterns introduction of the Complete Jewish Bible xxxvi writes “The Hebrew Name YESHUA (Yod, Shin, Waw, Ayin) is the masculine form of the word yeshua’ah (Yod, Shin, Waw, Ayin, Hey----“Salvation”), is based on the same root (yod, shin, ayin) as yoshia, which means “he will save.”

As David Stern points out that YESHUA is the Name for our Savior in Hebrew and YESHUA’AH which is pronounced exactly the same way but adds the Hebrew letter “Hey” at the end of it and means “Salvation”, so technically regardless of how anyone speaks Hebrew when they read the word salvation they will be using the “yeshua’ah” form and when the Name of the Son of YAHWEH is read it’s YESHUA without the “H” in Hebrew and Aramaic. This matches what we read from the website about from torahportionsffoz.org which said “The HEBREW/ARAMAIC version of the Name Jesus is YESHUA, and yeshuah is a Hebrew word that means Salvation. More proof of this is from an article by Jewish voice which says:

Have you ever wondered how YESHUA (Jesus) would have written His Name? The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls is written in the form of Hebrew used in the Second Temple era. This would have been the familiar Hebrew to Yeshua and His Talmidim (Disciples).

Recently, an ossuary box was found in Israel (the same box mentioned from the               article above from Jersusalempotter.biz) that some believed to be the burial container for James, the brother of Yeshua. Although the authenticity was questioned, it was identified as from the 2ND TEMPLE PERIOD by the FORM OF HEBREW THAT WAS USED.

Below, we have written some familiar words for you in this ancient form of Hebrew.

(A picture is included here, but it is in the email link) “On the left is the modern form of Hebrew and on the right is the 2nd Temple form. Our first word is “YESHUA.” Yeshua would not have written His Name as it is seen in the left column (Modern). He would have written it as you see it on the right (Paleo).

Our second word is “Salvation.” Note how similar it is to “YESHUA.” In fact, it is pronounced “Yeshu-ah!” (The picture shows YESHUA spelled as Yod, Shin, Waw, Ayin and Salvation spelled similarly as Yod, Shin, Way, Ayin, Hey) Matthew 1:21 says: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him YESHUA, [which means ‘ADONAI saves’] because he will save his people from their sins.” God would not have spoken to His People in Greek but rather in Hebrew, which reveals the nature and purpose to which Yeshua was born! How would Yeshua (Jesus) have written His Name? | Jewish Voice

So, we see that during the second Temple period YESHUA’s Name was written in Hebrew script and pronounced YESHUA and yeshua’ah a word similar to YESHUA means “salvation”. Jeff Benner from ancient-hebrew.org writes “The name Joshua is written as יהושע (yehoshu'ah, Strong's #3091) and is the name/word יה (yah, Strong's #3050, a form of the name/word YHWH) and the word ישועה (yeshu'ah, Strong's #3444) meaning "rescue." The name then means, "Yah is rescue." The Aramaic form of the Hebrew name יהושע is ישוע (yeshu'a, Strong's #3442), the name many use for the name "Jesus" which is the Latin transliteration of the Greek Iesous, which is the Greek transliteration of the ARAMAIC YESHUA, which is the Aramaic transliteration of the Hebrew Yehoshuah.” Hebrew Word Definition: Salvation | AHRC (ancient-hebrew.org)

3.      Is His Name “Yahshua” because He came in His Father’s Name?

99% of those who have commented or emailed use the argument that YESHUA came in His Father’s Name and point to John 5:43 which says “I have come in My Father’s Name, and you don’t accept Me; if someone else comes in his own name, him you will accept.” However, “I have come in My Father’s Name” is MISSING in the Hebrew manuscript! Hebrewgospels.com says:

John 5:43 says
I came into the world FROM MY FATHER, but you do not receive Me; if another one comes into his world, you will receive him.”

So based off the authentic Hebrew text versus the Greek text, the doctrine of the “Yah” having to be placed in front of YESHUA’s Name never would have existed. But for argument sakes lets address this point of view. Even if YESHUA did say He came in His Father’s Name, He would be saying that He came in His Father’s authority, why? Because YESHUA means YAHWEH is Salvation and YAHWEH sent His Son into the world to die for our transgressions. So based off of the logic that is being used for YESHUA having to have “YAH” in the beginning of His Name, let’s view another example:

1 Samuel 25:5-10 (Complete Jewish Bible)
David sent off TEN YOUNG MEN with these orders: “Go up to Naval in Karmel, and bring him greetings FROM ME. Say, ‘Long life and shalom (peace) to you, shalom to your household, and shalom to everything that is yours! I’ve heard that you now have shearers. Your shepherds were with us for a while, we did them no harm, and they found nothing missing all the time they were in Karmel. Ask your own men; they will tell you. Therefore, receive my men favorably, since we have come on a festive day. Please give what you can to your servants and to your son David.” On arrival, David’s men said all these things to Naval IN DAVID’S NAME…”  
So those who argue for YESHUA having to be YAH-shua because He came in His Father’s Name would mean that the same concept would have to be applied here. This would mean that all TEN of the men David sent that came in HIS NAME would have to have “Dave” or “David” in front of all ten of their names! And we know this is not true by the context alone. We can see that those ten men came in David’s authority and that it has nothing to do with adding his name to theirs.

Also, another point is that in the 1611 KJV the translators translated YESHUA’s Name as “Iesous” pronounced “Yay-soos” which means they were attempting to capture the “Yeh” in “Yeshua”, notice the name was not pronounced “Yah-soos?” If His Name was pronounced Yahshua, then the translators would have tried to capture the “Yah” sound but they did not .

Scholars and those who know the Hebrew language, grammar and rules all say the same thing. In an article written By Dr. Nicholas J. Schaser, Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg and Dr. Yeshaya Gruber titled “Was “Yahshua” the real Name of Jesus?” writes

“Despite the assertion of some that Jesus’ Hebrew name should be spelled “Yahshua,” there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE for this name in any known ancient Hebrew or Aramaic sources. In the Judeo-Greek language of the New Testament, “Jesus” is written as Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous). Translated back into HEBREW/ARAMAIC, the name is YESHUA (ישׁוּע) or Yehoshua (יהושׁוע).The name Yeshua (ישׁוּע) was common in the Second Temple Period and appears almost thirty times in the Hebrew Bible as well (e.g., Ezra 3:2; Neh 3:19; 1 Chron 24:11). “Yeshua” (Jesus) is a shortened version of “Yehoshua” (Joshua). If Yehoshua (יהושׁוע) means “the Lord (YAHWEH) saves”, then Yeshua (ישׁוּע) means either “he [i.e., the Lord] saves” or simply “salvation.” In fact, Judeo-Greek does not distinguish between “YESHUA” and “YEHOSHUA,” transliterating both as Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous or “Jesus”).

We see the writers in this article state that there is no evidence for the name “Yahshua” in ANY known ancient Hebrew or Aramaic sources and further verifies that YESHUA is the short form of Yehoshua, the point that was made in bullet point #1.

The same article concludes with “The main issue is this: while the name “Yeshua” is WIDELY ATTESTED in Jewish sources, the spelling/pronunciation of “Yahshua” is NOT ATTESTED at allIn the end, we must agree that even though it may sound appropriate for “Yah to save” from a theological perspective–and thus to speculate that Jesus’ name might have been “Yahshua”– until some evidence is found to the contrary, the name “Yahshua” exists in the hypothetical realm alone; that is, “Yahshua” is only a real name in the minds of those who argue for it.Was "Yahshua" the Real Name of Jesus? - Israel Bible Weekly (israelbiblecenter.com)

Next is a long article, so I won’t quote the entire article but only go through the highlights that he is making and I’ll leave the link for your viewing. The Messiah's Hebrew Name: "Yeshua" Or "Yahshua"? (yashanet.com)

 The Messiah's Hebrew Name: "Yeshua" Or "Yahshua"? by Dr. Daniel Botkin writes:
The Messiah’s Hebrew name is usually transliterated as either Yeshua or Yahshua. Under normal circumstances I would not bother to write an article about something as trivial as the difference between the vowel sounds "e" and "ah." There is a need to address the subject, though, because some people who use the Yahshua form say UNTRUE things about those who use the Yeshua form. The opponents of the Yeshua form claim that this pronunciation is the result of a Jewish conspiracy to hide the Savior’s true name. Those who call the Messiah Yeshua are accused of perpetuating a Jewish conspiracy and "denying His name" or "degrading Him" by their use of the Yeshua form. If you have never read or heard these outlandish accusations, you probably will eventually. From time to time I receive personal letters to this effect.” (This sounds exactly like what I said happens to me in the introduction).

“The proponents of the Yahshua form claim that the Messiah’s name was the same as Joshua’s, written [vwhy or [wvwhy (Strong’s #3091). The only problem is that neither of these Hebrew spellings of Joshua’s name can possibly be pronounced "Yahshua." The third letter in Joshua’s name (reading from right to left) is the letter vav (w) and a vav cannot be silent. The letter vav must be pronounced as either a "v" or an "o" or an "u." (In the case of Joshua, it takes an "o" sound, giving us "Ye-ho-SHU-a." Strong’s confirms this pronunciation.) For a name to be pronounced "Yahshua," it would have to be spelled [wv--hy, and no such name exists anywhere in the Hebrew Bible. You don’t have to just take my word for it, though. Dr. Danny Ben-Gigi says of the Yahshua form that "there is no such name in Hebrew" and that "people INVENTED it to fit their theology."[1] Dr. Ben-Gigi is an Israeli and the former head of Hebrew programs at Arizona State University. He is the author of the book First Steps in Hebrew Prayers, and he designed and produced the "Living Israeli Hebrew" language-learning course. Dr. David Bivin, a Christian, says that the Yahshua form "is rooted in a misunderstanding."[2] Dr. Bivin is a renowned Hebrew scholar and teacher and author of Fluent Biblical Hebrew.”

“I do not know of a single individual that knows Hebrew well enough to actually read it and understand it and converse in it who uses the Yahshua form. Please do not misunderstand. A person does not need to know Hebrew and Greek linguistics in order to be spiritual. (I agree) However, if a person is going to take it upon himself to instruct others about subjects of a linguistic and Hebraic nature, he should know the Hebrew language and he should know some basics about linguistics. This is especially true if he is going to use his Hebrew-based linguistic teachings to accuse his brethren of being part of a "Jewish conspiracy" to "deny the true name of the Messiah." I agree with this statement and why I wanted to address the issue because as someone who says YESHUA did not point the finger at those who use another version of His Name, it has always been the other way around, so this is to verify the truth only.

Article continued: “To people who actually know Hebrew – people like Dr. Ben-Gigi, Dr. Bivin, and others – it is very obvious that those who insist on the Yahshua form know very little about the Hebrew language. The only Hebrew that most of these self-appointed scholars know is what they can learn from a Strong’s Concordance.[3] Strong’s is a great study tool and a fine place to start, but it is NOT a means by which a person can learn the Hebrew language.”

So where did the transliteration Yahshua come from? This form of the name can be traced back to the beginnings of the Sacred Name movement, a movement that grew out of the Church of God, 7th Day, in the LATE 1930s. I have in my files an article entitled, "A Brief History of the Name Movement in America" by L.D. Snow, a Sacred Name believer.[5] According to this article, "John Briggs and Paul Penn were the FIRST to pronounce and use the name Yahshua" (emphasis Snow’s). This was in 1936 and in 1937, the article states. No information is given about how Briggs and Penn came up with this (mis)translation.” The Messiah's Hebrew Name: "Yeshua" Or "Yahshua"? (yashanet.com)

So the question is, after all the evidence that shows when our Messiah walked the earth 2,000 years that His Name was pronounced YESHUA, how could it have been “Yahshua” which was invented in 1936 or 1937 by the Church of God? Or any other variation?

According to torahportions.ffoz.org “By the way, it’s properly pronounced Y’shua (Yeshua), not YAH-Shuah. Some teachers MISTAKENLY suppose the Master’s Name should properly be pronounced “YAH-shua,” thereby emphasizing the theistic element of His Name. That’s NOT how Hebrew or Aramaic work. When people pronounce our Master’s Name as YAH-shua, they demonstrate ignorance of biblical languages and Jewish nomenclature. If one feels it’s important to keep the theistic element of the name intact, the correct Hebrew version is Yehoshua, i.e., Joshua of Nazareth.” Jesus, Jeshua, Joshua, Yeshua, Yehoshua | Gospel Insights | Torah Portions (ffoz.org) And as demonstrated in the first bullet point is that Yehoshua and Yeshua are interchangeable.

 The Jews know His Name and use it in a blaspheme!
4. As we have seen YESHUA is His Name and spelled Yod, Shin, Waw, Ayin! Jews who have rejected YESHUA blaspheme His Name by saying “YESHU” without putting the “A” on the end, this proves that they know His Name as another form wasn’t used like “YAHSHU”; therefore there is no conspiracy cover up for the Name YESHUA. Oneforisrael.org writes:


“Sadly, for many long years among Hebrew-speaking Jewish people, Yeshua has been known as “Yeshu”, which is an acronym for a curse: “yimakh shemo ve zikhro” which means, “May his name and memory be obliterated”. So much suffering and persecution has been inflicted upon Jewish people in the name of Yeshua that his very name has become a stumbling block and offense, and now he is often considered one of the enemies of the Jewish people. This word “Yeshu” is made of three Hebrew letters – Y-Sh-U (ישו), but it is missing the last letter of his name – the “Ah” sound. This last letter is called an “Ayin” (ע), which, rather interestingly, means “eye”. It’s almost as if without the “ayin” they cannot see, but when the “ayin” is added, sight comes to the blind.

Yeshua is commonly called Yeshu here in Israel, but there are some academics who call him Yeshua, and funnily enough, one particularly extremist group who sprayed anti-Messianic graffiti on a church, declaring that Yeshua was a monkey, actually spelled his name correctly! But sadly he is often referred to as Yeshu haNotzri, which means “curses on Jesus-the-Christian”. In Israel, he is usually seen as gentile, Christian, and ‘other’. But Jesus wasn’t a Christian – he wasn’t a Christ follower – he was Christ himself! The Jewish Messiah! Jesus wasn’t a Christian, Mary wasn’t a Catholic, and John wasn’t a Baptist: They were all Jewish! While “Notzri” is the Hebrew word for “Christian”, it actually means one from Nazareth (Natzeret in Hebrew). It would be more accurate to say Yeshua me Natzeret – Yeshua from Nazareth. It’s close, but worlds away in Israeli perception. Christ is the Greek word for Messiah, so Jesus Christ really means Yeshua the Messiah.” Jesus vs. Yeshua? - ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry

As stated in the article that when the “A” from YESHUA is removed it causes them to be spiritually blinded. The “A” in Hebrew is “Ayin” which means “Spiritual sight and vision” to “watch, know, shade” or to “have the Word and the Spirit converge in your soul”, thus by removing the Ayin off of YESHUA shows that they are spiritually blind as they cannot SEE that YESHUA is the Son of YAHWEH who died for them.

1 Corinthians 1:18
For preaching of the cross (execution stake) to those who have gone astray is foolishness; but to us who are saved it is the power of ELOHIM.”

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!


The Name of our Father in heaven!

Over the past few years, I have gotten a lot of emails, comments on the YouTube page, and comments on TikTok concerning the Name of our Father, some of the comments were shared with love and others have not been so loving. The claim they are making is that YAHWEH is not the Name of our Father, that I’m worshipping a false mighty one and some even go as far to say that the name belongs to Satan. This is a serious accusation, and it must be discussed because blasphemy is not to be taken lightly, please see Leviticus 24:10-14. This message is not coming from a place of judgment as I have brothers and sisters who call our Father by another Name. I’ve always said that once we trust in YESHUA and keep the commandments of the Torah, then we ALL brothers and sisters in the Body of Messiah. However, since the comments are increasing it is best for me to address the issue on why I call our Father YAHWEH and will continue to, versus having to continually address it through emails and comments.. So, when these claims are being made against our Father in heaven then I must share the truth.

As, I explained in my testimony video, the first thing YAHWEH did was show me His Name and once I called up the Name of YAHWEH and YESHUA versus saying “Jesus” and “God,” He responded with a supernatural experience and that night changed my life forever because I know it was a true encounter from our Creator. However, I know that my personal experience will not mean anything to the majority, so what I’m going to do is list proof from research concerning His Name and leave links for them all to be viewed and studied at your leisure. Prayerfully this will shed some light on the issue and address the comments I have been getting, always with love. Here are the 7 points:

1.      Hebrewgospels.com has a 15 part series/study confirming the Name of YAHWEH, they have extensive knowledge in Hebrew language and their work dispels the lies about the pagan origins that many say are behind His Name, they expose teachings of a teacher who is reading Hebrew from left to right versus right to left, and they back up everything they present by breaking down His Name using Hebrew grammar and rules that the western reader is unfamiliar with and they test every argument that arises by using the oldest Hebrew manuscripts. I’ll leave a link for the videos, and I would highly recommend you watch the entire 15-part teaching because they do not take any short cuts and explore every possible angle from a Hebraic perspective and have come to one conclusion. Here is a direct quote on their website concerning His Name: “As for pronunciation, the ONLY grammatically possible pronunciation, from which all abbreviations/contractions can be formed, is ‘Yah-weh.’
Video: https://youtu.be/FatR_eE6zMU
Website: Discover the Pronunciation of the Creator's Name, YHWH | HebrewGospels.com

2.      One of the oldest proofs of the Name of YAHWEH is from what we know as the Soleb inscription, located in modern day Sudan and written in Egyptian Hieroglyphics dated to 1,500 BC which is over 3,400 years old. In a book written by Donald Redford a “Secular scholar,” which means he is someone who has no bias concerning The Name of our Father, writes in his book titled “Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times”, writes “For half a century it has been generally admitted that we have here the Tetragrammaton. The Name of the Israelite God, ‘YAHWEH’; and if this be the case, AS IT UNDOUBTEDLY IS, the passage constitutes a most precious indication of the whereabouts during the late fifteenth century B.C. of an enclave revering this God.”
 Joel Kramer, visited this site to confirm what was written in this book and he and all scholars have agreed as to what the Egyptian Hieroglyphs say. This is a quick break down and I’ll leave the videos below as he does a way better job of explaining it: The first hieroglyph says “land”, the second row of 3 hieroglyphs says “Shazu” which translates as Nomads. The third row contains 4 hieroglyphs (The first is a “Y”, the house is pronounced as “ah” the noose/rope is a “W”, and the bird is “Eh”, which is pronounced as YAHWEH! All together the inscription reads: Land of the Nomads of YAHWEH! At the end of 1,500 BC the children of Yisra’el were nomads as they were wandering in the wilderness, so it matches the scriptural chronology.
Videos: https://youtu.be/jlCBKSRlgD8

3.      In 2019 Dr. Scott Stripling and his team found an ancient discovery which is a folded tablet known as the “Curse Tablet,” dating to the late Bronze Age, during the time of Joshua. The inscription not only shows the authenticity of the scriptures, but it also reveals the Name YAHWEH in the Ancient Hebrew Otiot pictograph script before the Paleo Hebrew. The tablet says:
“Cursed, Cursed, Cursed--
  Cursed by the (EL) GOD
  Cursed, Cursed, Cursed
  Cursed you will surely die,
  Cursed by
  Cursed, Cursed, Cursed.”

The curse tablet represents a binding document, a covenant between the Israelites and the ELOHIM of Yisra’el and the only question the researchers have is whether Joshua wrote this himself or a scribe. This account is found in:

Joshua 8:30-35

Then Joshua built an altar to YAHWEH ELOHIM of Yisra’el in mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of YAHWEH commanded the children of Yisra’el, as it is written in the book of the Low of Moses (Deuteronomy 27:1-9), an altar of unhewn stones upon which no man has lifted up any iron instrument; and they offered thereon burnt offerings to YAHWEH, and sacrificed peace offerings. And he wrote there upon the stones of the altar a copy of the law of Moses, which he wrote in the presence of the children of Yisra’el. And all Yisra’el and their elders and their scribes and their judges stood on the side of the ark, and on that side the priests and the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of YAHWEH, the natives as well as the sojourners; half of them toward mount Gerizim, and half of them toward mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of YAHWEH had commanded, and they should bless the people of Yisra’el as before. And afterward Joshua read all the words of the law, the blessings and the cursing’s, according to all that is written in the book of the law. There was not a word of all that Moses commanded which Joshua did not read before all the congregation of Yisra’el and before the women and the little ones and sojourners who were among them.”

Videos: https://youtu.be/zjqmUTN1RTE


4.      The Aramaic English New Testament says on page 4, footnote #11 “YHWH Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey, pronounced YAH-WEH is the Name of the Most High ELOHIM. ““To vocalize the Name YHWH, breathe in slowly while saying “YAH”, then breathe out while saying “WEH”. Andrew Gabriel Roth the translator of the Aramaic English New Testament has a 2-hour video breaking down the Name of our Father here:


5.      Encyclopedia Britannica writes, “Although Christian scholars after the Renaissance and Reformation periods used the term Jehovah for YHWH, in the 19th and 20th centuries biblical scholars AGAIN BEGAN to use the form YAHWEH. Early Christian writers, such as St. Clement of Alexandria in the 2nd century, had used a form like YAHWEH, and this pronunciation of the tetragrammaton was NEVER REALLY LOST. Many Greek transcriptions also indicated that YHWH should be pronounced YAHWEH.” Link to the entire article is here: Yahweh | YHWH, Adonai, Elohim, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica

6.      The Samaritans who are from the Northern Kingdom of Yisra’el whose ancestry is that of Ephraim and Manasseh call our Father “Shehmaa” which means “The Name”, just as Jews say “Hashem” which also means “The Name”, but that doesn’t mean that neither of them knows His Name, they choose not to say His name out of tradition. And this article is proof of that:

In an article written on April 28, 2006 states “I came across an interesting article by James A. Montgomery, scholar of Samaritanism, called Notes From the Samaritan Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 25, No. 1 (1906) , pp. 49-54. The article concerns a witness to a 19th century Samaritan pronunciation of the tetragrammaton. At the outset, Montgomery mentions that 5th century Church theologian Theodoret preserved in writing a Samaritan pronunciation of the tetragrammaton. It was as follows: Iota-alpha-beta-epsilon (edit: evidently I can't use Greek characters in blogger) or Iota-alpha-beta-alpha-iota (Yabe or Yabai). Of course the usual caveats about transliterating Hebrew into Greek apply (Greek doesn't share the same consonants, so many of them are simply ignored--like the ה (Hey) in this case-- or transposed into what the transcriber considers to be the closest match). What is interesting is that the ו (waw) is written with a beta, which would mean that to Theodoret's ears the ו(waw) was pronounced as a consonant and probably like how we pronounced the letter v and not w. Montgomery then notes that Samaritans actually tended not to pronounce the tetragrammaton at all, like Jews, but rather they substituted the word shema (in the sense of שם, the Name, just as we say השם, Hashem). This fact is readily confirmed by perusing articles on the web site by and about the Samaritans.

It seems that in the early 1800s French scholars who were carrying on a correspondence with Samaritans were trying to get them to tell them how the word was pronounced, which they were reluctant to do. But in a letter to 
Silvestre de Sacy one of them spilled the secret: he wrote in vocalized Arabic characters something like Ya'-ha'-waw-ha' (again, can't do Arabic, apparently) which is Yahwa or Yahwe in English. De Sacy himself apparently didn't notice the potential signifigance of this--he hadn't been asking anything about the pronunciation.

It was later noticed, and compared by scholars with Samaritan rhyming hymns. To one scholar, Emil Kautzsch, these rhymes suggested that the final consonant was
Yahwe, rather then Yahwa. (It is interesting to note that Kautzsch cited the rhymes found in R. Wolf Heidenheim's Bibliotheca Samaritana. R. Heidenheim is the one Grade A maskil who is cited as a source in Artscroll's Stone Chumash). Other scholars pointed out that other rhymes favored the other pronunciation, with an a at the end. So no conclusion could be drawn, especially since in the popular Samaritan pronunciation the consonants of the tetragrammaton would be read shema, which means that the rhymes probably were meant for that word.”
This article was inconclusive on whether it’s YAHWEH or YAHWA and there are no other variations mentioned. As written in the article James Montgomery the Samaritan scholar said it was “YABE” with the “B” pronounced as a “V” which would make it YAH-VEH which is closer to YAH-WEH.
Article: On the Main Line: How do Samaritans pronounce the tetragrammaton, י-ה-ו-ה?

7.      The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible records a note in Genesis 22 which says “Since, according to the Bible itself, the Name YAHWEH-----translated “LORD” in most modern editions of the Bible----was later revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus (3:13-15), students of the Pentateuch have long debated the use of YAHWEH in the book of Genesis. A common solution suggest that an early author/editor indiscriminately used the term in his copying of the text. 4QGen-Exod----sure to fuel the debate afresh---“replaces” the term YAHWEH in Genesis 22:14 with more common Hebrew term for God (ELOHIM).” So, one of the oldest translations of the scriptures says His Name is YAHWEH the only thing that was debated amongst scholars is whether His Name was revealed in Genesis or Exodus. Also, in a book titled “The meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls”, written by James VanderKam and Peter Flint on page 94 and 95 concerning the portion about the Samaritan Pentateuch writes “The variant readings in group 8 specifically Samaritan features, including the defense of ELOHIM’s honor of Moses and other ancient heroes; legal differences from the Masoretic Text; and specifying Mt. Gerizim rather than Jerusalem as the center for worshipping YAHWEH.The sources in this section are not teachings on the Name, but shows that these scholars and researchers who studied the scrolls or translated them called our Father YAHWEH!

8.      As a bonus the Native-American Indians know His Name and here are some beautiful worship songs that will put you in the mood to worship and dance with all your heart:



I pray that this was helpful and as always may our Father YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!

 “I DIDN’T KNOW” will this be a valid excuse?

I remember years ago when I was working at the sheriff’s office, I was speaking to someone about the scriptures, when another person approached us and said “What are you all talking about?” I replied, “We are talking about the scriptures!” and he said “Ohhh, no! I don’t want to hear any of that because if I do then I will be held accountable for it.” I told him, “That your ignorance of the scriptures is not going to help you on judgment day.” So, before I get into the scripture proof, I would like to use a practical example to make my point.

Let’s say you are driving a car full speed and run a stop sign and in the process of running that stop sign you smash into another car and injure or kill the family that was in it. Do you think telling the police officer or the judge “I didn’t see the stop sign” is going to excuse you for “breaking the law?” Absolutely not! You will receive a ticket and  have to pay for the damages of the car and depending on if there are injuries you will have to compensate them for the hospital bills and time lost at work etc.; and if life is lost then you could be facing manslaughter charges.. The point is that in this situation the judge is not going to reward you by sending you on a vacation to the Bahamas because you would already know that punishment is awaiting in one form or another. And the same thing applies when the laws of our Father YAHWEH are broken, you will not be rewarded nor receive a free pass for the transgressions. Therefore repentance is necessary, this is why the blood of YESHUA is necessary, because have all fallen short and need YESHUA’s blood to wipe the slate clean for us. There is a difference between willful transgression and ignorant transgression. The penalty for willful transgression is worse, but by no means does it pardon the ignorant party, they are still guilty.

Numbers 15:30-31 (Samaritan Pentateuch)

And the soul who does anything DEFIANTLY, whether he is a citizen or a proselyte, that one is BLASHPHEMING YAHWEH, and that person shall be cut off from among her peoples. Because he has despised the word of YAHWEH and has broken His commandments, that soul shall be completely cut off, her guilt will be on her.”

Willful transgression against YAHWEH is equivalent to blasphemy and why the punishment is more severe. (See Hebrews 10:26-31).

Leviticus 5:17-18

And if any person transgresses and commits any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of YAHWEH; though HE DOES NOT KNOW THAT HE HAS TRANGRESSED, YET HE IS GUILTY and shall suffer for his iniquity. And he shall bring to the priest a ram of value without blemish out of the flocks for a trespass offering; and the priest shall make an atonement for him for his IGNORANCE IN ERRING, even though HE KNEW IT NOT, and it shall be forgiven him.”

The priest had to make atonement for their ignorant transgression because they were still guilty and YAHWEH forgave them, in like manner YESHUA is our High Priest who died for us all and forgave the transgressions we have committed. But as you can see them not knowing they transgressed did not pardon them, it was still a transgression.

Romans 2:12 (Complete Jewish Bible)

All who have transgressed outside the framework of Torah will die outside the framework of Torah; and all who have transgressed within the framework of Torah will be judged by Torah.”

What is Paul saying here? He is saying that those who are unbelievers, those who lived as pagans and never kept the laws of YAHWEH are still going to be punished on judgement day, they do not get a pass for being rejecting His ways! And let’s be honest, YESHUA tells us that the Good News will be preached to the four corners of the earth as a witness to all people, so in other words no one will be without excuse.

Matthew 24:14

And this Good News of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world as a TESTIMONY to ALL THE NATIONS; then the end will come.”

In summary Paul is saying that those who were walking with YAHWEH and were keeping the commandments of the Torah will be judged on how they obeyed the Torah, whether they were hearers or doers of the word and those who transgressed while not keeping the Torah will perish without it.

Luke 12:47-48 (Aramaic Peshitta)

And the servant who knows the wishes of his master, and does not make ready according to his wishes, will receive a SEVERE BEATING. But he who DOES NOT KNOW, and does what is worthy of punishment will receive a LESS BEATING.”

What is being conveyed is that those who know the truth but willfully disobey will face a harsher judgment because more expected out of them. Those who had access to the scriptures, attended assemblies, and had more resources available to them. These are supposed to know better and lived their lives accordingly. However; notice how the one who DID NOT KNOW is still punished even though less severe than the one who knows better? The point is that their ignorance or outright rejecting the truth will not excuse anyone. An example of an honest ignorant transgression is striving to obey the commandments of the Torah and then finding out that being drunk is a transgression. He or she is still guilty of being drunk but being that he or she did not know they will be forgiven. But if he goes out and gets drunk after knowing its wrong it becomes a willful transgression. On judgment day YESHUA will decide each case righteously as He knows the intention of the heart and everyone’s situation by His mercy, I’m not the judge, I just want to make it known that ignorance does not go unpunished.

2 Kings 17:24-28 (Aramaic Peshitta)

And the king of Assyria brought people from Babylon and from Cuth and from Ava and from Hamath and from Sepharvim, and settled them in the cities of Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof. And at the beginning of their dwelling there, they did NOT REVERENCE YAHWEH; therefore YAHWEH sent lions amongst them, which slew some of them. Therefore they told the king of Assyria, saying, The nations which you have carried captive and placed in the cities of Samaria DO NOT KNOW THE RELIGION OF THE ELOHIM of the land; therefore He has sent lions against them, and, behold, they slay them because THEY DO NOT KNOW THE RELIGION OF THE ELOHIM of the land. Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, take there one of the priests whom you have carried away from there; and let him go and dwell there, and let him teach the RELIGION OF THE ELOHIM OF THE LAND. Then one of the priests whom they had carried away from Samaria came and dwelt in Beth-El, and TAUGHT THEM HOW THEY SHOULD WORSHIP YAHWEH.”

Notice how YAHWEH showed no partiality towards those who DID NOT know His commandments and killed some of them? His mercy allowed for those who did not know to have a chance to learn His ways. The king of Assyria had a priest that was carried captive to come back to the land of Samaria to teach the people the commandments of YAHWEH. In like manner, YESHUA has sent His servants into the world today to teach those who do not know Him and His ways.

2 Corinthians 5:10-11

For we must all appear before the Messiah’s court of judgment, where everyone will receive the good or bad consequences of what he did while he was in the body. So it is with the fear of YAHWEH before us that we TRY TO PERSUADE PEOPLE.”

Wisdom 13:6-8

But yet for this they are to be blamed less; for they perhaps err, seeking ELOHIM and desirous to find him. For being conversant in his works they search him diligently and believe their sight: because the things are beautiful that are seen. Nevertheless neither ARE THEY TO BE PARDONED.”

The context here is those who worshipped idols were seeking for ELOHIM and thought they found Him in a carved idol. They will be blamed less for their ignorance but will still not be pardoned for their deeds because an idol was created by humans hands and has now power. There is only one way to the Father and that is through His Son YESHUA (John 14:6).

2 Peter 3:9

YAHWEH is not negligent concerning His promises, as some men count negligence; but is longsuffering toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that ALL should COME TO REPENTANCE.”

It’s YAHWEH’s will that none should perish and this is the reason why He sent His Son YESHUA to die for us all because He loves us. In the end willful transgression against Him leads to death, just as staying ignorant of His ways or rejecting Him will also lead to death. The final destination will be fire, so don’t be like the person I mentioned earlier who “chose” to remain ignorant thinking he was saving himself from danger, as we can see that is not true.

We have been given a gift to help us along the way and we must do is die to self and be led by the Set-Apart Spirit and let Him lead us into ALL truth:

John 16:13

But when the RUACH (SPIRIT) of truth will come, He will teach you ALL TRUTH. For He will not speak of His own heart, only the words which He hears He will speak, and make known to you those words.”

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

The Garden of Eden and New Jerusalem!

This is a beautiful prophecy of what is to come for the righteous! Is there any connection between the Garden of Eden and the New Jerusalem? 

Revelation 21:1-3 (Hebrew)

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away; and the first sea was no more. And I John saw the set-apart city, the NEW JERUSALEM descending from the heaven to the earth, and it was adorned like a wife who is adorned before her husband. And I heard a great voice from the throne which said, “Look! The Tabernacle of YAHWEH is with man, and He will be ELOHIM to them, and they will be a people to Him! And YAHWEH ELOHIM wipe will off the tears from all faces, and the death will no longer reign, neither any suffering or outcries or affliction, for the former has passed by!’

So we see that eternal life begins when the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven on the 8th day after the 1,000 reign of YESHUA, and all things will be made new and there will be no more death or pain.

2 Corinthians 12:1-4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

I have to boast. There is nothing to be gained by it, but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Master. I know a man in union with the Messiah who fourteen years ago was snatched up to the THIRD HEAVEN; whether he was in the body or outside the body I don’t know, ELOHIM knows. And I know that such a man---whether in the body or apart from the body I don’t know, ELOHIM knows--- was snatched into GAN-‘EDEN and heard things that cannot be put into words, things unlawful for a human being to utter.”

Complete Jewish Scriptures definition of “Gan-Eden” is (PARADISE)—literally, “GARDEN OF EDEN”; in Judaism the term also refers to PARADISE, Luke 23:43.

So as we see, Paul connects the Garden of Eden (Paradise) with heaven which we know is eternal life.

Eden in Hebrew is spelled: Ayin, Dalet, Nun

Ayin is a picture of an eye to see, watch, or know

Dalet is a picture of a door or entrance

Nun is a picture of a seed and means life, continuance, or offspring

When we combine these together for Eden we get a message: “We SEE the DOOR of CONTINUED LIFE.”

We see the door of continued life because those who are found worthy will enter the Garden of Eden of continued life meaning eternity. Tying in everything we just covered above makes so much more sense when we read YESHUA’s words in the Hebrew.

Matthew 18:8-9 (Hebrewgospels.com)

If your foot or your hand is the stumbling block, cut it off, or remove it far from you. For it is more fitting for you to enter (the door) into the GARDEN OF EDEN crippled, than walking in Gei-Hinnom with two hands or with two feet. And if your eye offends, uproot it and remove it far from you, for it is more fitting for you to enter into the GARDEN OF EDEN with one eye than into Gei-Hinnom with two.”

Mark 9:43-48 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And if your hand offends, cut it off! For it is more appropriate for you to enter into the GARDEN OF EDEN with one hand, than into the fire of Gei-Hinnom with two, into a place where the viruses do not die, and the fire does not rest. And if your foot offends, cut if off! For it is more appropriate for you to enter into the GARDEN OF EDEN with one, than entering with two into Gei-Hinnom, into the place where the viruses do not die, and the fire does not rest and is not cut off. And if your eye offends, uproot it! For it is more appropriate for you to enter into the GARDEN OF EDEN with one eye, than into Gei-Hinnom with two, a place where the viruses do not die, and the fire is not quenched.”

Most translations say “Enter into Life” where Garden of Eden is written in the Hebrew version, so its obvious YESHUA is connecting The Garden of Eden with eternal life which comes with the New Jerusalem from above. Dan one of the sons of Jacob from the 12 Patriarchs writings from the Dead Sea Scrolls says plainly that the New Jerusalem and the Garden of Eden are COMBINED; and that YAHWEH will be in the midst of it and living among men.

Testament of Dan 5:11-13

And He will take the captivity from Beliyya’al and turn disobedient hearts to YAHWEH, and give ETERNAL PEACE to them that call upon Him. And the set-apart ones will rest in EDEN, and the righteous will rejoice in the NEW JERUSALEM, and it will be to the esteem of ELOHIM forever. And no longer will Jerusalem endure desolation, nor Yisra’el be led captive. For YAHWEH will be in the midst of it, living among men, and the Set-Apart One of Yisra’el will reign over it.”

.Dan understood what the reward was and also understood that YAHWEH would dwell amongst us forever, which matches:

Revelation 21:3 (Hebrew)

The Tabernacle of YAHWEH is with man, and He will be ELOHIM to them, and they will be a people to Him! And YAHWEH ELOHIM will wipe off the tears from all faces, and the death will no longer reign, neither any suffering or outcries or affliction, for the former has passed by!’

2 Esdras 8:51-55 (Parenthesis mine)

But think of your own case, and inquire concerning the esteem of those who are like yourself, because it is for you that PARADISE (GARDEN OF EDEN) is opened (like dalet the door opened in the word Eden), the TREE OF LIFE is planted, the WORLD TO COME IS PREPARED, delight is provided, A CITY IS BUILT (NEW JERSUALEM), rest is appointed (eternal life), goodness is established and wisdom is perfected beforehand. The root of evil is sealed up from you, illness is banished from you, and death is hidden; hell has fled, and corruption has been forgotten sorrows have passed away, and in the end the treasure of IMMORTALITY is made manifest. Therefore, do not ask any more questions about the multitude of those who perish.”

Then we see in Chapter 10 that Ezra was able to walk in the vision of the New Jerusalem, but I’ll start with the context that began in Chapter 9.

2 Esdras 9:23-25

But if you will let seven days more pass-do not fast during them, however; but go into a field of flowers where NO HOUSE HAS BEEN BUILT, and eat only of the flowers of the field, and taste no meat and drink no wine, but eat only flowers and pray to the Most High continually-then I will come and talk with you.”

 Ezra did as the malach (angel) Uriel instructed him, then a woman appeared to Ezra and she was mourning over her son. Ezra begins to comfort the woman and he goes on to explain to her about the many lives lost during the destruction of the Temple. Then something happens:

2 Esdras 10:25-56

And it came to pass, while I was talking to her, behold her face suddenly shone exceedingly, and her countenance flashed like lightning, so that I was too frightened to approach her, and my heart was terrified. While I was wondering what this meant, behold, she suddenly uttered a loud and fearful cry, so that the earth shook at her voice. And I looked, and behold, the woman was NO LONGER VISIBLE TO ME, BUT THERE WAS AN ESTABLISHED CITY, and a place of huge foundations (Revelation 21:14) showed itself. Then I was afraid, and cried out with a loud voice and said, “Where is the angel Uriel, who came to me at first? For it was he who brought me into this overpowering bewilderment; my end has become corruption and my prayer a reproach.” Verse 49 “And behold, you saw her likeness, how she mourned for her son, and you began to console her for what happened. For now the Most High, seeing that you are sincerely grieved and profoundly distressed for her (Zion), has shown you the brilliance of her esteem, and the loveliness of her beauty. Therefore I told you to remain in the field where no house had been built (2 Esdras 9:23), for I knew that the Most High would REVEAL all things to you. Therefore I told you to go into the place where there was NO FOUNDATION OF ANY BUILDING FOR NO WORK OF MAN’S BUILDING COULD ENDURE IN A PLACE WHERE THE CITY OF THE MOST HIGH WAS TO BE REVEALED. Therefore do not be afraid, and do not let your heart be terrified; but go in and see the splendor and vastness of the building, as far as it is possible for your eyes to see it, and afterward you will hear as much as your ears can hear.”

Ezra had to go into a field where no buildings built by a human was, because YAHWEH could not reveal the New Jerusalem to him amongst man’s structures, this shows how kodesh (set-apart) YAHWEH is. And afterwards, Ezra was able to walk around the New Jerusalem to see what the inheritance of the righteous looks like. But, was Ezra the only one to see the city?

2 Baruch 4:1-4:7 (Parenthesis mine)

And YAHWEH said to me: “This city (Referring to destruction of 2nd Temple in Jerusalem) is delivered up for a time, and the people are chastised during a time (70 years of Babylonian captivity), and the world is not forgotten. Or do you perhaps think that this is the city about which I said: On the palms of My hands I have inscribed you. (Isaiah 49:16). This building that is now built (physical Jerusalem) is not the one revealed with Me (New Jerusalem), the one ALREADY prepared here when I intended to make PARADISE and I showed it to Adam before he transgressed, but when he transgressed the commandment, it was taken away from him (New Jerusalem), as was also Paradise (Garden of Eden). And after these things, I showed it to my servant Abraham, by night, between the halves of the sacrifices.”

YAHWEH showed the New Jerusalem to Abraham when He passed between the halves of the sacrifices when He made a covenant with him.

Genesis 15:7-10, 17-28

An He said to him, I am YAHWEH, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it. And Abram said, O YAHWEH ELOHIM, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? And He said to him, take for yourself a heifer, three years old, a three year old ram, a three year old she-goat, a pigeon, and a young dove. And he took to himself all these and cut them in two, and laid each piece against another; but the birds he did not divide.” Verse 17-21 “And it came to pass that when the sun had set and it was dark, behold there appeared a smoking furnace and burning torch that passed between those PIECES. On that day YAHWEH made a covenant with Abram, saying, to your descendants have I given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates…”

Abraham was shown the reward and I believe that is why he was looking for a city not built by human hands as we read in Hebrews.

Hebrews 11:8-10 (Parenthesis mine)

By trust Abraham, when he was called to depart for the land which he was to receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing where he was going. By trust he became a sojourner in the land which was promised him as in a strange country, and he dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he looked for a CITY WHICH HAS FOUNDATIONS (NEW JERUSALEM), WHOSE BUILDER AND MAKER IS ELOHIM.”

2 Baruch continued: “And furthermore, I also showed it to Moses on Mount Sinai when I showed him the likeness of the tabernacle and of all its implements. And now, see, IT  (New Jerusalem) is preserved with Me, as is also Paradise (Garden of Eden).”

Jubilees 1:4

And Moses was on the Mount forty days and forty nights, and YAHWEH taught him WHAT WAS AND WHAT WILL BE, and the division of all the days of the Torah and of the witness.”

Exodus 25:40

And see that you make them after the same pattern which I have shown you on the Mountain.”

 Hebrews 8:5

Now above all we have a High Priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven; and He has become the Minister of the sanctuary and of the TRUE TABERNACLE which ELOHIM pitched and not man. For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices, therefore it is necessary that this man have something to offer also. For if He were on earth, He would not be a priest, because there are priests who offer gifts according to the law, who serve the semblance and SHADOW OF HEAVENLY THINGS, just as it was commanded to Moses when he was about to make the tabernacle: See that you make all things according to the pattern showed to you in the Mount.”

When YAHWEH showed Moses how to make the tabernacle in the likeness of the one that is in the heavens on Mount Sinai, He also showed Moses the New Jerusalem and Garden of Eden. Therefore, Moses knew to forsake the riches in Egypt and to look forward to the reward of the New Jerusalem to come, which is the same hope and reward that we look forward to as the bride of YESHUA!

Hebrews 11:24-26

By trust Moses, when he came to manhood, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of ELOHIM than to enjoy the pleasures of iniquity for a short while. And he reasoned that the reproach of Messiah was greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, for he LOOKED FORWARD TO RECEIVE THE REWARD.”

2 Baruch 51:8-11

“For they will see that world which is now INVISBILE TO THEM (New Jerusalem), and they will see a time which is now HIDDEN FROM THEM. And time will no longer make them older. For on the summits of that world they will live, and they will be like the malachim (angels), and they will be deemed equal to the stars. They will change themselves into any shape they wish, from comeliness into beauty and from light into esteemed splendor. There the EXPANSES OF PARADISE (Garden of Eden) will be spread out before them. And they will be shown the comeliness of the majesty of the living creatures that are beneath the throne, as well as all the armies of malachim (angels) who are now held by My word, lest they reveal themselves, and who are held by the command, that they stand in their places until their advent come. And then the righteous will be more excellent than the angels.”


Tree of Life connection:

Isaiah 46:10

Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure…”

YAHWEH has declared the end from the beginning, which includes being restored back to the Garden of Eden where everything began for Adam and Eve. Life began for man in the Garden of Eden and it will be the beginning of a eternal life returning back to the Garden of Eden.

Another connection I would like to make is that the tree of Life was in the Garden of Eden in the beginning and is also seen the New Jerusalem.

Genesis 2:9

And out of the ground YAHWEH ELOHIM, made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the TREE OF LIFE also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

Revelation 22:1-2

Then he showed me a stream which was full of living waters, and it was pure like crystal, coming out of the throne of YAHWEH and the Lamb. And in the midst of the plains even beside the stream, there grew up on its bank --- on this side and on that side – every tree of food, even the TREE OF LIFE. And on it were twelve kinds of fruit, and its fruit was for food, and its foliage for healing.”

2 Esdras 8:52

Because it is for you that PARADISE (Garden of Eden) is opened, THE TREE OF LIFE IS PLANTED…”

The Tree of Life is in the Garden of Eden which connects it to eternal life, but through the disobedience of Adam and Eve iniquity and death came into the world.

Genesis 3:1-7

Now the serpent was more subtle than all the wild beasts that YAHWEH ELOHIM had made. And the serpent said to the woman, Truly has ELOHIM said that you shall not eat of any tree of the garden? And the woman said to the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of all the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, ELOHIM has said, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. And the serpent said to the woman, you shall not surely die; For ELOHIM knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like mighty ones, knowing good and evil. So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and that the tree was delightful to look at, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and she also gave to her husband with her; and he did eat. Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”

Genesis 3:22

Then YAHWEH ELOHIM said, behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and LIVE FOREVER.

Wisdom 2:23-24

For ELOHIM created man to be IMMORTAL and made him to be an image of His own ETERNITY. Nevertheless through the envy of Satan death came into the world: and those that take his side find it.”

So Adam and Eve went from being immortal to mortal on the day they ate the forbidden fruit; therefore, YAHWEH had to put them out of the garden and Enoch goes deeper as to why.

Enoch 25:1-7

And he said to me, “Enoch, why do you ask me regarding the fragrance of the tree (Tree of Life), and why do you desire to learn the truth? Then I answered him saying, “I desire to know about everything, but especially this TREE. And he answered saying, “This high mountain which you have seen, whose summit is like the throne of the Master, is His throne, where the Set-Apart Great One, the Master of Esteem, the Eternal King, will sit, when He shall come down to visit the earth with goodness. And as for this fragrant tree NO MORTAL IS PERMITTED TO TOUCH IT until the great judgment, when He shall take vengeance on all and bring everything to its consummation FOREVER. It shall then be given to the righteous and set-apart. Its FRUIT shall be for FOOD TO THE ELECT: it shall be transplanted to the set-apart place, to the Temple of the Master, the Eternal King. Then shall they rejoice with joy and be glad, and they will enter into the set-apart place. And its fragrance shall be in their bones, and they will live a long life on earth, such as your fathers lived. And in their days shall no sorrow or plague or torment or calamity touch them. Then I blessed the Master of Esteem, the Eternal King, who has prepared such things for the righteous, and has created them and promised to give to them.”

No mortal can touch the Tree of Life, and this is the reason why Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden because they went from being immortal to mortal after eating the fruit. But as stated in Enoch 25, the righteous will be able eat the fruit of the Tree of Life just as it was in the beginning, which matches the words of YESHUA:

Revelation 2:6-7 (Hebrew)

Whosoever has ears must hear what the RUACH (Spirit) says to the assembly. Whosoever overcomes, will EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE, WHICH IS IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN.”

Revelation 22:14 (Hebrew)

Blessed are they who do His commandments, that they may have part in the TREE OF LIFE, and be pure to walk in the CITY (New Jerusalem).

Testament of Levi 18:10-11 (Parenthesis mine)

And He will open the gates (Dalet the door) of PARADISE (The Garden of Eden), and will remove the threatening sword against Adam. And He will give to the set-apart ones to EAT FROM THE TREE OF LIFE, and the Spirit of Set-Apartness will be on them.” And Beliyya’al will be bound by Him, and He will give power to His children to tread upon the evil spirits. And YAHWEH will rejoice in His children, and be well-pleased in His beloved ones forever. Then will Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob rejoice, and I will be glad, and all the set-apart ones will clothe themselves with joy!”

This is eternity/immortality because we just read that no mortal can touch the Tree of Life, but the righteous who will be immortal will be eating from the Tree of life as they will be permitted to touch and eat from it. Also, YESHUA says Tree of Life is in the Garden of Eden in Revelation 2, then He says in Revelation 22:14 to keep the commandments to have a part of the Tree of Life and walk in the City which is a reference to the New Jerusalem, so He connects the New Jerusalem and the Garden of Eden together as outlined in this message. Keep clinging to YESHUA and endure by His mercy and look forward to the reward to come as our ancestors did, and that is to be with our ELOHIM forever in the Garden of Eden the New Jerusalem.

As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!



Prophecy proves the Bible is REAL!

Isaiah 46:10

Declaring the END from the BEGINNING and from ancient times the things that ARE NOT YET DONE, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure…”

No one knows the day or the hour when YESHUA will return; however, we can look at all the signs around us and know that the prophecies in scripture are playing out right before our eyes. We have seen past events that were prophesied in scripture that came to pass and are now historical facts. There are many people who are lukewarm followers of YESHUA today with one foot in the world and one foot serving YESHUA, so with all of these prophecies coming to pass it’s time to stop playing “church” and fully commit to YAHWEH now! And for the atheists and unbelievers who say the Bible is just an archaic book written by men and is a fairytale, then why is the Bible which you claim to be fake fulfilling prophecy before your eyes? If the Bible was fake why are some of the prophesies stated in the Bible that came to pass now documented as history? Wouldn’t a Creator who created the heavens, the earth, the sea and all that is in them know ALL things beforehand? This is a plea for the lukewarm Christian, the unbelievers, the atheist and those who reject YESHUA to wake up, repent, and fully commit themselves to Him.

There are many events that can be mentioned; however, this is not an exhaustive list because my goal is to point out current examples that are currently happening that the Bible has already predicted, and list some past events that were predicted that are documented as historical facts and include links to videos and articles that can be viewed.

1.      The Euphrates River is drying up just as the Bible said it would: The book of Revelation was written by John the disciple of YESHUA between 94-96 AD and yet in our lifetime we are seeing this prophecy being fulfilled.

Revelation 16:12 “Then the sixth malach (angel) poured out his bowl upon the great river EUPHRATES; and its WATERS DRIED UP, that the way of the king of the East might be prepared.”

2 Peter 1:21

For the PROPHECY did not come by the will of man, but set-apart men of ELOHIM spoke when they were inspired by the THE SET-APART SPIRIT.”

And this is a perfect example of that, John a man was not writing down a fairytale, rather he was writing down the true inspired words of ELOHIM (God), and now we see a 2,000-year-old prophecy that is happening in your lifetime and should be an eyeopener. You can research this topic and view this video as evidence :https://youtube.com/shorts/VUnuKTpNqBY?feature=share

Article: Water levels drop in the Euphrates river in Syria - in pictures (thenationalnews.com)

2.      Destruction of the 2nd Temple: YESHUA prophesied about the destruction of second temple that would occur in 70 A.D. which occurred AFTER His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven. The destruction of the second temple by the Romans is a well-documented historical fact.

Matthew 24:1-2

 “And YESHUA went out of the Temple to go away; and His disciples came up to Him, and were showing Him the building of the Temple. But He said to them, Behold, do you not see all of these? Truly I say to you, not a stone shall be left here upon another stone, which will not be torn down.

Here is one of many articles confirming it: The Romans Destroy the Temple at Jerusalem, 70 AD (eyewitnesstohistory.com)

3.      Prophecy of a THIRD TEMPLE: The first Temple was built by king Solomon around 960 BC and was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC as the Jews were carried captive into Babylon for 70 years.

Jeremiah 52:12-13
Now in the fifth month, on the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan, the general of the guard, came and stood before the king of Babylon to serve him in Jerusalem; and he burned the HOUSE OF YAHWEH and the house of the king of Judah and all the houses of Jerusalem and all the houses of the princes he burned with fire.”

So, the first temple was destroyed in 586 BC, then the Jews returned from Babylonian exile to build the second temple at the command of King Cyrus in Ezra Chapter 1, this ties into the second bullet point above that YESHUA prophesied that the second temple would be destroyed, and it was in 70 AD. Now there are talks about a third temple being built in Israel and those talks have been a hot topic ever since the arrival of the 5 red heifers were brought there. Paul writes in:

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

But in connection with the coming of our Master YESHUA the Messiah and our gathering together to meet Him, we ask you, brothers, not to be easily shaken in your thinking or anxious because of a spirit or a spoken message or a letter supposedly from us claiming that the Day of YAHWEH has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. For the Day will not come until after the Apostasy has come and the MAN who separates himself from Torah HAS BEEN REVEALED (Anti-Messiah), the one destined for doom. He will oppose himself to everything that people call elohim or make an object of worship; he will put himself above them all, so that he will SIT IN THE TEMPLE OF ELOHIM AND PROCLAIM THAT HE HIMSELF IS ELOHIM.”

This is a prophecy, because for the anti-messiah to sit in the temple and claim that he is the creator of the heavens and earth, he has to have a temple to sit in which is the third temple. And this also is playing out right before our eyes:
Here is the video : https://youtu.be/iF3kjr9_nRE 
Article: https://www.jpost.com/judaism/article-717650

4.      Prophecy of war and plagues:
Matthew 24:6-8
You will hear of wars and setting out of wars, take heed that you are not terrified, it is obligated that these troubles must come, but it will not yet be the end. One people will rise up against another, and one kingdom against another. And there will be plagues and earthquakes, and commotion on the earth. And these things will be the beginning of the pains.”

Everyone is already familiar with the Russia and Ukraine situation and the talks bout a World War 3 are heating up; furthermore, He said that there would be plagues and without getting into the origins of Covid we know that is has been labeled a “pandemic” which has been ongoing since 2019 and has mutated into many variants, which has resulted in sickness, death, which has resulted in a “shot” to fix the problem. If anyone, has taken the “shot” please repent and if you have not seen the message I did on “Pharmakeia” please watch it or email me and I will send it to you.
WW3: Are we heading for World War Three? | The Week UK

5.      Sodom and Gomorrah still in ruins: Lastly, is more undeniable evidence that the scriptures are true and this is the account in Genesis 19. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their great transgressions of homosexuality that is greatly celebrated in this world today.

Genesis 19:4-28

 “But before they lay down, the men of the city, that is, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people of the town; and they called to Lot and said to him, where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them. And Lot went out at the door after him. And Lot said to them, I pray you, my brethren, do not so wickedly.The result of their activity is recorded starting with verse 23 “The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then YAHWEH rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the presence of YAHWEH out of heaven; and He overthrew those cities and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the region and that which grew on the ground. But his wife looked back from behind him and she became a pillar of salt. And Abraham rose up early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before YAHWEH; and he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the region of the plain, and beheld, lo, the SMOKE OF THE COUNTRY WENT UP like the smoke of a furnace.”

Deuteronomy 29:23
 “Laying it waste with brimstone and with scorched salt, that the whole land is not sown, nor any grass grows in it, LIKE THE OVERTHROW OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH, Admah and Zeboim, which YAHWEH overthrew in His anger and in His wrath.”
And this scriptural account has proven to be true as well: https://youtu.be/I7_92sjUcOI

We see that prophecy is happening during our lifetime and we see that prophecy predicted in the past is documented as historical facts, which all prove the authenticity of the Bible and shows that there is a Creator! His Name is YAHWEH, and He sent His Son YESHUA to die for us all which is another prophecy that happened, and I have done many messages on this topic.

I pray if you don’t believe that you will research the articles and watch the videos, repent, and accept YESHUA as your Savior today. And if you are a lukewarm believer who is playing church and not living the word but being a hearer and not a doer, it’s time to repent and be set-apart.  May YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

Should you celebrate Hanukkah?


 Hanukkah aka the Feast of Dedication is supposed to commemorate the Maccabean victory over the Greeks in 165 BC, and candles are lit for 8 days to represent the oil miraculously lasting for 8 days although there wasn’t enough to do so. Is this true? And is this a day that we should be celebrating as followers of YESHUA? Many believers will celebrate this day because they say that YESHUA celebrated it. Is this true? Let’s examine the scriptures.
John 10:22-23 (Most translations)

At that time the Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication) came to be in Jerusalem, and it was winter and YESHUA was walking in the Set-Apart Place, in the porch of Solomon.”

John 10:22-23 (Hebrewgospels.com)

These things were said in Jerusalem, and it was winter. As YESHUA was walking in the Sanctuary in the porch of Shelomo (Solomon)…”

As we can see from the authentic Hebrew manuscript that “Hanukkah” is not mentioned and therefore shows that YESHUA did not celebrate it. This was the one scripture that believers heavily rely upon to support their celebration of this day. Furthermore, reading 2 Maccabees you will notice something that will immediately jump out at you and will lead you to look further into it.


2 Maccabees 1:9


And now see that you keep the Sukkot in the month of Kislev.


Why is this so important? Sukkot is on the 15th Day of the 7th month on YAHWEH’s calendar, but Kislev which is a Babylonian name is in the 9th month. So how can Sukkot be celebrated in the 9th month when we are commanded to celebrate it in the 7th month? An article from “My Jewish Learning” will reveal the true origin of Hanukkah and show that once again that believers are walking in the traditions of men.

The First Hanukkah

It was actually a Sukkot celebration.




“In addition to the victory parades of the ancient Maccabees that celebrated their political independence, the original holiday also took the form of a Temple rededication ceremony. In the Second Book of the Maccabees, which quotes from a letter sent circa 125 BCE from the Hasmoneans to the leaders of Egyptian Jewry, the holiday is called “The festival of Sukkot celebrated in the month of Kislev,” (9th month in November/December) RATHER than Tishrei (7th month), which usually falls in September. Since the Jews were still in caves fighting as guerrillas on Tishrei (7th month), 164 BCE, they could not properly honor the eight-day holiday of Sukkot (and Shemini Atzeret) The 8th Day Closing Assembly, which is a Temple holiday; hence it was postponed until after the recapture of Jerusalem and the purification of the Temple.

This — not the Talmudic legend of the cruse of oil — explains the eight day length of Hanukkah . The use of candles may reflect the later reported tradition of Simchat Beit HaShoava (water-drawing festival),the all-night dancing in the Temple on Sukkot, which required tall outdoor lamps to flood light on the dance floor of the Temple courtyard.

They celebrated it for eight days with gladness like Sukkot and RECALLED how a little while before, during Sukkot they had been wandering in the mountains and caverns like wild animals. So carrying lulavs [palm branches waved on Sukkot]…they offered hymns of praise (perhaps, the Hallel prayer) to ELOHIM  who had brought to pass the purification of his own place. (II Maccabees 10:6-7)

The connection between Sukkot and Hanukkah  goes beyond the ACCIDENT of a postponed Sukkot celebration. Sukkot is the holiday commemorating not only the wandering of the Jews in the desert in makeshift huts but the end of that trek with the dedication of the First Temple (i.e. the permanent Bayit/ Home of God in Jerusalem by King Solomon circa 1000 BCE).”

My brothers and sisters Hanukkah is a DISGUISED REPACKAGED SUKKOT and this is the reason why it is celebrated for 8 days just as Sukkot is along with the 8th day Closing Assembly! We saw from the article that they postponed Sukkot and moved it to the 25th day of the 9th month as a makeup day for those who were unable to celebrate it at its appointed time in the 7th month. So, even though the day has been named “Hanukkah” which means “Dedication” it is nothing more than a SECOND SUKKOT. Furthermore, nowhere in scripture has our Father YAHWEH given a makeup day for SUKKOT as He has done for Passover.

Numbers 9:1-11

YAHWEH spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai in the first month of the second year after the children of Yisra’el had come out of the land of Egypt, saying, Let the children of Yisra’el keep the Passover at its appointed time. On the fourteenth day of this month in the evening, you shall keep it at its appointed time; according to all its rites, and according to all its ceremonies, shall you keep it. And Moses told the children of Yisra’el that they should keep the Passover. And they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month, at evening, in the wilderness of Sinai; according to all that YAHWEH commanded Moses, so did the children of Yisra’el. And there were certain men who were defiled by touching the dead body of a man so that they could not keep the Passover on that day; and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day. And those men said unto them, we are defiled by touching the dead body of a man; why are we kept back from offering the offering of YAHWEH at the appointed time among the children of Yisra’el? And Moses said to them, Stay where you are, and I will hear what YAHWEH will command concerning you. And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying, speak to the children of Yisra’el and say to them, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by touching a dead body, or is on a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the Passover to YAHWEH. On the fourteenth day of the SECOND MONTH at the evening they shall keep it, and shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.”

As recorded in scripture YAHWEH gives a makeup day for Passover on the fourteenth day of the second month exactly one month later for anyone who is unclean or away on a long journey, this same command is not given for any other appointed time; therefore, how did they have the authority to set aside a makeup day for Sukkot in those days? And why is that makeup day of Sukkot still be celebrated to this very day under the name of Hanukkah.

So, technically those who are celebrating Hanukkah are celebrating 2 SUKKOTS in a year  when we are only commanded to keep ONE and again would qualify as following the traditions of men. Instead of calling it “Second Sukkot” they gave it the name Hanukkah and it has remained that way for years. This is another example of what Jeroboam did:

1 Kings 12:28-33

So the king (Jeroboam) took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said to all Yisra’el, it is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem; behold your mighty ones, O Yisra’el, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt! And he set the one in Beth-el and the other he put in Dan. And this thing became a transgression; for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan. And he made a temple of idols, and made priests from among the people who were not of the sons of Levi. And Jeroboam made a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, LIKE THE FEAST IN JUDAH (SUKKOT 15TH DAY OF 7TH MONTH), and he went up to the altar to offer sacrifices. So did he in Beth-el, sacrificing to the calves that he had made; and he appointed in Beth-el priests for the temples of idols which he had made. And he went to the altar which he had made in Beth-el, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month which he had DEVISED OF HIS OWN HEART; and made a feast to the children of Yisra’el; and he went up to the altar to burn incense.”

Jeroboam committed great transgressions and one of them was creating his own festival on the 15th day of the 8th month which he devised of his own heart that mocked Sukkot which was exactly one month earlier. Now, the same thing is happening with Sukkot again, accept this time it’s called Hanukkah a second Sukkot, if it was a transgression with Jeroboam then it’s a transgression today. No one has the authority to change, move, or rename the appointed times of YAHWEH. No matter how good it looks on the outside you must not be deceived! Yes, the Maccabees did some good, but they also did not always do the right thing; for example they illegitimacy usurped the priesthood that belonged to the sons of Zadok and the kingship then they combined them together. The office of priests and kings were always separate in Yisra’el, and we know the priesthood belonged to the Levites, so how could the Maccabees who were Jews be priests? This is the same transgression that Jeroboam committed. Brittanica.com writes “Maccabees, also spelled Machabees, (flourished 2nd century BCE, Palestine), PRIESTLY FAMILY OF JEWS who organized a successful rebellion against the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV and reconsecrated the defiled Temple of Jerusalem.” That same bad decision of usurping the priesthood rolled over into making a second sukkot.

In an article written by “Rabbi” Arthur O. Waskow he states “Moreover, if Hanukkah is not merely a solstice but a darkness festival, then the 25th of Kislev is the perfect time. In some years, the solstice day itself would be a night of bright full moon–especially powerful in an agrarian (agricultural)-pastoral culture with few artificial lights. So even the solstice itself would feel less like the darkest day of the year on such a moonlit night. By setting Hanukkah on the 25th of the month, the Jews made sure that the night would be dark. By setting it in Kislev, they made sure the day would be very short and the sun very dim.

It may even be that the Maccabees’ desire to celebrate a late Sukkot, or to celebrate this NEWLY Judaized solstice festival in ways reminiscent of Sukkot was tied to Sukkot’s earlier career as in part a festival of the sun. As we have seen in our examination of Sukkot, the Mishnah goes out of its way to preserve the memory that “Our forebears turned toward the East, to the Sun. . .” and the torches of Sukkot, juggled by the Levites as they danced through Jerusalem, may have been reminders of the sun.”

Michele Apirin adds “Given their ambivalence about the Maccabean victory, the Rabbis had a problem: What could they do about the popular holiday established by the Maccabees and celebrated each year on the 25th of Kislev? They could get rid of it, as they had done with other holidays instituted by the Maccabees and their descendants — after all, Hanukkah was not a holiday of biblical origin. Or they could transform the meaning of Hanukkah in line with their own theology, which is what they did.

The Rabbis’ first tack seems to have been to try to suppress the holiday altogether. The books of the Maccabees, which recount the historical events surrounding the genesis of Hanukkah, were not included in the biblical canon. (The books of First and Second Maccabees are still accessible today only because they were incorporated into Catholic and Orthodox Christian Bibles.) Among the Jews, these books are called sefarim hitzonim, external books, or in Greek, apocrypha, and the Rabbis expressed their opinions about such books in no uncertain terms in Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1. Following a list of several categories of individuals “who have no share in the world to come,” Rabbi Akiva adds, “Also one who reads the external books….”

As you can see the bold statement by Akiva that those who read the missing books have no share in the world to come. That is because they know that once you read these books that you will know the truth and will not fall for the traditions of men and that is what I pray has been learned today by anyone who is watching. Let us continue to walk in the truth of what our Father YAHWEH has commanded and not men.

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!