Hidden message in YESHUA’s Name!

YESHUA’s Name is already powerful as it literally means “YAHWEH is Salvation”, because YAHWEH sent His Son YESHUA to die for our sins and His Father’s Name is contained within His Name.

 In the Otiot YESHUA’S Name is spelled Yad, Shin, Waw, Ayin! And when we add up the numbers attached to the letters, we will get a meaning.

Yad/Yod=10     Shin=300     Waw=6    Ayin=70 =386

386 in the Strong’s concordance is the word “ethan” pronounced ay-thawn means Permanent, a chieftain according to Oxford languages, Merriam-Webster dictionary, and Cambridge dictionary means a leader of a people or clan. Also hard, mighty, rough, strength, strong

386 in Brown-Driver’s Briggs means to continue, Permanent, specifically a chieftain, Perpetual, Constant, Perennial, ever-flowing

I don’t find it coincidental that the number 386 for Hebrew word matches all the characteristics of who YESHUA is!

But there is still another meaning attached to this number 386 the number of YESHUA’s Name:

ELOHIM in Otiot is spelled:

Aleph=1 Lamed=30 Hey=5 Yad/Yod=10 Mem=40 total of 86


Come in Hebrew is Bo and in Otiot it is spelled:

Beyt=2 Waw=6 Aleph=1 total of 9


Earth in Hebrew is Eretz and in Otiot is spelled:

Aleph=1 Resh=200 Tsade= 90 for a total of 291


86+9+291=386 and it says ELOHIM CAME TO THE EARTH! Which matches perfectly with

John 1:14 (Aramaic)

And the WORD (MILTHA Physical Manifestation of ELOHIM, Substance of ELOHIM) became FLESH and dwelt among us and we saw His esteem, the esteem as the Only-Begotten who is from the Father who is full of mercy and truth.”

Combining YESHUA’s Name total using the Otitot the ancient Hebrew language and the Hebrew word ethan which all equal 386, we get a beautiful message:

YESHUA is ELOHIM who came to the earth to die for our sins, Who continued the line of David as the heir to the throne, He is our PERMANENT/PERPETUAL (EVERLASTING) High Priest interceding for us at the throne, He is our Chieftain (Strong, Mighty, King and Shepherd) leading the clan/flock of His people Yisra’el to eternal life through the EVER-FLOWING RUACH HA’KODESH Who is the Living Water that dwells within us.

Permanent High Priest and King

Micah 5:2 (Septuagint)

And you, Bethlehem Ephratah, though you are little among the thousands of towns of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth a RULER to govern Yisra’el; Whose goings forth were from the beginning, even from the days of eternity.”

Mathew 2:1

And when YESHUA was born in Bethlehem of Judah, in the days of Herod, the king, Magi came from the east to Jerusalem. And they said, “Where is He who has been born the KING OF THE YEHUDEANS (JEWS)? For we saw His Star in the East and have come to worship Him.”

Luke 1:32

This One will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest and Master YAHWEH your ELOHIM will give to Him the throne of David His ancestor.” And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. And there will not be an end to His Kingdom forever.”

Hebrews 8:1-2

Now the sum of the whole is this; we have a HIGH PRIEST who is seated on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven: and He is the Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which ELOHIM has pitched, and not man.”

Zechariah 6:13

Even He shall build the temple of YAHWEH; and He shall bear the esteem, and sit and rule upon His throne (KING); and He shall be a PRIEST upon His throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”

YESHUA will have the combined offices of King and Priest when He sits on the throne! These offices were always separated throughout the history of Yisra’el they would either rule as a king or serve as a priest. An example of the separated offices as we see in Deuteronomy 17:

Deuteronomy 17:18

And when he (the king) sits upon the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this Torah in a book out of that which is before the priests and the Levites…”

The only other one to share this combined office of King Priest was Melchizedek:

Genesis 14:18

And Melchizedek King of Salem (Jerusalem see Psalms 76:2) brought bread and wine; he was the Priest of the Most High ELOHIM.”

Hebrews 7:13-17

“For He of whom these things were spoken was born of another tribe of which no one ever ministered at the altar. For it is manifest that our Master YESHUA arose from Judah, from a tribe of which Moses said nothing concerning a PRIESTHOOD. And moreover this is further manifest from His saying that ANOTHER PRIEST will stand up after the likeness of Melchizedek, who was not according to the Torah of physical requirements, but according to the power of an INDESTRUCTIBLE LIFE. “For He testified of Him: You are a PRIEST FOREVER, after the likeness of Melchizedek.”

Psalms 110:4 (Parenthesis Mine)

YAHWEH has sworn, and will not lie, YOU (YESHUA) are a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.”

The Priesthood was given to the Levites, but now YESHUA is our High Priest Who came through the tribe of Judah. Through YESHUA we have a perfect Priesthood, unlike the human priests, YESHUA does not die! Unlike the human high priest YESHUA does not have to make continual slaughter offerings for sin because He was sinless. When you take the Kingship of Judah and combine it with the Priesthood of Levi you get the ultimate authority that YESHUA has been given and we see the 12 Patriarchs praising these two tribes for this reason.

Testament of Rueben 6:10-12

And draw near to Levi in humility of heart, that you may receive a blessing from his mouth. For he will bless Yisra’el and Judah, because YAHWEH has chosen him to be king over all the nation. And bow down before his seed, for on our behalf it will die in wars visible and invisible, and will be among you an ETERNAL KING.”

Testament of Simeon 7:1-2

And now, my children, obey Levi and Judah, and do not be lifted up against these two tribes, for from them will arise to you the SALVATION OF ELOHIM. For YAHWEH will raise up from Levi a High Priest, and from Judah a King and He will save all the race of Yisra’el.”

Testament of Judah 21:1-4

And now, my children, I command you, love Levi, that you may stay, and do not exalt yourselves against him, lest you be utterly destroyed. For YAHWEH gave the KINGDOM (Kingship) to me, and the PRIESTHOOD to him (Levi), and He set the kingdom beneath the priesthood. He gave the things upon the earth to me; and the things in the heavens to him. As the heaven is higher than the earth, so is the priesthood of ELOHIM higher than the earthly kingdom, unless it falls away from YAHWEH through sin and it’s dominated by the early kingdom

Testament of Issachar 5:7-8

And Levi and Judah were glorified by YAHWEH even among the sons of Jacob, for YAHWEH gave them an inheritance, and He gave the priesthood to Levi, and the Kingdom to Judah. Therefore obey them, and walk in the singleness of your dad.”

Testament of Dan 5:10

And the salvation of YAHWEH will arise to you, from the tribe of Judah and of Levi; and He will make war against Beliyy’al, and execute an everlasting vengeance on our enemies.”

Testament of Naphtali 8:1-3

And see, my children, I have shown you the last times, how everything will come to pass in Yisra’el. Therefore, charge your children that they be united to Levi and to Judah. For through them will salvation arise to Yisra’el, and in them will Jacob be blessed. For through their tribes will ELOHIM APPEAR dwelling among men on earth, to save the race of Yisra’el, and to gather together the righteous from among the nations.”

Testament of Joseph 19:8-12

And I saw that a virgin was born from Judah, wearing a linen shawl, and a spotless LAMB was born to her. There was something like a lion on His left, and all the wild animals rushed against Him, but the lamb overcame and destroyed them, trampling them underfoot. The messengers, and men, and all the earth rejoiced because of Him. These things will take place in the last days. Therefore my children, guard the commands of YAHWEH. Honor Levi and Judah, because will arise from their seed the Lamb of ELOHIM-who will take away the sin of the world, and will save all of Yisra’el.”

Being that Levi was given the first priesthood, I saved his for last to explain it.

Testament of Levi 8:11-14

And they said to me, Levi, your seed will be divided into three branches, for a sign of the esteem of YAHWEH who is to come. And the first portion will be great; yes, none will be greater than it. The second will be in the priesthood. And the third will be called by a RENEWED NAME, because A KING WILL ARISE IN JUDAH, AND WILL ESTABLISH A NEW PRIESTHOOD, after the fashion of the nations to all the nations. And His presence is beloved, as a Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:18) of the Most High, of the seed of Abraham our ancestor (Genesis 12)

Testament of Levi 18:1-9

And after their punishment has come from YAHWEH, the priesthood will fail. Then YAHWEH will raise up a RENEWED PRIEST. And all the words of YAHWEH will be revealed to Him (Deuteronomy 18:18, John 12:49). And He will execute righteous judgement upon the earth for a multitude of days. And his star will arise in heaven, as of a KING, lighting up the light of knowledge as the sun of the day. And He will be magnified in the world. He will shine forth as the sun on the earth, and will remove all darkness from under heaven, and there will be peace in all the earth. The heavens will rejoice in His days, and the earth will be glad, and the clouds will rejoice. And the knowledge of YAHWEH will be poured out on the earth, as the water of the seas. And the messengers of the esteem of the presence of YAHWEH will be glad in Him. The heavens will be opened, and He will be holy for the Temple of esteem, with the Father’s voice as from Abraham to Isaac. And the esteem of the Most High will be uttered over Him, and the Spirit of understanding and setting apart will rest upon Him in the water (This matches perfectly with when YESHUA was immersed by John the Baptist).

 Mathew 3:16-17

 “And when YESHUA was immersed, He arose at once from the water and heaven was opened to Him, and he saw the Spirit of ELOHIM which was descending like a dove and it came upon Him. Behold, a voice from heaven that said “This is My beloved Son in whom I am pleased.”

Test of Levi continued: “For He will give the majesty of YAHWEH to His Sons in truth forevermore. There will be NONE TO SUCCEED HIM FOR ALL THE GENRATONS FOREVER. And in His Priesthood the nations will be multiplied in knowledge upon the earth, and enlightened through the favor of YAHWEH. In His Priesthood sin will come to an end, and the lawless ones will cease to do evil. And the just will rest in Him.”

Shepherd leading flock

John 10:1-16

Ahmein, ahmein I say to you that he who does not enter into the sheepfold of the flock by the door but climbs up by another place; he is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the flock. And to this man the gatekeeper opens the gate and the flock hears His voice and His sheep He calls by their names and He leads them out. And when He leads out His flock He goes before it and His sheep go after Him because they know His voice. However, the flock does not go after a stranger, rather, it flees from him because it does not know the voice of the stranger. YESHUA told them this parable but they did not comprehend what He spoke with them. Now YESHUA again said to them, “Ahmein, ahmein I say to you that I am the Gate of the flock. And all those who have come are thieves and robbers if the flock have not heard them. I am the Gate and if a man should enter by Me he will live and will enter and go out and he will find pasture. But does not a thief come that he may steal and kill and destroy? I have come that they may have life, which is abundant. I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the flock, but a hireling who is not the shepherd nor are the sheep his, when he sees a wolf coming leaves the sheep and flees. And the wolf comes and plunders and scatters the flock. Now the hireling flees because he is hired and he does not care about the flock. I am the Good Shepherd and I know those who are Mine. And those who are Mine know Me. Just as My Father knows Me and I know My Father and I lay down My life for the sake of the flock. And I also have other sheep, those who were not from this sheepfold, and also them, it is necessary for Me to bring them and they will hear My voice and all the flocks will become one. And there will be One Shepherd.”

Ever-flowing RUACH HA’KODESH

John 4:10-15

YESHUA answered and said to her, “If only you had known the gift of ELOHIM, and Who this is Who said to you, “Give to me to drink,’ you would have asked Him and He would have given you LIVING WATERS.” That woman said to him, “My Master, You have no bucket and the well is deep. Where are Your living waters? Why are you greater than our ancestor Jacob who gave us this well and from it drank his sons and his sheep? YESHUA answered and said to her, “All who drink from these waters will thirst again, but everyone who drinks from the waters that I give to him will not thirst forever. But those waters that I give to him will become in him a spring of water that will spring up into Life that is eternal.”

John 7:37

Now on the great day which is the last day of the feast, YESHUA was standing, and He cried out and said, “If a man thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. Anyone who believes in Me as the Scriptures have said, rivers of LIVING WATER will flow from his belly.” And this He said concerning the Spirit that they were about to receive, those who believe in Him. For the Spirit was not yet given because YESHUA was not yet esteemed.”

HalleluYAH! As always May our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!