ONE faith leads to heaven! Apostle Paul agrees! Pt. 1

Written by: Damien Powell

This message is to wake the world up because the deception is getting worse. Since Paul’s letters are the crutch for Christianity and part of the reason that there are over 51,000 denominations of lawless Christianity, I’m going to address this situation by showing that Paul AGREED that there is only one faith and one way; and Christianity isn’t it. This is Part one which will show Scriptures from The New Testament of both Paul and Peter agreeing. Then next week will be Part two with the words of YESHUA Himself and Scriptures confirming ONE faith in the Old Testament as well.

Ephesians 4:4-6

ONE Body and ONE Ruach (Spirit), as you were called in one expectation of your calling, ONE Adon (Master), ONE BELIEF, ONE immersion (baptism), ONE Elohim and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in YOU ALL.”

This letter to the church in Ephesus is the same location that Paul spoke out against for their worship of a pagan deity, he was able to reach those who would listen.

Acts 19:27-28

And not only is this trade of ours in danger of coming to rejection, but also that the temple of the great female mighty one Artemis whom all Asia and the world worship, shall be regarded as worthless and her greatness diminished.” And having heard this, they were filled with rage and cried out, saying, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”

It is clear that Paul says that there is only ONE body in YESHUA for we are the members of the body with different gifts, ONE Holy Spirit, ONE Master YESHUA, ONE belief/faith, ONE baptism, and ONE Father YHWH; however, the world and all Asia keeps worshiping this deity but Paul did not support it even though they were not native-born Israelites, because salvation is to all who believe. So if there is only ONE faith and ONE Elohim then where are the 51,000 different denominations coming from? There is not even two faiths or even three! So Satan masquerading as a messenger of light has lied again, since he is the father of it, by getting the world to believe that there is not ONE right faith and that all religions pray to the same elohim, and there are many different ways to getting to Him. Followers of YESHUA in Christianity have been deceived! The letters of Paul have done exactly what Peter said in 2 Peter 3:15-16 that people would twist his words to their own destruction, because we can clearly see that Paul supports ONE faith and ONE Elohim.

Paul himself observed the Sabbath (4th commandment) and the Holy Days in Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16 which Christianity does not observe because of the lies they have been taught. Based off of the Ephesians 4:3-6 scripture alone Paul has distanced himself from Christianity; because their faith speaks contrary to the words of Paul. Preachers say he did away with the law and he simply did not! And hypothetically speaking if he did, then where is his other witnesses (Mathew 18:16).  Paul preached to the gentiles and told them to keep the Holy Days that the world has been deceived into calling them the Jewish Sabbaths and Jewish Feast days when they are for ALL who follow YESHUA not just Jews!

ALL of the faithful to YHWH in Scripture followed these commandments including Paul, so that means that ALL who proclaim to follow YESHUA and read the Bible are grafted in to the nation of Yisra’el (Ger) and must observe these days since there is only ONE belief and ONE immersion.

 This would include the weekly 7th day Sabbath, Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Shavuot aka Pentecost, Yom Teruah (Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and the 8th Day Assembly.

Show me in the Bible where Paul observed these Holy Feasts Days?

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

Therefore cleanse out the old leaven, so that you are a new lump, as you were unleavened. For also Messiah our Pesach (Passover) was offered for us. So then let us OBSERVE the Festival (Passover), not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of evil and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity of truth.”

So we can see that Paul in this letter to the assembly in Corinth who were not native born Israelites, to observe Passover just as he did. These are not just Jewish feast days and we see Paul was obedient to the Torah for us to observe YHWH’s holy days and not the pagan ones of Xmas, Easter, etc.

Acts 13:42-44

And when the Yahudim (Jews) went out of the congregation, the gentiles begged to have these words spoken to them the next Sabbath. Verse 44 “And on the next Sabbath almost all the city came together to heard the Word of YHWH.”

As we can see Paul and Barnabas went into the congregations and taught on the Sabbath Day which is in the Torah the 4th of the 10 commandments (Exodus 20:8). Paul was obedient to the command to remember the Sabbath Day (7th day) to keep it holy, the day Christianity has forsaken for the 1st day of the week. So if Paul is the man the world wants to follow then why aren’t they following his example of Sabbath worship? And again in Acts 17:1-2

And having passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a congregation of the Jews. And according to his practice, Paul went in unto them, and for three Sabbath days was reasoning with them from the Scriptures, explaining and pointing out that ha’Mashiach had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and that, “This is ha’Mashiach YESHUA, whom I proclaim to you.” Here we find Paul teaching on the Sabbath again and pointing out YESHUA from The Torah and Prophets.

Acts 20:6-7

“And we sailed away from Phillipos AFTER THE DAYS OF MATZAH (Feast of Unleavened Bread)”, and came to them at Troas in five days, where we stayed seven days. And on one of the Sabbaths, the disciples having gathered together to break bread, Paul intending to depart the next day, was reasoning with them and was extending the Word till midnight.”

So now we see that Paul and those with him observed The Feast of Unleavened Bread also known as the Feast of Matzah, which is in the Torah (Leviticus 23). They did not even sail until after they finished observing the Feast.  Then in verse 7 it says on one of the Sabbaths they broke bread, we can still see he observed the Holy Days also known as Sabbaths in Leviticus 23.

Acts 20:16

For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he might lose no time in Asia, for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the Day of the Festival of Shavuot (Pentecost.).”

So here again we see that Paul kept the Appointed Times/Holy Feast Days of YHWH found in Leviticus 23. He wanted to get back to Jerusalem to celebrate the Holy Day of Shavuot known as Pentecost. So how can believers say Paul did away with the law when he was obeying it himself? He kept Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Sabbaths, and Shavuot etc. So the claim that Paul was lawless and preached against Torah isn’t true.

Other Scriptures where Paul says we are one!

One of the things I found to be interesting as that Paul usually reveals that we are ONE and there is no partiality between native-born and nonnative born in the 3rd chapter of his letters.

Romans 3:29-31

Or is He the Elohim of the Jews only, and not also of the gentiles (being grafted in)? Yes, of the gentiles also, since it is ONE Elohim who shall declare right the circumcised by belief and the uncircumcised through belief. Do we then nullify the Torah through the belief? LET IT NOT BE! On the contrary we ESTABLISH THE TORAH.”

Colossians 3:11

Where there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, foreigner, Skuthian, slave, free, but Messiah is ALL, and IN ALL.”

Ephesians 3:6

The gentiles to be co-heirs, UNITED in the SAME BODY, and partakers together in the promise in Messiah through the Good News….”

Galatians 3:27-29

For as many of you as were immersed (baptized) into Messiah have put on Messiah. There is not Jew nor Greek (gentile), there is not slave nor free, there is not male and female, for you are all ONE IN MESSIAH YESHUA. And if you are of Messiah, then you are seed of Abraham, and heirs according to the promise.” And if we are the seed of Abraham then we know Abraham kept the Torah and commandments before there ever was a Jew. As YESHUA said in John 8:39 “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham.” Abraham had faith to offer His Son Isaac, but also kept the commandments.

Genesis 26:5

Because Abraham obeyed My voice and guarded My Charge: My Commands, My Laws, and My Torot (plural form of Torah)!”

Ephesians 2:18-19

Because through Him we both have access to the Father by ONE Ruach (Spirit). So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of Elohim.”

Romans 10:12

Because there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Adon of ALL is rich to ALL those calling upon Him.”

My fellow brothers and sisters it is quite clear based off of Paul’s words himself that there is one faith, one body, one Messiah, one baptism, one Holy Spirit, One Father, and that YHWH and YESHUA do not make a distinction between native-born Israelites and those gentiles who are grafted in. He sees us as ONE and if we are ONE we are all to have one like mind and follow the ONE TRUTH AND ONE FAITH because there is not another!

Acts 10:34-35

And opening his mouth, Kepha (Peter) said, “Truly I see that Elohim shows NO partiality, but in EVERY NATION, he who reveres Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.”

Peter confirms that ALL who come to YHWH whether native-born or gentile grated in are ONE in the eyes of YHWH and call no man common or unclean, if they revere Elohim and work righteousness. And how does Scripture define reverence and righteousness?

 Deuteronomy 6:24-25

And YHWH commanded us to do all these Laws, TO REVERE YHWH our Elohim, for our good always, to keep us alive, as it is today. And it is RIGHTEOUSNESS for us when we guard (keep) to do all this Command before YHWH our Elohim, as He has commanded us.”

Once you accept YESHUA as Messiah then you have become grafted in as native-born Israelite; therefore the entire Bible including the laws apply to everyone who reads it and there are no exceptions!

Acts 15:8-9

And Elohim, who knows, the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Ruach ha’Kodesh, as also to us, and made NO DISTINCTION between us and them, cleansing their hearts by belief.”

Romans 2:12-13

For as many as sinned without Torah shall also perish without Torah, and as many as sinned in the Torah shall be judged by the Torah. For NOT the hearers of the Torah are righteous in the sight of Elohim, but the DOERS of the Torah shall be declared right.”


1 Peter 4:18 so we see that even the righteous are scarcely saved, which is the narrow path YESHUA spoke of in Mathew 7:13-21. Notice he says how narrow it is for even the righteous and we defined righteousness above in Deuteronomy 6:24-25.

Both Paul and Peter say that you don’t even have a chance to stand before YESHUA when He returns if you don’t obey and keep the commandments and He will say to the lawless “I never knew you, depart from Me!” The commandments are how we know Him, how we love Him, and how He keeps His bride pure!

2 Timothy 4:3-4

For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching, but according to their OWN desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers tickling the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from the TRUTH, and be turned aside to myths.”

2 Peter 2:1-2

But there also came to be false prophets among the people, as also among you there shall be false teachers, who shall secretly bring in destructive heresies (speaking against Word of YHWH, and deny the Adon/Master who bought them, brining swift destruction on themselves. And many shall follow their destructive ways, because of whom the WAY of TRUTH shall be evil spoken of…”

Peter and Paul both agree that there is ONE WAY! They don’t say WAYS of the truth! Many would turn aside to lies which leads to their own destruction. Peter said the world would listen to false teachers and speak evil of the WAY OF TRUTH. Saying the law is done away with is part of speaking evil of the truth! What is the WAY OF TRUTH?

Psalms 119:142

Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and Your Torah is TRUTH.”

Psalms 119:1

Blessed are the perfect in the WAY, who walk in the Torah of YHWH!”

And we know that YESHUA is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE! So rejecting the Torah is rejecting YESHUA which means you have denied the One who bought you as Peter said. YESHUA bought/purchased us with His blood and then the world denies Him.

1 Corinthians 10:11

And all these came upon them as examples, and they were written as A WARNING to us, on whom the ends of the ages have come…”

2 Peter 2:6-7

…having made them an example to those who afterward would live wickedly, and rescued the righteous Lot, who was oppressed with the indecent behavior of the LAWLESS.”

Do not become examples of the lawless ones as we see their destruction, because there is a coming judgment from the Righteous Judge YESHUA and both Paul and Peter say these accounts have been written as warnings to the world. And I’m speaking today to warn the world to come out of the lies of Christianity and follow YESHUA and let the Ruach ha’Kodesh be your guide and teacher.

I prayed that this has been a blessing to you and please share this with EVERYONE you know, because this is important! May our Father YHWH bless you in YESHUA’s Name.