Repent! You cannot hide your sins!

Our Father YAHWEH and His Son YESHUA’s love and mercy endures forever, but we have to strive for the goal to be pure in mind and body the best way that we can and be led by The RUACH HA’KODESH. If you fail get back up and repent; however, the goal is not to run out purposely sinning.

1 John 2:1

My little children, I write this to you, so that you DO NOT SIN. And if anyone sins, we have an Intercessor with the Father, YESHUA HA’MASHICH, a righteous One.”

Mathew 26:27

And taking the cup, and giving thanks, He gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood, that of the Renewed Covenant, which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

Acts 5:30

The ELOHIM of our ancestors raised up YESHUA whom you laid hands on and hung on a timber. Him, a Prince and a Savior, ELOHIM has exalted to His right hand, to give repentance to Yisra’el and forgiveness of sins.”

YESHUA paid the price for all of our sins by trading places with us and bearing the wrath of the sins that we deserved. But, now with this should come a transforming of your mind being a new creature and turning away from sins and not going back to them.

2 Corinthians 5:14-17

For the love of Messiah compels us, having judged this: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them, and was raised. So from now onwards we know no one according to the flesh. And if we have known Messiah according to the flesh, yet now we no longer know. Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a RENEWED CREATURE- the old have passed away, see, all have become RENEWED!”

Being immersed in The RUACH HA’KODESH and fire means that the RUACH HA’KODESH is living in you and brings about a change in character and the fire is to divinely purify you from your sins making you acceptable to YAHWEH through His Son YESHUA! The goal is striving not to sin and to live righteous holy lives and not appearing to be righteous in front of men, but in the privacy of your own homes you’re not living it.

Mathew 23:27

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you are like whitewashed tombs which outwardly indeed look well, but inside are filled with dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.” So outwardly indeed appear righteous to men, but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.”

You must develop the mentality that YAHWEH is watching you in every situation and that you cannot hide anything from Him. Just because a human being did not witness the sins you are committing does not mean that YAHWEH doesn’t see you. True repentance is fearing to not upset ELOHIM and to definitely not keep revisiting the same sins over and over again.

Anyone thinking that you can hide your sins from our Creator is mistaken and a example of this is found in Ezekiel 8.

Ezekiel 8:1-18

“And it came to be in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth of the month, as I sat in my house with the elders of Yehudah (Judah) sitting before me, that the hand of the Master יהוה (YAHWEH) fell upon me there.

2And I looked and saw a likeness, like the appearance of fire. From His waist and downward the appearance was like fire, and from His waist and upward the appearance of brightness, like glowing metal.

3And He stretched out the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my hair. And the Spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heavens, and brought me in visions of ELOHIM to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), to the door of the north gate of the inner court, where the seat of the image of jealousy was, which causes jealousy.

4And see, the esteem of the ELOHIM of Yisra’ĕl was there, like the vision that I saw in the plain.

5And He said to me, “Son of man, please lift your eyes toward the north.” And I lifted my eyes northward, and north of the slaughter-place gate I saw this image of jealousy in the entrance.

6And He said to me, “Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations which the house of Yisra’ĕl are doing here, driving Me away from My holy  place? And you are to see still greater abominations.”

7Then He brought me to the door of the court. And I looked and saw a hole in the wall.

8And He said to me, “Son of man, please dig into the wall.” And when I dug into the wall I saw a door.

9And He said to me, “Go in, and see the evil abominations which they are doing there.”

10And I went in and looked and saw all kinds of creeping creatures, abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Yisra’ĕl, carved all around on the walls.

11And facing them stood seventy men of the elders of the house of Yisra’ĕl, and in their midst stood Ya‛azanyahu son of Shaphan. Each one had a censer in his hand, and a thick cloud of incense went up.

12And He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Yisra’ĕl are doing in the dark, each one in the room of his idols? For they say, ‘יהוה (YAHWEH) does not see us, יהוה (YAHWEH) has forsaken the land.’ ”

13And He said to me, “You are to see still greater abominations which they are doing.”

14And He brought me to the door of the north gate of the House of יהוה (YAHWEH) and I saw women sitting there, weeping for Tammuz.

15Then He said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? You are to see still greater abominations than these.”

16And He brought me into the inner court of the House of יהוה (YAHWEH). And there, at the door of the Hĕḵal of יהוה (YAHWEH), between the porch and the slaughter-place, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the Hĕḵal of יהוה (YAHWEH) and their faces toward the east, and they were bowing themselves eastward to the sun.

17And He said to me, “Have you seen, O son of man? Is it a small matter to the house of Yehuḏah to do the abominations which they have done here? For they have filled the land with violence, and turn back to provoke Me. And see, they are putting the branch to My nose.

18“Therefore I shall indeed deal in wrath. My eye shall not pardon nor would I spare. And they shall cry in My ears with a loud voice, but I shall not hear them.”


The elders of Yisra’el, men and women dug a hole in the wall thinking that they were hiding from the sight of YAHWEH as they committed all kind of abominations in the dark, Verse 12 says it all 12And He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Yisra’ĕl are doing in the dark, each one in the room of his idols? For they say, ‘יהוה (YAHWEH) does not see us, יהוה (YAHWEH) has forsaken the land.’ ”

The same way the children of Yisra’el thought that they were hiding their sins even by digging a hole in the wall is the same way many are trying to hide their sins today. It’s time to repent and turn and completely give your life to YESHUA before it’s too late and walk with Him. I have heard many believers say that they can sin for 6 days out of the week and then go to church and repent and start the cycle over again. This is not true repentance, but the mentality of the “once saved always saved” crowd. Those who commit murder and think that because man did not catch them that they got away with it, or a false witness breathing out lies, those committing adultery, fornicating, getting drunk, watching porn, those who won’t forgive, gambling, stealing, sneaking out the house as teenagers, cussing around friends but not around parents, every vow that you made and did not fulfill, and idolatry the list goes on. How is it that anyone can think that they can hide their sins from the One who created them?


2 Kings 17:9-12

And the children of Yisra’el secretly did matters against YAHWEH their ELOHIM that were not right, and they built for themselves high places in all their cities, from watchtower unto the walled city, and put up for themselves pillars and Asherim on every high hill and under every tree, and burned incense there on all the high places, like the gentiles whom YAHWEH had removed from their presence. And they did evil matters to provoke YAHWEH, and served the idols, of which YAHWEH had said to them, “Do not do this.”

So, we see again the children of Yisra’el thought they were secretly sinning against YAHWEH, but they provoked the anger of YAHWEH because He saw all of their deeds and exiled the northern kingdom the House of Yisra’el to Assyria. The problem is that which is done in the dark comes to light, that which you do when you think nobody is watching, YAHWEH sees this, so its time to repent and turn away from these sins if this is you.

The Hebrew word for repent is teshuvah which means to “turn back to ELOHIM”. To feel pain, sorrow, or regret, to change the mind or course of conduct, to be sorry for sin as evil and seek forgiveness; to cease to love and practice sin.

Supporting Scriptures that ELOHIM sees all

Testament of Judah 20:1-5

Therefore my children, know that two spirits wait upon man: the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. And in between is the spirit of understanding of the mind, which inclines wherever it wills. And the works of truth and the works of error are written on the hearts of men, and YAHWEH KNOWS EACH ONE OF THEM. And there is NO TIME AT WHICH THE WORKS OF MEN CAN BE HIDDEN, for they have been written on the heart itself before YAHWEH. And the spirit of truth witnesses all things, and accuses all; and the sinner is burned up by his own heart, and cannot raise his face to the Judge.”

Psalms 90:8

You have laid our wickedness before You, our hidden ways in the light of Your face.”

Clearly what mankind thinks is hidden to them is clearly seen by YAHWEH!

Psalms 94:5-9

They crush Your people, O YAHWEH, and they afflict Your inheritance. They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless. Yet they say, “YAH DOES NOT SEE, and the ELOHIM of Jacob PAY NO HEED.” Take heed, you senseless among the people; and you fools, when would you become wise? He who planted the ear, does He not hear? He who formed the eye, does He NOT SEE?”

Sirach 23:18-19

An adulterer, says thus in his heart: “WHO SEES ME? I am surrounded with darkness. The walls cover me, and no one sees me; what do I need to fear? The Most High shall not remember my sins.” Such a man only fears the eyes of men, and does not know that the eyes of YAHWEH are ten thousand times brighter than the sun, watching all the ways of men, and observing the most secret places.”

Isaiah 29:15

Woe to those who seek deep to HIDE their counsel far from YAHWEH, and their works are in the DARK, they say, “WHO SEES US?” AND, “WHO KNOWS US?”

Isaiah 47:10-11

And you have trusted in your evil, you have said. “NO ONE SEES ME.’ Your wisdom and your knowledge have led you astray. And you have said in your heart, I am, and there is none but me.’ But evil shall come upon you, not knowing from where it arises, and trouble fall upon you, being unable to put it off, and ruin come upon you suddenly, which you know not.”

Proverbs 24:12

If you say, “See, we did not know this,” would not He who weighs the hearts discern it? And shall He not repay man according to his work?”

Jasher 1:21-23

And Cain said to his brother Abel, “Surely if I slay you today, who will require your blood from me? And Abel answered Cain, saying, “Surely ELOHIM who has made us in the earth, He will avenge my cause, and He will require my blood from you, if you slay me. For YAHWEH is the Judge and Mediator, and it is He who will repay man according to his evil, and the wicked man according to the wickedness that he may do upon earth. And now, if you slay me here, surely ELOHIM KNOWS YOUR SECRET VIEWS, and will judge you for the evil which you declared to do to me today.”

Jasher 1:28-30

And YAHWEH KNEW what Cain had done to his brother, and YAHWEH appeared to Cain and said to him, “Where is Abel your brother that was with you? And Cain mislead, and said, “I do not know am I my brother’s keeper? And YAHWEH said to him, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries to me from the ground where you have slain him. For you have slain your brother and have mislead before Me, and imagined in your heart THAT I DID NOT SEE YOU, NOR KNEW ALL YOUR ACTIONS.”

Jasher 11:61

And when Abram had ceased speaking before the king and princes, Abram lifted up his eyes to the heavens, and said, YAHWEH SEES ALL the wicked, and He will judge them.”

Hebrews 4:12-13

For the WORD of YAHWEH is living, and working, and sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through even to the dividing of being and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. AND THERE IS NO CREATURE HIDDEN FROM HIS SIGHT, BUT ALL ARE NAKED and laid bare before the eyes of Him with whom is our account.”

Enoch 9:5

You have made all things, and You have power over all things: AND ALL THINGS ARE NAKED AND OPEN IN YOUR SIGHT, and YOU SEE ALL THINGS, and NOTHING CAN HIDE ITSELF FROM YOU.”

The Scriptures from Hebrews and Enoch are nearly identical about YAHWEH seeing all things and all things being naked before Him, and no creature can hide from His sight. As you see many scriptures are stressing the importance of this which means we should be paying extra attention.

Enoch 98:5-7

And barrenness has not been given to the woman, but on account of the deeds of her own hands she dies without children. I have sworn to you, you sinners, by the Holy Great One, that ALL YOUR EVIL DEEDS ARE REVEALED IN THE HEAVENS, and that NONE OF YOUR DEEDS OF OPPRESSION ARE COVERED AND HIDDEN. And do not think in your spirit nor say in your heart that you do not know and that you do not see that every sin is recorded in heaven in the presence of the Most High daily. From now on you know that all your oppression with which you oppress is written down every day until the day of your judgment.”


Enoch 104:7

And although you sinners say, “ALL OUR SINS SHALL NOT BE SEARCHED OUT AND BE WRITTEN DOWN,” nevertheless they shall write down ALL YOUR SINS EVERY DAY. And now I show to you that light and darkness, day and night, SEE ALL YOUR SINS.”

The fact that Enoch states that light and darkness, day and night see all of your sins reminds me of:

Deuteronomy 30:19

I have called the heavens and the earth as witnesses today against you: I have put before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore you shall choose life, so that you live, both you and your seed…”

Psalms 139:1-16

O YAHWEH, You have searched me and know me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought from afar. You spread my path and my lying down, and know well ALL MY WAYS. For there is not a word on my tongue, but see, O YAHWEH, YOU KNOW IT ALL! You have closed me in, behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me. Knowledge too wondrous for me, It is high, I cannot fathom. Where would I go from Your Spirit? Or WHERE WOULD I FLEE FROM YOUR FACE? If I go up into the heavens, YOU ARE THERE; If I make my bed in the grave, see, YOU ARE THERE. I take the wings of the morning, I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, there too, Your hand would lead me, and Your right hand hold me, If I say, “Darkness shall cover me,” then night would be light to me; even darkness is NOT DARK FOR YOU, but night shines as the day.” As is darkness, so is light. For You, You possessed my kidneys, You have covered me in my mother’s womb. I give thanks to You, For I am awesomely and wondrously made! Wondrous are Your works, and my being knows it well. My bones WERE NOT CONCEALED FROM YOU, when I was shaped in a hidden place, knit together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my uniformed body…”

Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed you in the womb I KNEW YOU, and before you came out of the womb I sanctified you- I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Luke 11:39-40

And the Master said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is filled with greed and wickedness. Mindless ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also?”

Proverbs 5:21

For the ways of man are before the eyes of YAHWEH, and He considers all his paths.”

Proverbs 15:3

The eyes of YAHWEH are in EVERY PLACE, watching the evil and the good.”

Wisdom 1:7

For the Spirit of YAHWEH fills the world, and that which sustains all knows what is said, there he who speaks unrighteous words is NOT HIDDEN.”

Ecclesiastes 12:14

For ELOHIM shall bring every work into right-ruling, including all that is hidden, whether good or whether evil.”

2 Maccabees 7:34

But you, O wicked man, and of all others most evil, do not be lifted up without a cause nor puffed up with uncertain expectancies, lifting up you hand against the servants of ELOHIM; for you have not escaped the judgement of EL SHADDAI, WHO SEES ALL.”

2 Maccabees 12:22

But when Judah’s first division came into sight, the enemies fled, being smitten with fear and terror with the appearance of He WHO SEES ALL THINGS (YAHWEH); one running this way, another that way so that many of them were injured by their own men, and wounded with the points of their own swords.”

2 Esdras 15:26

For YAHWEH knows all those who sin against Him, therefore He gives them over to death and destruction.”

2 Esdras 16:53-66

Let not the sinner say that he has not sinned; for ELOHIM shall burn coals of fire upon his head, who says before YAHWEH ELOHIM and his esteem, “I have not sinned.” See, YAHWEH knows ALL THE WORKS OF MAN, their schemes, their thoughts, and their hearts; who spoke but the word, “Let the earth be made.” And it was made; “Let the heavens be made,” and it was created. By His word the stars were made, and He knows the number of them. He searches the deep, and its treasures; He has measured the sea, and what it contains. He has shut the sea in the midst of the waters, and with His word He has suspended the earth upon the waters. He spreads out the heavens like a span; He has founded it upon the waters. He has made springs of water in the desert, and pools upon the tops of the mountains, that the floods might pour down from the high rocks to water the earth. He made man, and put his heart in the midst of the body, and gave him breath, life, and understanding, and indeed the Spirit of EL SHADDAI; who made all and searches out ALL THAT IS HIDDEN IN THE SECRET PLACES of the earth. Surely He knows your plans, and the thoughts of your hearts, even those who sin, and want to HIDE THEIR SIN. Therefore YAHWEH searches out all your works exactly, and he shall put you all to shame. And when your sins are produced, you shall be ashamed before all, and your own sins shall be your accusers in that Day. What shall you do, or HOW SHALL YOU HIDE YOUR SINS BEFORE ELOHIM and His messengers?”

As all of the witnesses in Scripture testify; there is no hiding your sins no matter what you do because He is there. Therefore, its time to repent of these sins, turn away from your sins, and give your life completely to YESHUA and let the RUACH HA’KODESH guide you, because YAHWEH sees it all.

May YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!