Wives submit to your husbands!

Sirach 26:23

A wicked woman is given as a portion to a wicked man; but a reverent woman is given to him who reveres YAHWEH.”

Please listen or read this entire message before getting offended to see what the scriptures have to say on the topic. I know many will not like this message or get offended by the title alone, but let those who have hears to hear, let them hear. My goal has always been to speak scriptural truth and not my own opinion and back it up with several witness of scripture. And there are many scriptures that we will be covering today.

We will discuss scriptures about the role of a man and the role of a woman. Also, should women submit to their husbands? Should women be leaders? Should a woman be quarreling with her husband? I believe discussing this topic will help to build for better marriages or for those who will become future wives by defining roles as outlined in scripture and not allow Satan to gain a foothold in these marriages; because once the roles have been reversed you have just given Satan legal grounds to come in and destroy the marriage. This must be discussed because this topic gets avoided because of the hate that will come their way, after many years of deliberate conditioning and programming of women today to get them to act like the world. Why do you think the TV programs are pushing so hard for the feminist movement and role reversal?  TV pushes this role reversal as the right thing to do just as they do with homosexuality, cussing, and many other things that goes against scripture.

It seems most know what to expect out of a man, but the topic of women has been swept under the rug because you will be viewed as a dictator or a chauvinist. These tactics employed by the feminist movement has won over the masses and don’t see the Jezebel spirit disguised underneath it. During the days of the Bible this topic was not an issue at all because men and women understood what was expected, but over the years those waters have been muddied with lies and called what YAHWEH made good, evil.

Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Remember what Satan wants to destroy the natural order of things and get the world to obey him and not YAHWEH!

Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old called the Devil (Aramaic says Deceiver) and Satan, who LEADS ALL THE WORLD ASTRAY. He was thrown to the earth, and his messengers were thrown out with him.”

Because it’s Satan’s plan to destroy the hierarchy that YAHWEH set in place.

 This does not apply to women who already know the scriptures and have applied it to their lives. There are many women who have put their pride aside to obey the truth of the scriptures. But for those who have been deceived by the feminist movement, those who are argumentative, non-submissive, rebellious are being led astray by the western culture and not the Hebraic culture/mindset having one foot in the world and it’s view of marriage but yet claiming to know YAHWEH and walking with His Son YESHUA! This is about women who refuse to submit a man as it is written in the scriptures; and yes, even women who have disobedient husbands who are not walking in Torah as they know they should, you are to submit yourself to your husband so that you win him over by your righteous behavior and with prayer as Peter who walked with YESHUA says:

1 Peter 3:1 (Parenthesis mine)

“In the same way, wives submit to your own husbands, so that if any are disobedient to the Word (Not walking in righteousness), they without a word (through your actions), might be won by the behavior of their wives, having seen your blameless behavior in reverence.”

The world has gotten so far removed from YAHWEH’s word that these roles have been reversed and accepted. It should not be so with those of us walking in covenant with ELOHIM.

There are many women who follow YESHUA and observe Torah and say then want to be the Proverbs 31 woman, yet when it comes to the passages that I will discuss today many will get offended and feel like they are lesser than or want to ignore these scriptures all together! It reminds me of the way Christian’s react when they hear the word “law” they immediately get defensive and close their ears to the truth. In order to become that Proverbs 31 woman there must be obedience to the scriptures first. I get that some women were mistreated in their past relationships, but so have men. Neither should have the right to bring that baggage into the marriage, because if your spouse is truly walking with YESHUA then you should trust them not to act like someone in the world.

No one within in the Body of Messiah looks at a man as weak when he submits to YESHUA, so why is a woman submitting to a man frowned upon by women who say they are walking with YESHUA?  Remember the strongest person in the world is the one who can submit! YESHUA is The Son of YAHWEH, yet He submitted to the Father for our sakes! YESHUA said Himself that He could have called 12 Legions of angels to assist Him, but He did not call them, He acted in humility and obedience to the Father and our walk should be no different than His; otherwise, we would not have the forgiveness of sins if He chose to rebel.

Mathew 26:53

Or do you think that I am not able to pray to My Father now, and He shall provide Me with more than twelve legions of messengers?”

 And to be clear this message is out of love so that we walk in the fullness of YAHWEH’s Word; so, before anyone takes my words out of context, a woman submitting to a man does not mean that the husband is running around with a whip and making commands towards his wife treating like a slave in chains, abusing her, yelling at her, ignoring her, not listening to her, demeaning her or being unfaithful to her in any way! A situation where she is a slave and not a wife saying things like make my dinner and wash the dishes too! While he sits back and gets drunk, hangs out with friends smoking weed (I’m completely against smoking weed, just making a statement from what I hear) and playing XBOX all day, that is not why I’m saying at all! Because I see nothing wrong with a man helping to cook and clean. I say this firmly, men, if you have a good wife who is walking in obedience to the scriptures DO NOT TAKE HER FOR GRANTED. A man is supposed to love his wife and respect her as Peter says in:

1 Peter 3:7

In the same way, husbands, live understandingly together, giving respect to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the favor of life, so that your prayers are not hindered.”

Colossians 3:19

Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.”

The word bitter is the Greek word “pikraino (pe-kri-no) which means render anger or irritated.

We simply need to establish the order first before anything else can happen. The same way YESHUA submitted to YAHWEH so we can be forgiven, the same way a man submits to YESHUA with all humility is what should happen with the woman, then the others will fall into place. We must address the rebellion that is occurring first.

Role of a man?

The man must firstly be committed and submitted fully to YESHUA, he should be setting the example by praying, reading scripture, studying scripture, and applying the scriptures, so that he can lead the woman and children in the ways of YAHWEH!

Genesis 18:19

And YAHWEH said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, since Abraham is certainly going to become great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have known him, so that HE COMMANDS HIS CHILDREN AND HIS HOUSEHOLD AFTER HIM, TO GUARD THE WAY OF YAHWEH TO DO RIGHTEOUSNESS AND RIGHT-RULING, so that YAHWEH brings to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart, and you shall IMPRESS THEM UPON YOUR CHILDREN, and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk  by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up…”

The man is the voice of authority where he commands the household to walk in YAHWEH’s ways and teach His commands and laws to the family. He is the leader, provider and protector; he makes the decisions in the house, but that does not mean he won’t take his wife’s advice or ask her opinion. He is to have a vision and lay out the steps towards that goal and explain them to the wife so she does not become fearful of the unknown of a man who has no vision or goals at all, this way she can back you, support you, and pray for you.

And if he is in ministry and always working to help others then he doesn’t have to stop help others and being selfless, he just has to find the proper balance of being there for others, yet not neglect or disrespect his wife by not making time for her. Although, a loving wife who understands your calling will back and support your calling and not become bitter, there must be balance and she is not to be neglected but loved and shown love. A man who is led by the RUACH HA’KODESH will do YAHWEH’s will with the vison He has been given and the woman will help the man fulfill that vision with her creativity and nurturing gifts, this way you complement each other within the guidelines of scripture.

The man is the esteem of ELOHIM, so he is a representative of YESHUA which means He is to lead, love, protect, and not be a hypocrite, he is to lead by example.

Jubilees 3:15-16

And in the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years serving and guarding it, and we gave HIM WORK and we instructed him to do everything that is suitable for serving. And HE served the garden, and was naked, an did not know it, and was not ashamed. And HE PROTECTED the garden from the birds and beasts  and cattle, and GATHERED THE FRUIT, and ate, and put aside the remainder for HIMSELF AND FOR HIS WIFE, and PUT ASIDE THAT WHICH WAS BEING KEPT.”

We see that Adam was working in the field tilling the ground and protecting it as would be protecting his wife; and he provided fruit from the garden and brought it home for his wife Eve to eat. So we see the role of a man right here in the Garden of Eden.

Provide is spelled in the Otiot as (Beyt, Hey, Yad)

Yad means to work, throw, worship, actions

Hey means look, reveal, breath, behold

Beyt means family, house, In

A man works and looks to take care of his house and family.

Ephesians 5:25-31

Husbands, love your wives, as Messiah also loved the assembly and gave Himself for it, in order to sanctify it, and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, in order to present it to Himself a splendid assembly, not having spot or wrinkle or any of this sort, but that it might be holy and blameless. In this way husbands ought to love their own wives as THEIR OWN BODIES. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but feeds and cherishes it, as also the Master does the assembly. Because we are members of His Body, of His flesh and of His bones. For this cause a man shall leave his dad and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

 Men are to love their wives as YESHUA loves Assembly, men are to respect their wives and not speak harshly to them and provide and protect and lead them.

Tobiyah 9:7-8

And now, O YAHWEH, I do not take this my sister (his wife Sarah) for a whore, but uprightly; therefore, favorably allow that we may grow old together.” And she said with him, “Ahmein.”

Role of a woman?

Genesis 2:18

And YAHWEH ELOHIM said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I am going to make a HELPER for him, as his counterpart.”

Genesis 2:20

So the man gave names to all livestock, and to the birds of the heavens, and to every beast of the field. But for the man there was not found a HELPER for him, as his counterpart.”

Jubilees 3:4

And YAHWEH said to us, “It is not good that the man should be alone: let us make a HELPMEET for him.”

Tobiyah 8:5-7

Then Tobi began to say, “Blessed are You, O ELOHIM of our ancestors, and blessed is Your holy and esteemed Name forever. Let the heavens bless You, and all Your creation. “You made Adam, and gave him Eve his wife for a HELPER and SUPPORT; from them came mankind. You have said, “It is not good for man to be alone, let Us make for him a HELPER as his counterpart.”

1 Corinthians 11:9

For man is not from woman, but woman from man. For man also was not created for the woman, but woman for the man.”

The word helper in Hebrew is strong’s #H228 “ezer” which means to help, one who helps, aids. The Otiot (signs) which is the ancient Hebrew spells helper as Resh, zayin, ayin (Hebrew reads from right to left)

Ayin means to watch or know

Zayin means food, cut, nourish, plowing tool

Resh means first, top, beginning, thoughts

Putting them together we get a woman is a helper who watches over her husband and household, to nourish him and children, and pray for the weaknesses in your husband to be cut so that they become strengths. Nurture means to care for and encourage the growth or development of.

And this is done through prayer and not through your own strength of trying to nag or argue with him, remember Peter said that you may win him over with your behavior. She is also there to support her husband as it is written in Tobiyah, not to tear him down, but to build him up because she is a nurturer as most women naturally are and to help with the children with instruction:

Proverbs 1:8

My son, heed the discipline of your dad, and do not forsake the Torah (guidelines and instructions) of your mother.”

The man provides the seed, and the woman births the children and nurtures them. Having children was something that women cherished in scripture as we see the many examples of barren women who longed for children, because it’s part of their design. In Genesis we see what YAHWEH said the man would provide by work and the woman would bring forth children even though it would be in pain as punishment for eating the fruit, but the point is she is still to bring forth children.

Genesis 3:16

To the woman He said, “I greatly increase your sorrow and your conception-bring forth children in pain…”

1 Timothy 2:16

But she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in belief, and love, and sanctified, with sensibleness.”

Titus 2:3-5 (The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)

And thus also, the Qashishatha (The female elders);  that they should be in the character which is proper to the reverence of ELOHIM, not being feeders of gossip, and not being subjected to much wine, and to be teachers of good things, such as modesty for the young girls, and to love their husbands and their sons, and to be sober and holy, to be careful to make good homes, and be subjected to their husbands, so that no man might blaspheme concerning The Word of ELOHIM.”

The female elders must be righteously walking with YESHUA to teach the younger women how to be properly love their husbands and to love their children, how to dress modestly and take care of the home. And in doing so no one can blaspheme against the Word of ELOHIM when they see things are not in order according to the roles defined in scripture.

The role of a woman can be summed up with what is recorded in Jubilees concerning Leah’s behavior:

Jubilees 36:22


Proverbs 31:21

“She shall do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.”

Leah was a Proverbs 31 wife!

She is strong, a nurturer, and selfless! I remember when I was a child, I would procrastinate on doing a school project that I knew had to be done about 3 months in advance; however, I waited until the night before to get it done. Guess what? I did not have any of the supplies I needed nor the time to complete it. But my mom would make sure to help with the project and even stayed up until 3 or 4 in the morning to help me complete it knowing that she had to go to work in a few hours. She did this despite the fact that I was the one who messed up, despite the fact that it was me who procrastinated! I deserved to get a failing grade for my own actions, but I tell you these kind deeds were never forgotten.

Or whenever my brother, sister, or myself was sick with the flu, my mom would stay up all night to make sure we had water, soup, orange juice, and medicine. We cannot comprehend the love of a woman and their selflessness. If your husband does not see all the good that you are doing then he needs to repent and stop taking you for granted but keep going because YAHWEH sees your humility and selflessness.

Proverbs 31:10-31 (Parenthesis mine)

Who finds a capable wife? For she is worth more than rubies. The heart of her husband shall trust her, and he has no lack of gain. She shall do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life. She shall seek wool and flax, and with delight she works with her hands. She shall be as the ships of Tarshish, she brings in her food from afar. She also rises while it is still night, and provides food for her household, and a portion for her girls. She shall consider a field and buy it; from her profits she shall plant a vineyard. She shall gird herself with strength, and strengthen her arms. She shall taste when her gain is good; her lamp does not go out by night. She shall stretch out her hands to the distaff (a stick or spindle onto which wool and flax is wound for spinning), and her hand hold the spindle. She shall extend her hand to the poor, and she shall reach out her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is dressed in scarlet. She shall make tapestry for herself; she is dressed in fine linen and purple. Her  husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land, she shall make fine linen and sell them, and shall give girdles for the merchants. STRENGTH (She is still strong even while submitting to husband) and splendor are her garments, and she rejoices in time to come. She shall open her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the Torah of kindness. She watches over the ways of her household (this ties into to the ancient otiot I spelled out above: resh, zayin, ayin meaning a woman is a helper who watches over her husband and household, to nourish him and children, and pray for the weaknesses in your husband to be cut so that they become strengths) And does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children shall rise up and call her blessed; her husband, and he praises her: “Many daughters have done nobly, but you have risen over them all.” Loveliness is deceptive and prettiness is vain, a woman who reveres YAHWEH is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.”

Should a woman submit to the man?

The scriptures are clear on the matter, yet there is this ongoing debate about it when there should not be. There is clear order and hierarchy when it comes to YAHWEH’s creation, so we will examine those scriptures to get clarification. The first one was decreed by YAHWEH Himself in the Garden.

Genesis 3:16

To the woman He said “I greatly increase your sorrow and your conception – bring forth children in pain. And your desire is for your husband, and HE RULES OVER YOU.”

Interesting to note that the George Lamsa Aramaic Old Testament translation includes that the woman will be “dependent” on her husband in this verse. For some reason many women hate this verse and men do not want to talk about it, but why? Is not YAHWEH’s word perfect? Did He not say this for a reason? The word “Rule” in Hebrew is “Mashal” means to rule, have dominion, reign, cause to rule. When Adam was given dominion to rule over the creation that is exactly what that meant. The animals were subject to man’s authority not the other way around. One of the clearest scriptures to show that a man has authority over his wife and that she should submit is found in:

Numbers 30:6-16

But if she at all belongs to a husband, while bound by her vows or by a rash utterance from her lips by which she bound herself, and her husband hears it, and he has kept silent towards her on the day that he hears, then her vows shall stand, and her agreements by which she bound herself do stand. But if her husband FORBIDS HER on the day that he hears it, then he has NULLIFIED HER VOW which she vowed, and the rash utterance of her lips by which she bound herself, and YAHWEH pardons her. But any vow of a widow or a divorced woman, by which she has bound herself, stands against her. And if she vowed in her husbands house, or bound herself by an agreement with an oath, and her husband heard it, and has kept silent towards her and did not forbid her, then all her vows shall stand, and every agreement by which she bound herself stands. But if her husband CLEARLY NULLIFIED them on the day he heard them, then whatever came from her lips concerning her vows or concerning the agreement binding her, it DOES NOT STAND-her husband has NULLIFIED THEM, and YAHWEH pardons her. Every vow and every binding oath to afflict her being, let her husband confirm it, or let her husband nullify it. But if her husband is altogether silent at her from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or all the agreements that bind her- he confirms them, because he kept silent towards her on the day that he heard. But if he NULLFIES them after he has heard, then he shall bear her wickedness.” These are the Laws which YAHWEH commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, and between a dad and his daughter in her youth in her dad’s house.”

We see that the husband can nullify the vow of a wife the same way that her dad could if she was living with her parents. If the husband does not say anything then the vow stands, but if he nullifies the vow, it does not stand, so this scripture alone nullifies the feminist spirit.

1 Corinthians 11:3-9

And I want you to know that the head of every man is Messiah, and the head of woman is the man, and the head of Messiah is YAHWEH. Verse 7-12 “For a man indeed should not cover his head, since he is the likeness and esteem of ELOHIM, but woman is the esteem of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man. For man also was not created for the woman, but woman for the man.”

1 Peter 3:1-6

“In the same way, wives submit (#G5292 means subordinate, obey, submit) to your own husbands, so that if any are disobedient to the Word, they without a word, might be won by the behavior of their wives, having seen your blameless behavior in reverence. Your world should not be outward-braided hair, wearing gold, or putting on dresses-but the hidden Man of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a meek (quiet, gentle, submissive, patient) and peaceable spirit, which is of great value before ELOHIM. For in this way, in former times, the holy women who trusted in ELOHIM also adorned themselves, being subject (submissive) to their own husbands, as Sarah OBEYED Abraham, calling him master, of whom you became children, doing good and not frightened by any fear.”

Sarah called Abraham the Aramaic word “Mari” which means “my master”, and She obeyed Abraham (strongs #5219 hupakouo) meaning to listen to, attend to, hearken, obey, or answer the same word was used in Luke 8:25 as the winds obeyed YESHUA! The point is that the righteous women of scripture obeyed their husbands and did not argue or rebel against them, she submits out of fear and obedience to YAHWEH!  The wife should not be in fear to submit to her husband and resist the urge to overthrow her husband’s decisions by contending and arguing with him.

We know that women worry and have anxiety because they want to make sure that everything goes well and that is understandable but trust your husbands. In these situations, a woman is to pray for her husband. Peter is saying don’t let fear take over but let him lead, and follow the good works of Sarah, in other words do what the righteous Sarah did. When Abraham said “say that you are my sister” she did not fight with him but she obeyed him and the end result was that she was delivered out of the hands of Pharaoh and they left with riches.

Notice Peter is not putting a woman down he is just defining the roles because a woman is the weaker vessel. This is the reason why Satan went after Eve because he knew that she was the weaker vessel and more vulnerable to his devices. Satan was able to convince her act outside of her role as helper into the role of a leader by making a decision. When the roles get reversed it allows for Satan to come in and wreak havoc in your lives.

1 Timothy 2:14

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman having been deceived, fell into transgression.”

 Adam was not the first to eat the fruit, he was supposed be the leader and say “No! YAHWEH commanded us NOT to eat the fruit!” When things are out order a domino effect occurs, and it is all written for a reason so that we learn from them.

Genesis 3:17

And to the man He said, “Because you have LISTENED (Hebrew word is Shama which means to hear, listen, obey, consent, agree) TO THE VOICE OF YOUR WIFE, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘Do not eat of it: “Cursed is the ground because of you, in toil you are to eat of it all the days of your life, and it shall bring forth thorns and thistles for you, and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you are to eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are, and to dust you return”

1 Timothy 2:12

But I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, rather to be in silence.”

The Greek word for woman here is #G1135 “Gyne” meaning a woman of any age, whether a virgin, married, or widow.

1 Timothy 2:12 (Aramaic Peshitta John Etheridge)

For unto the wife to teach I permit not, neither to be authoritative over the husband, but to be in quietude.”

One Aramaic translation shows that a wife should not teach and other version of Aramaic such as (The Holy Aramaic Scriptures) says a woman in general, why? That would give her authority over the man or a wife having authority over her husband which goes against all these witnesses in scripture.

Colossians 3:18-19

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as IS PROPER IN THE MASTER. Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.”

Should a woman lead?

If children, see a woman running the house taking the role of a man then the children will be mixed up and confused. They will think this is the proper way a family should conducted and possibly carry that behavior into their relationships, or disrespect the dad, or even become a homosexual because the gender roles have not been properly established.

Isaiah 3:12

My people! Youths exert pressure on them, and WOMEN RULE OVER THEM. O My people! Your leaders lead astray, and swallow the way of your paths.”

This example showed how bad the condition of Yisra’el was because children were their oppressors, and the women were ruling which throws things out of order. Notice the entire verse is filled with negative connotations. In other words women should not be ruling over men.

How about Deborah? This account is always brought up to prove that a woman can lead but the rest of the passage isn’t being read and is taken out of context. Let’s examine it:

Judges 4:5-9

And she (Deborah) was dwelling under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beyth El in the mountains of Ephraim. And the children of Yisra’el came up to her for right-ruling. And she sent and called for Barak son of Abino’am from Qedesh in Napthali, and said to him, “HAS NOT YAHWEH ELOHIM OF YISRA’EL COMMANDED, ‘Go, and you shall draw towards Mount Tabor, and shall take with you ten thousand men of the sons of Naphtali and of the sons of Zebulun, and I (YAHWEH) shall draw unto you Sisera, the commander of Yabin’s army, with his chariots and his company at the wadi Qishon, and shall give him into your hand? And Barak said to her, “If you go with me, then I shall go; but if you do not go with me, I do not go up.” And she said, I shall certainly go with you. ONLY, THERE SHALL BE NO ESTEEM FOR YOU IN THE JOURNEY YOU ARE TAKING, FOR YAHWEH IS GOING TO SELL SISERA INTO THE HAND OF A WOMAN.”

As we see Deborah herself says to Barak that he will not get any esteem out of this because YAHWEH will give Sisera into the hands of a woman, meaning that Barak was supposed to lead and get the esteem as a man should lead because it was uncommon for a woman to lead, she understood this. Barak failed as a man to step up and lead when he had the opportunity! YAHWEH will raise up a woman to lead IF a man fails to fulfill his role as the leader.

Sirach 26:23-25

A headstrong woman shall be counted as a dog.”

Sirach 22:5


A woman is not to lead nor have authority over her husband or a man. I know it seems like the thing to do for the feminist independent woman movement, but we see that it is frowned upon is scripture.

Ephesians 5:22-23

Wives, subject yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Master. Because the husband is the head of the wife, as also HA’MASHIACH is head of the assembly, and He is Savior of the Body.”

Paul is saying for wives to submit themselves to their husband “As to YAHWEH” because YAHWEH has established the man as authority in the home which means he is to lead by example, be the leader. The decisions that your husband makes falls squarely on his shoulders as the head of the house and he will be held accountable. Why would a woman balk at this?

Stop arguing/quarreling with your husband!

Proverbs 21:9

It is better to dwell in a corner of a roof, than in a house shared with a contentious woman.”

Proverbs 25:24

It is better to dwell in a corner of a roof, than in a house shared with a contentious woman.”

This scripture is repeated word for word in two separate places and in the Hebrew culture when something is repeated over and over it means that ears should be opened to listen because the issue is important.

Contentious is defined by the oxford dictionary as “causing or likely to cause an argument, controversial.” “Disputable, heated, fierce, argumentative, or quarrelsome.”

Wives, please stop arguing with your husbands, pray for him and encourage him, be the comforting voice he needs to hear, fight for him not against him.

 Many women feel as though they can force change upon a man by arguing with him, but scripture calls this nagging. You will not gain his hear or attention with this behavior, instead you will get the opposite response and have him sitting on the roof top of the house for peace. Women are emotional and speak out of that emotion and say things that are inappropriate at times because of this. We will scriptures below that praise a quiet loving wife versus the loud argumentative one. This is more reason why a woman should think about what they are going to say before speaking and pray and ask the RUACH HA’KODESH for the words to speak.

Proverbs 31:26

“She shall open her mouth with WISDOM, and on her tongue is the Torah of KINDNESS.”

 For example, your husband is coming in the door from a stressful day at work and you start arguing with him and slicing him up with words is definitely not the way to go about it.

Sirach 26:14-15

A SILENT and loving woman is a GIFT of YAHWEH; and there is naught worth as much as a mind well instructed. A humble and trustworthy woman is double favor, and her sober mind cannot be valued.”

1 Peter 3:4

“With the incorruptible ornament of a meek (quiet, gentle, submissive, patient) and peaceable spirit, which is of great value before ELOHIM.

Sirach 26:26-27

A woman that esteems her husband shall be judged wise among all; but she that shames him in her pride shall be counted WICKED among all. A loud-mouthed woman and a nagger shall be sought out to drive away the enemies.”

A woman who shames her husband in any manner whether in public or in front of children shall be counted wicked. A woman who wants to usurp the authority of her husband, seeking to embarrass him in front of anyone, a woman yelling loudly or trying to talk over her husband is not righteous. And a nagging loud mouthed woman shall be used to run even enemies away. As we can see women have learned to become the version of a woman that is not accepted by scriptural standards. Take an example from Leah about how she treated Jacob:

Jubilees 36:21-22 (Parenthesis mine)

And Leah his wife died in the fourth year of the second week of the forty-fifth jubilee, and he buried her in the cave of Machpelah near Rebecca his mother, to the left of the grave of Sarah, his grandmother and all her sons and his sons came to mourn over Leah his wife with him and to comfort him regarding her, because he was lamenting her. For he loved her exceedingly after Rachel her sister died; for she was PERFECT AND UPRIGHT IN ALL HER WAY AND HONORED JACOB, AND ALL THE DAYS THAT SHE LIVED WITH HIM HE DID NOT HEAR A HARSH WORD FROM HER MOUTH (no arguing and not trying to shame him), for she was GENTLE AND PEACABLE AND UPRIGHT AND HONORABLE.”

This scripture shows the exact opposite of a nagging, loud mouthed wife. Leah, even though she was the least loved wife between she and Rachel still showed humility, love, and support. Jacob recognized this after the fact but loved her dearly for it.

Proverbs 31:11-12

The heart of her husband shall trust her, and he has no lack of gain. She shall do him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.”

I pray that this message was an eye opener and received with love as I want us all to walk in full obedience to the word of our Father YAHWEH and His Son YESHUA! If you are struggling with any areas mentioned in this message then pray to our Father YAHWEH to deliver you and the same goes for men. As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!