Kanye West deception and sun worship!

Alert! Kanye West deception and sun worship

I usually do not get involved in situations like this because it’s usually a distraction; however when I see so many people being led astray by lawlessness and sun worship. I have to speak up on it to open some eyes and at least warn you of some things you have not noticed. I will discuss:

1.     Has Kanye ever said YESHUA is the Son of YHWH?

2.     Why is the church of Satan commending Kanye?

3.     Blasphemous background information

4.     Knowing a man by his fruits: The Sunday/sun worship deception

5.     Other red flags

2 Corinthians 7:9 I agree with Paul’s statement

I now rejoice, not that you were made sad, but that you were saddened into repenting. For you were made sad according to Elohim, so that you suffered no loss from us.”

I would rather the world be upset with me now, but later see the truth and repent and worship YHWH the way He commands. We have all heard of tough love.

Ezekiel 33:9

But when you have warned the wicked to turn from his way, and he has not turned from his way, he shall die in his wickedness, but you have delivered your being.”

Ezekiel 3:17

Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Yisra’el. And you shall hear a word from My mouth, and shall warn them from Me.”

As followers of YESHUA we have to keep watch to see if there is one who tries to come in and the lead the flock astray by false doctrines. So it’s my duty to warn those who have been deceived out of love.

And for those who say don’t judge Kanye, what does YESHUA say?

John 7:24

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

There is such thing as righteous judgment; especially when somebody is speaking against the Word of YHWH. Wickedness is walking away from YHWH instead of with YHWH making one rebellious against His perfect living words. You cannot tell what a person is about just on outer appearance but judge with the truth. Even Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:11

For who among men knows that of a man except the spirit of the man that is in him?”

Paul understood this saying in 1 Corinthians 5:11-12

But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone called ‘a brother’, if he is one who whores, or greedy of gain, or an idolater, or reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are inside?

Paul is saying judge a person who calls themselves a believer who is inside the assembly. Are you walking accordingly? So if one calls himself a brother then you judge that “so-called brother” on his fruits, if he being an example by obeying truth or is he being a hypocrite. That’s why Paul says do you not judge those who are inside? Those who are inside the assembly, those who are inside claiming to know YESHUA!

One question

I have not heard anyone mention this key point and I’ve looked everywhere. Has Kanye acknowledged that YESHUA is The Son of YHWH? The closest I’ve seen is him say “I’m a son now, a son of God. I’m free." If anyone can tell me, do some homework on it, or any hard core fan out there who knows. But based off my research he has not said it. And this is key because Scripture says 1 John 4:15

Whoever confesses that YESHUA is the Son of YHWH, Elohim stays in him, and he in Elohim.”

Why is the church of Satan getting involved and applauding Kanye?

The church of Satan is promoting the album “Jesus is King” and commending him for it, which should raise some eyebrows.  The church of Satan said in a tweet on October 25, 2019 at 2:33 pm saying “Satan is the best friend Kanye has ever had, as he will keep him in business all these years!” Then the satanic church responded to a fan who tweeted “Satan is pissed” Lavey of the church of Satan said in respond to the deceived fan and towards all Christian’s saying “Only those who read our literature will get it”. Simply put, the church of Satan is laughing right in the face of those who say they follow YESHUA. They are telling you that there is more than meets the eye, you are basing Kanye’s conversions off of surface knowledge and not according to Scripture. Only then, will you be able to base a man off of his fruits (words and actions.) The church of Satan is saying if you read their satanic literature you will know that Kanye isn’t on the side of true believers. Christians truly believe the deception that Satan is pissed about Kanye’s conversion, but behind the scenes it is all going according to plan.

 Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was thrown out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who leads all the world astray. He was thrown to earth and his messenger (angels) were thrown out with him.”

How deep does that deception go? Their support makes perfect sense applying it to a song that he made on his new album. Fellow believers in the faith around the world have pointed out on Kanye’s “Jesus is King” album he has a song called Selah that has a message that can only be heard when played in reverse. And we know Satan perverts everything that he does. YHWH has Shabbats and Satan mocks with sabbats. The Satanic church uses the law of reversal to pervert everything even to saying The prayer YESHUA taught backwards.

 Back-masking is when artists include subliminal messages they disguise in the music, but can only be heard playing the song in reverse. The song “Selah” played in reverse, Kanye is clearly saying to me and others who heard it “wolf’s my name, yeah!” He says it four times. So taking the same law of reversal that they use, let us apply it to the title of the song “Selah” and Selah spelled backwards is “Hales” which sounds a lot like “hell” the place of eternal fire or “hail” like he is saying “hail” Satan as Satan worshippers do.

Rappers always play on the words which they call word play. They will use a word that sounds the same like (there, their, they’re) but have different meanings. There is a “hole in my pants” or that golfer to just a “hole in one” etc.

What is the definition of Hales? The Oxford dictionary says drag or draw forcibly and According to dictionary.com it is to compel someone to go, haul, pull, tug, or transport! Does the enemy do anything by surprise? No! He always hides in plain sight even with predictive TV programing because of his pride.

So let’s piece this all together: Using the same law of reversal that he used on the song for the backwards message; Selah spelled backwards is Hales and I gave the definition of Hales, so we get: He is forcibly dragging, compelling you to go by hauling, pulling, tugging, or transporting your soul to hell in service to the one whom he claimed he used to hail allegiance to which is Satan. Which is why he is saying “wolf’s my name yeah.” Think about it nobody wants to willingly go to eternal fire that is why he is compelling you, pulling, tugging, and transporting you. Pray on it and see what YESHUA reveals to you.

 Why would a new convert of The King YESHUA even need to have any of these practices the secular music industry uses? His old methods when he said he was in service to Satan should have ceased with his conversion. Satan always hides in plain sight and always tells you his plans whether you know it or not. What does YESHUA say about wolves?

Mathew 7:15-20

But beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are savage wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes or figs from thistles?”

2 Corinthians 11:14-15

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light! It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works!”

The Satanist know that believers don’t know their own Bible

Satan was cunning enough to deceive other messengers who were thrown out with him, so if you are not being led by The Ruach (Spirit) and stay immersed in The Word of YHWH you will be deceived. Satan knows Scripture, but the question is do you? Satan used Scripture against YESHUA by twisting the context and YESHUA replied with Scripture.

Mathew 4:1-4

Then YESHUA  was led up by the Ruach into the wilderness to be tried by the devil. And after having fasted forty days and forty nights, He was hungry. And the trier (devil) came and said to Him, “If You are the Son of YHWH, command that these stones become bread.” But He answering, said, “It has been written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of YHWH.” And as we know YESHUA was tried two more times before telling Satan to get behind Him.

 But this makes sense because in a previous broadcast titled “Am I listening to satanic music?”  A statement was included from a guy who used to work with all the major record companies. In an interview on YouTube a man named John Todd who is now deceased, stated that he was high up in the Illuminati and that they own all the major record companies in the world. He said after the album was recorded they would take the master copy behind closed doors and place it on an altar. They would then summon demons to follow the album wherever they went, so when you own the CD you purchased a demon free of charge. You have then just given demons legal right to enter into your home even if you just have it sitting there. Then he goes on to say that Christians are easy targets because they don’t know their own Word the Bible! How true is this statement? Christians are being deceived right now by Kanye because they don’t know their Word. They don’t know that the Sabbath Day is NOT on Sunday. YESHUA said in Mathew 7:24

Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and DOES them, shall be like a wise man who built his house on the rock, and the rain came down, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not do them, shall be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand, and the rain came down, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat on that house, and it fell, and great was its fall.”

None of this is farfetched especially when we know what his background looks like no more than a few years ago.

Background information

Does his past matter? What people have done in their past does not matter if they have truly changed. YESHUA can use anyone for His esteem and He is merciful to those who truly repent, but only if they are doing His desire and speaking the truth of the Gospel. This is the key that people must understand is that you cannot play around with souls with false doctrine. 

When Paul said he converted in Acts 9 he wasn’t immediately accepted by the disciples, they had to see his fruits, his actions and words first. Acts 9:26

And having arrived at Jerusalem, Paul tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.”

Even though Paul persecuted followers of YESHUA, he never did these blasphemous acts or preach contrary to The Bible, Paul taught the Torah and that YESHUA is The Son of YHWH. Paul kept the true Sabbath Day and all of YHWH’s Holy Days. Kanye has publicly stated that he does not believe in any religion, when truth be told there is only ONE way to heaven. That is by the blood of YESHUA that restored our favor to YHWH and redeemed us and by our obedience keeping His commandments. Faith and works, but Kanye like modern day Christianity does not acknowledge the truth of the Gospel.

Kanye called himself a god, Paul never did that. Plus Kanye had the crown of thorns on his head on a magazine cover mocking YESHUA. Then the cd cover of Yeezus with the upside down cross with Satan beside him surrounded by female demons.

Then he said during a concert not too long ago that he sold his soul to the devil and it was a crappy deal (remember the life is in the blood) signing name in blood is signing over rights (life) to your soul. He made his own Yeezus bible which is truly blasphemous by replacing the Name of YHWH with his own name. Then he makes no mention of regretting that he wrote that abomination book or any mention about burning them all together, or even giving refunds to those who bought them so he can burn them. We all know money isn’t an issue when following YESHUA.

This definition of blasphemy is one who claims to be Elohim and we know YHWH and YESHUA are the only Ones who can claim this. The Pharisees accused YESHUA of blasphemy in

John 10:32-33

YESHUA answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of these works do you stone Me? The Jews answered Him, saying, “We do not stone You for a good work, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself Elohim.”

So the Pharisees thinking YESHUA was just a man and not Elohim in the flesh said He blasphemed and it was punishable by death. So how does a human such as Kanye get away with blasphemy, yet it goes unnoticed? People don’t get stoned for blasphemy today, but it is enough to make you stop and think. Again in John 8:56-59

Your father Abraham was glad that he should see My day, and he saw it and rejoiced.” The Jews, therefore, said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham? YESHUA said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham came to be, I am.” Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him…”

YESHUA told those Jews that He is Elohim The Son and that He existed during the beginning of time and saw Abraham. The Jews knew exactly what He was saying and AGAIN they picked up stones to stone Him. So we can see the severity of blasphemy and it is not to be taken lightly or overlooked.




We will know a man by his fruits: Sunday deception and Sun worship

Ezekiel 8:15-16

Then He said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? You are to see still greater abominations than these.” And he brought me into the inner court of the House of YHWH. And there, at the door of the Temple of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the Temple of YHWH and their faces toward the east, and they were bowing themselves eastward to the THE SUN.”

As followers of YESHUA we are to be obedient to His Word and not add or take away from it. Period! We trust in Him, His mercy, His favor, and do what He says. Especially with going along with a false day of worship which should be obvious rebellion against YHWH! When believers reject The Sabbath for the 1st day of the week, they are bowing down to the Sun as I just read in Ezekiel. Disobedience is called rebellion! 1 Samuel 15:23

For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and stubbornness is as wickedness and idolatry. Because you have rejected the Word of YHWH, He also rejects you as king.”

This goes for all who have rejected The Word of YHWH and His true Sabbath Day. Kanye is promoting Sunday worship which is worship of Satan aka the sun deity and is also spiritual idolatry. YHWH says that worship of the sun is an abomination! Sun worship is the deity that the children of Yisra’el joined themselves to in Numbers 25:1-4

And Yisra’el dwelt in Shittim, and the people began to WHORE with the daughters of Moab, and they invited the people to the slaughtering’s of their mighty ones, and the people ate and bowed down to their mighty ones. Thus Yisra’el was joined to Ba’al Pe’or, and the displeasure of YHWH burned against Yisra’el. And YHWH said to Moses, “Take all the leaders of the people and hang them up before YHWH, before the sun, so that the burning displeasure of YHWH turns away from Yisra’el.” And Moses said to the judges of Yisra’el, “Each one of you slay his men who were joined to Ba’al Pe’or.”

YHWH told Moses to hang those people who joined in with this demon, so that means that you are hanging yourself in the spiritual realm and committing a spiritual death by joining yourself to Satan on these days and breaking His Sabbath for this deity.

This should be another indicator to true followers of YESHUA because he is pushing too hard for this Sunday worship. YHWH clearly tells us in In Exodus 31:13 and Ezekiel 20:12 The Sabbath is His sign of authority and how He marks His people along with His Name. Sunday is the mark of Satan through the beast empire the Roman Catholic Church.

Kanye is making known what his agenda is with his whole service being titled “Sunday Service” and songs like “closed on Sunday”.

Then he hides sun worship right in plain sight for those who don’t know what they are looking at through symbolism. For example Satan has people walking around wearing the peace symbol when the satanic church says that it is used to blaspheme the Ruach ha’kodesh. Kanye has the people form a small inner circle within a larger outer circle. (See picture). When you look down from the aerial view you will see a large circle with a dot in the middle. Do you know what the circle within a circle is? It is an ancient symbol used all over the world for the Sun, Ra the sun, who is a false deity (another name for Ba’al the sun god). This all revolves around sun worship on Sun-day on his Sunday Service, which is dedicated to the sun-god.  He just showed you all that he worships the elohim/god of this world and not The Elohim of Yisra’el!

History tells us how Sunday came to be the day false day of worship over the true Sabbath, and we look at Roman Emperor Constantine for this:

Constantine, a Roman Emperor, was a pagan sun deity worshipper who saw a flaming cross in the sky and took that as a cue to convert to Christianity but refused to leave his pagan roots. As a result, he merged the two religions (Christianity and sun worship called Mithraism), but kept his Sunday worship intact and the citizens of Rome followed. Also, Antiochus Epiphanies during the destruction of the temple in 70AD, put Sabbath Keepers who kept the Torah and commandments of YHWH to death if they did not convert to his false religion or bow down to his false deities. There is a gruesome story of a mother who observed her seven children be tortured and killed because they refused to disobey YHWH, and neither would she.

As we can see, throughout history, Satan, through his followers have persecuted the people of YHWH for keeping His day Sabbath holy.

We know the Roman Catholic Church wants to institute the one world Sunday law making it illegal for Sabbath worship the true day that is set apart and sanctified by YHWH. The Roman Catholic Church say they have the power to transfer the day from Saturday to Sunday.


 So Kanye with the backing of the Pope is further strengthening the roots of those who have been blinded to believe that Sunday is the Sabbath. This is nothing more but extra grooming to have the world ready for what is coming; it will strengthen the position of the church to institute the Sunday Law and with the help Kanye’s large following it.  False followers of YESHUA will feel like they were right all along with Sunday worship and now their belief is strengthened being that Kanye is doing it too. It’s the perfect “I got you story” a man once serving Satan know a believer, but followers aren’t asking these questions. Therefore their acceptance of the Sunday law will be deeply engrained as they won’t face persecution since the whole world will be on board with the lie. Plus they will be able to continue buying and selling, so this does not change their quality of life at all.


YHWH is very clear about The Sabbath day and how important it is to Him!


 The meaning of the Sabbath is: Those who have been separated from the world, who belong to YESHUA who are in YHWH’s House and His family, and those who have YHWH’s mark, sign, or signature on them. This shows the importance of this special day as it is a memorial to our Creator forever. Which is why YHWH says:

In Exodus 31:13-14 YHWH says:

And you, speak to the children of Yisra’el, saying, ‘My Sabbath you are to guard, by all means, for this is a SIGN (TAW) between Me and you throughout your generations, to know that I, YHWH, kadosh (sanctify) you.”

Ezekiel 20:12

And I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, to know that I am YHWH who makes them kadosh (sanctified).”

 Sabbath is Hebrew for Rest which falls on Saturday (Friday evening at sunset to Saturday evening at sunset.) The Hebrew word for Sunday is “Yom Reeshone” and nowhere in scripture does YHWH or YESHUA say remember the “Yom Reeshone” to keep it holy.


Other Red flags

Galatians 1:6-9

I marvel that you are so readily turning away from Him (YHWH) who called you in the favor of Messiah”, to a different ‘good news,’ which is not another, only there are some who are troubling you and wanting to corrupt the Good News of Messiah. However, even if we, or a messenger out of the heavens, bring a ‘good news’ to you beside what we announced to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone brings a ‘good news’ to you beside what you have received, let him be accursed.”


Not only is Kanye rebelling against YHWH’s commandment to keep The Sabbath, but he is preaching another gospel of the co-exist movement to bring all false religions together under one banner. This is exactly what the Pope is trying to endorse. This is false doctrine because there is One path, One faith, and that is in YESHUA who is The Word of YHWH which requires faith and works. YESHUA’s favor/grace saves us because works alone won’t save us, but the lawless will not enter His Kingdom.


 Kanye said “if you believe Jesus died for your sins-that’s the gospels!’ Christians, we’re making it too hard for people,” West said. Firstly, we know YESHUA died for more than just our sins, He redeemed us to the favor of YHWH, paid the price for our sins, became our High Priest and Mediator, saved us from the law of sin and death so we will not be a slave to sin and much more. He just said that there is nothing you need to do as a believer but believe, which is the false doctrine of lawlessness.


This is how non-believers like Brad Pitt and others can come to his services and feel accepted because it’s a doctrine that tickles the ear and that there is no such thing as hell. 10 years ago Kanye said that he did not believe in a hell and that other religions not telling the truth aren’t going to hell, and that people use religion as a clothing. He said” people want comfort. People don’t want to accept if there not being a heaven possibly.”


The Kardashian’s said this about Kanye’s Sunday Service: “There’s actually no praying, there’s no sermon, there’s no word; it’s just music,” Kardashian West said, although many of the clips shared online by the beauty guru have featured prayer. So there is no Word of YHWH just entertainment like his rap concerts, he just rebranded his image in the name of Christianity.


While at Joel Olsteen’s church, Kanye gets on stage and people are screaming out for him like they were at a football game and not conducting themselves with Kingdom behavior, and he was smiling soaking it all up. It seemed as if the church members were there to worship him instead of YESHUA. As servants of YESHUA you are to be humble and deflect that praise or kind of false worship.

 Acts 10:25-26

And it came to be, that when Peter entered, Kornelius met him and fell down at his feet and bowed before him. But Peter raised him up saying, “Stand up, I myself am also a man.”

Acts 14:12-15

And they called Barnabas-Zeus, and Paul-Hermes, since he was the chief speaker. And the priest of Zeus, being in the front of their city, brought oxen and wreaths to the gates, and wanted to offer with the crowds. And when the emissaries Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their garments and ran in among the crowd, crying out and saying, “Men, why are you doing this? We also are men with the same nature as you, bringing to you the Good News”

Peter, Paul, and Barnabas knew that receiving any kind of worship or not deflecting it to YHWH was a sin, but we have to remember that Kanye already said that he is a god initially, so this is what I mean about sharing his background information to arrive where we are today.

Then during this same appearance with Joel Olsteen, Kanye said “You know how I used to be cocky and arrogant right? But god took that and used it for himself.” Ask yourself something, why would YHWH and YESHUA become something that they hate? Wisdom cries out:

Proverbs 8:13

The reverence of YHWH is to hate evil. I have hated pride and arrogance, and the evil way, and the perverse mouth.”

Proverbs 16:5

Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to YHWH.”

Then in an interview on October 24th he does the same arrogant behavior saying “the greatest artist that god has ever created is working with him.”  There is nothing meek or humble about these words or the $3 billion dollars in sales for his line and that “god is showing off!” He also recently went on stage after Marilyn Manson who burns the bible on stage and he didn’t say anything and went to perform.

YESHUA says in Mathew 5:5

Blessed are the meek, because they shall inherit the earth.”

The Roman Catholic Church takes credit for the change

The Roman Catholic Church admitted they changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday[DP1] . This information if found anywhere being that they are not trying to hide it, but boast in it. Amredeemed.com says “Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the Catholic Church alone. The Catholic Church says, by my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week. And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic Church” (Thomas Enright, CSSR, President, Redemptorist College [Roman Catholic], Kansas City, MO Feb 18, 1884.

Cardinal Gibbons, in Faith of Our Fathers, 92nd ed. P. 89, freely admits, “You may read the bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we [the Catholic Church] never sanctify.”

“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [Saturday/Sabbath to Sunday] was her act…And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things” (H.F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons.).

“Sunday is our mark of authority…the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.” (Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923.)

 As always may YHWH bless you in the Name of YESHUA! And please share this with anyone who needs to hear this important message, as YouTube cut the entire video short.