Correction regarding food preparation on “Important questions for Shabbat” message!

About a year ago, I did a message titled “Important questions for the Shabbat” and everything contained within the message is true, but I want to apologize for one thing! I mentioned that we could turn the crockpot on before the start of the Shabbat and just leave it on to keep the food warm; though I have never used the microwave or stove I did implement the crockpot occasionally before the start of the Shabbat. However, with a new revelation from the Aramaic Peshitta the ancient scriptures, this is something that I will no longer do, and I want to share this with you all so that you can make a decision and take it to YAHWEH in prayer.

Exodus 16:23 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Moses said to them, this is what YAHWEH has said, tomorrow is a day of kodesh (set-apart) rest, a Shabbat to YAHWEH; BAKE that which you will BAKE today, and COOK  what you will COOK and that which is left over, keep it COLD for yourselves until the morning…”

I never want to remain complacent in this walk and I’m constantly seeking for the truth and reading the ancient text to get a better understanding of what YAHWEH wants us to do, and in return I can share it with you all.  I have repented and again, I apologize to you all and may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!