Shepherd of Hermas command #5: ANGER and BITTERNESS

“Be PATIENT,” said he, “and of good understanding, and you will rule over every wicked work, and you will work all righteousness. For if you be patient, the RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit) that dwells in you will be pure. He will not be darkened by any evil spirit, but, dwelling in a broad region, He will rejoice and be glad; and with the vessel in which he dwells he will serve ELOHIM in gladness

And what does the RUACH HA’KODESH want to do to serve YAHWEH with gladness while dwelling in us?

John 16:13-15 (Hebrew)

But when that RUACH (Spirit) of truth will come, He will teach you all truth. For He will not speak of His own heart, only the words which He hears He will speak, and make known to you those words. He will esteem Me-from My Father He will take, and will make known to you all the things which are My Father’s-which are Mine-and He will make them known to you.”

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “having great peace within himself. But if any outburst of anger take place, forthwith the RUACH HA’KODESH, who is tender, is straitened, not having a pure place, and He seeks to depart. For He is choked by the vile spirit, and cannot attend on YAHWEH as He wishes, for ANGER POLLUTES Him. For YAHWEH dwells in long-suffering, but the DEVIL IS ANGER. The two spirits, then, when dwelling in the same habitation, are at discord with each other, and are troublesome to that man in whom they dwell.

Galatians 5:16-26 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

What I am saying is this: run your lives by the Spirit. Then you will not do what your old nature wants. For the old nature wants what is CONTRARY to the Spirit, and the Spirit wants what is CONTRARY to the old nature. These OPPOSE each other, so that you find yourselves unable to carry out your good intentions. But if you are led by the Spirit, then you are not in subjection to the system that results from perverting the Torah into legalism (Oral Torah of Pharisees). And it is perfectly evident what the old nature does. It expresses itself in sexual immorality, impurity, indecency, involvement with the occult and with drugs; in feuding, fighting, becoming jealous and GETTING ANGRY; in selfish ambition, factionalism, intrigue AND ENVY; in drunkenness, orgies and things like these. I warn you now as I have warned you before: those who do such things will have no share in the Kingdom of ELOHIM!” But the fruit of the Spirit is love, peace, PATIENCE, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self-control. Nothing in the Torah stands against such things (because you are already walking out the requirements of the Torah in love.) Moreover, those who belong to Messiah YESHUA have put their old nature to death on the stake, along with its passions and desires. Since it is through the Spirit that we have Life, let it also be through the Spirit that we order our lives day by day. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.”

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “For if an exceedingly small piece of wormwood be taken and put into a jar of honey, is not the honey entirely destroyed, and does not the exceedingly small piece of wormwood entirely take away the sweetness of the honey, so that it no longer affords any gratification to its owner, but has become bitter, and lost its use? But if the wormwood (Revelation 8:11 bitterness) be not put into the honey, then the honey remains sweet, and is of use to its owner. You see, then, that patience is sweeter than honey and useful to ELOHIM, and YAHWEH dwells in it.”

Jubilees 19:8-9

This is the TENTH TRIAL by which Abraham was tried, and he was found FAITHFUL AND PATIENT in spirit. And he did not say a single word regarding the rumor in the land: that YAHWEH had said that He would give it to him and to his seed after him, and he begged a place there to bury his dead; for he was found faithful, and was recorded on the heavenly tablets as the friend of YAHWEH.”

Testament of Joseph 2:6-7

In TEN TRIALS He showed me approved, and I endured them all. For endurance is a great medicine, and PATIENCE gives many good things.”

Proverbs 14:29 (Aramaic Peshitta)

He who is SLOW TO ANGER is of great understanding; but he who is hasty of temper is exceedingly foolish.”

Proverbs 16:32 (Aramaic Peshitta)

He who is SLOW TO ANGER is better than the mighty; and he who conquers himself than he who takes a city.”

Psalm 37:8 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Cease from ANGER, AND FORSAKE WRATH; fret not yourself in any wise to do evil.”

Colossians 3:12 (CJB)

Therefore, as ELOHIM’s chosen people, kodesh (set-apart) and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with feelings of compassion and with kindness, humility, gentleness and PATIENCE.”

Isaiah 30:18 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Therefore YAHWEH will begin to be gracious to you, and therefore He will be exalted that He may have mercy upon you; for YAHWEH is a ELOHIM of judgment; blessed are all those who WAIT FOR HIM.”

Sirach 1:23

A PATIENT man will cry for a time and afterward joy shall spring up to him.”

Sirach 2:3-4, 14

Cleave to Him and do not depart, that you may be increased at your last end. Whatever is brought on you take cheerfully and be PATIENT when you are hanged to a low estate.” Verse 14 “Woe to you that have lost PATIENCE! And what will you do when YAHWEH visits you?”

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “But ANGER IS BITTER and useless. Now, if anger be mingled with patience, the patience is polluted, and its prayer is not then useful to ELOHIM.”

Anger is useless which is why the malach of repentance use the wormwood reference in the honey, because patience is sweeter than honey but wormwood like anger is bitter, so don’t defile the honey.

Psalms 37:8

Cease from ANGER, and forsake wrath; fret not yourself in any wise to do evil.”

Proverbs 14:29

He who is slow to anger is of great understanding; but he who is HASTY OF TEMPER IS EXCEEDINGLY FOOLISH.”

Proverbs 15:18

A WRATHFUL man stirs up contention; but he who is slow to anger appeases strife.”

Proverbs 22:24-25

Make no friendship with a WRATHFUL MAN; and with a man given to ANGER you shall not go, lest you learn his ways and find a stumbling block to your soul.”

Proverbs 29:22

And ANGRY man stirs up strife, and a FURIOUS man abounds in transgression.”

Ecclesiastes 7:9

Be not HASTILY ANGRY, for ANGER rests in the bosom of the fools.”

Sirach 1:21-22

The fear of YAHWEH drives away sins: and where it is present it turns away ANGER. And FURIOUS man CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED; for the sway of his fury shall be his destruction.”

Sirach 27:30

HATRED AND ANGER even these are abominations; and the sinful man shall have them both.”

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “I should like, sir,” said I, “to know the power of anger, that I may guard myself against it.” And he said, “If you do not guard yourself against it, you and your house lose all hope of salvation. Guard yourself, therefore, against it. For I am with you, and all will depart from it who repent with their whole heart. For I will be with them, and I will save them all. For all are justified by the most holy malach (angel).”


“Hear now,” said he, “how wicked is the action of anger, and in what way it overthrows the servants of ELOHIM by its action, and turns them from righteousness. But it does not turn away those who are full of faith, nor does it act on them, for the power of YAHWEH is with them. It is the thoughtless and doubting that it turns away. For as soon as it sees such men standing steadfast (loyal and committed), it throws itself into their hearts, and for NOTHING AT ALL the man or woman becomes embittered on account of occurrences in their daily life, as for instance on account of their food, or some superfluous word (going beyond what is needed, excessive) that has been uttered, or on account of some friend, or some gift or debt:

Luke 6:34

“And if you lend to whom you expect to be REPAID from, where is your blessing? Even sinners lend to sinners that they might likewise be repaid.” Makes sense because if you loan to someone without expecting it back it won’t bother you; and therefore will not cause bitterness to creep into your heart.

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “Or some such senseless affair. For all these things are foolish and empty and unprofitable to the servants of ELOHIM. But patience is great, and mighty, and strong, and calm in the midst of great enlargement, joyful, rejoicing, FREE FROM CARE, esteeming ELOHIM at all times:

Psalm 34:1-3

I will bless YAHWEH at ALL TIMES; His praises shall CONTINUALLY BE IN MY MOUTH. My soul shall make its boast in YAHWEH; let the humble hear and be glad. O magnify YAHWEH with me, and let us EXALT His Name together.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18

And in EVERYTHING BE THANKFUL: For this is the will of ELOHIM in YESHUA the Messiah concerning you.”

Paul says be thankful in everything, not sometimes! We are to praise YAHWEH when things are going good and when things seem to be falling apart, we should always bless His Name and be patient.

Psalms 69:30

I will PRAISE the Name of ELOHIM with a song, and will MANGIFY Him with thanksgiving.”

Psalm 95:1-7

Come, let us sing to YAHWEH; let us make a joyful noise to the ELOHIM of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise to Him with psalms. For YAHWEH is a great ELOHIM and a great King above all elohim. In His hands are the foundations of the earth; the strength of the hills is His also. The sea is His, and He made it; and His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before YAHWEH our Maker. For He is our ELOHIM; and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today if you will hear His voice.”

Psalms 145:2

Every day will I bless You; and I will praise Your Name forever and ever.”

Psalm 150:1-6

Praise YAHWEH. Praise ELOHIM in His sanctuary; praise Him in the firmament of His power. Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His excellent greatness. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; praise Him with psaltery and harp. Praise Him with timbrel and pipe; praise Him with sweet stringed instruments. Praise Him upon loud cymbals; praise Him with a mighty song. Let EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE YAHWEH. Praise YAHWEH!”

 Shepherd of Hermas continued:” having no bitterness in her, and abiding continually meek and quiet. Now this patience dwells with those who have complete faith.”

Mathew 5:5

Blessed are they who are meek because they shall inherit the earth.”

Psalm 37:11

But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”

Habakkuk 2:4

For His soul does not delight in iniquity, but the righteous man shall live by faith.”

Luke 18:8

I say to you that He will do their vengeance quickly. Nevertheless, the Son of Man will indeed come, and will He find faith on the earth?”

Hebrews 11:6

But, without faith, a man CANNOT please ELOHIM. For he that draws near to ELOHIM must believe His existence and that He will recompense those who seek Him.”

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “But anger is foolish, and fickle, and senseless. Now, of folly (lack of good sense) is begotten bitterness, and of bitterness anger, and of anger frenzy. This frenzy, the product of so many evils, ends in great and incurable sin.”

Once you let bitterness set in your heart it turns to anger and then it begins to spin out of control and as the malach of repentance said it ends in great “And incurable sin”.

Shepherd of Hermas continued “For when all these spirits dwell in one vessel in which the RUACH HA’KODESH also dwells, the vessel cannot contain them, but overflows. The tender Spirit, then, not being accustomed to dwell with the wicked spirit, nor with hardness, withdraws from such a man, and seeks to dwell with meekness and peacefulness.”

Ephesians 4:30-32

And do not grieve the RUACH HA’KODESH of ELOHIM whereby you are sealed for the day of redemption. Let all BITTERNESS and ANGER and WRATH and clamoring and reviling be taken from you along with all malice: and be affectionate towards one another and sympathetic; and forgive one another as ELOHIM by the Messiah has forgiven us.”

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “Then, when he withdraws from the man in whom He dwelt, the man is emptied of the righteous Spirit; and being henceforward filled with evil spirits, he is in a state of anarchy in every action, being dragged hither and thither by the evil spirits, and there is a complete darkness in his mind as to everything good.”

We saw this happen to Saul when the RUACH HA’KODESH departed from him and an evil spirit troubled him.

1 Samuel 16:14

But the Spirit of YAHWEH departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from before YAHWEH troubled him.”

Shepherd of Hermas continued: “This, then, is what happens to all the angry. Wherefore do you depart from that most wicked spirit anger, and put on patience, and resist anger and bitterness, and you will be found in company with the purity which is loved by YAHWEH. Take care, then, that you neglect not by any chance this commandment: for if you obey this commandment, you will be able to keep all the other commandments which I am to give you. Be strong, then, in these commandments, and put on power, and let all put on power, as many as wish to walk in them.”

The malach of repentance says that if you can stay away from anger, bitterness, and wrath then you will be able to keep all the other commandments. Let this be a reminder to us all to walk in humility, love, and patience and live to ELOHIM!

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!