Christianity and HELL’s FIRE WARNING!

This is a follow up to the last message titled “A message to all Christians”. This is a warning to all Christianity and the false doctrines they are believing in, please take the time to read this entire message to discover the truth. Get things in order now because Judgement Day is going to bring torments to many.

1 John 3:4

Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness (transgression of Torah), and sin is lawlessness.”

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is DEATH (Eternal torment), but the favorable gift of ELOHIM is everlasting life in Messiah YESHUA our Master.”

Enoch 100:7-9

Woe to you, Sinners (Transgression of Torah), on the day of strong anguish; you who afflict the righteous and burn them with fire. You shall be repaid according to your works. Woe to you, you obstinate of heart, who watch in order to devise wickedness. Therefore fear shall come upon you, and there shall be none to help you. Woe to you, you sinners, on account of the words of your mouth, and account of the deeds of your hands which your wickedness has worked. You shall BURN IN BLAZING FLAMES BURNING WORSE THAN FIRE.”

I just want everyone to visualize what Enoch just said. None of us an deal with any type of fire on this earth, we quickly turn away from the heat of the flames because none of us can endure it, so how much more is flames burning worse than fire at the judgment? Shouldn’t you be doing everything to avoid this?

Mathew 7:23

And then I shall declare to them, I never KNEW you, depart from me, you WORK LAWLESSNESS.”

How do we KNOW HIM?

1 John 2:3-4

And by this we will be sensible that we KNOW HIM, if we keep His commandments. For he that says I KNOW HIM, and does not keep His Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him.”

Mathew 13:41-42

The Son of Man will send His Messengers out, and they will pluck from His Kingdom ALL STUMBLING BLOCKS and all workers of LAWLESSNESS. And they will cast them into the FURNANCE OF FIRE (Eternal torment), and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

It is time for Christianity to worship our Father YAHWEH in Spirit and truth; and to turn from the satanic lawless doctrines.

John 4:23

But the hour is coming, and now is when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, indeed for the Father, He seeks worshippers as these. For ELOHIM is Spirit, and those who worship, they must worship Him in SPIRIT and TRUTH.”

What is the Spirit?

John 16:13

But when the Spirit of TRUTH comes, He will guide you into truth. For He will not speak from Himself but He will speak everything that He hears. And future things He will make known to you.”

The RUACH HA’KODESH The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth and what is truth?

Psalm 119:142

Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and your TORAH IS THE TRUTH.”

YESHUA is saying that the RUACH HA’KODESH will lead you into the truth of the Torah and away the false traditions of men, many people quote this verse without understanding the context of YESHUA’s words.

In the last message titled “Message to ALL Christians” I explained how the Torah is not done away with, it has not been nailed to the cross, and that most believers today are walking in a false religion and speaking evil against the commands of our Father YAHWEH! It grieves me because I know that all people including Christians and Muslims are all supposed to be grafted as citizens of Yisra’el along with the native-born Israelites, but they just do not know their identity and most refuse to know the truth. So, I pray for them all daily and I encourage everyone to pray that the spiritual blindness will be taken off of their eyes before it is too late. It is an identity crisis and they all have been taught lies to keep them from the truth. It is my job to warn everyone before it is too late because hell’s fire is no place that anyone will want to end up. Today is your chance to REPENT and get right with our Father YAHWEH

 I’ll be going over YESHUA being the Torah/Light/Lamp and what it really means when He said He is The Way, The Truth and The Life, the Scriptural definition of Light, and quoting plenty of scriptures that shows what happens to all those who REJECT the Torah, The Shabbat and Laws of YAHWEH! Why am I focusing on the commandments? Because most people already believe in YESHUA and His atonement for sin on the execution, but most refuse to pick up their execution stakes and die to self and die to sin and walk in obedience to the commandments that are eternal. The place they will end up is eternal torment forever, so this is a warning to all those who say, “the law is done away with!” Please, listen to this entire message because this is a serious warning with GREAT DETAILS!

Before I get into the message, I have to explain some background information as why I quote from books that a lot of Christians are not familiar with. As many who are familiar with this channel know that I use the 66 Books canon and also the Apocrypha and Dead Sea Scrolls (Enoch, Jubilees, etc.). So that you aren’t confused with why I’m using these Books we have to look at history. The Apocrypha (14 Books removed) was included in the original 1611 King James Bible, so if you are reading the King James Bible today you have to ask yourself why you aren’t reading these books today? This included 2 Esdras and Baruch that I will be quoting from in this message. These books that were included in the 1611 King James Bible were removed in the 1800’s by a man named Martin Luther because he believed that these books were too Jewish, and that believers are saved by grace alone which is another lie within itself. How can these books be too Jewish? When YESHUA was a Jew? And the whole Bible has Hebrew roots! Do you see the deception? The very words HalleuYAH and Ahmein are Hebrew words yet these words were not removed or hidden. Secondly, the Book of Enoch and Jubilees were discovered in Cave #2 during the Qumran discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls right along with the Old Testament, which shows that all of these books are inspired and written over 2,000 years ago. Do not let anyone deceive you by telling you not to read these books, because they know if you do that you will see further evidence against false doctrine of Christianity and will see what the early church really looked like. Christianity would not even be recognized by our ancestors, to them Christianity would be pagan worship which is true.

Also, Baruch was a scribe to Jeremiah and not a fictitious character which we read in the book of Jeremiah:

Jeremiah 36:4

So Jeremiah called Baruch son of Neriah, and while Jeremiah dictated all the words YAHWEH had spoken to him, Baruch wrote them on the scroll.”  

2 Baruch 9:1

And I, Baruch, came, and Jeremiah, whose heart was found pure of sins, who had not been captured during the seizing of the city. We tore our garments, and wept, and mourned, and fasted seven days.”

And both Ezra and Baruch were taken just like Enoch and Elijah, which should give us enough reason to hear what these righteous men had to say.

Genesis 5:24

And Enoch was well-pleasing to ELOHIM and was not found because ELOHIM took him.”

2 Esdras 14:49-50

In the seventh year of the sixth week, five thousand years and three months and twenty-two days after creation. At that time, Ezra was caught up, and taken to the place of those who are like him, after he had written all these things. And he was called the scribe of the knowledge of the Most High forever.”

2 Baruch 76:2

Because you (Baruch) will surely leave this world, nevertheless NOT UNTO DEATH but unto the preservation of the times…” Baruch 77:12 “Nevertheless, do this for us, your people: write also to our brothers in Babylon a letter of instruction and a book of hope, so that you strengthen them, too, before you no longer walk among us.”


John 5:47

And, if you don’t believe the writings of Moses, how will you believe My words?”

YESHUA is saying that if you don’t believe in the written Torah, then how will you ever believe His words the LIVING TORAH? The truth is that you cannot believe His words because YESHUA always referred back to the Torah and the prophets in the old Testament and at no time did He even say anything remotely close to saying the Torah was nailed to the cross. YESHUA simply rebuked the religious leaders of His day the Pharisees for their Oral Torah which contained the tradition of the elders that they placed above the written Torah of YAHWEH!

Mathew 15:8-9

This people honor me with their lips (Just as Christians do), but their heart is VERY FAR FROM ME. And they revere me in vain, while they TEACH THE DOCTRINES OF THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE SONS OF MEN (Just as Christianity does).”

That is the entire context of what YESHUA did to uphold the truth of the Torah and not the man-made lies that added burdens upon men and how they held it above YAHWEH’s written word. So, when YESHUA said He is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE, He wasn’t just saying random idle words, but rather saying He is the Torah and came to bring the true essence of the Torah the way YAHWEH intended for it to be kept. The scriptures below prove this:


Psalm 119:1

Blessed are the blameless IN THE WAY who walk in the TORAH of YAHWEH.”

Jasher 26:36

And he (Abraham) brought all the children of the earth to the service of ELOHIM, and he taught them THE WAYS OF YAHWEH (Psalms 119:1) and caused them to KNOW HIM.”

Psalms 103:6-7

YAHWEH is doing righteousness and right-ruling for all the oppressed. He made known His WAYS to Moses.”

What was given on Mount Sinai to Moses? The commandments written in stone which are the WAYS of YAHWEH and how He expects the citizens of His Kingdom to behave.

2 Esdras 7:22-24

Nevertheless, they were NOT OBEDIENT, and spoke against Him; they devised for themselves vain thoughts, and proposed to themselves wicked frauds; they even declared that the Most High does not exist (atheists), and they IGNORED His WAYS (The commandments which we just defined above As Christianity does today!) They scorned His Law, and denied His covenants; they have been unfaithful to His statues, and have not performed His works.”


Psalm 119:142

Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and your TORAH IS THE TRUTH.”

2 Baruch 44:14

“They (the righteous) are the ones who have acquired for themselves reservoirs of wisdom and with whom measures of understanding are found. From mercy they have not withdrawn, and they have KEPT the  TRUTH OF THE TORAH.”


2 Baruch 38:2

Your TORAH IS LIFE, and your wisdom is uprightness.”

Proverbs 13:14

The TORAH of the wise is a fountain of LIFE.”

Sadly, Christians are doing the opposite that Enoch writes concerning the fountain of life:

Enoch 96:6

Woe to you who drink water from every fountain, for suddenly you shall be consumed and wither away, because you have FORSAKEN THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE.”

Christians and most religions of the world today are drinking from every fountain of false doctrine, traditions of men, and paganism and have rejected the fountain of life which Proverbs 13:14 defines as the Torah. As we see those who forsake the Torah will be consumed and wither away.

Deuteronomy 32:46-47

And he said to them, take heed with your heart to all these words which I testify to you this day, which you shall command your sons to observe and DO ALL THE WORDS OF THIS TORAH. For this no vain word to you; for it is your LIFE and because of this word you shall live long on the land into which you go over the Jordan to inherit it.”

Baruch 4:1-2

This is the book of the commandments of ELOHIM and the Torah that endures FOREVER: all those that KEEP IT SHALL COME TO LIFE; but those who leave it (saying the law is done away with) shall DIE. Turn of Jacob and take hold of it: walk in the presence of its light, you may be illuminated.”

Proverbs 6:23

For the commandment of the TORAH is a lamp and a light; a WAY OF LIFE…”

As we can see, when YESHUA said that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, He was saying that He is the Written Word that became Living Flesh, He is the Living Torah and since He is the Living Torah, then how is the Torah done away with? Those who follow YESHUA in faith and keep the commandments shall live and those who do not will be thrown into the fire.


Proverbs 6:23

For the commandment of the Torah is a LAMP AND A LIGHT; a Way of Life…”

2 Baruch 59:2

For at that time, the LAMP OF THE ETERNAL TORAH, enlightened all those who sat in the darkness. It will make the promise of their reward known to those who believe, and the torment of fire to those who deny that is preserved for them.”

Psalms 119:105

Your TORAH IS A LAMP to my feet and LIGHT to my paths.”

John 3:19

Now this is the judgement: Because the LIGHT (TORAH) has come into the world, and men loved the darkness (NO TORAH) more than the LIGHT (TORAH), for their works are evil.”

Baruch 4:1-2

This is the book of the commandments of ELOHIM and the Torah that endures FOREVER: all those that keep it shall come to life; but those who leave it shall DIE. Turn of Jacob and take hold of it: walk in the presence of its LIGHT, you may be illuminated.”

Now you can get a better understanding of what YESHUA was saying in John 8 with all the scriptural references to light being the Torah mentioned above, you won’t stumble because the Torah is a light that lights the path and a lamp unto your feet as we just read. YESHUA is The Way!

John 8:1

Now YESHUA spoke with them again and said, “I am the LIGHT of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness (lawlessness) but he will find the LIGHT OF LIFE for himself.”

The Light is the Torah which is YESHUA and the darkness is the lawless deeds of those who do not want to keep the commandments and their wicked deeds are exposed. And they refuse to come to the Light which is the Torah because they bask in the sinful nature of the flesh to do whatever feels good to them by justifying in their hearts that “the law is done away with.”

One of the biggest commandments that Christians are scared to do is to keep the 7th Day Shabbat which is on Saturday in favor of the 1st day of the week Sunday! You can ask them if they believe in the 10 commandments and they will say “YES! Those are the moral laws” Then when you immediately ask them, well what about the fourth commandment? which says “Remember the Shabbat Day to keep it holy” then that is when all the false justifications are poured out in abundance, so suddenly the 10 Commandments they just agreed exist today have suddenly become the 9 commandments.

What happens to those who break the Shabbat?

Jubilees 2:26-27

Why do you command the children of Yisra’el to guard this day (Shabbat), that they may keep it holy and not do any work on it, and not defile it? IT IS MORE HOLY THAN ALL THE OTHER DAYS. And whoever profanes it shall surely die, and whoever does any work on it shall SURELY DIE ETERNALLY…”

2 Maccabees 15:1-2

But Nicanor, hearing that Judah and his company were in the fortresses near Samaria, resolved without any danger to attack on them on the Shabbat. Nevertheless the Jews that were compelled to with him said, Do not destroy so cruelly and barbarously, but give honor to THAT DAY (THE SHABBAT) which He that sees all things (YAHWEH), HAS HONORED WITH SANCTITY ABOVE ALL OTHER DAYS.”

Firstly, we have two witnesses outside of YAHWEH Himself telling us in the 10 commandments that the Shabbat is more holy than all of the other 6 days of the week, so that destroys the Christian theology that all the days are the same, and secondly, anyone who profanes the Shabbat will die eternally which means hell’s fire!

Mathew 7:23

And then I shall declare to them, I never KNEW you, depart from me, you WORK LAWLESSNESS.”

Luke 11:28

He (YESHUA) said to her, “Blessed are they who hear the Word of ELOHIM and KEEP IT.”

2 Esdras 7:45

I (Ezra) answered and said, “O YAHWEH, I said then and I say now: Blessed are those who are alive and keep Your commandments!”

Romans 2:12

For those without Torah, who sin, will also perish without Torah…”

Those who keep the commandments and sin will at least be judged, but those who outright reject the Torah do not even have a chance, they will perish without the Torah they rejected.


2 Peter 2:7-9 (Aramaic English New Testament)

And also delivered righteous Lot who was tormented with the filthy conduct of the TORAHLESS; for that upright man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing from day to day, was distressed in his righteous soul by their TORAHLESS deeds; Master YAHWEH knows how to rescue from afflictions those who fear him, and He will reserve the wicked (TORAHLESS) for the day of judgment to be TORMENTED.”

2 Esdras 9:11

And as many as SCORNED (to reject something in a contemptuous way or refused to do something because one is too proud) MY LAW while they still had freedom, and did not understand but DESPISED IT while an opportunity of repentance was still open to them, these must in TORMENT ACKNOWLEDGE ME AFTER DEATH.”

Christianity has rejected the Torah as they scorned and despised it, even though YAHWEH gave them more days of life on the earth to repent while they had freedom in this life to do so, yet they refused to repent and obey His commands, and YAHWEH says they will acknowledge Him and His Torah in eternal flames whether they want to or not after death, so you might as well follow Him now.

2 Esdras 8:56-59

For they also received freedom, but they despised the Most High, and were contemptuous of HIS LAW, AND FORSOOK HIS WAYS (Psalm 119:1).” Moreover, they have trampled upon His righteous ones (persecuting those who follow Torah), and said in their hearts there is no ELOHIM- though knowing full well that they MUST DIE.” For just as the things which have been predicted await you (eternal life for Ezra), so the THIRST AND TORMENT which are prepared away them (The lawless Christians and atheist). For the Most High did not intend that men should be destroyed.”

Wisdom 1:23-24

“For ELOHIM created man to be immortal and made him to be an image of His own eternity. Nevertheless, through the envy of Satan, death came into the world: and those that TAKE HIS SIDE FIND IT.” (It’s obvious that Lawless Christianity has taken the side of Satan).

. YAHWEH did not create life for man to be destroyed, but rather man makes his own decisions whether to choose life or choose death, to choose a blessing or a curse, sadly many choose to live the life of lies and deceit that Satan has gotten them to believe.

2 Baruch 15:5-6

It is right that man would not understand my judgement, had he not received the TORAH and I had not instructed him in understanding. Now, however, since he TRANSGRESSED KNOWINGLY, therefore he will also be TORMENTED KNOWINGLY.”

2 Baruch 48:46

For formerly you commanded the dust that it should give forth Adam, and you know the number of those who were born of him and how they have sinned (transgression of Torah 1 John 3:4) before You, those who existed, and they have not confessed You as their Creator (atheists).

2 Esdras 7:21-24 (Parenthesis mine)

For ELOHIM strictly commanded those who came into the world (All People), when they came, what they should do to live and what they should observe to avoid punishment (Belief in YESHUA and keeping commandments of Torah). Nevertheless they were NOT OBEDIENT, and spoke against Him; they devised for themselves vain thoughts, and proposed to themselves wicked frauds; they even declared that the Most High does not exist (atheists), and they ignored His ways! They scorned His Law, and denied His covenants; they have been unfaithful to His statues, and have not performed His works”.

Enoch 99:1-3

Woe to you who work wickedness, and glory in lying and extol them; you shall perish, and shall not have a happy life. Woe to them who pervert the words of uprightness, and transgress the ETERNAL LAW, and transform themselves into what they were not; into sinners. They shall be trodden under foot upon the earth.”

2 Baruch 51:4-6

For those who will then come will groan even more over this, over the fact that they REJECTED MY TORAH and have stopped their ears so that they would not hear wisdom or receive understanding.” Therefore, when they will see that those, over whom they are now exalted, will then be exalted and esteemed more than they, and that they have all been transformed, these into the splendor of the angels and those into startling apparitions, then at the sight of these shapes they will waste away even more. For first they will see (the esteem of the righteous) and afterward they will go to be TORMENTED.”

2 Baruch 54:14

Justly do they perish, those who have not LOVED YOUR TORAH, and the TORMENT of judgement receives those who have not subjected themselves to Your power.”

2 Baruch 59:2

For at that time, the lamp of the eternal Torah enlightened all those who sat in darkness. It will make the promise of their reward known to those who believe, and the TORMENT OF FIRE to those who deny that is preserved for them.”

2 Baruch 52:1-3

And I (Baruch) answered and said: “How can they forget? Those for whom the woe is preserved for then? And why, then, do we mourn further over those who die, or why do weep over those who go to Sheol? Let the lamentations be preserved for the beginning of that future TORMENT, and let the tears be laid in place for the coming of that destruction that will then be.”.

2 Baruch 30:4-5

But the souls of the wicked, while seeing all of these, will then waste away all the more, for they know that their TORMENT has arrived and their ruin has come.”

2 Esdras 7:78-87

“And concerning death, the teaching is: when the decisive decree goes forth from the Most High, that one shall die, as the soul leaves the body to return to Him again who gave it, first of all it adorns the esteem of the Most High. If it is one of those who has shown scorn and NOT GUARDED THE WAY OF THE MOST HIGH, WHO HAS DESPISED HIS LAW and hated those who fear ELOHIM; such souls do not enter into dwellings (the hollow places or holding tanks spoken of in Enoch) but shall wander in torments, forever in grief and sorrow in seven ways.

1.      The first way, because they have scorned the Law of the Most High.

2.      The second way, because they CANNOT now repent and do good that they now may live.

3.      The third way, they shall see the reward laid up for those who have trusted the Covenants of the Most High.

4.      The fourth way, they shall consider THE TORTURE LAID UP FOR THEMSELVES IN THE LAST DAYS.

5.      The fifth way, they shall see how the dwellings of the other souls guarded by messengers (angels) in profound quiet.

6.      The sixth way, that they shall SEE THE TORMENTS COMING UPON THEM FROM NOW ON.”

7.      The seventh way, which is greater than all the ways that have been spoken, because they shall utterly waste away in confusion and be consumed with shame, and shall wither with fear at seeing the esteem of the Most High in whose presence they sinned while they were alive, AND IN WHOSE PRESENCE THEY ARE TO BE JUDGED IN THE LAST DAYS.”

I pray that this is an eye opener to understand what is coming during judgement day. You will either be with our ELOHIM for eternity or in darkness burning in flames for eternity. It’s time to repent world! Come out of religion, come out of false teachings and traditions and stop playing church as if it is a hobby.

Please share this with all who need to hear this, and as always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!