Are you an ungrateful complainer?

Our Father YAHWEH is so good to us even when people think that He is not and yes this includes the atheists. The blessings are right in your face, but sadly many people take it for granted and take things that YAHWEH has given as if it were owed to them. We are underserving of what He has done for us, yet He loves us more than we can comprehend that He sent His only begotten Son YESHUA to die for us. We will discuss how YAHWEH feels about complaining and the ungrateful, what happens to the ungrateful, and make sure to always give thanks.

YAHWEH has given you the breath to wake up to go to work to make money to pay the bills, He has given you the ability to walk and raise your arms without you even having to think about it, but all of these get taken for granted. But sadly, with all of this many will grumble and complain against YAHWEH and speak evil of His goodness and love. People complain when it rains and say “Oh, how I wish the sun was out, I hate the rain!” Without rain you would not have water to drink and would die of dehydration? You need water to make that ice tea or coffee that the world loves to drink. Then when the sun comes out they say “Oh man it’s too hot outside!” The complaining never ends. If it was up to man we would have all four seasons at the same time and there would still be grumbling. Did you not know that complaining against what He has ordained and made good is an evil thing to do? How does YAHWEH feel about complaining and being ungrateful?

Exodus 15:23-25

And they came to Marah, and they were unable to drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. So the name of it was called Marah. And the people GRUMBLED (Which means to complain about something in a bad-tempered way) against Moses, saying, What are we to drink? Then he cried out to YAHWEH, and YAHWEH showed him a tree. And when he threw it into the waters, the waters were made sweet.”

Despite the complaining in a bad-tempered way, YAHWEH provided water for them by making the bitter waters sweet. So that should have been enough to show the children of Yisra’el to stop complaining and realize that YAHWEH provides and to be grateful of Him sustaining them right? No! They continued in the next chapter as many do today. Whenever a new problem arises they complain and forget what YAHWEH has literally just done for them.

Exodus 16:2

And ALL the congregation of the children of Yisra’el GRUMBLED (to complain about something in a bad-tempered way) against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. And the children of Yisra’el said to them, “If only we had died by the hand of YAHWEH in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to satisfaction! For you have brought us out into this wilderness to put all this assembly to death with hunger.” And YAHWEH said to Moses, “See, I am raining bread from the heavens for you. And the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, in order to try them, whether they walk  in My Torah or not.”

So we YAHWEH provide in Exodus 15 and Exodus 16 despite them being ungrateful, but immediately following those occurrences we see the exact same pattern in chapter 17.

Exodus 17:1-7

And ALL the congregation of the children of Yisra’el departed on their journey from the Wilderness of Sin, according to the command of YAHWEH, and camped in Rephidim. And there was no water for the people to drink. Therefore the people strove (struggle or fight vigorously) with Moses, and said, “Give us water to drink.” And Moses said to them, “Why do you TRY YAHWEH?” And the people thirsted there for water and the people GRUMBLED (to complain about something in a bad-tempered way) against Moses, and said, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst? Then Moses cried out to YAHWEH, saying, “What am I to do with this people? Yet a little and they shall stone me!” And YAHWEH said to Moses, “Pass over before the people, and take with you some of the elders of Yisra’el. And take in your hand your rod with which you struck the river, and go. “See, I am standing before you there on the rock in Horeb. And you shall smite the rock, and water shall come out of it, and the people shall drink.” And Moses did so before the eyes of the elders of Yisra’el. And he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, because of the ‘strife’ of the children of Yisra’el, saying, “Is YAHWEH in our midst or not?”

Many TRY YAHWEH and put Him on trial as if that were possible to provide for them when He is already doing it, and has done it several times, but all He keeps hearing is complaints in every situation that comes up instead of trusting Him.

Numbers 11:1-4

And it came to be, when the people were as COMPLAINERS, it was EVIL in the ears of YAHWEH. And YAHWEH heard it, and His DISPLEASURE BURNED. And the fire of YAHWEH burned among them, and consumed those in the outskirts of the camp. And the people cried out to Moses, and Moses prayed to YAHWEH, and the fire died down. Then he called the name of the place Tab’erah, because the fire of YAHWEH had burned among them. And the mixed multitude who were in their midst lusted greatly, so the children of Yisra’el also WEPT AGAIN and said. “Who is giving us meat to eat?”

Numbers 21:4-7

And they departed from Mount Hor by the way of the Sea of Reeds, to go around the land of Edom. But the being of the people grew impatient because of the way. And the people spoke against ELOHIM and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, AND OUR BEING LOATHES THIS LIGHT BREAD. (They loathed and complained about manna the bread of the angels they YAHWEH provided) And YAHWEH sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people. And many of the people of Yisra’el died. Then the people came to Moses, and said, “We have SINNED, for we have spoken against YAHWEH and against you. Pray to YAHWEH to take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed on behalf of the people.”

We see that YAHWEH hates it when people complain, especially because He is so good to us. The point is that people forget the goodness of YAHWEH and what He has done and then turn right around and grumble and complain, or the atheists of the world feel like YAHWEH’s provision was owed to them and blaspheme and curse Him by saying He doesn’t exist.

2 Esdras 7:22-23

Nevertheless they were not obedient to Him; but SPOKE AGAINST HIM, and plotted in vain; and deceived themselves by their wicked deeds; and said of the Most High, that He did not exist; and did not know His ways.”

Numbers 14:27

How long shall this evil congregation have this GRUMBLING against Me? I have heard the grumblings which the children of Yisra’el are GRUMBLING against Me.”

Enoch 1:9

And see! He comes with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment upon all, and to destroy all the wicked, and to convict all flesh of all the works of their wickedness which they have committed, and of ALL THE HARSH MATTERS WHICH WICKED SINNERS HAVE SPOKEN AGAINST HIM.”

Jude 1:14-16

And Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied of these, saying, “See, YAHWEH comes with His myriads of saints, to execute judgment on all, to punish all who are wicked among them concerning all their wicked works which they have committed in a wicked way, and concerning all the harshness which wicked sinners have SPOKEN AGAINST HIM.” These are GRUMBLERS, COMPLAINERS, who walk according to their own lusts, and their MOUTH SPEAKS PROUDLY, admiring appearance for the sake of gain.

Enoch 5:4

But you, you have not been steadfast, nor done the Commandments of YAHWEH, but you have turned away and SPOKEN PROUD AND HARSH WORDS WITH YOUR IMPURE MOUTHS AGAINST HIS GREATNESS. Oh, you hard-hearted! You shall find no peace.”

Luke 6:35

Rather, love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. And your reward shall be great, and you shall be sons of the Most High. Because He (YAHWEH) is KIND TO THE THANKLESS AND WICKED ONES.”

Yet despite the complaining, grumbling, thankless, and wickedness of those who don’t follow His commandments, including atheist who do not acknowledge Him; YAHWEH still shows kindness and love to the ungrateful, they breathe fresh air, eat His food and drink His water without even giving it a second thought. Do you think this will go unpunished? This goes for both believers and non-believers because have both partaken in His goodness.

YAHWEH has provided food in abundance, just think of all the fishing from piers, boats, and commercial fishing, yet there is plenty of fish to go around and then some. The next time you eat a watermelon, honeydew, or cantaloupe look at all the thousands of seeds contained within it. One seed that was planted produces thousands of seeds so that you can eat and be satisfied. People can literally walk into a grocery store and buy groceries that a farmer has grown, which would not have been possible if YAHWEH did not bring forth His sun or bring the rains to make it all grow, the food did not just magically appear on the shelf for your enjoyment.

Once they are satisfied they forget YAHWEH!

Jubilees 1:7-9

And write for yourself all these words which I declare to you today, for I know their rebellion and their stiff neck. Before I bring them into the land of which I swore to their ancestors, to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, saying: To your seed I will give a land flowing with mild and honey. And they will EAT AND BE SATISFIED, and they will turn to strange elohim, to those who cannot deliver them from any of their affliction. And this witness shall be heard for a WITNESS against them. For they will forget all My commands even all that I commanded them, and they will walk after the nations, and after their uncleanness, and after their shame, and will serve their elohim, and these will become a stumbling block to them, and an affliction, and a torment, and a snare.”

As many will do today, once their stomachs are satisfied with food that YAHWEH has provided, they will go their own way forgetting the One who gave it! YAHWEH says they will turn to strange mighty ones, just think about it, how many are satisfied with YAHWEH’s provision of food and water and immediately turn to celebrate the pagan holidays of Christianity? It’s the exact same thing and qualifies as disobedience and being ungrateful!

Hosea 13:5-7

I tended you as a shepherd in the wilderness, in an uninhabited land. According to their pastures so they were completely FILLED; and their hearts were exalted; therefore they FORGOT ME.”

Isaiah 44:13-17 (Septuagint)

The carpenter having chosen a piece of wood, marks it out with a rule and fits it with glue and makes it as the form of man, and as the beauty of a man, to set it up in the house. He cuts wood out of the forest, which YAHWEH HAS PLANTED, even a pine tree and the RAIN MADE IT GROW, that it might be for men to burn: and having taken part of it he warms himself; yes, they burn part of it and bake loaves thereon; and from the rest they make for themselves elohim and they worship them. Half of it he burns in the fire and with half of it he bakes loaves on the coals; and having roasted flesh on it he eats and is SATISFIED and having WARMED HIMSELF HE SAYS, I AM COMFORTABLE, for I have warmed myself and have seen the fire. And the rest he makes a graven elohei and elohei.”

YAHWEH provides the wood and men make a fire to warm themselves and cook out or bake cakes upon the wood which YAHWEH planted and made it grow with His rain. Man turns around and forgets Him by making idols to worship with the very tree that He created, talk about being completely ungrateful! YAHWEH made the trees and man takes it and makes it into an xmas tree to worship it.

Isaiah 5:11-12

Woe to those who rise early in the morning pursuing strong drink, who stay up late at night-wine inflames them! And the lyre and the harp, the tambourine and flute, and wine are in their feasts; but they do not regard the deeds of YAHWEH, nor see the work of His hands.”

They rose early to feast and drink wine and did not see that YAHWEH is the One who provided the food and the wine for them to drink, and not only did they not acknowledge Him, but they also abused what was given by getting drunk.

What happens to ungrateful?

Acts 14:12-17

And they called Barnabas Zeus, and Paul-Hermes, since he was the chief speaker. And the priest of Zeus, being in front of their city, brought oxen and wreaths to the gates, and wanted to offer with the crowds. And when the emissaries Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their garments and ran in among the crowd, crying out and saying, “Men, why are you doing this? We also are men with the same nature as you, bringing to you the Good News: to turn from these worthless matters to the living ELOHIM, who made the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, who in the past generations allowed the nations to walk in their own ways, though, indeed, He did not leave Himself WITHOUT WITNESS, DOING GOOD-GIVING US RAIN FROM THE HEAVENS AND FRUIT-BEARING SEASONS, FILLING OUR HEARTS WITH FOOD AND GLADNESS.”

All the good that YAHWEH has done by providing the rain and food for everyone to eat will be used as a witness against those who reject Him, which ties perfectly in with the next scripture:

2 Esdras 9:9-12

Then those who have ABUSED My Ways shall be in a wretched state; and those who have thrown them away in spite shall dwell in torture. For such have RECEIVED BENEFITS in their life, but have NOT KNOWN ME; and those who have loathed My Law, while they still had freedom, and when a place of repentance was still open to them, did not understand, but despised it; the same must acknowledge it in anguish after death.”

This is a vey powerful passage that needs to be broken down. YAHWEH says they have received His benefits in their life meaning the thankless, the complainers, the atheist all were given food, water, clothing and yet they did not acknowledge Him for all the good that He did. Then He says they loathed His laws and have not known Him, and how do we know Him?

1 John 2:3-4

And by this we know that we know Him, if we guard His Commands. The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His Commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

And “even though they had freedom” meaning they had free-will to choose to give Him thanks and be obedient; however, they chose not to repent while they had a chance to do so, and being that they abused His ways and did not obey His commands they will dwell in torments after death.

Romans 1:20-21

For since the creation of the world His invisibilities have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, both His everlasting power and mightiness, for them to be WITHOUT EXCUSE, because, although they knew ELOHIM, they did not esteem Him as ELOHIM, NOR GAVE THANKS, but became vain in their reasonings, and their undiscerning heart was darkened.”

No one on this earth will have an excuse for not giving thanks or accepting who YAHWEH is even though they have not seen Him, but His works are clearly seen by His entire creation. And from His beautiful creation He provides an abundance of what we need to survive so there will not be any reasons for not acknowledging Him or grumbling and complaining against Him.

Be grateful and give thanks!

Philippians 2:14

Do all without grumblings and disputing’s; in order that you be blameless and faultless, children of ELOHIM without blemish in the midst of a crooked and corrupt generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world…”

1 Timothy 6:6-8

But reverence with contentment is great gain. For we brought naught into the world, and it is impossible to take any out. When we have food and covering, we shall be satisfied with these.”

Sirach 29:21

The necessities for life are water, and bread, and garments, and a house for privacy.”

Sirach 39:26-27

The basic necessities for the whole use of man’s life are: water, fire, iron, and salt, flour of wheat, honey, milk, and the juice of grapes, and oil, and garments. All these are for good to the righteous.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in all give thanks, for this is the desire of ELOHIM in Messiah YESHUA for you.”

Philippians 4:11-13

Not that I speak concerning need, for I have learned to be content in whatever state I am. I know what it is to have in excess. In any and all, have learned both to be filled, and to be hungry, both to have in excess, and to be in need. I have strength to do all, through Messiah who empowers me.”

Brothers and sisters let today be the day you stop complaining and grumbling and remember all the blessings that our Father YAHWEH and His Son YESHUA has provided for you. Remember that you are not obligated to receive this, but it is out of His love for you! Give our ELOHIM praises at ALL times for He is worthy to be praised!

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!