YESHUA vs Judaism: Seder, Star of David and other traditions!

I have heard many say that you cannot believe anything from the Jews based off of this passage:

Revelation 2:9

And the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a congregation of Satan.”

YESHUA didn’t say ALL Jews are the synagogue of Satan, He said that there are some who claim to be Jews and are NOT because they belong to Satan. This means that they would be imposters posing as something they are not. If you are not teaching what is in the Torah just like Christianity then it is not truth, so I’m referring to the Torah versus the Talmud that they follow. True followers of YESHUA stick to only what is written by the Word of YHWH and never a man. How could all Jews be the synagogue of Satan when are Messiah and Savior YESHUA was a Jew (Yahudi) from the tribe of Judah (Yahudah)? People must be careful what they say.

Once you come out of Christianity then you have to unlearn the teachings of Judaism because you accept it all as truth because are trying to get back to the Hebraic Roots of your faith and on through the Ruach ha’Kodesh (Holy Spirit) will you be led away from Christianity and Judaism to follow YESHUA who is the Way, The Truth, and The Life who is Word of YHWH not the teachings of men!

Titus 1:13-14

This witness is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, in order for them to be sound in the belief, not paying attention to Jewish fables, and commands of men who turn from the truth.”

The teachings of Judaism, Talmud, the oral law, rabbinical Judaism teachings of the modern day Pharisees are fables that turn aside from the truth. And what is the truth?

Psalms 119:142

Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and your TORAH is truth.”

Notice this Scripture says that the Torah is truth not the Talmud is truth? Or saved by faith alone is truth? Also, a majority of them call themselves” rabbis” in rabbinical Judaism, but what does YESHUA say about this?

Mathew 23:7-8

And the greetings in the market-places, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’ But you, do NOT be called ‘Rabbi,’ for One is your Teacher, ha’Mashiach (YESHUA), and you are all brothers.”

We are all brothers and not to be putting someone on a pedestal is if they are greater than the other. We all have different gifts and functions within the Body of Messiah and YESHUA is the Head of the Assembly. Calling themselves rabbis is trying to make themselves equal with YESHUA as a teacher, even though YESHUA clearly says call Him Rabbi only, not to a man. Yet majority of them that lead synagogues do this because they say they have earned the right after years of study.

So we see the Jewish fables are the commandments of men that teach the traditions of men from the Talmud and not the Torah turning away from the truth.  Wikipedia says “Belief that at least portions of the Oral Torah were transmitted orally from ELOHIM to Moses on Mount Sinai during the Exodus from Egypt is a fundamental tenet of faith of Orthodox Judaism, and was recognized as one of the Thirteen Principles of Faith by Maimonides.” The belief that Moses received another set of instructions orally is found nowhere in Scripture.  They are laws, statues, and legal interpretations that were not found in the Torah making heavy burdens on men that they could not bear.

Mathew 23:4

For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders, but with their finger they do not want to move them.”

They have writings from these self-proclaimed rabbis of rabbinical Judaism on how they interpret laws and added many to them over the years (like you have to tie your left shoe first before tying the right one etc.) These writings and laws of men are held above the Torah given by YHWH. According to their tradition, the Oral Law was passed down orally in an unbroken chain from generation to generation until its contents were finally committed to writing following the destruction of the Second Temple. The Torah is truth and we see that they are teaching something completely different which is why YESHUA rebuked them when He walked the earth.

What are some strict observances of Judaism the traditions of men?

Mark 7:1-9

And the Pharisees and some of the scribes assembled to Him, having come from Jerusalem. And seeing some of His disciples eat bread with defiled, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault. For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, do not eat unless they was their hands thoroughly, holding fast THE TRADITION OF THE ELDERS, and from the market-place, they do not eat unless they wash. And there are many others which they have received and hold fast-the washing of cups and utensils and copper vessels and couches. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk ACCORDING TO THE TRADITION OF THE ELDERS, but eat bread with unwashed hands?” And He answering, said to them, ‘Well did Isaiah prophecy concerning you hypocrites, as it has been written, ‘This people respect Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the COMMANDS OF MEN.” Forsaking the Command of ELOHIM, you hold fast THE TRADITON OF MEN: WASHING OF POTS AND CUPS AND MANY OTHER MATTERS.” And He said to them, ‘Well do you PUT ASIDE THE COMMAND OF ELOHIM TO GUARD YOUR TRADITION.”

As we see YESHUA rebuked them for their tradition of Judaism the modern day Pharisees that they held over YHWH’s commandments. Then being hypocrites by not honoring their mom and dad by helping them financially by saying in verse 11 “It is Korban (that is, a gift)” which is what they dedicated back to ELOHIM, giving them an excuse to hold on to their money and not help their parents and breaking the fifth commandment of YHWH for their tradition.

 The ritualistic washing of the hands before they ate each piece of bread is found NOWHERE in scripture, yet that passed it off as Law and accused YESHUA’s disciples of breaking their man-made commandment as if it’s written in the Torah. It has been said that those who hold to this tradition equate eating bread with unwashed hands to having relations with a prostitute. Mark 7:13 “nullifying the Word of ELOHIM through your TRADITION WHICH YOU HAVE HANDED DOWN. And many such-like YOU DO.” And these false traditions they held on too so much have been passed down from generation to generation just as the lies in Christianity. Someone has to break the curse.

 Paul who was a Pharisee of the strictest sect before YESHUA changed him said:

Galatians 1:13-14

For you have heard of my FORMER behavior in JUDAISM, how intensely I persecuted the assembly of Elohim, and ravaged it. And I progressed in JUDAISM beyond many of my age in my race, being more exceedingly ardent for the TRADITIONS OF MY FATHERS.” Paul was familiar with their false traditions as he grew up a Pharisee and thought he was doing the right thing by persecuting those who believed in YESHUA! After being blinded on the road to Damascus he followed YESHUA and became the ring leader of the sect called The Way because YESHUA is The Way The Truth and the Life! From that point on it was Passover and not the traditional Seder plate (1 Corinthians 5:7-9 and 1 Corinthians 11: 2526). I’ll cover this more in the section called “Passover traditions of Judaism.”

Luke 11:37-39

And as He spoke, a certain Pharisee asked Him to dine with him, so He went in and sat down to eat. And when the Pharisee saw it, he marveled that He did not first wash before dinner. And the Adon (Master) said to him, “Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is filled with greed and wickedness.” They were giving the outward appearance of being holy to men, but the inside full of wickedness and evil.

Luke 6:1-2

And it came to be on a Sabbath that He went through grain fields, and His disciples were plucking the heads of grain and were eating, rubbing them in the hands. And some of the Pharisees said to them, “Why are you doing what is not right to do on the Sabbath?”

Now again they were comparing YESHUA’s disciples to their oral law of Judaism, saying that plucking grain is harvesting and rubbing the grain in their hands was threshing; therefore, they considered that to be work. They added 39 prohibitions to the Sabbath making it a burden for men. Just as they do today saying you cannot use your phone to preach the gospel, you cannot turn on lights, or drive your car etc. YESHUA observed the Sabbath, He just rebuked them for their man-made, heavy burden version of it. (Luke 4:16, Mark 2:27).

Mathew 23:5

And they do all their works to be seen by men, and they make their t’fillen wide and lengthen the fringes of their garments.”

Fringes/tassels/tsitsit are commanded in Scripture but T’fillen or phylacteries are not. These are a set of small black leather boxes that contain scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah that they literally tie on their foreheads and wrap around their arms trying to fulfill Deuteronomy 6:8 which says:

And shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.”

So to them literally binding the commands in a small box with portions of the Torah on their head and arms would fulfill this command. YESHUA is saying they want to be seen by men to appear holy, plus this is one of those legal interpretations they came up with. YHWH is saying the Hebrew word (Resh) what are your thoughts on? (Forehead) Keeping His word before you always to meditate on it as He told Joshua in Joshua 1:8 “Do not let this Book of The Torah depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night…” And on your arm is (Yod) a picture of an arm and a hand showing your actions to fulfill his Word and do it and not just hear it.

A recent article in 2013 reveals more burdens

These are the heavy burdens that YESHUA spoke of. And in this article titled “The 16 most annoying things about keeping Kosher” by Emily Orley states these burdens that Judaism has placed on them, so I’ll list a few:

Most kosher meals cannot have butter, so it makes eating all the more difficult when restaurants (and everyone else) secretly put butter in everything. In the end, I usually just lie about having a butter allergy.”

Judaism falsely interprets that meat and dairy cannot touch; therefore, they have these extreme measures. What does Scripture say about meat and dairy?

Genesis 18:7-8

And Abraham ran to the herd, took a tender and good calf, gave it to a young man, and he hurried to prepare it. And he took CURDS AND MILK AND THE CALF which he had prepared and put it before them, and he stood by them under the tree as they ate.” So we can clearly see in scripture that meat and dairy was served together. And who ate the meat and dairy? Verse 1-2 “And YHWH appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre, while he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. So he lifted up his eyes and looked, and saw three men opposite him.”  So it was ELOHIM and two messengers or angels and we know He wouldn’t break His own Torah.

Orley then states: “In my family, you have to wait an hour after eating meat before you can have diary.” Then she says “Kosher law requires you to have separate plates and dishwashers for your milk meals and your meat meals so that the two never, ever cross. This is not cheap or space-efficient, and it makes you feel like you have double-vision. Also, if you ever mess up and put meat on a dairy plate or vice-versa, you have to bury the plate in the earth for 8 years…”

Are you starting to see the burden of these false traditions they hold that are not found in the Torah? Orley is living the life in Judaism and is calling it a burden. YESHUA’s Words are ALL truth!

What about Passover traditions of Judaism?

Exodus 12:8

And they shall eat the flesh (lamb) on that night, roasted in fire-with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs and they shall eat it.”

YHWH commands us to eat the Passover with lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs. So why does Judaism substitute what YHWH says for a Seder plate? What is on the Seder plate of Judaism that they have for Passover:

There are at least five foods that go on the Seder plate: shank bone (zeroa), egg (beitzah), bitter herbs (maror), vegetable (karpas) and a sweet paste called haroset. Many Seder plates also have room for a sixth, hazeret (another form of the bitter herbs). Why six compartments? YHWH’s number is 7.

Why does the Seder plate contain a shank bone with NO meat when YHWH said eat the meat? Why is there an egg on the plate that represents rebirth and renewal that stems from the pagan origins of what Christianity celebrates in Easter?

Another tradition Judaism observes on Passover is holding a seat for Elijah. It is literally an empty seat and during a certain moment in the ceremony a family member will get up and open the door to let the spirit of Elijah in? But we all know that Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind in 2 Kings 2:11

“..And Elijah went up by a whirlwind in the heavens.”

Mathew 17:10-12

And the disciples asked Him, saying, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah has to come first?” And YESHUA answering, said to them, “Elijah is indeed coming first, and shall restore all. But I say to you that Elijah has ALREADY COME, and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they wanted. In this way the Son of Man is also about to suffer by them.” Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist.”

So if Elijah ascended in to heaven and the Elijah that YESHUA was referring to is John the Baptist who is dead, then what spirit is being let in during the Seder? The only Spirit we need to receive is the Holy Spirit the Ruach ha’Kodesh.

Then on the Feast of Unleavened Bread that immediately follows Passover they have this tradition of what constitutes unleavened bread. YHWH says the se’or which is the leavening agent (yeast, baking soda, etc) combined with flour makes Chametz which is leavened bread. How does Judaism define chametz? According to “Chametz is any food that contains wheat, barley, oats, spelt, or rye that has been fermented. These particular grains will ferment by themselves in the presence of water. This process can begin in as little as 18 minutes.”

See how this command goes against the Word of YHWH? YHWH said no flour mixed with a leavening agent and nothing about fermentation of water! How can you make unleavened bread without the flour and water? Their tradition does not even mention leavening agents, but to remove all grains from the house. Also, nowhere in Scripture does YHWH say the process of leavening is an 18 minute window. He simply says do not eat anything with leaven in it, which is flour with a leavening agent combined.  Furthermore leavened bread, cakes, and leavening agents are not to be in your home! However, the flour by itself is fine because it contains no leavening agent and you need flour to make unleavened bread. Flour, water, and maybe oil that is it. But Judaism will have matzah ball soup that contains leaving agents like Sodium Bicarbonate in the matzah mix  that breaks the command.

What about the New Year?

Leviticus 23:24

Speak to the children of Yisra’el, saying ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you have a rest, a remembrance of blowing of trumpets, a holy gathering.”

This Holy Day is called Yom Teruah a day of shouting or making noise, but Judaism calls it Rosh Hoshanah saying that it is the Jewish New Year in September/October. Nowhere in that Scripture does YHWH refer to the 1st day of the 7th Month of Yom Teruah as the beginning of months. How can this be when YHWH says the beginning of the month for us is in Abib when Passover was instituted? Which is the month of March/April. We cannot have TWO New Years and the one called Rosh Hoshanah is the false one.

Exodus 12:1

And YHWH spoke to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, “This month is the BEGINNING of months for you, it is the FIRST month of the year for you.”

So we see again that Judaism is speaking contrary to the Word of YHWH in favor of their traditions.

Chanukah bush?

Just like the pagan egg that represents Easter on the Seder plate for Passover is the same way Judaism has added another pagan element to their tradition called the Chanukah bush. Wikipedia defines it as: Hanukkah bush is a bush or tree—real or simulated—that some North American Jewish families display in their homes for the duration of Hanukkah. It may, for all intents and purposes, be a Xmas tree (without any Christian ornaments). YHWH said in Jeremiah 10:2

Thus said YHWH, “Do not learn the way of the gentiles….” Yet they managed to go and do just that! We are called to be set apart from this world and not become a part of it by adding their traditions into true worship. However they don’t want to feel left out or the children to feel neglected by what the world does so that make their version of it. This is self-assimilation, wanting to be like the nations around us.

Commanded to light Shabbat candles?

Every Friday night at the start of Shabbat the woman of the house will light the Shabbat candles and do a blessing over it saying “Blessed are you, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to kindle the light of Shabbat.” This is adding to the Word of YHWH through traditions which He said not to do because NOWHERE in Scripture does He command us to light Shabbat candles. You can’t take a tradition that you added and say YHWH commanded us to do it.

Calling YESHUA son of David

Mark 12:35-37

And YESHUA responding, said, while teaching in the Tabernacle/dwelling place, “How it that the scribes say that ha’Mashiach is the Son of David? David himself said by the Ruach ha’Kodesh, YHWH said to My Master, “Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet. “David himself calls Him My Master. In what way then is He his Son? And the large crowd heard Him gladly.”

YESHUA came through the line of David as YHWH promised and Revelation 22:16 “I am the Root and the Offspring of David.” We all know that YESHUA is the Son of YHWH. He does not have a human dad whether it be Joseph or David.

Star of David

: M. Hirsch Goldberg in his book The Jewish Connection states: " The Star of David is not of Jewish origin - and the ancient Israelites never used it as their religious symbol" (they used the Menorah or Seven Candlestick). So, why did the six-pointed star become known as the Jewish star? This symbol was widely adopted, not because the Jewish people chose it, but ironically because Adolph Hitler forced all Jews to wear a yellow six-pointed star during the holocaust. The word holocaust means burnt offering, and the six-pointed star was used in the past when burnt human sacrifices were offered to Moloch and Ashtoreth in Baal worship. The few Jews who had anything to do with the Six-Pointed star (hexagram) were those who were involved in occult practices. Back to Hitler, would he put anything good on a Jew? Hitler meant to insult and destroy the Jews, and being wrapped up in the occult (read the book, The Nazis and the Occult ), he may have meant the Jews to be his burnt offering for power. Today, most Jews wear this star by choice, and without thinking or checking out its origin and usage through time. Wearing the six-pointed star became a fashion. I would just like to add that this seems like what happens today, where people say and do things or celebrate holidays without bothering to check the origin behind it. You just accept it because it was handed down to you, or you’re new to the faith and except all things Jewish thinking it’s all the same. But as we can see there is a big difference. Continuing with the article:

The first mention of the six-pointed star in Israelite literature was in Amos 5:6, when YAHWEH angrily tells His people that " I hate and despise your feast days…. You shall take up Siccuth, your king and Chiun your images, the star of your God…." Siccuth (Sakkuth) and Chiun (Kaiwan) means "star" and refers to Saturn as a star, and was objects of idolatrous worship, as they were considered to be Assyrian gods. The mixed multitude that went out of Egypt with the children of Israel took the star with them. Like the obelisk, the six-pointed star was an Egyptian idol used in idolatrous worship. In 922 B.C. when Solomon married the daughter of Pharoah, he became involved in Egyptian idol worship and went into magic, and witchcraft. Solomon built an altar to Ashtoreth and Moloch, and the six-pointed star, the chief symbol of human sacrifices in magic and witchcraft circles, came to be called the Seal of Solomon.

Solomon did not heed the subsequent warnings from YAHWEH to cease from these abominable practices, even after YAHWEH threatened to rend the Kingdom of Israel from his son's hand. And indeed, the split occurred after Solomon's death. Solomon's idolatry caused the Kingdom of Israel to be split in two. The practices he introduced to the children of Israel eventually caused the House of Israel to go into exile into the Caucasus, and the House of Judah to go into captivity. It was Josiah who later destroyed this forbidden altar. Did you know that the number 666 was connected to Solomon? (1 Kings 10:14) Yes, 666 talents of gold was sent to Solomon each month by none other than the King of Tyrus. After you have read this account in the book of 1 Kings, turn to Ezekiel Chapter 28. Oh, what a tangled web was weaved, when Solomon practiced to deceive. King Solomon left many articles which proved his blatant idolatry, such as King Solomon's Mirror, King Solomon's Comb, and the six-pointed star, which became known as the Seal of Solomon in the witchcraft and occult world.

King David was Solomon's father, but he was never an idolater. He made it absolutely clear that YAHWEH Himself was his shield, not only in Psalm 3:3 but in Psalm 28:7, Psalm 119:114, and Psalm 144:2.

The book, The Six-Pointed Star, is the first and only academic work which documents the origin and historical usage of this symbol. From Egypt to Solomon, to Arab magic, and witchcraft, to Druid uses, to freemasonry, to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who in the 17th century changes his name to depict the red six-pointed star which hung on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of "Rothschild" (meaning red shield). The Rothschild family incorporated this symbol in their Court of Arms. The research traced the six-pointed star through the kabbalah, to astrology, to Hitler and his putting a yellow six-pointed star on Jews during the holocaust, to the Zionist symbol, and finally to the flag of the State of Israel and beyond.

Because this symbol is comprised of a six within a six within a six (i.e. 6 points, 6 triangles, 6 sides of the inner hexagon) the research also includes a look at the 666 prophecies in the Book of Daniel etc., regarding the "willful king" (anti-Christ) and the "mark of the Beast." Included too, is the Scriptural significance of the number seven, and the Biblical description of the real Messiah, and the seven-branched Candlestick (Menorah), which God gave to the children of Israel as an everlasting Covenant, which is also mentioned in the New Testament and the Book of the Revelation. All sources are written at the bottom of each page making it easy for readers to see and check for themselves. It is the first and only book published on the origin and history of the six-pointed star. The book contains shocking information regarding the usage of the six-pointed star and its intimidating link with mankind. Have a good read. Also, stay away from the Hasma which is a hand with “one eye on the palm.” We know what the one eye represents and that is Satan.

Stay away from Judaism with the hypocrisy and lawlessness

Luke 12:1

Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy.”

Mathew 23:13

But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the reign of the heaven before men, for you do not go in, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.”

An example of their hypocrisy is found in:

John 7: 19-23

Did not Moses give you the Torah? Yet not one of you does the Torah! Why do you seek to Kill Me? The crowd answered and said, “You have a demon, who seeks to kill You? YESHUA answered and said to them, I did one work, and you all marvel. Because of this Moses has given you the circumcision though it is not from Moses, but from the fathers and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the Torah of Moses should not be broken, are you wroth with Me because I made a man entirely well on the Sabbath?

See the hypocrisy? The Pharisees accused YESHUA of breaking the Sabbath because He healed a man’s entire body on the Sabbath, yet they would circumcise their son on the 8th day according to the Torah on the Sabbath to keep the commandment (Leviticus 12:3), what’s the difference? Their added tradition of what they viewed as work made them hypocrites of what they were doing themselves. They healed a small portion of a child’s body and YESHUA healed the entire body, yet they didn’t view their circumcision as work, but viewed YESHUA’s healing as work. They also would pull a sheep out of a pit to save the animal and YESHUA said how much more the life of a man Mathew 12.  They were also mad when YESHUA healed a woman who had been bound by Satan for 18 years, yet they would loosen their ox from the stall to get water. Follow YESHUA The Way, The Truth, and The Life only and not the commands of men!