Yom Kippur Instructions 2021: The Day of Atonement!

The second of the Fall Appointed Times (Moedim) commanded by YAHWEH is Yom Kippur on October 1st which means it begins on September 30th at sundown to October 1st sundown which is the 10th day of the 7th month in YAHWEH’S eyes and is the Holiest (Kodesh) Day of the year, Yom ha’kippurim (Yom Kippur) The Day of Atonement. Make sure you do NO WORK on this day as it is a Shabbat Shabbaton a day for complete stopping and ceasing from all activity just as the weekly 7th Day Shabbat is a Shabbat Shabbaton. We will be discussing what Yom Kippur is, how we observe Yom Kippur, what is involved in a fast, YESHUA is our High Priest.

The Book of Jubilees shows us why and when Yom Kippur was instituted:

Jubilees 34:12-18

And the sons of Jacob slaughtered a kid, and dipped the coat of Joseph in blood, and sent it to Jacob their dad on the TENTH DAY OF THE SEVENTH MONTH (YOM KIPPUR). And he mourned all that night, for they had brought it to him in the evening (Leviticus 23:32 evening to evening), and he became feverish with mourning for his death, and he said, “And evil beast has devoured Joseph; and all the members of his house were grieving and mourning with him all that day. And his sons and his daughter rose up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted for his son. And on that day Bilhah heard that Joseph had perished, and she died mourning him, and she was living in Qafratef, and Dinah also, his daughter died after Joseph had perished. And these THREE MOURNINGS came upon Yisra’el in one month. And they buried Bilhah over against the tomb of Rachel, and Dinah, his daughter, they also buried there. And he mourned for Joseph for one year, and did not cease, for he said, “Let me go down to the grave mourning for my son.” For this reason it is ordained for the children of Yisra’el that they should afflict themselves on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the day that the news which made him weep for Joseph came to Jacob his dad, that they should make atonement for themselves with a young goat on the tenth day of the seventh month, once a year, for their sins; for they had grieved the affection of their dad regarding Joseph his son. And this day has been ordained that they should grieve for their sins, and for all their transgressions and for all their errors, so that they might cleanse themselves on that day once a year.”

YAHWEH commands us in Leviticus 23:26-32 saying:

"The tenth day of this seventh month is Yom ha'Kippurim (ha-kee-pur-eem) the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves, and present an offering made to YAHWEH by fire. DO NO WORK ON THAT DAY, because it is the Day of Atonement, when atonement is made for you before YAHWEH your ELOHIM. Anyone who does NOT deny himself on that day must be cut off from his people. I will destroy (karat) (pronounced ka-rot) from among his people anyone who does any work on that day. You shall DO NO WORK AT ALL. This is to be a LAW for the generations to come, wherever you live. It is a SHABBAT (Shabbat Shabbaton) complete rest for you, and you must deny yourselves. From the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your SHABBAT."

Leviticus 16:29-34

And this shall be for you a Law FOREVER: in the seventh month, on the TENTH DAY of the month, you afflict your beings, and do no work, the native or the stranger who sojourns among you (gentiles/Christians). For on that day he makes atonement for you, to cleanse you, to be clean from all your sins before YAHWEH. It is a SHABBAT OF REST (Shabbat Shabbaton) for you, and you shall afflict your beings-a LAW FOREVER. Verse 34 And this shall be for you a LAW FOREVER, to make atonement for the children of Yisra’el, for all their sins, once a year.”

Numbers 29:7-11

And on the TENTH of this seventh month you have a holy gathering, and you shall afflict your beings, YOU DO NOT WORK. And you shall bring near a burnt offering to YAHWEH, a SWEET FRAGRANCE: one young bull, one ram, seven lambs a year old, perfect ones they are for you, and their grain offering: fine flour mixed with oil: three-tenth parts for the bull, two-tenth parts for the one ram, one-tenth part for each of the seven lambs, one male goat as a sin offering, besides the sin offering for atonement, the continual burnt offering with its grain offering, and their drink offerings.”

YESHUA is the Lamb of YAHWEH who takes away the sins of the world and offered Himself with His blood and not the blood of bulls and goats. It is important to see what YESHUA’s blood did for us, that we do not have to do it for atonement today. YESHUA fulfills the animal offerings for us with His blood and the IS sweet fragrance that YAHWEH mentions that comes from the burnt offering:

Ephesians 5:2

And walk in love, as Mashiach (Messiah) also has loved us, and gave Himself for us, a gift and an offering to YHWH for a SWEET-SMELLING FRAGRANCE.”

So we see that we are to do no work, have a holy gathering, grieve over our sins,  to completely afflict our souls and deny ourselves, which means at least a 24 hour fast of no food or water. We can deny ourselves through fasting because we need food and water to live and in doing so we are denying our being for the day

Anah (ah-nah) - means to bow down or afflict
Nefesh (neh-fesh)-soul or yourself

Example in Psalms 35:13
"I humbled my being (soul) with fasting" I anah my nefesh with fasting.

The same applies for Isaiah 58:3
"Why have we fasted, and You have not seen? Why have we afflicted our beings (anah our nefesh), and You took no note?"

2 Chronicles 20:3-4

“And Yehoshapat was afraid, and turned his face to seek YAHWEH, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. And Judah gathered to inquire of YAHWEH, even from all the cities of Judah they came to seek YAHWEH.”

What is involved in a fast?

We firstly deny ourselves by not eating any food or drinking any water, must turn away from our own desires/pleasures and to completely seek YAHWEH’s face and not oppressing others in order to be heard and present an acceptable fast before the face of YAHWEH. Humble yourselves before Him and do justice where there is injustice.

Isaiah 58:2-4

They seek Me day by day and desire to know My ways, as a people that have done righteousness and have not forsaken judgment of their ELOHIM; they now ask from Me righteous judgment and desire to draw near to ELOHIM, saying Why have we fasted and you have not regarded? Why have we afflicted (anah) our nefesh (souls) and you did not know it? No in the days of your fasts YOU FIND YOUR PLEASURES AND ALL THOSE WHO ARE UNDER YOUR POWER YOU WOUND. If you fast for quarrels and strife and strike the lowly with your fists, why do you fast to Me as you do this day, so that your voice may be heard in crying?”

Before we delve into some of the details about Yom Kippur, that it was a day of fasting  as contained within the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Solar calendar is also confirmed in Habakkuk and a hymn found in the dead scrolls.



 One   of  the sharp clashes    between    the Qumran community and   the Temple    priesthood was   the   confrontation between the Wicked    Priest (Pharisees and Sadducees) and   the Righteous


 The priesthood was corrupt and many of the priests were not even Levites as YAHWEH commanded which is why Joseph Baumgarten mentions the “wicked priest” from the righteous priest. Proof of this is found in 2 Maccabees 4 that the position of high priest was being sold to the highest bidder, making them illegitimate priests. Back to the article:


Teacher on   Yom Kippur: Woe to him who causes his neighbors to drink, who pours out his venom to make them drunk  that  he may gaze on  their feasts (Habakkuk 2:15). This  concerns  the Wicked Priest (Sadducees/Pharisees) who pursued the Righteous Teacher to overwhelm him in the fury of his wrath at his house of exile. And at the time appointed for rest, on the Day of  Atonement he  made his appearance before them to  overwhelm them and  to cause them to stumble on the fast day, the sabbath of their rest. (lQpHab 11:4-8) As   scholars have noted, this   confrontation occurred    on   the day when the   followers     of   the   Teacher    were observing the solemn fast  of  Yom Kippur according to  their   schematic     SOLAR   calendar (Zadok Priestly Calendar). It apparently was not   the day when    the   Wicked Priest, presumably a high   priest, was himself occupied with   the performance of  the   Yom Kippur rites   in  the Temple. The description of   this incident     thus served    as one   of   the early clues   about the  calendar schism (split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief)   that separated the  sect (Essenses)  from   con- temporary    Jewry.'


 As  a  result of this   schism   all  of the  biblical festivals    were regularly observed by the Qumran community on days that   differed    from   those kept by contemporary Jews. (As we see today with the Solar Zadok Preistly Calendar versus the Lunar Calendar).   The phraseology of the Habakkuk lemma, 11'Q'? "in   order to gaze at their   feasts"    would there- fore   lend   itself   to being   applied to any or  all   of  the holidays affected by this   schism. Yet, the   clash   described    in  the pesher occurred partic- ularly on   the   sect's    Yom Kippur. It  is  reasonable     to suppose that   this may have   had something to  do with   the   central place of Yom Kippur in contemporary Judaism, but   the pesher, aside from stressing the I See  S. Talmon, "Yom Hakkippurim in  the  Habakkuk Scroll," Bib  32 (1951) 549-63.

mandated     FAST   and   REST   on   Yom Kippur does not provide any further elaboration. Fortunately, we  have  in  the Hodayot a hymn, possibly attributable    to the Teacher, that   contains    an   allusion    to   the confrontation described in  the pesher.


“I thank you, YAHWEH, for you have illuminated my face through your covenant ... They [the opponents] mislead your  people  by  smoothing them with  words. Preachers of deceit cause them to stray so that they grope without understanding, their deeds are in folly ("1i1J) and despicable ... for they have driven me from my land  as  a  bird  from its nest ... they plot  wickedly against me  to exchange your Torah which you inculcated in my heart for smooth things (to deceive) your people. They withhold the  drink  of knowledge from  the thirsty, but  cause  the thirsty to  drink vinegar in  order to gaze at their  error' to deport themselves foolishly on  their festivals and  to  be caught in their snares. (1QH  12:5-12). “


The   author    of the hymn describes    himself    as  an  exile driven from   his land, just as  the pesher refers   to  the  Teacher    as being in his  "house of exile."    His opponents are  accused    of giving the thirsty   vinegar to  drink in  order   to gaze   upon them as they   deport themselves     in  an unseemly way at  the  time   of  the  festivals. This   is  an  almost   verbatim paraphrase of   Habakkuk 2:15, the   lemma    on   which the pesher account     of   the   Yom Kippur incident    is   based:    "Woe    to   him who    causes    his neighbor to drink; who pours out  his  venom   to  make   them drunk, that   he may   gaze on   their   feasts." The references in   the hymn to "smoothing" and "smooth things" point to  the identification of  the   Teacher's opponents with the "seekers     of   smooth things," the epithet used in the pesharim for   the Pharisees.    The   latter   are apparently charged with misleading the people by  encouraging them   to  desecrate    the somber spirit of penitence (showing sorrow and regret for doing wrong) of  Yom Kippur with   their folly The paradoxical aspect of   Yom Kippur as   a day of fasting and purging of  sin  as  well as  a day of joyous renewal has   its  roots   in bib- lical antiquity..IJn cf. 4Q513 4 4. 3 See J. Milgrom, Leviticus I -16 (AB 3; New York: Doubleday, 1991) 1066.

So, it was understood in the Dead Sea Scrolls community that fasting was a part of afflicting your soul on Yom Kippur.  Next, I would like to cover some examples of what is required during a fast which include weeping, mourning, and fasting, I also would recommend laying in sackcloth as they did in ancient Yisra’el and even putting dust or ashes on our heads to completely humble ourselves. You can get dirt outside or even use ashes from the grill. What is sackcloth? A very coarse, rough fabric woven from flax, hemp, or jute vegetable fibers.

Joel (Yo’el) 2:12

“Yet even now,” declares YAHWEH, “turn to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning.

2 Chronicles 34:27

“Because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before ELOHIM when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and you humbled yourself before Me, and you tore your garments and wept before Me, I also have heard,” declares YAHWEH.”

2 Baruch 9:1

And I, Baruch, came and Jeremiah, whose heart was found pure of sins, who had not been captured during the seizing of the city. We tore our garments and wept, and  mourned, and FASTED seven days.”

Esther 4:15-16

“And Esther commanded to reply to Mordekai, “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me, and DO NOT EAT OR DRINK for three days, night or day. I too, and my young women shall fast in the same way, then I shall go to the king, which is against the law. And if I shall perish, I shall perish!”

 As we know their prayers were answered because they did not perish and Esther was able to enter the presence of the king with him sticking out his scepter for her to touch. They humbled and afflicted their souls for 3 days with no food or drink.

Additions to Esther 14:1 (Apocrypha, 1611 King James)

Queen Esther also, being in fear of death, came to YAHWEH, and laid aside her splendid apparel, and put on garments of anguish and mourning (Sackcloth). And instead of precious ointments, she covered her head with ASHES and dung, and she humbled her body greatly, and all the places of her joy she filled with her torn hair.”

Jeremiah 4:8

For these things gird yourselves with SACKCLOTH and lament and howl: for the anger of YAHWEH is not turned away from you.”

2 Maccabees 13:10-12

When Judah learned of this, he commanded the multitude to call on YAHWEH night and day that He would help them now if ever at any other time, being at the point of being removed their Law, from their country and from the holy Temple; and that He would not allow the people that had only just now been a little refreshed, to be in subjection to the blasphemous nations. So when they had all done this together and pleaded for the kindness of ELOHIM with WEEPING AND FASTING and LYING FLAT upon the ground for THREE DAYS (Like Esther 4:15-16), Judah, having encouraged them, commanded they should make themselves ready.”

Job 16:15

I sewed SACKCLOTH over my skin, and laid my horn in the dust.”

1 Maccabees 3:46-47

Therefore the Yisra’elites assembled themselves together, and came to Mitspah, opposite Jerusalem; for in Mitspah was the place where they previously prayed in Yisra’el. Then they fasted that day, and put on SACKCLOTH, and threw on ashes on their heads, and tore their garments.”

Judith 4:9-15

Then every man of Yisra’el cried to ELOHIM with great ardour, and they humbled their beings with great fervency; both they and their wives and their children and their cattle and every stranger and hired man and their servants bought with money, and put SACKCLOTH upon their loins. So every man and woman and the little children and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, fell before the Temple, and threw ASHES upon their heads, and spread out their SACKCLOTH before the face of YAHWEH; they also put sackcloth around the altar, and cried to the ELOHIM of Yisra’el all with one accord earnestly, that He would not give their children as prey and their wives as spoil and the cities of their inheritance to destruction and the Holy Place to defilement and reproach, and for the nations to rejoice at. So ELOHIM heard their prayers and looked upon their afflictions; FOR THE PEOPLE FASTED MANY DAYS in all Judah and Jerusalem before the Holy Place of YAHWEH ELOHIM.”

Job 42:6

Therefore I recant and repent in dust and ashes.”

Lamentations 2:10

The elders of the daughter of Zion sit on the ground, are silent. They have thrown DUST on their heads, they have girded themselves with SACKCLOTH.”

 1 Kings 21:27

And it came to be, when Ahab heard those words, that he tore his garments and put SACKLOTH on his body, and fasted and lay in SACKCLOTH, and went softly.”

1 Chronicles 21:16

And David lifted his eyes and saw the messenger of YAHWEH standing between earth and the heavens, having in his hand a drawn sword stretched out over Jerusalem. And David and the elders, wrapped in SACKCLOTH, fell on their faces.”

Nehemiah 9:1

And on the twenty-fourth day of this month the children of Yisra’el were assembled with FASTING, AND IN SACKCLOTH, and with earth (dust) on them.”

Mathew 11:21

Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Beyth Tsaida! Because if the miracles which were done in you had been done in Tsor and Tsidon, they would have REPENTED long ago in SACKCLOTH AND ASHES.”

Jonah 3:4-5

And Jonah began to go in to the city on the first day’s walk. And he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown! And the men of Nineveh believed in ELOHIM, and proclaimed A FAST, AND PUT ON SACKCLOTH, from the greatest to the least of them.”

2 Maccabees 10:25-26

But when he drew near, those that were with Maccabee turned to pray to ELOHIM, and threw DUST on their heads and girded their lions with SACKCLOTH.”

YESHUA is now our High Priest

Most importantly surrounding Yom ha’kippurim is our Messiah YESHUA and how everything points to Him. In ancient times the high priest (kohen ha’gadol) would enter into the Tent of Meeting once a year, behind the veil, into the holy of holies and make atonement for himself, his household, and for the assembly of Yisra’el. He would sprinkle blood on the mercy seat that sat above the Ark of the Covenant (Leviticus 16:14-17). Then the high priest would confess the sins, transgressions, and wickedness of Yisra’el onto the forehead of Azazel (scapegoat) and a fit man would send him into the wilderness with the sins and that goat himself would bear the wickedness of the people. I thought it was interesting to note a connection with the scapegoat bearing the sins himself as YESHUA did for us:

Exodus 12:5

Let the LAMB be a perfect one, a year old male. Take it from the sheep or from the goats.

Leviticus 16:22

And the goat shall bear on ITSELF ALL THEIR WICKEDNESS, to a land cut off. Thus he shall send the goat away into the wilderness.”

Isaiah 53:6

Truly, He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains. Yet we reckoned Him stricken, smitten by ELOHIM, and afflicted. But He was pierced for transgressions, He was crushed for our WICKEDNESSES. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. We all, like sheep, went astray; each one of us has turned to his own way. And YHWH has laid on HIM THE WICKEDNESS OF US ALL.” The Lamb of YAHWEH that can be taken from the sheep or the goats.

It is just a constant reminder of how everything was a foreshadow of YESHUA being the perfect sacrificial lamb; just like the blood of the perfect lamb spared the children of Yisra’el in Egypt and YAHWEH “Passed Over them” and protected them is the same way the perfect blood of the Lamb of YESHUA saves us and sin and death “Pass Over us”.

YESHUA The High Priest

While atonement was being made; the high priest did all the work and the community of Yisra’el did not need to do anything. YESHUA is High Priest and King in the order of Melech-Tzedek because he was the only other king/priest in scripture:

Genesis 14:18

And Melech-Tzedek king of Salem brought out loaves and wine and he was the PRIEST of Elyon ELOHIM.”             

Testament of Levi 8:14

And the third will be called a renewed name, because  KING will arise from Judah, and will establish a NEW PRIESTHOOD, after the fashion of the nations to all the nations. And His presence is beloved, as a prophet of the Most High, of the seed of Abraham.”

Clearly, YESHUA is KING, PRIEST, PROPHET, and everything in one! And outside of Melech-Tzedek there was no other king priest because these are always two separate offices in scripture.

This was a shadow of what was to come with YESHUA who would be the final atonement for us all because He has already done all the work for atonement! We don’t have a human high priest sacrificing animals anymore, plus there is not a Temple in Jerusalem even if anyone wanted to do sacrifices. YESHUA is our High Priest and unlike the human priests He does not have to make a sacrifice for His own sins because He is sinless and He makes continual intercessions for us because unlike humans He does not die, which makes Him a permanent High Priest forever.

Hebrews 7:26-27

For it was fitting that we should have such a Kohen ha’Gadol (High Priest)-kind, innocent, undefiled, having been separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens, who does not need, as those high priests, to offer up slaughter offerings day by day, first for His own sins and then for those of the people, for this HE did ONCE FOR ALL when He offered up Himself.”

Why is YESHUA from Judah and not tribe of Levi?

Numbers 3:5-12

And YAHWEH spoke to Moses saying, take the tribe Levi and you shall set them before Aaron the priest and they shall minister to him and shall keep his charges and the charges of the children of Yisra’el before the tabernacle of witness, to do the works of the tabernacle. And they shall keep all the furniture of the tabernacle of witness and the charges of the children of Yisra’el as to all the works of the tabernacle. And you shall give the Levi to Aaron and to his sons and priests; they are given as a gift to me from the children of Yisra’el. And you shall appoint Aaron and his sons over the tabernacle of witness; and they shall keep their charge of priesthood and all things belonging to the altar and within the veil; and the stranger that touches them shall die.”

Jubilees 30:18

And the seed of Levi was chosen for the priesthood, and to be Levites, that they might minister before YAHWEH (Mashereti Eloheinu is minister of ELOHIM), as we (angels) do, continually, and that Levi and his sons may be blessed forever…”

Jubilees 32:9

And Levi served as priest at Beth-El before Jacob his dad apart from his ten brothers, and he was a priest there, and Jacob gave his vow.”

Testament of Levi 5:1-2

And the messenger opened the gates of heaven to me, and I saw the holy Temple, and the Most High sitting upon a throne of esteem. And He said to me, “Levi, I have given you the blessings of the priesthood UNTIL I COME AND SOJOURN IN THE MIDST OF YISRA’EL.” That is a prophecy of YESHUA  becoming High Priest and the New Priesthood which is spoken about in Testament of Levi 8:

Testament of Levi 8:14

And the third will be called a renewed name, because  KING will arise from Judah, and will establish a NEW PRIESTHOOD, after the fashion of the nations to all the nations. And His presence is beloved, as a prophet of the Most High, of the seed of Abraham.”

Many are confused when it comes to the Book of Hebrews and they feel like the entire law changed. All that changed was the Levitical priesthood from the Levites who were humans that died and sinned to YESHUA from the Tribe of Judah who is sinless and does not die. Aaron and his sons were born into the priesthood by bodily descent, but that had to change in order for YESHUA to fulfill that role for us. In no way is the Torah done away with.

 Micah 5:2

But you, Beyth Lehem Ephrathah, you who are little among the clans of JUDAH,, out of you shall come forth to Me the One to become Ruler in Yisra’el. And His comings forth are old, from everlasting.

 1 Chronicles 28:4

Yet YAHWEH Elohim of Yisra’el chose me above all the house of my father to be sovereign over Yisra’el forever, for He has chosen JUDAH TO BE THE RULER.”

People when then point to Hebrews 8:7 and verse 13 to say the law is done away with:

For if that first had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second.” Verse 13 “By saying ‘renewed,’ He has made the first old. Now what becomes old and growing aged is near disappearing.”

YAHWEH has chosen Judah to be The Ruler out of all the 12 Tribes which is why YESHUA came from Judah and not the Tribe of Levi a tribe that Moses never spoke of concerning the altar. Remember YESHUA was born a Jew (Yehudi) and died King of The Jews (Yehudim). Which is also why there was the change of The Levitical Priesthood, because YESHUA became our High Priest (Kohen ha’Gadol) in the order of Melech-Tzedek the only other king priest of Salem which I explained above. So the law was never done away with it was just a change in Priesthood. YESHUA is the Mediator of the New Covenant, He doesn’t have to make continual sacrifices for His sin because He was sinless, and unlike human high priest YESHUA doesn’t die that’s why the first became old and was renewed, not done away with. (Hebrews 7:27).

Hebrews 7:13-15

For He of whom this is said belongs to another tribe, from which no one had attended at the altar. For it is perfectly clear that our Master arose from Judah, a tribe about which Moses never spoke of concerning the priesthood, and this is clearer still, if another Priest arises in the likeness of Melech-Tzedek.”  

As we see the Priests from the tribe of Levi are the ones who attended at the altar, but YESHUA rose from another tribe which was Judah, which makes His atonement so crucial because the Levites served many functions in the House of YHWH.

YESHUA can relate with humanity

He is ELOHIM The Son yet completely human having come in the flesh and was tempted in every way just as we are, but yet was without sin.

Hebrews 4:15-16

For we do not have a Kohen ha’Gadol (High Priest) unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who was tried in all respects as we are, apart from sin. Therefore, let us come boldly to the throne of favor, in order to receive compassion, and find favor for timely help.”

1 John 2:1-2 says:

"My little children, I write this to you, so that you do not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Intercessor with the Father, YESHUA HA’MASHIACH, a righteous One. And He Himself is an atoning offering for our sins, and not for ours only but also for all the world.”

YESHUA being ELOHIM the Son gave up His authority as King and humbled Himself to die for us. That is love and we need to follow that example by giving up ourselves and denying our existence and follow our Master YESHUA's example. Yom Kippur teaches us to die to self, deny ourselves, afflict our souls, weep, mourn and live for Him.

As we remember to deny, humble, and afflict ourselves during Yom ha’Kippurim let us use YESHUA our Messiah as the perfect example of how He completely denied His own existence for our sake when He said in

Mathew 26:39

"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

YESHUA died so that we may live and freed us from the law of sin and death, by breaking the chains of Satan so that we do not have to suffer eternal torment! YAHWEH poured out His wrath upon His Son so that we do not have to face what we are deserving of. We have been redeemed by His blood, so let us put our lives and fleshy desires to the side and do our Father YAHWEH's will and be obedient in our walk with YESHUA, HalleluYAH!

1 John 4:9-10:

"By this the love of YAHWEH was manifested in us, that YAHWEH has sent His only brought-forth Son into the world, in order that we might live through Him. In this love, not that we loved YAHWEH, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be an atoning offering for our sins."

As always, may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!