Realistically, we should honor our parents every day to make them proud and not to disrespect those who raised us. However a majority of the world needs to be told when to respect and their love their parents on the worldly implemented “Mother’s day and Dad’s day”, which both have ties to paganism. It is the worship of The Queen of heaven and Father Sky. Huge celebrations, gifts, and cards are given to their parents on these days and most will turn around and disobey them the very next day after the pagan celebration is over with. Satan is trying to present a sort of false worship by uplifting your parents on a certain day, the same way the world uplifts and venerates themselves on their birthdays.
Jeremiah 10:2
“Thus said YHWH, “Do not learn the way of the gentiles…”
Mom’s day, dad’s day, birthdays, and holidays not found in the Bible is what the world has done and learned the way of the gentiles. The point is simply to honor them every day and not ONE day out of the year, especially on the days that they have selected because they were chosen on purpose for dark reasons. What does Scripture say about honoring your parents:
Exodus 20:12
“Respect your dad and your mother so that your days are prolonged upon the land which YHWH your ELOHIM is giving you.” Notice YHWH doesn’t say honor them one day out of the year?
Deuteronomy 5:16
“Respect your dad and your mother, as YHWH your ELOHIM has commanded you, so that your days are prolonged, and so that it is well with you in the land which YHWH your ELOHIM is giving you.”
Leviticus 19:3
“Each one of you should revere his mother and his dad, and guard My Sabbaths. I am YHWH your ELOHIM.”
Leviticus 19:32
“Rise up before the grey-headed. And you shall favor the face of an old man, and shall revere your ELOHIM. I am YHWH.”
Ephesians 6:1-3
“Children obey your parents in the Adon (Master), for this is right.” Respect your dad and mother,” which is the first Command with promise, in order that it might be well with you, and you might live long on the earth.”
Colossians 3:20
“Children, obey your parents in all, for this is well-pleasing to the Adon (Master).
Sirach 3:1-16 (Included in 1611 King James Bible)
“Hear me your dad, O children, and do accordingly, that you may be safe. For YHWH has given the dad esteem over the children, and has confirmed the authority of the mother over the sons. Whoever esteems his dad makes an atonement for his sins; and he who esteems his mother is as one who stores up treasure. Whoever esteems his dad shall have joy from his own children; and when he makes his prayer, he shall be heard. He who esteems his dad shall have a long life; and he who is obedient to YHWH shall be a comfort to his mother. He who reveres YHWH shall esteem his dad, and shall do service unto his parents, as to his masters. Esteem your dad and mother both in word and deed, that a blessing may come upon you from them. For the blessing of the dad establishes the houses of children; but the curse of the mother roots out foundations. Do not rejoice in the shame of your dad; for your dad’s shame is no esteem unto you. For the esteem of a man is from the esteem of his dad; and a mother in shame is a reproach to the children. My son, help your dad in his age, and do not grieve him as long as he lives. And if his understanding fails, have patience with him; and do not despise him when you are in your full strength. For the relief for you dad shall not be forgotten; and instead of sin, it shall be added to build you up. In the day of your affliction it shall be remembered; your sins also shall melt away, as the ice in the fair warm weather. He who forsakes his dad is as a blasphemer; and he who displeases his mother is cursed of ELOHIM.”
Sirach 7:27-28
“Esteem your dad with your whole heart; and do not forget the sorrows of your mother. Remember that you were brought forth by them; and how would you repay them what they have done for you?”
Those who completely disrespect their parents have forgotten that they can never repay them for what they have done for you. They fed you when you could not cook or do for yourself, they provided food and shelter before you knew anything about bills or money thinking that money grew on trees and ATM machines just gave out free money, they kept the lights on and the water running, they bathed you, sent you to school, helped you with homework, helped with projects that you brought to them at the last minute, brought you medicine throughout the night when you had the flu or any illness, helped you get a job, gave you advice so you could avoid pitfalls they already experienced, cosigned for you, helped you learn how to drive, bought cars for you, put clothes on your back, and so much more; as the Book of Sirach says don’t neglect your parents when you are older in their full strength and forget what they did for you.
Sirach 22:3-5
“An undisciplined man is the shame of his dad that brought him forth; and a daughter is brought forth to his loss. A wise daughter brings an inheritance to her husband; but she who lives dishonestly is her dad’s heaviness. She who is bold shames both her dad and her husband, and they both shall despise her.”
If the child of the parents is dishonest and behaving badly or uncontrollable then it will bring shame to the parents and in return they will be dishonored. Remember we must honor them and not the opposite because this affects more than yourself. Would anyone want to purposely grieve their parents?
Jubilees 7:20
“And in the twenty-eighth Jubilee Noah began to command his sons’ sons the Laws and Commands, and all the Right-Rulings that he knew, and he urged his sons to observe righteousness, and to cover the shame of their flesh, to bless their Creator, and HONOUR DAD AND MOTHER…”
After all of these scriptures it should be clear that honoring your parents does not begin and end on the false pagan holidays of so-called “mother’s day” and “dad’s day”. As Paul said, honoring them is the first command with promise and YHWH said that you will prolong your days by obeying this command. Do all you can to help them in their time of need if you have it and do not be like the Pharisees:
Mark 7:10-11
“For Moses said, ‘Respect your dad and your mother,’ and, ‘He who curses dad or mother, let him be put to death.’ But you say, ‘If a man says to his dad or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from is, is Korban (that is, a gift),” you let him do naught at all for his dad or his mother, nullifying the Word of ELOHIM through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such-like you do.”
Korban is a gift dedicated to ELOHIM, and the Pharisees used this as a golden ticket to not help their parents by saying the money or gift was “dedicated”; so instead of honoring their parents by helping them they chose to hold on to the goods by saying it was dedicated to ELOHIM. YESHUA knew what they were doing with their deception because He knew their hearts and their hearts were set on greed and not love.
Sirach 22:9-10
“If children live decently, and have means, they shall cover the lowliness of their parents. But children, being haughty, through pride and lacking discipline, stain the nobility of their relatives.”
So do not use the Korban excuse, rather if you have means then help your parents to the best of your ability and do not despise them when you are in full strength as an adult and throw them into nursing homes because you feel like they have lived their lives which is why The Book of Sirach says the relief of your dad will not be forgotten when you don’t despise him when you are an adult in full-strength. Give your parents and call and show them that you love them, so that ELOHIM will smile upon you. Do not wait for them to pass away to tell them that you love them!
Blessings to you all in YESHUA’s Name