The Rod of Goshen Testimony

Shalom my fellow brothers and sisters,


Below is a transcript of a video that was recorded after immersing (baptizing) sister Aisha. The video can be viewed by going to the YouTube and searching for “Damien Powell” or clicking the link to go to the video here:


“On A-p-r-i-l 27th, achoti sister Aisha was immersed down here in Goshen Pass.  And we know that the children of Israel, before they left Mitsrayim (Egypt), there were plagues that YAHWEH brought upon the Mitsrites (Egyptians).  But while that was happening, the children of Israel were in Goshen.  I don’t know what the word Goshen means in Hebrew yet, but the children of Israel were protected in Goshen.  So the place she got immersed is like a safe haven for immersion.


We happened to stumble upon this stick when we were down here.  Completely etched.  When I looked at it, I just happened to pick it up to measure the depth of the water.  And when we looked at it, it reminded us of the stick of Ephraim and the House of Judah coming together as one stick.  When I looked upon it, I could actually see the Hebrew on the stick. It was already etched in here.


You have the Hebrew word Yad. The picture of the arm and the hand in Hebrew.  You have the modern form of Chet.  You have the modern form of Ayin, right here.  You have Waw, where if you turn it upside down the other way, you see Waw right there.  And then you have another Hey, a small Hey in the paleo Hebrew.  There’s a Taw, right here, in the paleo Hebrew, no that’s the otiot.  And then there’s Hey (similar but missing a line).  And this is the paleo Hey in Hebrew and then right beside it is the pictograph otiot of the spiritual man with his hands holding up.


So, this is all that we have seen thus far on here. But it is truly beautiful to see how our father YAHWEH works like it was meant for us to come here and pick up this stick.  From the place that Aisha got immersed … in Goshen Pass, the safe haven for immersion.  HaleluYAH!  Ah-mein!”

May our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!