Feeling alone? Are you the outcast?

So, you just woke up! You realized that Christianity was a lie and that most of what you have learned in school and have been told your entire life is a lie! You feel like you are alone in this walk because your family and friends think you are “weird”, that you are “crazy” and that you’re involved in a “cult.” I would like to encourage all the new followers of Torah to not feel alone, ashamed, crazy, nor a loser. And not just new followers of Torah who keep the commandments of YAHWEH, but also for those who have already been in this walk to keep going despite the persecution and push back you may be receiving from family, friends, or your jobs! When your family or others come against you remember what YESHUA said:

Matthew 10:34-37 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Moreover YESHUA MASHIACH said to His talmidim (disciples), “Do not think that I Myself came to set shalom (peace) on the earth, but certainly I Myself came to SEPARATE the father from the son, and the daughter from the mother, and a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law, and the people-acquainted ones from their acquaintances. Whosoever loves his father or his mother more than me is not worthy of Me.”

This means YESHUA came to divide those who follow the truth from those who follow falsehood! It makes sense because the reason why you feel alone, hated, and an outcast amongst family and friends, is because you have chosen to follow YESHUA completely and have rejected the ways of the world! Despite all of that, guess what? You have fellow brothers and sisters with you who are your family.

Matthew 12:46-50 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And while He spoke unto the people, His mother and His relatives stood outside and wanted to speak with Him. Then a certain man said to Him, “Your mother and Your relatives are standing outside asking for you.” So YESHUA answered and said to him, “Who is my mother? And who is my brother or my relative? EVERYONE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER who is in the heavens-HE IS MY BROTHER AND MY SISTER AND MY MOTHER.”

Anyone who does the WILL of YAHWEH is YESHUA’s brother, sister, and mother. So, what is the will of YAHWEH?

Psalms 40:8-9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

So then I said, “Here I am! I’m coming! In the scroll of a book it is written about Me. DOING YOUR WILL, My ELOHIM, is My joy; YOUR TORAH is in My inmost being.”

John 6:40 (Hebrewgospels.com)

For this IS THE WILL OF THE FATHER Who sent Me—that every man who CHOOSES THE SON AND BELIEVES, will have everlasting life; and I will raise him up alive in the last day.”

The will of YAHWEH is to keep the commandments of His Torah and to believe in His Son the Living Torah YESHUA (See Revelation 14:12). And I want you to remember that He chose you!

John 15:16 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Now, you HAVE NOT CHOSEN ME BUT I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, and have anointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should abide- in order that the matter which you ask in My Name, He may give to you.”

Ephesians 1:4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

In the Messiah HE CHOSE US in love BEFORE THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE to be set-apart and without defect in His presence. He determined IN ADVANCE that through YESHUA the Messiah we would be HIS SONS—IN KEEPING WITH HIS PLEASURE AND PURPOSE…”

You should be rejoicing that the Creator of the universe has chosen you and not feeling down about it. You are no longer spiritually blind and now you can see, because you were one of His lost sheep that He is calling home! So don’t be discouraged about what they say about you, rather rejoice and pray for them.

Matthew 5:11 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Blessed ones you will be when the men curse you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil things against you, and lie-because of Me. SHOUT WITH JOY-your wages are great in the heavens for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

So, this message is for encouragement to all believers walking in Torah to keep holding on despite what happens in this world, despite the persecution from family, friends, job, or government! Keep trusting in YESHUA and keep the commandments.! Psalms 119 gives us some great direction on how to respond in these times of affliction.

Psalms 119:51 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)


Psalms 119:61 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Even when the cords of the wicked close around me, I DON’T FORGET YOUR TORAH.”

Psalms 119:87 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

They have nearly ended my life on earth, BUT I HAVE NOT ABANDOED YOUR PRECEPTS.”

Psalms 119:110 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

The wicked have set a trap for me, YET I HAVEN’T STRAYED FROM YOUR PRECEPTS.”

Psalms 119:143(Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Trouble and distress have overtaken me, BUT YOUR COMMANDMENTS ARE MY DELIGHT.”

2 Corinthians 4:8-12, 16-18 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

We have all kinds of troubles, but we are not crushed; we are perplexed, yet not in despair; PERSECUTED, yet not abandoned; KNOCKED DOWN, YET NOT DESTROYED. We always carry in our bodies the dying of YESHUA, so that the life of YESHUA may be manifested in our bodies too. For we who are alive are always being handed over to death for YESHUA’s sake, so that YESHUA’s life also might be manifested in our mortal bodies. Thus death is at work in us but life in you.” Verses 16-18 “This is why we DO NOT LOSE COURAGE. Though our outer self is heading for decay, our inner self is being renewed daily. For our light and transient troubles are achieving for us an EVERLASTING esteem whose weight is beyond description. We concentrate on what is seen but on what is NOT SEEN, SINCE THINGS SEEN ARE TEMPORARY, BUT THINGS NOT SEEN ARE ETERNAL.”

Don’t lose courage in this life because of what you see happening; rather focus on that which is not seen in the spiritual. Because focusing on the promises of eternal life promised by YAHWEH and YESHUA outweighs any temporary struggles that we are facing in this life, so always that keep this in mind.

In the end they all will have to answer YESHUA for what they have done to you, so YOU just keep your eyes fixed on the reward to come.

2 Esdras (4th Ezra) 7:78-79

Now concerning death, the teaching is: When the decisive decree has gone out from the Most High that a person shall die, as the spirit leaves the body to return again to Him who gave it, first of all it adores the esteem of the Most High, if it one of those who have shown scorn and have not kept the way of the Most High, who have despised his law and hated those who FEAR ELOHIM---such spirits shall not enter into habitations, but shall immediately wander about in torments, always grieving and sad, in seven ways.”

2 Thessalonians 1:7-9 (Aramaic)

And to you who are OPRESSED He shall grant to be at PEACE with us when our Master YESHUA HA’MASHIACH shall be revealed from heaven with the host of his malachim (angels). At which time He will AVENGE with flaming fire those who KNOW NOT ELOHIM and those who do not acknowledge the Good News of our Master YESHUA HA’MASHIACH; for they, at the judgment day, shall be rewarded with everlasting destruction from the presence of our Master and from the esteem of His power…”

Remember, we have a higher calling and part of that is facing persecution amongst this world and ELOHIM will do the avenging on judgment day, so rejoice and thank YAHWEH that He has chosen you and keep clinging to YESHUA. This message will lead into a short message I want to do on exposing the pre-tribulation doctrine after this one ELOHIM willing.

As always may YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!