Wood-Offering and the SET-APART SPIRIT!

As a reminder, New Oil is on September 8th which is equivalent to the 22nd day of the 6th month on the Zadok Priestly Calendar and after that is the Wood-offering.

The Temple Scroll (The Dead Sea Scrolls) translated by Charlesworth page 307

Column 23

And AFTER the appointed time of the fresh oil (New oil), they shall present at the altar THE WOOD, the twelve clans of the sons of Yisra’el. And they shall be presenting (it) on the first day, the clans of Levi and Judah; and on the second day, Benjamin and the sons of Joseph together, Ephraim and Manasseh; and on the third day, Reuben and Simeon; and on the fourth day, Issachar and Zebulon, and on the fifth day, Gad and Asher; and on the sixth day, Dan and Naphtali…and they shall present upon the wood a burnt-offering for YAHWEH…”

So, we have a perfect match of what Nehemiah said was written in the Torah:

Nehemiah 10:35

And we cast lots for the office of WOOD BEARING, we the priests and the Levites and the people, TO BRING WOOD into the house of ELOHIM, according the HOUSE OF OUR FAMILIES AT CERTAIN SET TIMES, YEAR BY YEAR, to burn on the altar of YAHWEH our ELOHIM as it is WRITTEN IN THE LAW…”

We see that WOOD was brought during a festival at a SET TIME and by FAMILIES as we saw that 12 tribes presented wood (2 tribes a day) for 6 days as it is WRITTEN IN THE LAW and that law is according to the TEMPLE SCROLL.”

Nehemiah 13:31 (Septuagint)

And the OFFERING OF THE WOOD BEARERS was at CERTAIN SET TIMES and the in the times of the first fruits. Remember me my ELOHIM for good.”

Another witness if found in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Vermes translation) page 477 (Fragment 23)

When you enter the land which I am giving to you as an inheritance, and you dwell upon it securely you shall BRING WOOD for a burnt offering and for all the service of the House of which you shall build for Me in the land, to lay it on the altar of burnt-offering, and the calves…for Passover sacrifices and peace-offerings and thank-offerings and free-will offerings and burnt-offerings daily…and for the doors and for all the service of the House you shall offer…THE FESTIVAL OF OIL, the twelve tribes THEY SHALL OFFER WOOD…Those who offer on the first day shall be Levi and…on the third day, Rueben and Simeon, and on the fourth day…”

So, we see that the 12 tribes would bring a donation of wood so that the fire on the altar would not go out and for burnt offerings.

How can we celebrate wood-offering today?

Leviticus 6:1-6

“YAHWEH said to Moshe, 2 (9) “Give this order to Aharon and his sons: ‘This is the law for the burnt offering [a]: it is what goes up [b] on its firewood upon the altar all night long, until morning; in this way the FIRE OF THE ALTAR WILL BE KEPT BURNING3 (10) When the fire has consumed the burnt offering on the altar, the priest, having put on his linen garment and covered himself with his linen shorts, is to remove the ashes and put them beside the altar. 4 (11) Then he is to remove those garments and put on others, before carrying the ashes outside the camp to a clean place. 5 (12) In this way, the FIRE ON THE ALTAR WILL BE KEPT BURNING AND NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO OUT. Each morning, the priest is to KINDLE WOOD ON IT, arrange the burnt offering and make the fat of the peace offerings go up in smoke. 6 (13) FIRE IS TO BE KEPT BURNING ON THE ALTAR CONTINUALLY; IT IS NOT TO GO OUT.”

The same way that the fire on the altar shall not be put out is the same way that we as the Temples of YAHWEH filled with the RUACH HA’KODESH (1 Corinthains 3:16, 1 Corinthains 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16) should not let the RUACH HA’KODESH be quenched (fire put out) within us!

1 Thessalonians 5:19 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

19 “Don’t QUENCH the SPIRIT”

Oxford languages defines quench as “EXTINGUISH A FIRE”

The etymology for the word quench is G4570 “sbennumi” sben’-noo-mee and defined by Mounce as to extinguish, quench, Strongs defines it as a prolonged form of an apparently primary verb; to extinguish (literally or figuratively) and Thayer defines it as to extinguish, quench, of fire or things on fire, to be quenched, to go out.

Leviticus 6:12 (Septuagint)

And the FIRE ON THE ALTAR shall be kept burning on it and shall NOT BE EXTINGUISHED…”

We are not to put out the fire of the Spirit, rather we are to let Him continue to burn within us because the RUACH HA’KODESH is likened to FIRE:

Acts 2:1-4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“The festival of Shavu‘ot arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like TONGUES OF FIRE, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. They were all filled with the RUACH HA’KODESH and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.”

Moses Apocryphon 4Q376, 1Q29) The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls

they shall shed light on you. And he shall go out with it with TONGUES OF FIRE. The left-hand stone of his left side will show itself to the eyes of all the assembly until the priest has completed his speech. And afterwards the…has gone up…and you shall keep and do all that he shall speak to you.”

2 Esdras 14:22,33-42

If, then, I have found favor before thee, send the RUACH HA’KODESH (THE SET-APART SPIRIT) into me, and I will write everything that has happened in the world from the beginning, the things which were written in Your law, that men may be able to find the path, and that those who wish to live in the last days may live. Verse 38-42 “And it came to pass, on the next day, behold, a voice called me saying, “Ezra, open your mouth and drink what I give you to drink. Then I opened my mouth, and behold, a full cup was offered to me; it was full of something like WATER (John 7:37-38), but its color WAS LIKE FIRE. And I took it and drank; and when I had drunk it, my heart poured forth UNDERSTANDING, AND WISDOM INCREASED in my breast, and my spirit retained its memory; and my mouth was opened, and was no longer closed. And the Most High gave me understanding to those five men, and by turns they wrote what was dictated, in characters which they did not know.”

Notice that Ezra asked YAHWEH to send the RUACH HA’KODESH to have him write down everything and what he was given to drink was like water? The RUACH HA’KODESH is described as Living Water and FIRE as we saw from the scriptures above:

John 7:37-39 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And in the great day of the Feast, YESHUA stood, calling out and saying, “If any one does come unto Me, He will drink; whosoever believes in Me, as the Scripture says, ‘a stream of LIVING WATER will run from his belly.” And He said this concerning RUACH HA’KODESH—which those who believe in Him would receive; for He had not yet given the RUACH because YESHUA had not yet come into the light (esteem) of the Most High.”

Matthew 3:11 (Hebrewgospels.com)

I am immersing you with water at the place of repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not worthy to draw off His shoe. And He will immerse you with RUACH HA’KODESH, AND HE WILL HEAL YOU WITH FIRE.”

Community Rule Dead Sea Scrolls (Ken Johnson translation) pg.67 Fruits of the SPIRIT

These are the foundation FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT for the Sons of Truth in this world. The reward for those who walk in these will be HEALING and peace with long life. They are spiritual sons with all the eternal blessings. They will receive joy with eternal life, and a crown of esteem clothed in light.”

Fire also purifies, just as the fire of the RUACH HA’KODESH purifies us and makes us acceptable to serve ELOHIM in preparation for The Day of YAHWEH!

Malachi 3:2 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But who can endure the day when He comes? Who can stand when He appears? For He will be like a REFINER’S FIRE, like the soap maker’s lye. He will sit, testing AND PURIFYING THE SILVER; HE WILL PURIFY THE SONS OF LEVI, refining them like gold and silver so that they can bring offerings to YAHWEH uprightly.”

Thanksgiving Hymns (Hymn 8) The Complete Dead Scrolls pg. 258

And therefore I implore You BY THE SPIRIT which You have given me to perfect Your favors to your servant forever, PURIFYING ME BY THE SET-APART SPIRIT.”

Community Rule, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls pg. 101:

For it is through the spirit of true counsel concerning the ways of man that all is transgressions shall be expiated, that he may contemplate the light of life. He shall be CLEANSED from all his iniquities by the SET-APART SPIRIT (SPIRIT OF HOLINESS) UNITING HIM TO HIS TRUTH.”

Again, we see a cleansing by the RUACH HA’KODESH and that He will unite us to YAHWEH’s TRUTH! And truth is the Torah (Psalm 119:142)!

John 16:13 (Hebrewgospels.com)

But when the RUACH (SPIRIT) OF TRUTH will come, He will TEACH YOU ALL TRUTH. For He will not speak of His own heart, only the words which He hears He will speak, and make known to you those words.”

By not quenching the fire of the RUACH HA’KODESH Who is dwelling within us, He will keep the devotion to serve YAHWEH burning within our hearts!

2 Timothy 1:6-7 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

For this reason, I am reminding you to FAN THE FLAME OF ELOHIM’s GIFT, which you received through ordination from me. For ELOHIM GAVE US A SPIRIT who produces not timidity, BUT POWER, love and self-discipline.”

Paul says fan the flame (keep the fire going) of ELOHIM’s gift that he has given! And it’s a beautiful thing knowing that the gifts are given by the RUACH HA’KODESH!

1 Cornithans 12:4-13 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

 “Now there are different KINDS OF GIFTS, BUT THE SAME SPIRIT GIVES THEM. Also there are different ways of serving, but it is the same Master being served. And there are different modes of working, but it is the same ELOHIM working them all in everyone. Moreover, to each person is given the particular manifestation of the Spirit that will be for the common good. To one, through the Spirit, is given a word of wisdom; to another, a word of knowledge, in accordance with the same Spirit; to another, faith, by the same Spirit; and to another, gifts of healing, by the one Spirit; 10 to another, the working of miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, the ability to judge between spirits; to another, the ability to speak in different kinds of tongues; and to yet another, the ability to interpret tongues. 11 ONE AND THE SAME SPIRIT IS AT WORK IN ALL THESE THINGS, distributing to each person as HE CHOOSES12 For just as the body is one but has many parts; and all the parts of the body, though many, constitute one body; so it is with the Messiah. 13 For it was by one Spirit that we were all immersed into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free; and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.”

By not quenching the Spirit and operating within the gifts by the leading of the RUACH HA’KODESH burning within us we can continue being lights of the world.

Matthew 5:13-16 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And it happened furthermore, that YESHUA MASHIACH said unto His talmidim (disciples), “You are the instruction of the world, but the instruction is cut off by them who are not saved, and nothing else is fit, except to cast them to the street and to trample them. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD is not able to hide the city that rests on the mountain. No man LIGHTS THE LAMP in order to set it under a covering, but to set it upon the menorah, in order to give LIGHT to all those who are in the house. SO LET YOUR LAMP SHINE BEFORE ALL, that they may see your good deeds, and praise your Father who is in the heavens.”

We also see that the twelve tribes offered wood for the altar, so what kind of offering can we bring today? I know for sure that we can bring a spiritual offering:

1 Peter 2:5 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“As you come to him, the living stone, rejected by people but chosen by ELOHIM and precious to Him, you yourselves, as living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be priests set apart for ELOHIM to offer SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES acceptable to him through YESHUA the Messiah.”

Sirach 35:1-2

He that KEEPS THE TORAH BRINGS SUFFICIENT OFFERINGS: he that takes HEED TO THE COMMANDMENT OFFERS A PEACE OFFERING, he that repays a kindness offers fine flour; and he that shows mercy (charity) SACRIFICES PRAISE.”

And again, just as the wood kept the fire burning on the altar, we likewise have to keep the fire of the RUACH HA’KODESH burning within us by not grieving Him!  By turning away from the things of the world, denying our flesh, and walking in the fruits of the Spirit so that He doesn’t leave us which in return will put the fire within us out!

Ephesians 4:30

 30 “Don’t cause GRIEF to ELOHIM’s RUACH HA’KODESH, for he has stamped you as his property until the day of final redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, ANGER, violent assertiveness and slander, along with all spitefulness.” 3

The deeds above are acts of the flesh, but one of the fruits of the Spirit is JOY!

Galatians 5:22 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 humility, self control. Nothing in the Torah stands against such things.”

The opposite of the joy which the RUACH HA’KODESH brings is grief and anger which are related to each other. and this will extinguish His fire within you!

Shepherd of Hermas Chapter 2, Commandment #10 (Parenthesis mine)

“Hear, then,” says he, “foolish man, HOW GRIEF CRUSHES OUT THE RUACH HA’KDOESH/SET-APART SPIRIT (Extinguishes the fire), and on the other hand saves. When the doubting man attempts any deed, and fails in it on account of his doubt, this grief enters into the man, and GRIEVES THE SET-APART SPIRIT, AND CRUSHES HIM OUT. Then, on the other hand, when ANGER attaches itself to a man in regard to any matter, and he is embittered, then grief enters into the heart of the man who was irritated, and he is grieved at the deed which he did, and repents that he has wrought a wicked deed. This grief, then, appears to be accompanied by salvation, because the man, after having done a wicked deed, repented. BOTH ACTIONS GRIEVE THE SPIRIT: doubt, because it did not accomplish its object; and anger grieves the Spirit, because it did what was wicked. Both these are grievous to the SET-APART SPIRIT — doubt and anger. Wherefore remove grief from you, AND CRUSH NOT THE SET-APART WHICH DWELLS WITHIN YOU, lest he entreat ELOHIM against you, AND WITHDRAW FROM YOU. For the Spirit of ELOHIM which has  been granted to us to dwell in this body does not endure grief nor straitness. Wherefore PUT ON CHEERFULNESS, which always is agreeable and acceptable to ELOHIM, and REJOICE in it. For every cheerful man does what is good, and minds what is good, and despises grief; but the sorrowful man always acts wickedly. First, he acts wickedly because HE GRIEVES THE SET-APART SPIRT, which was given to man a cheerful Spirit. Secondly, Grieving the SET-APART SPIRIT, he works iniquity, neither entreating YAHWEH nor confessing to Him. For the entreaty of the sorrowful man has no power to ascend to the altar of ELOHIM.” “Why,” say I, “does not the entreaty of the grieved man ascend to the altar?” “Because,” says he, “grief sits in his heart. Grief, then, mingled with his entreaty, does not permit the entreaty to ascend pure to the altar of ELOHIM. For as vinegar and wine, when mixed in the same vessel, do not give the same pleasure [as wine alone gives], so grief mixed with the SET-APART SPIRIT does not produce the same entreaty [as would be produced by the SET-APART SPIRIT alone]. Cleanse yourself from this wicked grief, and you will live to ELOHIM; and all will live to ELOHIM who drive away grief from them, and put on all cheerfulness.”

Let us not put the fire of the RUACH HA’KODESH, THE SET-APART SPIRIT out so that we can continue being lights to the world and being cheerful as we do His will! As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

You will SHINE!

I want to encourage my brothers and sisters on this narrow path to keep being  sold out disciples of YESHUA, because the reward is great! This means never denying Him and not turning aside from any of the commandments!

Deuteronomy 5:29 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“Therefore you are to be careful to do as YAHWEH your ELOHIM has ordered you; you are not to deviate either to the right or the left. 30 (33) YOU ARE TO FOLLOW THE ENTIRE WAY which YAHWEH your ELOHIM has ordered you; so that you will live, things will go well with you, and you will live long in the land you are about to possess.”

Temple Scroll (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) Column 59 page 215

Afterwards they WILL RETURN TO ME with all their heart and all their soul, inconformity with ALL THE WORDS OF THIS LAW, and I will save them from the hand of their enemies and redeem them from the hand of those who hate them, and increase them and exult over them. I will be their ELOHIM and they shall be My people.”

Revelation 14:12 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Here is the hope of the set-apart ones, and here are those who DO THE COMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH, AND BELIEVE IN YESHUA.”

As we know, YAHWEH does not lie, and there are many rewards awaiting the righteous; and one of them I want to discuss is how those who endure will shine brightly.

Matthew 13:43 (Hebrewgospels.com)

The Son of ELOAH will send His messengers. All the stumbling-blocks in His Kingdom and the evil ones, He will place in the fire of Gei-Hinnom, and there will be weeping and trembling of teeth. Then the RIGHTEOUS ONES WILL SHINE LIKE THE SUN IN THE KINGDOM OF THEIR FATHER.”

The disciples saw a glimpse of what this will look like when they saw the esteem of YESHUA when His face shone like the sun!

Matthew 16:28 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Truth I say to you that some of these who are here will not die, until they have SEEN THE SON OF ELOAH COMING IN HIS KINGDOM.”

YESHUA’s statement about Him being seen coming in His Kingdom leads right up to the following verses in the next chapter. And what happens?

Matthew 17:1-2 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And after five days He took Keipha (Peter), Ya’aqov (James) and Yochanan (John) his brother, and after he brought them up onto one exceeding high mountain, the figure (His figure) was changed before them, and the form of His FACE SHONE LIKE THE SUN, AND HIS GARMENT WAS LIKE SNOW.”

Scripture tells us that we will be made like YESHUA

1 John 3:1-2 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

See what love the Father has lavished on us in letting us be called ELOHIM’s children! For that is what we are. The reason the world does not know us is that it has not known Him. Dear friends, we are ELOHIM’s children now; and it has not yet been made clear what we will become. We do know that when He appears, WE WILL BE LIKE HIM; because we will see Him as He really is.”

And being that this is true, YESHUA’s words are confirmed in many places!

Daniel 12:2-3 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Many of those sleeping in the dust of the earth will awaken, some to everlasting life and some to everlasting shame and abhorrence. But those who can discern will SHINE LIKE THE BRIGHTNESS OF HEAVEN’S DOME, AND THOSE WHO TURN MANY TO RIGHTEOUSNESS LIKE THE STARS FOREVER AND EVER.”

Enoch 104:1-2

I swear to you, that in heaven the messengers remember you for good before the esteem of the Great One, and your names are written before the esteem of the Great One. Be hopeful, for you were previously put to shame through illness and affliction. But now you shall SHINE AS THE LIGHTS OF HEAVEN, YOU SHALL SHINE AND YOU SHALL BE SEEN, and the gates of heaven shall be opened to you.”

Enoch 108:11-13

And now I will summon the spirits of the good who belong to the GENERATION OF THE LIGHT, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh were not repaid with such honor as their faith deserved. And I will bring forth in SHINING LIGHT those who have loved My Set-Apart Name, and I will seat each on the throne of his honor. And they shall be magnificent for times without number; for righteousness is the judgment of ELOHIM.”

2 Esdras 7:97 (Rewards for the righteous)

The sixth order, when it is shown to them how their FACE IS TO SHINE LIKE THE SUN, AND HOW THEY ARE TO BE MADE LIKE THE LIGHT OF THE STARS, being incorruptible from then on.”

2 Esdras 7:125

Or that the FACES of those who practiced self-control shall SHINE MORE THAN THE STARS, but our faces shall be blacker than darkness.”

2 Baruch 48:48-50

Now, then, let us leave the wicked and inquire about the RIGHTEOUS. I will recount their blessedness and will not be silent to proclaim their esteem, which is preserved for them. For surely, just as in a little time in this world that passes by, in which you live, you have endured much labor, so in THAT WORLD THAT HAS NO END YOU WILL RECEIVE A GREAT LIGHT.”

2 Baruch 51:7-12

But to those who have been saved by their works, and to those for whom the Torah now is hope, and understanding is an expectation, and wisdom is faith, to them marvelous things will appear in their time. For they will see THAT WORLD WHICH IS NOW INVISIBLE TO THEM, and they will see a time which is now hidden from them. And time will no longer make them older. For on the summits of THAT WORLD they will live, and they will be like the angels (Matthew 22:30), and they will be DEEMED EQUAL TO THE STARS. They will change themselves into any shape they wish, from comeliness into beauty and FROM LIGHT INTO ESTEEMED SPLENDOR. There the expanses of Paradise will be spread out before them. And they will be shown the comliness of the majesty of the living creatures that are beneath the throne, as well as the armies of angels who are now held by My word, lest they reveal themselves, and who are held by the command, that they stand in their places until their advent will come. And then the RIGHTEOUS will be more excellent than the angels.”

Wisdom 3:1-9

“But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of ELOHIM, and no torment will ever touch them. In the eyes of the foolish they seemed to have died, and their departure was thought to be a disaster and their going from us to be their destruction, but they are at peace. For though in the sight of others they were punished, their hope is full of immortality. Having been disciplined a little, they will receive great good, because ELOHIM tested them and found them worthy of himself; like gold in the furnace he tried them, and like a sacrificial burnt offering he accepted them. In the time of their visitation they will SHINE FORTH and will run like sparks through the stubble.  They will govern nations and rule over peoples, and YAHWEH will reign over them forever.  Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful will abide with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon his set-apart ones, and he watches over his elect.[a]

Community Rule (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 102, Chapter 4

And as for the visitation of all who in this spirit, it shall be healing, great peace in a long life, and fruitfulness, together with every everlasting blessing and ETERNAL JOY IF LIFE WITHOUT END, a crown of esteem and a garment of majesty in UNENDING LIGHT.”

Thanksgiving Hymns (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls, Hymn #15) pg. 282

For You have succored my soul, O my ELOHIM, and have lifted my horn on high. And I SHALL SHINE IN A SEVEN-FOLD LIGHT in the Council appointed by You for Your esteem; for You are an everlasting heavenly light to me and will establish my feet upon level ground for ever.”

We know the #7 represents completeness, fullness, and perfection! So the righteous will shine in complete perfect light for eternity.

Thanksgiving Hymns (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls, Hymn #24) pg. 299

You have caused the straying spirit to return that it may enter into a Covenant with You, and stand before You forever in the EVERLASTING ABODE, ILLUMINED WITH PERFECT LIGHT FOR EVER, with no more darkness, for UNENDING SEASONS OF JOY AND UNNUMBERED AGES OF PEACE.”

Proverbs 4:18 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But the path of the righteous is like the LIGHT OF DAWN, SHINING EVER BRIGHTER UNTIL FULL DAYLIGHT.”

In the “peshat” the literal meaning of the scripture, just as the day gets brighter as the sun continues to rise, is how those who begin to walk in the Torah and continue walking in it by the leading of the RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit) will grow in understanding and be lights on this earth to help the lost.

Matthew 5:14-16 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And it happened furthermore, that YESHUA MASHIACH said unto His talmidim (disciples), “You are the INSTRUCTION OF THE WORLD, but the instruction is cut off by them who are not saved, and nothing else is fit, except to cast them to the street and trample them. The LIGHT OF THE WORLD is not able to hide the city that rests on the mountain. No man lights the lamp in order to set it under a covering, but to set it upon the menorah, in order to give light to all those who are in the house. So let your LAMP SHINE BEFORE ALL, that they may see your GOOD DEEDS and praise your Father who is in the heavens.”

Philippians 2:14-15 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure children of ELOHIM, without defect in the midst of a twisted and perverted generation, among whom you SHINE LIKE STARS IN THE SKY, as you hold on to the Word of Life. If you do this, I will be able to boast, when the Day of the Messiah comes, that I did not run or toil for nothing.”

Likewise, in the “remez” the hint to a deeper spiritual meaning is that those who continue to endure until the end by keeping the commandments and belief in YESHUA (Revelation 14:12) will shine like the sun for eternity just as all the scriptures above have confirmed.

Let this found to be us those who hear His words and obey His words and grow in our understanding of His Torah, which leads to us grower brighter in our walk on earth, and to shining like the sun and stars in the Kingdom.

As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!


Jubilees 3:32

And on the New Month of the FOURTH MONTH, Adam and his wife went forth from the Garden of Eden. And they dwelled in the land of Elda in the land of their creation.”

After the fall Adam and Eve they were banished from the Garden of Eden on the 1st day of the 4th month, which is a WEDNESDAY, the 4TH DAY OF THE WEEK on the Zadok Priestly Calendar; and YESHUA was crucified on the 15th day of the 1st month, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is a WEDNESDAY the 4TH DAY OF THE WEEK!

When was YESHUA crucified video: https://youtu.be/fgHEIPOSRWk?si=knsfF_B_XYbHW1fD

2 Peter 3:8 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Moreover, dear friends, do not ignore this: with YAHWEH, ONE DAY IS LIKE A THOUSAND YEARS AND A THOUSAND YEARS LIKE ONE DAY.”

Using this model of the creation week would make day 4, the 4,000th year of creation when YESHUA walked the earth and was crucified.

John 10:9 (Hebrewgospels.com)

I am the DOOR; if anyone will come and will enter, HE WILL BE SAVED; he will come in and go out and find pasture.”

The #4 in Hebrew is Dalet, which is a picture of a DOOR, and it means “Move, Hang, ENTRANCE

Putting it all together we see that YESHUA is the DOOR and ENTRANCE way back to the Garden of Eden giving us eternal life by being crucified on the 4TH DAY OF THE WEEK in the 4,000TH YEAR OF CREATION, which reverses the fall of man and the exit from Garden of Eden on the 4TH DAY OF THE WEEK.

Revelation 2:6 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Whoever has ears must hear what the RUACH (Spirit) says to the assembly! Whosoever overcomes, will eat from the tree of life, which is in GAN EDEN (GARDEN OF EDEN.)


Temple Scroll Column 51 (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) pg. 209

You shall FOREWARN the children of Yisra’el about ALL THE IMPURITIES. They shall not render themselves UNCLEAN by those of which I tell you ON THIS MOUNTAIN AND THEY SHALL NOT BE UNCLEAN. For, I, YAHWEH, abide among the children of Yisra’el. You shall sanctify them and they shall be set-apart. They shall NOT RENDER THEMSELVES ABOMINABLE by ANYTHING THAT I HAVE SEPARATED FOR THEM AS UNCLEAN and they shall be set-apart.”

The Temple Scroll which has already been proven to be Torah warns the Israelites against all impurities. And this is what I’m going to do in this message; and that is to forewarn all my brothers and sisters in the body of YESHUA to do as YAHWEH has commanded without turning to the right nor the left. We must continue to be sold out disciples of YESHUA and be ready for His return. We will be discussing the purity laws such as flux, nocturnal emissions, sexual relations, menstrual cycles, childbirth, touching a corpse, and miscarriages.

The same way YAHWEH warned us to obey His purity laws is the same way He warns about how many will feel about His laws! Let us not found to be among this group!

Words of Moses 1Q22 (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 574

ELOHIM spoke to Moses in the fortieth year after the children of Yisra’el had come out of the land of Egypt, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, saying: ‘Gather together all the congregation and go up to Mount Nebo and stand there, you and Eleazar son of Aaron. Interpret to the heads of family of the Levites and to all the Priests, and proclaim to the children of Yisra’el THE WORDS OF THE LAW which I proclaimed to you on Mount Sinai. Proclaim carefully into their ears ALL THAT I REQUIRE OF THEM. And call heaven and earth to witness against them; FOR THEY WILL NOT LOVE WHAT I COMMANDED THEM TO DO, NEITHER THEY NOR THEIR CHILDREN, DURING ALL THE DAYS THEY SHALL LIVE UPON THE EARTH. For I say that they will ABANDON ME, and will choose the abominations of the nations, their horrors and their idols. They will serve false mighty ones which shall be for them a snare and a pitfall. They will transgress against the set-apart days, and against the Shabbat AND THE COVENANT, AND AGAINST THE COMMANDMENTS WHICH I COMMAND YOU TO KEEP THIS DAY.”

Repentance is at hand as we all have strayed away from YAHWEH’s ways, but now we have the complete Torah and can walk in obedience to Him. We should grieve over our disobedience but be thankful we can walk in the truth. We all should strive to be like the righteous Ezra regarding his obedience, humbleness, and purity.

2 Esdras/4th Ezra 6:32

Because your voice has surely been heard before the Most High; for the Mighty One has seen your uprightness and has observed THE PURITY which you have maintained from your youth.”

YESHUA has already given us a strict warning that none of the Torah is done away with, and He told us plainly that He did not speak His own words because He spoke the words of His Father (John 12:49-50), so keep that in mind while listening or reading this message.

Matthew 5:17 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Moreover YESHUA MASHIACH said to His talmidim (disciples), “Do not think that I came to throw down the Torah and the Prophets, on the contrary, I CAME TO CONFIRM. I say unto you in truth, that NOT ONE WORD WILL BE DIMINISHED FROM THE TORAH—that it would not be performed until the end of the world.”

Not one word from the Torah will be diminished and all of it shall be performed until the end of the world. We know this to be true because we rightfully and boldly proclaim this verse to the lawless Christianity.

Luke 16:17 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away THAN FOR ONE STROKE OF A LETTER IN THE TORAH TO BECOME VOID.”

Malachi 3:6 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But because I, YAHWEH, DO NOT CHANGE, you sons of Jacob will not be destroyed.”

Psalms 89:35 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

I will not profane My covenant or CHANGE WHAT MY LIPS HAVE SPOKEN.”

And the Son YESHUA is just like His Father:

Hebrews 13:8 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)


So, let us not be among this group that YAHWEH speaks of saying:

Isaiah 24:5 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

The land lies defiled under its inhabitants;
because they have
 Therefore a curse is devouring the land, and its inhabitants are punished for their guilt. It is why those living there waste away, and the people left are FEW.”

Thanksgiving Hymns (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 278

They who bore the yoke of my testimony have been led astray by TEACHERS OF LIES, and have REBELLED AGAINST THE SERVICE OF RIGHTOEOUSNESS. Whereas Thou, O my ELOHIM did command them to mend their ways by walking in the way of set-apartness, where NO MAN goes who is UNCIRCUMCISED, OR UNCLEAN OR VIOLENT…”

Does YAHWEH want us to obey the Purity Laws?

Leviticus 10:8-10 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

YAHWEH said to Aaron, “Don’t drink any wine or other intoxicating liquor, neither you nor your sons with you, when you enter the tent of meeting, so that you will not die. This is to be a permanent regulation through all your generations, so that you will DISTINGUISH between the set-apart and the common, and BETWEEN THE UNCLEAN AND THE CLEAN; so that you will teach the people of Yisra’el ALL THE LAWS YAHWEH has told them through Moses.”

Ezekiel 22:26 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Her priests have done violence to My Torah, profaned My set-apart things MADE NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SET-APART AND COMMON, NOT DISTINGUISHED BETWEEN THE UNCLEAN AND CLEAN, hidden their eyes from My Shabbats, and PROFANED ME AMONG THEMSELVES.”

The faithful Zadokite priests from the line Aaron obeyed YAHWEH in this matter, so they will be rewarded for their obedience and reappear to teach these laws during the 1,000-year reign of YESHUA, the same way they taught it when they were in Qumran.

Ezekiel 44:23 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

THEY (descendants of Zadok), are to teach My people the DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SET-APART AND COMMON AND ENABLE THEM TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN CLEAN AND UNCLEAN. They are to be judges in controversies, and they are to render decisions in keeping with My rulings.”

Damascus Document Column 5, page 133 (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls)

Moreover, they PROFANE THE TEMPLE, because they DO NOT observe the DISTINCTION (BETWEEN CLEAN AND UNCLEAN) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW, but lie with a woman who sees her BLOODY DISCHARGE.”

This law is given to us in: Leviticus 15:23-24, Lev 18:19, and Lev 20:18.

Damascus Document Column 6, page 134 (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls)

They shall take care to act according to the EXACT INTERPRETATION OF THE LAW during the age of wickedness. They shall separate from the sons of the Pit, and shall keep away from the unclean riches of wickedness acquired by vow or anathema or from the Temple treasure; they shall not rob the poor of His people, to make of widows their prey and of the fatherless their victim. They SHALL DISTINGUISH BETWEEN CLEAN AND UNCLEAN, AND SHALL PROCLAIM THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SET-APART AND PROFANE. They shall keep the Shabbat day according to its EXACT INTERPRETATION, and the feasts and the Day of Fasting according to the finding of the members of the New Covenant in the land of Damascus.”

In the book “The Biblical Calendar Then and Now” by Bill and Karen Bishop on page 26 they quote Hershel Shanks which reads:

“Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls: A Reader from the Biblical Archaeology Review – by Hershel Shanks pg.80-81

“Jews disgusted with what they believed to be the pollution of their ancestral religion and revolted by the usurpation of the High Priesthood by non-Zadokites, rallied behind a man they called Moreh Tzedek, the Techer of Righteousness. No doubt the Teacher of Righteousness was OF THE ZADOKITE LINE, A LEGITAMATE CLAIMANT TO THE TITLE OF HIGH PRIEST. He was opposed, however by the Wicked Priest who ruled illegitimately in Jerusalem. The faithful retreated to the desert to live a life of RITUAL PURITY, OBSERVING THE ANCIENT LAW, FOLLOWING THE OLD CALENDAR that marked the set-apart times, and awaiting the day when the Teacher of Righteousness would be accepted by all Jews as High Priest and would return once again to Jerusalem.”

In these last days, we need to be like the Zadok Priests and  flee from the corruption of Judaism and live a life of ritual purity, observing the ancient law which includes the Temple Scroll and Jubilees, and follow the Old Calendar which is the 364 Day, Solar Calendar of creation as we await the returning of YESHUA!.

Purity laws

Leviticus 15 (Entire chapter)

“YAHWEH said to Moshe and Aharon, Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘When any man has a discharge from his body, the discharge is uncleanThe discharge is unclean no matter whether it continues flowing or has stopped; it is still his uncleanness. Every bed which the person with the discharge lies on is unclean, and everything he sits on is unclean. Whoever touches his bed is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. Whoever sits on anything the person with the discharge sat on is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. Anyone who touches the body of the person with the discharge is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. If the person with the discharge spits on someone who is clean, the latter is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. Any saddle that the person with the discharge rides on will be unclean. 10 Whoever touches anything that was under him will be unclean until evening; he who carries those things is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 11 If the person with the discharge fails to rinse his hands in water before touching someone, that person is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 12 If the person with the discharge touches a clay pot, it must be broken; if he touches a wooden utensil, it must be rinsed in water.

13 “‘When a person with a discharge has become free of it, he is to count seven days for his purification. Then he is to wash his clothes and bathe his body in running water; after that, he will be clean. 14 On the eighth day, he is to take for himself two doves or two young pigeons, come before YAHWEH to the entrance of the tent of meeting and give them to the priest . 15 The priest is to offer them, the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering; thus the priest will make atonement for him on account of his discharge before YAHWEH.

(RY: vii, LY: vi) 16 “‘If a man has a seminal emission, he is to bathe his entire body in water; he will be unclean until evening. 17 Any clothing or leather on which there is any semen is to be washed with water; it will be unclean until evening. 18 If a man goes to bed with a woman and has sexual relations, both are to bathe themselves in water; they will be unclean until evening.

19 “‘If a woman has a discharge, and the discharge from her body is blood, she will be in her state of niddah (menstrual cycle) for seven days. Whoever touches her will be unclean until evening. 20 Everything she lies on or sits on in her state of niddah will be unclean. 21 Whoever touches her bed is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 22 Whoever touches anything she sits on is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening. 23 Whether he is on the bed or on something she sits on, when he touches it, he will be unclean until evening. 24 If a man goes to bed with her, and her menstrual flow touches him, he will be unclean seven days; and every bed he lies on will be unclean.

25 “‘If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days not during her period, or if her discharge lasts beyond the normal end of her period, then throughout the time she is having an unclean discharge she will be as when she is in niddah — she is unclean. 26 Every bed she lies on at any time while she is having her discharge will be for her like the bed she uses during her time of niddah; and everything she sits on will be unclean with uncleanness like that of her time of niddah. 27 Whoever touches those things will be unclean; he is to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water; he will be unclean until evening.

28 “‘If she has become free of her discharge, she is to count seven days; after that, she will be clean. (LY: vii) 29 On the eighth day, she is to take for herself two doves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 30 The priest is to offer the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering; thus the priest will make atonement for her before YAHWEH on account of her unclean discharge.

(Maftir) 31 “‘In this way you will separate the people of Isra’el from their uncleanness, so that they will not die in a state of uncleanness for defiling my tabernacle which is there with them.

32 “‘Such is the law for the person who has a discharge; for the man who has a seminal emission that makes him unclean; 33 for the woman in niddah during her menstrual period; for the person, man or woman, with a discharge; and for the man who has sexual relations with a woman who is unclean”

What is the discharge from the man’s body in verse 2? The Septuagint and the etymology give us the answer.

Leviticus 15:2 (Septuagint)

And YAHWEH spoke to Moses and Aaron saying, speak to the children of Yisra’el and you shall say to them, Whatever man has an ISSUE OUT HIS BODY, his ISSUE IS UNCLEAN. And this is the law of his uncleanness; whoever has ZOVO (footnote says GONORRHOEA OUT OF HIS BODY), this is his uncleanness in him by reason OF THE ISSUE by which, his body is AFFECTED THROUGH THE ISSUE: all the days of the issue of his body, by which his body is affected through the issue, there is his UNCLEANNESS.”

Leviticus 15:2-3 (NIRV)

Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Suppose LIQUID WASTE is flowing out of a man’s body. That LIQUID is not “clean”. It does not matter whether it continues to flow out of his body or is blocked.”

www.nhs.uk says this about gonorrhea:

Typical symptoms of gonorrhea include a thick green or yellow DISCHARGE from the vagina or penis, pain when peeing and, in women, bleeding between periods.”

The etymology of the word “issue or discharge in verse 2 is “Zub” H2100 which is defined by Brown-Drivers-Briggs as “to flow, gush, issue, discharge

1a)1 to flow, gush

1a2) to die, pine away (figuratively)

1a3) to flow (of issue from woman) have an issue, FLUX

Flowing (participle)

Strongs defines it as: to flow freely (as water) that is, (specifically) to have a SEXUAL FLUX; figuratively to waste away; also to overflow:-flow, gush out, have a RUNNING ISSUE, pine away, run.

Nocturnal emission and sexual relations

We will see that the emission of semen renders one unclean but does not get him quarantined aka removed from the camp in Leviticus, Numbers or the Temple Scroll. Whether it’s a nocturnal emission or semen released through sexual relations, the number of days he is unclean is the same as we will see.

What is a nocturnal emission?


Usually, a wet dream happens while you’re having a dream about sex, BUT NOT ALWAYS. You may not even remember the dream. Doctors call wet dreams “nocturnal emissions.” Nocturnal means “at night.” Emission is another way to say release. They’re also sometimes called “sleep orgasms.”

Leviticus 15:16 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“If a man has a SEMINAL EMMISION, he is to bathe his entire body in water; he will be unclean until evening. “17 Any clothing or leather on which there is any semen is to be washed with water; it will be unclean until evening. 18 If a man goes to bed with a woman and has sexual relations, both are to bathe themselves in water; they will be unclean until evening.”

Temple Scroll (Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 206

No man who has had a NOCTURNAL EMISSION shall enter the sanctuary at all until THREE DAYS HAVE ELAPSED. He shall wash his garments and bathe on the FIRST DAY AND ON THE THIRD DAY he shall wash his garments and bathe, and after sunset he shall enter the sanctuary. They shall not enter my sanctuary in their IMPURE UNCLEANNESS and render it unclean.”

How did the community deal with semen?

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls 4QTohorot (Purities) A (4Q274) page 236

…When they sprinkle on him for the first-time. He shall bathe and wash his clothes before he eats. If it occurs for him on the seventh day on the Shabbat Day, he shall not sprinkle on the Shabbat, for He says: Keep the Shabbat (Deut 5, 12). But he shall NOT TOUCH ANYTHING PURE until he has repeated it. All that TOUCHES SEMEN be it a man or any vessel shall be immersed. And the bearer of it shall immerse. And the garment on which it (the semen) is and the vessel which carries it shall be immersed in water. If there is a man in the camp who is unable to do this (lacks a spare garment), he shall bathe and put on any garment which has not been touched by it (the semen) as long as it does not touch his bread (food). He who touches his bed or his seat, IF HIS GARMENT HAS NOT TOUCHED IT (THE SEMEN), he shall bathe in water. But if his garment has touched it (the bed or the seat), he shall wash it (the garment). A man shall wash his garment with water for eating all consecrated food…”

How do the Samaritans deal with semen and worship? As we know they followed the Torah stricter than Judaism:

A Rabbi named Simeon ben Gamaliel commented on the Samaritans saying “They were as Israelites in all things, and KEPT THE LAW AND THE PRECEPTS OF IT, AND EVEN MORE EXACTLY THAN THE ISRAELITES THEMSELVES DID…”

Benyamim Tsedaka the editor and translator of the Samaritan Torah says on page 254:

Laws of impurity at PRESENT TIMES”---The laws of impurity in the Torah are designated for BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. In the case of a man, when he becomes impure from intercourse or having a WET DREAM, he washes his flesh and with water and stays unclean until the evening. If he became unclean Friday evening, he SITS IN THE BACK OF THE SYNAGOGUE AND KEEPS HIS VOICE FROM PRAYING LOUDLY. He will NOT take part in the reading of the Torah portion, after the prayer of Shabbat morning. There is no shame in this because it happens to everybody.”

Notice how the Samaritans do at least acknowledge the uncleanness of a man with a nocturnal emission, and they will LIMIT his participation in the synagogue? The Samaritans without the Temple Scroll were close in how they applied this law. Let’s turn to the Damascus Document who were very strict in their observance of the Torah and see what it says.

Damascus Document (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) Column 11, page 142

NO MAN entering the house of worship SHALL COME UNCLEAN AND IN NEED OF WASHING.”

The Damascus Document by Steven D. Fraade comments on page 104

Impure (after) having washed. This refers to someone in an intermediary state of IMPURITY, having washed but NOT YET FULLY PURIFIED UNTIL THE EVENING during which time access to the inner parts of the temple is restricted.”

So, the man in the Samaritan community is restricted in his participation in the synagogue or house of worship, but according to the Zadok Priest, he should not be present at all, until he is fully clean.

Sexual relations

As I explained in the message “The Temple Scroll is Torah”, is that Leviticus says a man and woman who have sexual relations are unclean until evening, but Exodus and the Temple Scroll say, “3 days”. Again, they are unclean and prevented from entering YAHWEH’s presence, but not removed from the camp, just as one with a nocturnal emission. 3 days is the number of days for uncleanness with semen.

Exodus 19:14-15 (Samaritan)

And Moshe went down from the Mountain to the people, and consecrated the people. And they washed their garments. And he said to the people, be ready for the THREE DAYS, DO NOT APPROACH A WOMAN.”

Exodus 19:15 (Septuagint)

And he said to the people, be ready: FOR THREE DAYS DO NOT COME NEAR TO A WOMAN.”

They were about to enter the presence of YAHWEH and were told not to have sexual relations with a woman because we know that the act renders one unclean.

Temple Scroll (Charlesworth translation) page 347 verses 11-12

A man who lies with his wife having an ejaculation of semen, he shall NOT enter the entire city of the Sanctuary in which I shall allow My Name to dwell for THREE DAYS.”

The Septuagint agrees with Exodus and the Temple Scroll!

1 Samuel 21:4-5 (Septuagint)

And the priest answered David and said, there are no common loaves under my hand, for I have none but set-apart loaves: if the young men have been kept AT LEAST FROM WOMEN, then they shall eat them. And David answered the priest and said to him, Yes, we have been KEPT FROM WOMEN FOR THREE DAYS…”

Concerning a woman on her menstrual cycle

Leviticus 15:19-20 (Septuagint)

And the woman whoever has an ISSUE OF BLOOD, when her issue is in her body shall be in her SEPARATION SEVEN DAYS; everyone that touches her shall be UNCLEAN until evening. And everything on which she lies IN HER SEPARATION shall be unclean; and whatever she sits upon shall be unclean.”

Leviticus 15:19-20 (Aramaic)

And if a woman has a DISCHARGE OF BLOOD, and her discharge is in her body, she shall be PUT APART FOR SEVEN DAYS IN HER MENSTRUATION…”

Leviticus 15:25-26 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

25 “‘If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days not during her period, or if her discharge lasts beyond the normal end of her period, then throughout the time she is having an unclean discharge she will be as when she is in niddah (menstrual cycle) — she is unclean. 26 Every bed she lies on at any time while she is having her discharge will be for her LIKE THE BED SHE USES DURING THE TIME OF HER NIDDAH (MENUSTRATION); and everything she sits on will be unclean with uncleanness like that of her time of niddah.”

Notice how in the Complete Jewish Scriptures show that a woman is sleeping in a separate bed during the time of her niddah/period? This distancing/separation is something that is literal!

The Septuagint says a woman shall be in her “separation” for seven days and the Aramaic says “put apart” for seven days. This matches the root words we find in this article.

In an article by: Female Purity (Niddah) | Jewish Women's Archive (jwa.org) states this:

“Chapter 15 of Leviticus serves as the basis for the Jewish menstrual laws. The Hebrew term used for menstruation in Leviticus 15:19, 20, 24, and 33 is niddatah, which has as its root ndh, a word meaning “SEPARATION,” usually as a result of IMPURITY. It is connected to the root ndd, meaning “TO MAKE DISTANT.” This primary meaning of the root was extended in the biblical corpus to include concepts of sin and impurity. The Aramaic Bible translations (Onkelos [second century c.e.], Pseudo-Jonathan, and Neofiti) translate these verses with the root rhq, “in her separation/distance,” some adding “of her impurity.” Both roots reflect the PHYSICAL SEPARATION of women during menstruation (or abnormal uterine bleeding or the seven or fourteen days immediately postpartum) from PHYSICAL CONTACT or from certain activities in which they would normally engage at other times. In other parts of the Bible, the term niddah was transferred to include abominable acts, objects (Ezekiel 7:19–20), or status, especially sexual sins (Leviticus 20:21) and idolatry. The use of the term niddah to describe the impurity of the land due to sin is found in Lamentations 1:8 and Ezra 9:11 and as an antonym of holiness in 2 Chronicles 29:5. These usages of the term may have influenced subsequent reactions to the state of menstruation. The term niddah was transformed into a metaphorical expression for sin and impurity in general. These meanings added to the original sense of distancing or separation, creating a new semantic range that influenced the legal and emotional understanding of niddah over the course of generations.”

Numbers 5:1-4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

5 (iii) YAHWEH said to Moshe, “Order the people of Isra’el to EXPEL FROM THE CAMP everyone with LEPROSY, everyone with a DISCHARGE and whoever is unclean because of TOUCHING A CORPSEBoth male and female you MUST EXPEL; PUT THEM OUTSIDE THE CAMP; so that they won’t DEFILE their camp, where I live among you.” The people of Isra’el did this and put them outside the camp — the people of Isra’el did what YAHWEH had said to Moshe.”

So, who are those that are quarantined and put outside the camp in Numbers 5? If we go back to Leviticus 15, we see that the man with gonorrhea/flux/discharge and the woman on her menstrual cycle were the two that were “contagious” because if they touched anyone, they would become unclean. This matches the literal words of separation and distancing that we see in Leviticus 15 regarding a menstruating woman.

Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament:

Removal on Unclean Persons out of the Camp.- As Jehovah, the Holy One, dwelt in the midst of the camp of His people, those who were affected with the uncleanness of leprosy (Leviticus 13), of a diseased flux, or of menstruation (Leviticus 15:2, Numbers 15:19), and those who had become unclean through touching a corpse (Numbers 19:11. Cf. Leviticus 21:1; Leviticus 22:4), whether male or female, were to be REMOVED OUT OF THE CAMP, that they might not defile it by their uncleanness. The command of ELOHIM, to remove these persons out of the camp, was carried out at once by the nation; and even in Canaan it was so far observed, that lepers at any rate were placed in SPECIAL PEST-HOUSES OUTSIDE THE CITIES (see at Leviticus 13:45-46).”

The Temple Scroll gives us the complete list of all who are unclean and put outside the camp.

Temple Scroll (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 208

In EVERY CITY you shall SET ASIDE AREAS for those stricken with LEPROSY, with plague, and with SCAB (Leviticus 13:2), who SHALL NOT ENTER YOUR CITIES AND PROFANE THEM, and ALSO FOR those who suffer from FLUX; AND FOR MENSTRUATING WOMEN, AND WOMEN AFTER CHILD-BIRTH, so that they may NOT CAUSE DEFILEMENT IN THEIR MIDST by their IMPURE UNCLEANNESS. The leper suffering from chronic LEPROSY OR SCAB, who has been pronounced unclean by the priest…”

Another text in the Dead Sea Scrolls agrees with the language we read from YAHWEH in the Temple Scroll!

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls 4QTohorot (Purities) A, 4Q274 page 235

A woman with a seven-day issue of blood shall not touch a man with a flux, nor any vessel touched by a man who has a flux, nor anything he has lain or sat on. But if she has touched them, she shall wash her garments and bath, and afterwards she may eat. Above all, SHE SHALL NOT MINGLE WITH THE PURE DURING HER SEVEN DAYS so that she MAY NOT POLLUTE THE CAMPS OF THE SET-APART OF ISRAEL. Neither shall she touch any woman with a long-term issue of blood. And the person, either male or female, who counts the seven days: cf. Lev 15, 13) shall not touch the menstruant during her uncleanness. Only when she has PURIFIED HERSELF FROM HER UNCLEANNESS MAY SHE BE TOUCHED, for the BLOOD of the MENSTRUANT is reckoned AS A FLUX FOR ANYONE WHO TOUCHES IT.”

These instructions are pretty clear and they understood it was a literal separation. Why is the woman who gave birth to a child quarantined like the menstruating woman? Because her first 7 or 14 days depending on if it’s a male or a female, she is unclean as she is in her menstrual cycle.

Leviticus 12:1-5 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

YAHWEH said to Moshe, “Tell the people of Isra’el: ‘If a woman conceives and gives birth to a boy, she will be UNCLEAN FOR SEVEN DAYS WITH THE SAME UNCLEANNESS AS IN NIDDAH, when she is having her MENSTRUAL PERIODOn the eighth day, the baby’s foreskin is to be circumcised. 4 She is to wait an additional thirty-three days to be purified from her blood; she is not to touch any set-apart thing or come into the sanctuary until the time of her purification is over. But if she gives birth to a girl, she will be UNCLEAN FOR TWO WEEKS, AS IN HER NIDDAH (MENSTRUAL PERIOD); and she is to wait another sixty-six days to be purified from her blood.”

Notice that the child-bearing woman, the menstruating woman, and the man with gonorrhea are in the same category as a leper? Even the five books of the Torah in our 66 books agrees with the Temple Scroll that lepers were quarantined.

Leviticus 13:1-4 (Samaritan)

And YAHWEH spoke to Moses and to Aaron saying, when a man has on the skin of his flesh a swelling or a scab or a bright spot, and it becomes a MARK OF LEPROSY on the skin of his flesh, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests. And the priest shall look at the mark on the skin of the flesh. And if the hair in the infection has turned white and the infection appears to be deeper than the skin of his flesh, IT IS AN INFECTION OF LEPROSY, and the priest will see and he shall pronounce him UNCLEAN. And if the bright spot is white on the skin of his flesh, and it does not appear to be deeper than the skin, and the hair on it has not turned white, then the priest SHALL ISOLATE HIM HAVING THE INFECTION FOR SEVEN DAYS. And the priest will see on the seventh day. And if in his eyes the infection has not changed, the infection not spreading on the skin, then the priest SHALL ISOLATE HIM FOR SEVEN MORE DAYS.”

Numbers 12:9-16 (Samaritan)

And the anger of YAHWEH burned against them and He departed. And the cloud had withdrawn from over the tent, and behold, Miriam was LEPROUS AS SNOW. And Aaron turned toward Miriam, and behold, she was LEPROUS. And Aaron said to Moses, my master, I beg you, do not account this iniquity to us in which we have acted foolishly and in which we have transgressed. Let her not to be like one dead, whose flesh is half eaten away when he comes from his mother’s womb. And Moses cried out to YAHWEH, saying, EL, please heal her. And YAHWEH said to Moses, and had her father but spit in her face, obviously, would she not bear her shame for SEVEN DAYS. Let her BE SHUT UP FOR SEVEN DAYS OUTSIDE THE CAMP, AND AFTERWARD SHE MAY BE RECEIVED AGAIN. And Miriam was SHUT UP OUTSIDE THE CAMP FOR SEVEN DAYS. And the people did not move on until Miriam did return.”

Again let’s turn to the Samaritans who are strict Torah observers and at least see how they apply the law of a woman during her menstrual cycle today. Benyamim Tsedaka the editor and translator of the Samaritan Torah says on page 254:

When a woman becomes unclean by her MONTHLY PERIOD, she MOVES FROM HER REGULAR BEDROOM TO A SPECIAL BEDROOM IN THE HOUSE, and STAYS THERE FOR SEVEN DAYS. The room is furnished and has all facilities to give her the full comfort for seven days. She is UNTOUCHABLE by anyone in the family or the community, and the whole family is devoted to her in order to provide all her needs. All her requests will be placed beside her bed or the place where she is sitting, and she will take from there: be it food, or clothes, or anything. She will take the chair that she sits on outside to be cleaned overnight by the dew. During the seven days she may go to her place of study or work, and return back to her room. She may walk in the house, but without touching anything that is able to become impure. Every day she washes herself; however, all her duties as the mother of the house are done by the other members of the family. If she has young children she makes an arrangement with one of her women neighbors to take care of the children until her husband returns back from work. A nursing baby remains with her. When her neighbor is impure, she returns the favor by helping in this same way. This exchange contributes much to kind relationships between Samaritan families. At the end of the seven days, she immerses in the home bath of living water. She immerses her whole self under a filled bath with the tap still flowing.”

We see that the Samaritans do quarantine the women and that everyone pitches in to help her. The woman will make arrangements with her neighbors to care for the children when she is on her period if the husband is not home, which matches the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Damascus Document Manuscripts from Cave 4, 4Q266, fr. 6 (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 150

And a woman who conceives and bears a male child shall be unclean for seven days LIKE HER MENSTRUAL DAYS. On the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. She shall continue for thirty-three days in the blood of her purifying. But if she bears a female child, she shall be unclean for fort-night as in her MENSTRUATION. For sixty-six days she shall continue in her blood of purifying (Lev 12, 2-5) And she shall not eat sacred food and shall NOT ENTER THE SANCTUARY, for it is a CAPITAL CRIME…LET HER GIVE THE CHILD TO A WET-NURSE WHO IS IN THE STATE OF PURITY…”

Thanksgiving Hymns (The Dead Sea Scrolls) Hymn 15 page 283

I am in sinful guilt, and from the breast of my mother in injustice, and IN THE BOSOM OF MY NURSE in great impurity.”

A “Wet-Nurse” is defined by Merriam-Webster as: a woman who cares for and breastfeeds YOUNG NOT HER OWN.

Thanksgiving Hymns (The Dead Sea Scrolls) Hymn 15 page 282

You hast made me a father to the sons of grace, and as a foster-father to men of marvel; they have opened their mouths like little babes…like a CHILD playing in the LAP OF ITS NURSE.”

Genesis 24:59 (Samaritan)

And they sent away their sister Rebecca AND HER NURSE with Abraham’s slave and his men.”

In EVERY CITY you shall SET ASIDE AREAS for those stricken with LEPROSY, with plague, and with SCAB (Leviticus 13:2), who SHALL NOT ENTER YOUR CITIES AND PROFANE THEM, and ALSO FOR those who suffer from FLUX; AND FOR MENSTRUATING WOMEN, AND WOMEN AFTER CHILD-BIRTH”

Again, the woman who gives birth is unclean just like her menstrual cycle; therefore, a woman on her menstrual cycle should have another care for the children as the Damascus Document and Samaritans say.

Torah observant believers can achieve this by working with fellow Torah observant believers, of course living in a community like the Samaritans would help.  Or hire “help” like a wet-nurse known as an in-home nanny today or a babysitter to watch over the children during these 7 days! I know that everyone can’t afford to do this, I’m making suggestions to help as we return back to the ancient path. The best answer is to always take it in prayer and let YAHWEH guide you concerning this and let Him make a way for you.

Dead Body

Temple Scroll, Complete Dead Sea Scrolls page 208-209

If a man dies in your cities, the house in which the dead man has died shall be unclean for seven days. Whatever is in the house and whoever enters the house shall be unclean for seven days. Any food on which water has been poured shall be unclean, anything moistened shall be unclean. Earthenware vessels shall be unclean and whatever they contain shall be unclean for every clean man. The open vessels shall be unclean for every Israelite with whatever is moistened in them. On the day when the body is removed from there, THEY SHALL CLEANSE THE HOUSE of all pollution of oil, wine, and water moisture. They shall rub ITS (the house’s) FLOOR, WALLS AND DOORS AND SHALL WASH WITH WATER THE BOLTS, DOORPOSTS, THRESHOLDS AND LINTELS. On the day when the body is removed from there, they shall purify the house and all its utensils, hand-mills and mortars, all utensils of wood, iron and bronze and all utensils capable of purification. Clothes, sacks and skins shall be washed. As for the people, whoever has been in the house or has entered the house shall bathe in water and shall wash his clothes on the FIRST DAY. On the THIRD DAY they shall sprinkle purifying water on them and shall bathe. They shall wash their garments and all the utensils in the house. On the SEVENTH DAY they shall sprinkle them a second time. They shall bathe, wash their clothes and utensils and shall be clean by the evening of the impurity CONTRACTED FROM THE DEAD so as to be fit to touch their pure things. As for a man who has not been rendered unclean on account of…they have been unclean. No longer…until they sprinkled them the second time on the seventh day and shall be clean by the evening at sunset. Whoever touches the bone of a dead person in the fields, or one slain by the sword, or a dead body or the blood of a dead person, or a tomb, he shall purify himself according to the rule of this statute. But if he does not purify himself according to the rule of this statute of this law, he is unclean, his uncleanness being still IN HIM. Whoever touches him must wash his clothes, bathe and he shall be clean by evening.”


Temple Scroll (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 209

If a woman is with child and IT DIES IN HER WOMB, as long as it is dead in her, SHE SHALL BE UNCLEAN LIKE A TOMB. Any house that she enters shall be unclean with all its utensils for SEVEN DAYS. Whoever touches it shall be unclean till the evening. If anyone ENTERS THE HOUSE WITH HER, HE SHALL BE UNCLEAN FOR SEVEN DAYS. He shall wash his clothes and bathe in water on the first day. On the third day he shall sprinkle and wash his clothes and bathe. On the seventh day he shall sprinkle a second time and wash his clothes and bathe. At sunset he shall be clean. As for all the utensils, clothes, skins and all the materials made of goat’s hair, you shall deal with them according to the statute of this law. All earthenware vessels shall be broken for they are unclean and can no more be purified ever.”

Let us all strive to SHEMA which means to hear and obey!

Exodus 20:16f (Samaritan)

You go near and hear all that YAHWEH our ELOHIM may say. And tell us ALL that YAHWEH our ELOHIM says to you, and WE WILL HEAR AND DO IT.”

Exodus 24:7 (Samaritan)

And he took the book of the covenant and read in the hearing of the people. And they said, all that YAHWEH has spoken we will HEAR AND WE WILL DO.”

Exodus 24:7 (Septuagint)

And he took the book of the covenant and read it in the ears of the people and they said, all things that YAHWEH has spoken we WILL DO AND LISTEN TO OBEY.”

Romans 2:13 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

13” For it is not merely the HEARERS of Torah whom ELOHIM considers righteous; rather, it is the DOERS OF WHAT TORAH SAYS who will be made righteous in ELOHIM’s sight.”

James 1:22 (Hebrewgospels.com)

But you must be of those WHO DO THE WORD AND NOT OF THOSE WHO HEAR ONLY—by which they deceive you.”

Luke 11:28 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“But he said, “Far more blessed are those who HEAR THE WORD OF ELOHIM AND OBEY IT!”

Hearing the word of YAHWEH and obeying it by putting it into action in our lives will return us back to the ancient path and we will find eternal rest!

Jeremiah 6:16 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

 Here is what YAHWEH says:

“Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask about the ancient paths,
‘Which one is the good way?’
Take it, and you will find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not take it.’


Will you be one who takes the ancient path? Or will you be the one who says, “We will not take it?” The choice is yours!

Isaiah 64:4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

5) You favored those who were glad to do justice,
those who remembered you in your ways.
When you were angry, we kept sinning;

As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!!!

The Temple Scroll is TORAH!

The Temple Scroll was found in cave #11 amongst the Dead Sea Scroll finds; and has been revealed in the last days for the children of YAHWEH to return fully to the ancient path. We will be discussing supporting evidence as to why the Temple Scroll should not be avoided!

The Dead Sea Scrolls magazine (Special edition) page 12 says:


This scroll (Temple Scroll), nearly thirty feet long, had been copied several times at Qumran, indicating that it was considered a KODESH (SET-APART) BOOK. It contains elaborate plans for the building of the Jewish Temple, and it’s overriding characteristic is STRICT ADHERENCE TO THE LAW, WHICH IS SPELLED OUT EXPLICITLY. The laws, pertaining to the city of the Temple, include instruction on furniture, utensils, sacrifices, personal hygiene, and separation of people according to gender, health, and standing with the community. The Temple Scroll also refers to some festivals and set-apart days not mentioned in scripture, such as the New Wine Festival, the New Oil Festival, and the Wood Offering Festival. The frequent use of the FIRST PERSON WHEN ELOHIM SPEAKS IS ANOTHER INDICATION that this scroll is related to the Pentateuch (The first five books of the Bible, called the Torah of Moses.)


TheTorah.com says:

“What is “Torah” in Second Temple Texts?”

In the Second Temple Period, “Torah” was NOT LIMITED to the Five Books of Moses. The BOOK OF JUBILEES AND THE TEMPLE SCROLL saw themselves as “TORAH,” while Qumran’s Community rule and Damascus Document claim that their own sectarian rules likewise constituted Torah.”


An interesting article written in 1987 on the Temple Scroll says:


Is the Temple Scroll a Sixth Book of the Torah—Lost for 2,500 Years? Hartmut Stegemann, BAR 13:06, Nov-Dec 1987. : Center for Online Judaic Studies


The Dead Sea Scrolls

“The Temple Scrolls is the longest and, in my view, clearly the MOST IMPORTANT of the preserved Dead Sea Scrolls. It was composed, I believe as an addition or, still better, a supplement to the Pentateuch, as a SIXTH BOOK OF THE TORAH, ON THE SAME LEVEL OF AUTHORITY AS GENESIS, EXODUS, LEVITICUS, NUMBERS, AND DEUTERONOMY.”


I want to cover some evidence in support of the Temple Scroll and keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list!

Firstly, we know YAHWEH says:

Deuteronomy 4:2 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

In order to obey the commandments of YAHWEH your ELOHIM which I am giving you, do not ADD to what I am saying, and DO NOT SUBRACT FROM IT.”

Most believers are quick to say that someone has “added” to the Torah when it’s something that is new to them! However, if the same statement is being made of us “adding” to the Torah, then the same question is equally as valid for them, how do you know that commands have not been TAKEN AWAY? Nowhere in scripture is it stated that the Torah is ONLY Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy! That is something we have all been taught and accepted as factual without even questioning it.

2 Kings 23:25 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“No previous king was like him; because he turned to YAHWEH with all his heart, with all his being and with all his power, in ACCORDANCE WITH ALL THE TORAH OF MOSES; nor did any king like him arise afterwards.”

Luke 24:44 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

YESHUA said to them, “This what I meant when I was still with you and told you that everything written about Me in THE TORAH OF MOSHE, the Prophets and the Psalms had to be fulfilled.”

Ezra 7:6

this ‘Ezra went up from Bavel. He was a scribe, expert in the TORAH OF MOSHE, which YAHWEH the ELOHIM of Yisra’el had given…”

Nowhere in scripture does it say the Torah was limited to those five books, but rather the Torah of Moshe! The Book of Jubilees features Moses receiving the TORAH on Mount Sinai and the Temple Scroll features Moses again with the statement:

Temple Scroll Column 44:5 page 205

All that is to the right and to the left of the gate of Levi, you shall allot to AARON, YOUR BROTHER…”

This is YAHWEH speaking first person to Moses whose brother was Aaron.

 And we know that the Zadok Priest in Qumran considered Jubilees and the Temple Scroll as TORAH! Again, “thetorah.com” says:

“What is “Torah” in Second Temple Texts?”

In the Second Temple Period, “Torah” WAS NOT LIMITED TO THE FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES. The book of JUBILEES AND THE TEMPLE SCROLL saw themselves as “TORAH.”

In my opinion it would make sense that there would be 7 books of the Torah as we know that the number 7 represents perfection and completion.

Ponder upon this statement that YAHWEH makes to His people!

Hosea 8:12 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

I write him so many things from MY TORAH, yet he considers THEM FOREIGN.”

YAHWEH has written for us so many things from His Torah, yet they are foreign to many of us because they are written in other books like Jubilees and the Temple Scroll that garner no attention. This leads to people saying they are unclear on a lot of YAHWEH’s Torah, but the answers have been given to us in these other books, which is why the Zadok Priests say in the Damascus Document:

Damascus Document (Ken Johnson’s translation) page 31

The Wall Builders blasphemy grieved the RUACH HA’KODESH when they spoke against the statutes of ELOHIM’s covenant, saying that they WERE NOT SPECIFIC ENOUGH. THEY CONSTANTLY SPEAK ABOMINATIONS AGAINST THE STATUTES.”

Damascus Document (Vermes translation) page 133, Chapter 5

Furthermore, they DEFILE THEIR RUACH HA’KODESH and open their mouth with a blaspheming tongue AGAINST THE LAWS of the Covenant of ELOHIM saying, ‘THEY ARE NOT SURE.’

In other words, there are no gray areas in the Torah! YAHWEH has already told us what to do! Which again matches the Dead Sea Scrolls magazine I quoted in the introduction:

The Dead Sea Scrolls magazine (Special edition) page 12 says:


This scroll (Temple Scroll), nearly thirty feet long, had been copied several times at Qumran, indicating that it was considered a KODESH (SET-APART) BOOK. It contains elaborate plans for the building of the Jewish Temple, and it’s overriding characteristic is STRICT ADHERENCE TO THE LAW, WHICH IS SPELLED OUT EXPLICITLY.”

Damascus Document (Ken Johnson)

This brought down the ancient hills by departing from righteousness and moving the landmarks of the ancients in their inheritance. Then the curses of the covenant took hold on them, delivering them to the sword to avenge the breaches of the covenant. These “SEEKERS OF SMOOTH THINGS” chose DECEIT AND LOOPHOLES IN THE LAW.”

Damascus Document (Vermes) pg. 130

For they SOUGHT SMOOTH THINGS and PREFERED ILLUSION (Isaiah 30:10) and WATCHED FOR BREAKS (Isaiah 30:13).”

Evidence for the Temple Scroll

Nehemiah 10:34-35 (Septuagint)

And we cast lots for the office of WOOD BEARING, we the priests and the Levites and the people, TO BRING WOOD into the house of ELOHIM, according the HOUSE OF OUR FAMILIES AT CERTAIN SET TIMES, YEAR BY YEAR, to burn on the altar of YAHWEH our ELOHIM as it is WRITTEN IN THE LAW…”

Here we see that Nehemiah mentions a wood offering at a SET TIME, by families/Tribes, as it is WRITTEN IN THE LAW! The only question is, where in the first five books of Moshe is it written? It’s not! Where do we find it?

Vermes translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls version of the Temple Scroll is fragmented but still contains it on page 198-199 and 205. Page 205 is the clearest portion which reads:

On the days of the firstfruits of the corn, of the wine, and the oil, and at the FESTIVAL OF THE OFFERING WOOD.”

The Temple Scroll (The Dead Sea Scrolls) translated by Charlesworth page 307

Column 23

And AFTER the appointed time of the fresh oil (New oil), they shall present at the altar THE WOOD, the twelve clans of the sons of Yisra’el. And they shall be presenting (it) on the first day, the clans of Levi and Judah; and on the second day, Benjamin and the sons of Joseph together, Ephraim and Manasseh; and on the third day, Reuben and Simeon; and on the fourth day, Issachar and Zebulon, and on the fifth day, Gad and Asher; and on the sixth day, Dan and Naphtali…and they shall present upon the wood a burnt-offering for YAHWEH…”

So, we have a perfect match of what Nehemiah said was written in the Torah:

And we cast lots for the office of WOOD BEARING, we the priests and the Levites and the people, TO BRING WOOD into the house of ELOHIM, according the HOUSE OF OUR FAMILIES AT CERTAIN SET TIMES, YEAR BY YEAR, to burn on the altar of YAHWEH our ELOHIM as it is WRITTEN IN THE LAW…”

We see that WOOD was brought during a festival at a SET TIME which was immediately after NEW OIL on the 22nd day of the 6th month and by FAMILIES as we saw that 12 tribes presented wood (2 tribes a day) for 6 days as it is WRITTEN IN THE LAW and that law is according to the TEMPLE SCROLL.”

Nehemiah 13:31 (Septuagint)

And the OFFERING OF THE WOOD BEARERS was at CERTAIN SET TIMES and the in the times of the first fruits. Remember me my ELOHIM for good.”

Another witness if found in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Vermes translation) page 477 (Fragment 23)

When you enter the land which I am giving to you as an inheritance, and you dwell upon it securely you shall BRING WOOD for a burnt offering and for all the service of the House of which you shall build for Me in the land, to lay it on the altar of burnt-offering, and the calves…for Passover sacrifices and peace-offerings and thank-offerings and free-will offerings and burnt-offerings daily…and for the doors and for all the service of the House you shall offer…THE FESTIVAL OF OIL, the twelve tribes THEY SHALL OFFER WOOD…Those who offer on the first day shall be Levi and…on the third day, Rueben and Simeon, and on the fourth day…”

Firstly, this fragment is acknowledges and confirms the Temple Scroll and we can easily fill in the fragmented portions with what we read from the Temple Scroll. AFTER “the festival of oil”, the twelve tribes they shall offer wood…those who offer on the first day shall be Levi and JUDAH…!

YAHWEH speaking in First Person

Nehemiah 1:8-9 (Septuagint)

Remember please, the word with which you charged your servant MOSHEH saying, if you break covenant with Me, I will disperse you among the nations. But if you turn again to Me and keep My commandments and do them; if you are scattered under the utmost bound of heaven there I will gather them and I will bring them into the place which I have chosen to cause My Name to dwell there.”

Nehemiah is quoting Deuteronomy 30, except there is a difference. In Deuteronomy 30 records YAHWEH speaking in the THIRD PERSON, but Nehemiah is quoting YAHWEH as speaking in the FIRST PERSON! Again, the Special Edition magazine of the Dead Sea Scrolls said:

. “The frequent use of the FIRST PERSON WHEN ELOHIM SPEAKS IS ANOTHER INDICATION that this scroll is related to the Pentateuch (The first five books of the Bible, called the Torah of Moses.)”


Deuteronomy 30:1-4 (All translations)

“When the time arrives that all these things have come upon you, both the blessing and the curse which I have presented to you; and you are there among the nations to which YAHWEH your ELOHIM has driven you; then, at last, you will start thinking about what has happened to you; and you will return to YAHWEH your ELOHIM and pay attention to what he has said, which will be exactly what I am ordering you to do today — you and your children, with all your heart and all your being. At that point, YAHWEH your ELOHIM will reverse your exile and show you mercy; he will return and gather you from all the peoples to which YAHWEH your ELOHIM scattered you. If one of yours was scattered to the far end of the sky, YAHWEH your ELOHIM will gather you even from there; he will go there and get you.”

How does it read in the Temple Scroll?

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Vermes) page 215 Column 59

Afterwards they shall return to Me with all their heart and all their soul, in conformity with all the words of this law, and I will save them from the hand of their enemies and redeem them from the hand of those who hate them, and I will bring them to the land of their fathers. I will redeem them, and increase them and exult over them. I will be their ELOHIM and they shall be My people.”

Don’t come near a woman!

Exodus 19:14-15 (Samaritan)

And Moshe went down from the Mountain to the people, and consecrated the people. And they washed their garments. And he said to the people, be ready for the THREE DAYS, DO NOT APPROACH A WOMAN.”

Exodus 19:15 (Septuagint)

And he said to the people, Be ready: FOR THREE DAYS DO NOT COME NEAR TO A WOMAN.”

They were about to enter the presence of YAHWEH and were told not to have sexual relations with a woman because we know that the act renders one unclean.

Leviticus 15:18 (Samaritan)

And a woman, that her husband will lie with her having a seminal emission, THEY shall both bathe in water and be impure until evening.”

What does the Temple Scroll say?

Temple Scroll (Charlesworth translation) page 347 verses 11-12

A man who lies with his wife having an ejaculation of semen, he shall NOT enter the entire city of the Sanctuary in which I shall allow My Name to dwell for THREE DAYS.”

The Septuagint agrees with Exodus and the Temple Scroll!

1 Samuel 21:4-5 (Septuagint)

And the priest answered David and said, there are no common loaves under my hand, for I have none but set-apart loaves: if the young men have been kept AT LEAST FROM WOMEN, then they shall eat them. And David answered the priest and said to him, Yes, we have been KEPT FROM WOMEN FOR THREE DAYS…”

This matches what Moshe said to the children of Yisra’el to not have sexual relations with their wives for THREE DAYS because they would have not been able to be in YAHWEH’s presence for THREE DAYS as He commanded.

Commands for a king

1 Samuel 10:24-25 (Septuagint)


And Samuel said to all the people, have you seen whom YAHWEH has chosen for Himself, that there is none like to him among you all? And all the people took notice and said, let the KING LIVE! And Samuel told the people the MANNER OF THE KING and WROTE IT IN A BOOK AND SET IT BEFORE YAHWEH…”


Samuel told people the manner of a king meaning the laws of the king and wrote them in a book and we can see that Samuel already knew what they were. Where do we find the laws concerning a king? In Deuteronomy 17, but we don’t have them all because the rest are in the Temple Scroll!

Deuteronomy 17:18-20 (All translations)

 “When he (the king) has come to occupy the throne of his kingdom, he is to write a copy of THIS TORAH for himself in a SCROLL, from the one the priests and Levites use. 19 It is to remain with him, and he is to read in it every day, as long as he lives; so that he will learn to fear YAHWEH his ELOHIM and keep all the words of this Torah and these laws and obey them; 20 so that he will not think he is better than his kinsmen; and so that he will not turn aside either to the right or to the left from the mitzvah (commandment). In this way he will prolong his own reign and that of his children in Isra’el.”

This is exactly what Samuel the priest did! He wrote down the laws concerning the king to obey! However, the version we have is incomplete! If the king is to read from this portion of the Torah everyday, then that means there were more laws that he had to know than what we read in our version of Deuteronomy. The complete list is found in the Temple Scroll pages 213-215 and Chapters 56-58. I’ll give an example of a law of a king found in the Temple Scroll!

Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Chapter 57:20 Temple Scroll page 214)

And shall not COVET a field OR A VINEYARD, any riches or house, or anything desirable in Yisra’el. He shall not rob”

Isn’t there a king in scripture who coveted a VINEYARD something he desired which got a man killed?

1 Kings 21:1-8

“A while later, an incident occurred involving Navot the Yizre‘eli. He owned a VINEYARD in Yizre‘el, right next to the palace of ACH’AV KING of ShomronAch’av spoke to Navot and said, “Give me your VINEYARD, so that I can have it as my vegetable garden, because it’s close to my palace. In exchange I will give you a better vineyard; or, if you prefer, I will give you its monetary value.” But Navot said to Ach’av, “YAHWEH forbid that I should give you my ancestral heritage!” 4 Ach’av went home resentful and depressed at what Navot the Yizre‘eli had said to him, since he had said, “I won’t give you my ancestral heritage.” He lay down on his bed, turned his face away and refused to eat. Izevel (Jezebel) his wife went and said to him, “Why are you so depressed that you refuse to eat?” He answered her, “Because I spoke to Navot the Yizre‘eli and said to him, “Sell me your vineyard for money; or else, if you prefer, I will give you another vineyard for it”; but he answered, “I won’t give you my vineyard.” “Are you the KING of Isra’el or not?” asked his wife Izevel. “Get up, eat some food, and cheer up! I will give you the vineyard of Navot the Yizre‘eli.”

Another example of a law for the king that is in the Temple Scroll but not in Deuteronomy 17 is:

Temple Scroll (Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 215

If he (the king) goes to war against his enemies, one fifth of the people shall go with him, the warriors, all the mighty men of valor. They shall avoid everything unclean, everything shameful, every iniquity and guilt. He shall not go until he has presented himself before the HIGH PRIEST who shall inquire on his behalf for a DECISION BY THE URIM AND TUMMIN. It is at his word that he shall go and at his word that he shall come, he and all the children of Israel who are with him. He shall not go following after his heart’s counsel until he (the High Priest) has inquired a decision by the Urim and Tummin. He shall (then) succeed in all his ways in which he has set out according to the decision which…”

Notice that the king could not act independently in making a decision to go to war? He had to go to the high priest for a decision first, which matches what Judah said:

Testament of Judah 21:1-4 (12 Patriarchs)

And now, my children, I command you, love LEVI, that you may stay, and do not exalt yourselves against him, lest you be utterly destroyed. For YAHWEH gave the kingdom to me, and the priesthood to him, and HE SET THE KINGDOM BENEATH THE PRIESTHOOD. He gave the things upon the earth to me; and the things IN THE HEAVENS TO HIM. As the heaven is higher than the earth, so IS THE PRIESTHOOD OF ELOHIM HIGHER THAN THE EARLTHLY KINGDOM, unless it falls away from YAHWEH through iniquity and is dominated by the earthly kingdom.”

Marrying a niece is forbidden

Rabbinic Judaism says that it is lawful for a man to marry his niece because it is not specified in Leviticus 18 laws, but that is NOT the case in the Temple Scroll.

Temple Scroll Column 66 page 220

A man shall not take his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother, for this is abominable. A man shall not take his father’s sister or his mother’s sister, for this is immoral. A man shall NOT TAKE THE DAUGHTER OF HIS BROTHER OR THE DAUGHTER OF HIS SISTER for this is abominable.”

Again, the Zadok Priest in the Damascus Document understood this:

Covenant of Damascus 5:7 (Compete Dead Sea Scrolls page 133).

And each man marries the DAUGHTER OF HIS BROTHER OR SISTER, whereas Moses said, You shall not approach your mother’s sister; she is your mother’s near kin (Leviticus 18:13). But although the laws against incest are written for men, they also apply to women. When, therefore, a brother’s daughter uncovers the nakedness of her father’s brother, she is also his near kin.”

Clean birds to eat!

In Leviticus 11 YAHWEH tells us what cattle and fish are clean and unclean, but we aren’t given a list of clean birds, but rather a list of the unclean only. We know for certain that in Exodus 16 and Numbers 11 YAHWEH sent quail into the camp for the Israelites to eat. However, the Temple Scroll lists two outside of quail:

Temple Scroll (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 203


Temple Scroll (Charlesworth) pg. 333, Column 38:10

There they SHALL EAT the purification-offerings of the fowl-TURTLE DOVES, AND THE YOUNG DOVES.”

This makes complete sense because only clean birds and animals can be sacrificed to YAHWEH and if they can be sacrificed, they are permissible for food:

Genesis 8:20 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Noah built an altar to YAHWEH. Then he took from every CLEAN ANIMAL AND EVERY CLEAN BIRD, and he offered BURNT OFFERINGS ON THE ALTAR.”

Only clean animals and birds can be offered as a sacrifice to YAHWEH because unclean animals were forbidden for sacrifice. For example:

Exodus 13:13 (Septuagint)

Every offspring opening the womb of the DONKEY you shall CHANGE FOR A SHEEP; and if you will not change it you shall redeem it: every firstborn of man of your sons you shall redeem.”

Exodus 13:14-15 (Septuagint)

And if your son asks you hereafter saying, What is this? Then you shall say to him, with a strong hand YAHWEH brought us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. And when Pharaoh hardened his heart so as not to send us away, he killed every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man and the firstborn of beast; there I SACFRICE EVERY OFFSPRING THAT OPEN THE WOMB, THE MALES TO YAHWEH and every firstborn of my sons I will redeem.:

The donkey is unclean and cannot be sacrificed to YAHWEH which is why the donkey had to be exchanged for a sheep which is a clean animal. So, what were the clean birds that Noah sacrificed in Genesis 8:20?

Jubilees 6:1-3

“ And on the new month of the third month he went forth from the ark, and built an altar on that mountain.

 And he made atonement for the earth, and took a kid and made atonement by its blood for all the guilt of the earth; for everything that had been on it had been destroyed, save those that were in the ark with Noah.

 And he placed the fat thereof on the altar, and he took an ox, and a goat, and a sheep and kids, and salt, and a TURTLE-DOVE, and the YOUNG OF A DOVE, and placed a burnt sacrifice on the altar, and poured thereon an offering mingled with oil, and sprinkled wine and strewed frankincense over everything, and caused a goodly savor to arise, acceptable before YAHWEH."


Genesis 15:7-10 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

 Then he said to him, “I am YAHWEH, who brought you out from Ur-Kasdim to give you this land as your possession.” He replied, “YAHWEH, ELOHIM, how am I to know that I will possess it?” He answered him, “Bring me a three-year-old cow, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a DOVE and a YOUNG PIGEON.” 10 He brought him all these, cut the animals in two and placed the pieces opposite each other; but he didn’t cut the birds in half.”

Leviticus 1:14-17 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

‘If his offering to YAHWEH is a BURNT OFFERING OF BIRDS, he must offer a DOVE OR A YOUNG PIGEON. 15 The cohen (priest) is to bring it to the altar, snap off its head and make it go up in smoke on the altar; its blood is to be drained out on the side of the altar. 16 He is to remove the food pouch and its feathers from its neck and discard it on the pile of ashes just east of the altar. 17 He is to pull it open with a wing on each side, but without tearing it in half. The cohen is to make it go up in smoke on the altar, on the wood which is on the fire, as a burnt offering; it is an offering made by fire, a fragrant aroma for YAHWEH”.

Leviticus 12:6-8 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“‘When the days of her purification are over, whether for a son or for a daughter, she is to bring a lamb in its first year for a burnt offering and a YOUNG PIGEON OR DOVE for a sin offering to the entrance of the tent of meeting, to the cohen. He will offer it before YAHWEH and make atonement for her; thus she will be purified from her discharge of blood. Such is the law for a woman who gives birth, whether to a boy or to a girl. If she can’t afford a lamb, she is to take TWO DOVES or TWO YOUNG PIGEONS, the one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering; the cohen will make atonement for her, and she will be clean.’

Luke 2:22-24 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“When the time came for their purification according to the Torah of Moshe, they took him up to Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) to present him to yahweh 23 (as it is written in the Torah of YAHWEH, “Every firstborn male is to be consecrated to yahweh”[a]) 24 and also to offer a sacrifice of a pair of DOVES or TWO YOUNG PIGEONS,[b] as required by the Torah of YAHWEH.”

The Torah has been lost before!

These are a few examples of the authority of the Torah in it’s fullness! Has the Torah been lost before? YES!

2 Kings 22:8-12

Hilkiyahu the cohen hagadol said to Shafan the secretary, “I have found the scroll of the Torah in the house of YAHWEH.” Hilkiyah gave the scroll to Shafan, who read it. Then Shafan the secretary went back to the king and gave the king this report: “Your servants have poured out the money found in the house and handed it over to the people supervising the work in the house of YAHWEH.” 10 Shafan the secretary also told the king, “Hilkiyah the cohen hagadol gave me a scroll.” Then Shafan read it aloud before the king. 11 After the king had heard what was written in the scroll of the Torah, he tore his clothes. 12 Then the king issued this order to Hilkiyah the cohen, Achikam the son of Shafan, ‘Akhbor the son of Mikhayah, Shafan the secretary and ‘Asayah the king’s servant: 13 “Go; and consult YAHWEH for me, for the people and for all Y’hudah in regard to what is written in this scroll which has been found. For YAHWEH must be furious at us, since our ancestors did not listen to the words written in this scroll and didn’t do everything written there that concerns us.”

We all should tear our clothes and weep because we had not been obeying all of YAHWEH’s Torah! We now about the first day of the first month being a high-Shabbat, New Wine, New Oil, Wood offering, and the strict guidelines of YAHWEH’s Torah. But just as it was discovered during the days of Josiah, so has the full Torah been restored to us in these last days, which includes Jubilees and the Temple Scroll!

Even in the Damascus Document we see the Torah was sealed up in the Ark of the Covenant and was not available!

Covenant of Damascus 5:3

David could not read the Book of the Law because it was SEALED IN THE ARK after the death of Eleazar and Joshua by those elders who worshipped the elohim Ashtaroth. It remained HIDDEN until it was discovered by Zadok the priest. They esteemed the deeds of David, except the murder of Uriah, but ELOHIM forgave him for that.”

The complete Torah will be given to YAHWEH’s children in the last days so that we can return back to the ancient path.

Enoch 104:12-13

Then, I know another mystery, that BOOKS will be given to the righteous and the wise to become A CAUSE OF JOY AND UPRIGHTNESS AND MUCH WISDOM. And THE BOOKS will be given to them, and they will BELIEVE IN THEM AND REJOICE OVER THEM, and then all the righteous who have LEARNED FROM THEM ALL THE PATHS OF UPRIGHTNESS WILL BE REPAID.”

As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

Skin color and Torah? Huh?

Exodus 20:13

Do not MURDER.”

1 John 3:15 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Everyone who HATES HIS BROTHER is a MURDERER, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.”

Deuteronomy 23:8 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But you are not to DETEST an EDOMITE, because HE IS YOUR BROTHER.”

How many black Hebrew Israelites hate white people whom they falsely call Edomites? This puts you in violation of Torah twice in Exodus and Deuteronomy. Anyone who does the will of YAHWEH is your brother (Matthew 12:46-50) including the white man you hate so much. I did a message 3 years ago titled “Salvation is NOT just for Black Hebrew Israelites!” But as I anticipated the racism within the Torah community continues to rage on! Skin color is something that is worldly and used to divide people and should never be discussed amongst the Torah observant because YAHWEH’s people are everywhere! YAHWEH sent His Son YESHUA to die for ALL people not SOME! We will discuss who the real Jews, the real meaning of Revelation 2:9, and again show the Edomite doctrine to be false!

Even those who say they are not racist but still hold onto to the skin color doctrine put skin color at the forefront of their ministry! As a matter of fact there are some ministries out there whose sole mission is to talk about black people being the “true Jews!” Did you not know that there are Black Jews such as Beta Yisra’el which are Ethiopians and also the Lemba tribe, but there are also Sephardic (Spanish) Jews, Kaifeng (Chinese) Jews, Yemenite Jews, and Ashkenazi Jews! In other words, YAHWEH’s people are scattered to the four corners of the earth.  I have said it before and I will say it again, if your identity in this walk is based on your skin color and not in serving YESHUA then you are already lost! The ONLY color you should be focused on is the color RED which is the blood that YESHUA SHED for the entire world! I don’t care about skin color because I know that ANYONE no matter what color can be saved if they keep the commandments of the Torah and believe in YESHUA!

Furthermore, we all have transgressed and fallen short of ELOHIM’s esteem including black people! The point is that it’s never been about US, rather it’s always been about HIM!

2 Corinthians 5:15 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

For the Messiah’s love has hold of us, because we are convinced that one man died on behalf of ALL mankind (which implies that ALL mankind was already dead), and that He died on behalf of ALL in order that those who live SHOULD NOT LIVE ANY LONGER FOR THEMSELVES BUT FOR THE ONE WHO ON THEIR BEHALF DIED AND WAS RAISED.”

1 Peter 1:18-20 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“You should be aware that the ransom PAID TO FREE YOU from the worthless way of life which your fathers passed on to you did not consist of anything perishable like silver or gold; 19 on the contrary, it was the costly bloody sacrificial death of the Messiah, as of a lamb without defect or spot. 20 ELOHIM knew Him before the founding of the universe, but revealed Him in the last days for your sakes. 21 Through Him you trust in ELOHIM, who raised Him from the dead and gave him glory; so that your trust and hope are in ELOHIM.”

We are to tell the world about Him and the Good News!

Matthew 24:14 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And then the GOOD NEWS will be preached in ALL THE WORLD as a testimony to ALL THE PEOPLES and then will the end come.”

The Good News shall be preached to the ENTIRE WORLD, not those whom you deem to be worthy! But instead of preaching the Good News of YESHUA, your “good news” is the color of your skin as you continue to bask in the flesh! But for those who boast in skin color as if they are automatically saved should let these words that YESHUA spoke humble you!

Matthew 8:11-12 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And I say to you that many will come from sun-rising and from sunset, and will rest with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heavens, BUT MANY OF THE SONS OF YISRA’EL WILL BE HUMILIATED OUTSIDE IN DARKNESS. And there will be weeping and trembling from EL.”

Many who call themselves “The True Jews”, “The True Israelites”, “The Chosen People” will not be in the kingdom, but only those of any color who keep the commandments and believe in YESHUA!  Did you not know that the very ones you claim will not enter the kingdom will be considered more of a native-born if they do YAHWEH’s will, then those of you who claim they are native-born but do not do His will? So what does Revelation 2:9 that is used so much really mean?

Revelation 2:9 (Hebrewgospels.com)

I know your works and your sufferings, and the reproach of those who SAY THAT THEY ARE JEWS WHILE THEY ARE NOT, but are of the SONS OF HA-SATAN.”

Revelation 3:9 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Look, I will give that those who are the company of Ha-Satan, WHO SAY THAT THEY ARE JEWS WHILE THEY ARE NOT-ONLY DECEIVERS-look, I am pleased to make that they will come to do supplication at your feet, and to acknowledge that I have loved you.”

John 8:44 (Hebrewgospels.com)

You are the SONS OF HA-SATAN your father, therefore you take pleasure in doing the WILL OF YOUR FATHER. He was a murderer at the beginning, and did not abide in truth, for there is no truth with him. For everything which he speaks is a lie; he speaks which that which is nigh to him; for he is its father, and he is a liar.”

So, who claim they are JEWS and are NOT?

Romans 2:25-28 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Then, you who teach others, don’t you teach yourself? Preaching, “Thou shalt not steal, do you steal?. Saying, “Though shalt not commit adultery,” do you commit adultery? Detesting idols, do you commit idolatrous acts? You who take such pride in Torah, do you, by DISOBEYING TORAH, DISHONOR ELOHIM? As it says in the Tanakh, “For it is because of YOU THAT ELOHIM’S NAME IS BLASHPHEMED by the gentiles.” For circumcision is indeed of value IF YOU DO WHAT TORAH SAYS. But if you are a transgressor of Torah, your circumcision has become uncircumcision! Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the Torah, won’t his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? Indeed, the man who is physically uncircumcised BUT OBEYS the Torah will stand as a judgment on you who have had circumcision and have Torah written but violate it? For the REAL JEW is not merely Jewish outwardly: true circumcision is not ONLY external and physical. On the contrary, the REAL JEW is one INWARDLY; and true circumcision is of the heart, spiritual not literal; so that his praise comes not from other people but from ELOHIM.”

Paul is saying that the REAL JEW is the one who obeys the Torah and is not a hypocrite in it! You see, the gentile who obeys the Torah, his gentile status becomes native-born status, but the native-born who disobeys the Torah, his native-born status becomes gentile status. The one that is hypocritical in Torah is a deceiver because he tells others to obey Torah and YET calls himself a real Jew, but is the main one transgressing the Torah. So, these are those who “SAY THEY ARE JEWS AND ARE NOT!” As its written in Revelation.

Paul mentioned in Romans 2 about obedience to Torah and not being hypocritical in it; and what does the Torah teach us? TO LOVE!! WHICH IS SOMETHING YOU AREN’T DOING!

Leviticus 19:18 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Don’t take vengeance on or bear a grudge against any of your people; rather, love your neighbor as yourself; I am YAHWEH.” Verse 33-34 “If a FOREIGNER stays with you in your land, do not do him wrong. Rather, treat the foreigner staying with you LIKE THE NATIVE-BORN among you—you are to LOVE HIM AS YOURSELF, for you were foreigners in the land of Egypt; I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM.”

Who are the chosen people of YAHWEH?

Revelation 14:12 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Here is the hope of the set-apart ones, and here are THOSE (ANYONE) who do the commandments of YAHWEH, AND believe in YESHUA.”

Ephesians 2:17-19 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

17 Also, when he came, He announced as Good News shalom to you far off (Gentiles) and shalom to those nearby (Native-born),[a18 news that through him we BOTH have access in one Spirit to the Father.19 So then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers. On the contrary, you are fellow-citizens with ELOHIM’s people and members of ELOHIM’s family. 

And before someone tries to say that Paul taught against circumcision see: Romans 3:1, Galatians 5:11, and Romans 4:11. Paul is emphasizing the fact that a gentile will be considered a native-born by his obedience to Torah and not his hypocrisy in it.

1 Timothy 1:3-4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

As I counseled you when I was leaving for Macedonia, stay on in Ephesus, so that you may order certain people who are teaching a DIFFERENT DOCTRINE TO STOP. Have them stop devoting their attention to myths and NEVER-ENDING GENEALOGIES; THESE DIVERT PEOPLE TO SPECULATING INSTEAD OF DOING ELOHIM’S WORK, which requires trust.”

What Paul said is correct, so many are concerned about what tribe they are from and looking at another’s skin color that they do more speculating on things that don’t matter instead of doing the work that YAHWEH has called us to do which is to reach the lost, teach them the commandments and tell them about the Good News of YESHUA! They are teaching “another doctrine” by proclaiming that certain races cannot be saved!

Titus 3:9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But AVOID stupid controversies, GENEALOGIES, quarrels and fights about the Torah; because they are WORTHLESS AND FUTILE.”

John 6:63 (Hebrewgospels.com)

It is the Ruach (Spirit) that makes alive; THE FLESH DOES NOT BENEFIT ANYONE. The words that I spoke to you are Spirit and life…”

YESHUA says that the flesh will not benefit anyone, yet many are looking at the fleshly skin color of another to determine whether they can be saved or not! This is carnal thinking and opposed to walking in the Spirit!

1 Corinthians 15:50 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)


Thanksgiving Hymns (Dead Sea Scrolls Penguin Classics) page 266

And the gates of Hell shall open on ALL THE WORKS OF VANITY; and the doors of the Pit shall close on the conceivers of wickedness; and the everlasting bars shall be bolted on the ALL THE SPIRITS OF NAUGHT.”

Oxford languages defines Vanity as “excessive PRIDE in or admiration OF ONES OWN APPEARANCE OR ACHEIVEMENTS.”

Sounds like many have excessive PRIDE in the appearance of their own skin color which is a work of vanity and many take pride in their own achievements when YESHUA says:

John 15:4 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch is not able to make fruit of itself-except it abides in the stem—so you are NOT ABLE TO MAKE FRUIT, EXCEPT YOU ABIDE IN ME. I am the stem, and you are the branches who abide in Me, and I in him. It is he who bears much fruit. FOR YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO DO ANYTHING WITHOUT ME. If one does not abide in Me, he is sent outside like the branch, and it dries out. Then they gather it and keep it in the fire, and it burns.”

Thanksgiving Hymns (Hymn 10) page 267

And yet I, a creature of clay, WHAT AM I? Kneaded with water, WHAT IS MY WORTH AND MY MIGHT? For I have stood in the realm of wickedness and my lot was with the damned…”

The writer of the Thanksgiving Hymns says “What am I?” “What is my worth and might?” He even says that he was headed to the place of the damned; in otherwise he is not basking in the flesh because none of us is worthy! So how can the color of your skin suddenly make you worthy? You should be adopting the same mentality as him and humble yourselves, repent! We are nothing without YESHUA, yet many think that they are something because of the color of their skin! This line of thinking will have you being the branch that is dried up and thrown into the fire. Knowing what the scriptures say about how flesh and blood do not profit and will not enter the kingdom, why spend all your days talking about it? Your skin color will NOT SAVE YOU! Save your energy and efforts doing what YAHWEH wants and not what you “think” is important!

Matthew 3:9 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And you must not say in your hearts, ‘Abraham is our father’, for I say unto you that EL is able to make alive sons of Abraham out of these stones.”

John 8:39 (Hebrewgospels.com)

They answered and said to Him, “Abraham is our father!” So YESHUA said to them, “If you are the sons of Abraham, DO THE WORKS OF ABRAHAM!”

What are some of the works of Abraham?

Jasher 22:11-14

11 And Abraham planted a large grove in Beersheba, and he made to it four gates facing the four sides of the earth, and he planted a vineyard in it, so that if a traveler came to Abraham he entered any gate which was in his road, and remained there and ate and drank and satisfied himself and then departed.

12 For the house of Abraham was always open to the sons of men that passed and repassed, who came daily to eat and drink in the house of Abraham.

13 And any man who had hunger and came to Abraham's house, Abraham would give him bread that he might eat and drink and be satisfied, and any one that came naked to his house he would clothe with garments as he might choose, and give him silver and gold and make known to him YAHWEH who had created him in the earth; this did Abraham all his life.

14 And Abraham and his children and all belonging to him dwelt in Beersheba, and he pitched his tent as far as Hebron.

 Are you doing the works of Abraham? As we see, Abraham showed LOVE! I never saw Abraham running around starting a race movement and promoting hatred! You should be concerned for bringing in the lost sheep that are in ALL different colors over the world!

A note about Edomites!

As I explained in the message three years ago is that Esau was named Esau because he was born hairy and he was called an Edomite because of the red lentil soup neither had to do with the color of his skin, but since that is the basis for your entire doctrine, we will deal with it again!

Obadiah 1:8-10 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

When that day comes,” says YAHWEH, “wont I destroy all the WISE MEN of Edom and leave no discernment on Mount Esau? Your warriors, Teman, will be so distraught that everyone on Mount Esau shall be slaughtered. For the violence done to your kinsman Jacob, shame will cover you; and you will be forever cut off.”

Were all Edomites warriors? Were they all wise men? The answer is no! How about verse 18?

The house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame, setting aflame and consuming the stubble which is the house of Esau. NONE OF THE HOUSE OF ESAU WILL REMAIN, FOR YAHWEH HAS SPOKEN.”

Obadiah 1:18 (Septuagint)

And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame and the house of Esau shall be stubble; and Yisra’el shall flame out against them and shall devour them and there shall not be A GRAIN FIELD LEFT TO THE HOUSE FROM ESAU; because YAHWEH has spoken.

The Septuagint says “grain fields” will not be left from the house of Esau and not “none of the house of Esau will remain”. But let’s say for arguments sake that the popular translation that “ALL” the Edomites would be destroyed. Does that literally mean every one of them? Let’s look at an example from the Dead Sea Scrolls!

Testament of Naphtali 4:1-3

I say these things to you, my children, for I have read in the writing of Enoch that you yourselves will also depart from YAHWEH, walking according to all the lawlessness of the nations, and you will do according to all the wickedness of Sodom. And YAHWEH will bring captivity upon you, and you will serve your enemies there, and you will be bowed down with every affliction and trial, until YAHWEH CONSUMES YOU ALL. And after you have become REDUCED AND MADE FEW, you will return and acknowledge YAHWEH your ELOHIM; and He will bring you back into your land, according to His abundant kindness.”

So, in verse 3 it says that YAHWEH will “consume them all”, but then in verse 4 it says “after you become reduced and made few”! So all doesn’t mean “total” or “complete”, which we can apply to Obadiah as well.

It is said that Obadiah and Jeremiah were contemporaries. The definition of contemporary according to Oxford languages is “living or occurring at the same time”, which means that their messages had to match and we see that a remnant will be left!

Jeremiah 49:7-11 (Aramaic)

Concerning Edom, thus says YAHWEH of Hosts: There is no more wisdom in Teman; the counsel is perished from the prudent; their wisdom is taken away. Flee, turn back, dwell in deep crevices, O inhabitants of Deran! For I will bring the calamity of Esau upon him, the time of his punishment, says YAHWEH. If grape-gatherers came to you, would they not leave gleaning grapes? If thieves came by night, they would destroy till they have enough. But I have searched out Esau, I have uncovered his secret places, and he tried to hide himself but could not; his DESCENDANTS ARE DRIVEN AWAY, and his brethren and his neighbors are no more. Leave your FATHERLESS CHILDREN, I WILL PRESERVE THEM ALIVE; AND LET YOUR WIDOWS TRUST IN ME.”

YAHWEH at least preserved the orphans and widows and even said that they would trust in Him, which means that there would be Edomites who believed! And who do we see following YESHUA?

Mark 3:7-8 (Hebrewgospels.com)

But YESHUA went to the sea with the disciples, and many people followed with Him from Gelilah and from Jerusalem- and from Judah, and FROM EDOM, and from the other side of the Jordan river, and from Syria and from Sodom- for they heard people telling the wonders which He was doing, so they came unto Him.”

And just to be sure about this, lets look at the KJV which is used by most Black Hebrew Israelites:

Mark 3:8 (KJV)

And from Jerusalem, and from IDUMEA, and from beyond Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they had heard what great things He did, came unto Him.”

The etymology for the word “Idumea” is G2401 and defined by Strongs as “Of Hebrew origin H123; Idumea (THAT IS, EDOM), a region East and South of Palestine: - Iduma.

So, you have to ask yourselves, why didn’t YESHUA turn around and say “Why are you white devils following Me? Don’t you know you can’t be saved?” That’s because you are promoting a false doctrine! We already saw that YAHWEH said He would leave a remnant in Jeremiah and He also said that the Edomites would be able to enter into His assembly!

Deuteronomy 23:7 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But you are NOT to detest an EDOMITE, because he is your brother; and you are not to detest an Egyptian, because you lived as a foreigner in his land. The third generation of children born to them MAY ENTER THE ASSEMBLY OF YAHWEH.”

Deuteronomy 23:8-9 (Samaritan)

You shall NOT detest an Edomite, for he is YOUR BROTHER, and you shall not detest a Egyptian, because you were a sojourner in his land. The SONS of the THIRD GENERATION WHO ARE BORN TO THEM MAY ENTER THE ASSEMBLY OF YAHWEH.”

Sounds to me that many humans think they no better than the Creator and have the right to judge who can enter the kingdom and who can’t, when YAHWEH has already declared that they can enter in, and we see them following YESHUA! Furthermore, does ELOHIM hear the prayers of an Edomite?

Jasher 63:20-28

And when Tsepho heard the words of his brethren the CHILDREN OF ESAU he withdrew from them, and Tsepho was greatly afraid of Angias. And Angias and Lukus his brother arrayed all their forces, about eight hundred thousand men, against the children of Kittim. And all the children of Kittim said to Tsepho, “PRAY FOR US TO THE ELOHIM OF YOUR FATHERS; perhaps He may deliver us from the hand of Angias and his army, for we have heard that He is a great ELOHIM and that He delivers all who trust in Him.” And Tsepho heard their words, and Tsepho sought YAHWEH and He said, ‘O YAHWEH ELOHIM of Abraham and Isaac my fathers: today I know that You are a true ELOHIM, and all the elohim of the nations are vain and useless. Remember now Your covenant with Abraham our father, which our fathers related to us, and act favorably with me today for the sake of Abraham and Isaac our fathers, and save me and the children of Kittim from the hand of the king of Africa who comes against us for battle.”  And YAHWEH LISTENED TO THE VOICE OF TSEPHO, and He had regard for him on account of Abraham and Isaac, and YAHWEH delivered Tsepho and the children of Kittim from the hand of Angias and his people. And Tsepho fought Angias king of Africa and all his people on that day, and YAHWEH gave all the people of Angias into the hands of the children of Kittim.”

Jasher 64:5-6

But Tsepho DID NOT REMEMBER YAHWEH and did not consider that YAHWEH had helped him in battle, and He had delivered him and his people from the hand of the king of Africa; but he still walked in the ways of the children of Kittim and the wicked children of Esau, to serve other elohim which his brethren the children of Esau had taught him; it is therefore said, “Out of the wicked comes forth wickedness.”

As we see, Tsepho the Edomite prayed to YAHWEH and YAHWEH delivered him; however, Tsepho quickly forgot what ELOHIM did and continued to walk in the ways of wickedness! Any Edomite today that prays to YAHWEH and trusts in Him will be heard and saved, as long as they serve YAHWEH only, which Tsepho failed to do.

I pray that anyone who follows this doctrine repents and accepts the truth! Love all your brothers, reach the lost, and focus on keeping the commandments and faith in YESHUA, and let the things of the flesh go!

As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!


Over the past few years, I have noticed that many people with good intentions are not letting the scriptures interpret the scriptures but are giving their own opinions on what words mean based on what a pastor taught them or not doing a thorough investigation of the scriptures! This a not a light matter because our souls depend on knowing the truth and most people are complacent in their walk with YESHUA and have no desire to learn, they would rather continue voicing their opinions that will ultimately lead to their destruction.

Proverbs 18:2 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

A fool takes no pleasure in trying to understand, he only wants to express HIS OWN OPINION.”

For example, people will say “We have to walk in righteousness!” But, when asked how the scriptures define righteousness it is not based on how the scriptures define it, but rather it is based on their own idea of what it is; likewise with words such as: Sin, Grace, Righteousness, Knowledge, Understanding, Evil, Wisdom, How to love YAHWEH with all your Heart, Soul, and Might, Love, How do we Know Him, Way, Truth, and Life. This message is important so that believers will know the true definition of the words that are commonly used according to scripture and see what they ALL point to!

Before defining the words, I would like to ask you, what is the purpose of your life? How do the scriptures define it?

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Here is the final conclusion, now that you have heard everything: fear ELOHIM AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS; THIS IS WHAT BEING HUMAN IS ALL ABOUT.”

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

I call on heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have presented you with life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, choose life, so that you will live, you and your descendants, LOVING YAHWEH (John 14:21, 1 John 5:3) your ELOHIM, paying attention to what He says and clinging to Him----FOR THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE! On this depends the length of time you will live in the land YAHWEH swore He would give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”


The first word I would like to define is the word “sin”. I have heard it said by several Christians “We don’t have to keep the Law, we just can’t continue to sin!” So, how do the scriptures define sin?

1 John 3:4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

4” Everyone who keeps SINNING is VIOLATING TORAH — indeed, SIN is VIOLATION of TORAH.”

SIN is the very reason why YESHUA died for us!

Titus 2:14 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

14” He (YESHUA) gave Himself up on our behalf in order to free us from ALL VIOLATION OF THE TORAH and purify for himself a people who would be his own, eager to do good.”

So, scripture defines sin as transgression/breaking the Torah/Law! So going back to the statement that is made by Christians, we can see that it doesn’t make sense when they say, “We don’t have to keep the Law, we just can’t continue to sin!”  If we translate their statement using the scriptural definition of sin, what they are saying is this: “We don’t have to keep the Law, we just can’t continue breaking the law!”  Which means that is a contradictory statement! When we let the scriptures speak for itself, we will avoid all of these apparent contradictions.

Romans 6:23 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

23 “For what one earns from SIN IS DEATH; but eternal life is what one receives as a free gift from ELOHIM, in union with the Messiah YESHUA, our Master.”

So, what is Paul saying? Paul is saying the wages of breaking the LAW is death!


Many will quickly say we are saved by grace; therefore, there are no works needed as believers! We are saved by grace because of YAHWEH’s love for us by sending His Son YESHUA to die for us! Grace involves YESHUA shedding His blood for us and YAHWEH’s mercy towards all who repent and keep the commandments of the Torah!

1 John 4:9-10 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Here is how ELOHIM showed His love among us: ELOHIM sent His only Son into the world, so that through Him we might have life. Here is what love is: not that we loved YAHWEH, BUT that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atonement for our sins.”

As I explained in a previous message is that many will quote Paul in Ephesians which says:

Ephesians 2:8-9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

8 “For you have been delivered by GRACE through trusting, and even this is not your accomplishment but ELOHIM’s gift. You were not delivered by your own actions; therefore no one should boast.”

Paul is not saying that we are saved by grace and therefore we do not have to keep the commandments of the Torah! Paul is saying that WE ALL have transgressed against the commandments of YAHWEH and have fallen short of His esteem see: (Romans 3:23, Isaiah 53:4-6, 1 Kings 8:46, Enoch 81:5, Sirach 8:5) and being that we all have broken the commandments and deserve to die (Romans 6:23), we need a Savior in YESHUA (Titus 2:14). Paul is saying that none of us can save ourselves by our own actions because we all have failed! But, since YESHUA died because we broke the law, how do we continue to break the law when that is the reason why He died? The commandments are how we know Him (1 John 2:2-4) and how we love Him (John 14:21, 1 John 5:3).

Let’s look further at the word grace according to scripture!

Matthew 4:3-4 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Satan came unto him and said to Him, “If you are the Son of ELOAH, say to these stones that they must turn into bread.” Then He answered and said to him, “It is written, “man will not live by the bread alone, but by the GRACE OF YAHWEH.”

There is a footnote attached which says “grace” is a SYNONYM FOR TORAH which is of course also a synonym of “word”. See e.g. Ps 119:29, and Exodus 33:13.”

This is correct because we see this in many other places such as the 10 commandments!

Exodus 20:5-6 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

You are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, YAHWEH your ELOHIM, am a jealous ELOHIM, punishing the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but displaying GRACE to the thousandth generation of those who LOVE Me and OBEY my mitzvot (COMMANDMENTS).”

As we see, YAHWEH’s GRACE is contingent upon you keeping His commandments, they are connected!

2 Esdras/4th Ezra 7:132-133

I answered and said, “I know, O YAHWEH, that the Most High is now called ‘merciful,’ because He has mercy on those who have not yet come into the world; and ‘GRACIOUS’, because He is GRACIOUS TO THOSE WHO TURN IN REPENTANCE TO HIS TORAH.”

Daniel 9:4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

4 “I prayed to yahweh my ELOHIM and made this confession: “Please, YAHWEH, great and fearsome ELOHIM, who keeps His covenant and EXTENDS GRACE to THOSE WHO LOVE HIM AND OBSERVE HIS COMMANDMENTS!”

Wisdom Literature (Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 435

And as for you, search His judgements from all your accusers with all…love Him, and with eternal loving-kindness, and with MERCY TOWARDS ALL WHO KEEP HIS WORD.”

Psalms 103:17-18

“But the MERCY of YAHWEH is on those who fear Him from eternity past to eternity future, and his righteousness extends to his children’s children, PROVIDED THEY KEEP HIS COVENANT AND REMEMBER TO FOLLOW ALL HIS PRECEPTS.”

John 1:17 (Hebrewgospels.com)

For the LAW was given through Moses, truly, GRACE AND TRUTH CAME THROUGH YESHUA.”

As we already see is that “Grace” is synonymous and connected with the Torah and truth by scriptural definition is the Torah (Psalms 119:142), so this scripture isn’t what Christianity thinks it means, as they say “Moses gave the law, but YESHUA freed us from it through grace.” On the contrary it means that Moses received the WRITTEN TORAH from YESHUA WHO IS THE LIVING TORAH on Mount Sinai!

Acts 7:38 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

This is the Moses who said to the people of Yisra’el, ‘ELOHIM will raise up a prophet like me from among your brothers’ This is the man who was in the assembly in the wilderness, accompanied by THE ANGEL that had SPOKEN TO HIM AT MOUNT SINAI and by our fathers, the man who was given LIVING WORDS to pass on to us.”

The Angel of YAHWEH was ONE of the manifestations of YESHUA in the Old Testament see (Exodus 23:20-21) and this Angel spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai and gave Him the Torah.

John 1:29 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Behold, this is EL (God), who takes away the iniquities from the world.”

John 1:35-36 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And on another day, John and two of his disciples stood again, looking at YESHUA as He walked, and said, “Behold THE ANGEL OF YAHWEH.”


Deuteronomy 6:25

 “It will be RIGHTEOUSNESS for us IF WE ARE CAREFUL TO OBEY ALL THESE COMMANDMENTS before Yahweh our ELOHIM, just as he ordered us to do.’”

1 John 2:29 (Aramaic)

If you know that HE IS RIGHTEOUS you know also that every one WHO DOES RIGHTEOUSNESS IS OF HIM.”

We know that YESHUA obeyed the Torah perfectly when He walked the earth and said He did not come to do away with it (Matthew 5:17) and we are commanded to walk as He walked (1 John 2:6), so everyone who does righteousness (obeys the Torah) belongs to YESHUA!

Many will then point to Paul using:

Romans 3:22-23 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

And it is a RIGHTEOUSNESS that comes from ELOHIM, through the faithfulness of YESHUA the Messiah, to all who continue trusting. For it makes no difference whether one is a Jew or a Gentile, since all have transgressed and come short of earning ELOHIM’s praise.”

Yes indeed, we are made righteous by the blood of YESHUA as He died for us and made many righteous (Daniel 9:24, Isaiah 53:10), but again, He died because we broke the law, so how do we continue to break the law when that is the reason why He died? See Paul understood that which is why 9 verses later he states:

Romans 3:31 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Does it follow that we abolish Torah by this trusting? Heaven forbid! ON THE CONTRARY, WE CONFIRM TORAH.”

Which matches what YESHUA said:

Matthew 5:17 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Moreover YESHUA MASHIACH said to His disciples, “Do not think that I came to throw down the Torah and the Prophets, ON THE CONTRARY, I came TO CONFIRM.:


Malachi 2:7 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

A priests lips should safeguard KNOWLEDGE, and people should seek TORAH FROM HIS MOUTH.”

Hosea 4:6 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

My people are destroyed for want of KNOWLEDGE. Because you rejected KNOWLEDGE, I will also reject you as priests for me. Because you FORGOT THE TORAH OF YOUR ELOHIM, I will also forget your children.”


Proverbs 13:15 (Septuagint)

Sound discretion gives favor and to KNOW THE LAW is the part of a SOUND UNDERSTANDING.”

Psalms 119:73 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“Your hands made and formed me; give me UNDERSTANDING, SO I CAN LEARN YOUR COMMANDMENTS.”

Job 28:28 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“And to human beings he said, ‘Look, fear of YAHWEH is wisdom! SHUNNING EVIL IS UNDERSTANDING!’”

In order to understand how shunning “evil” is understanding, we must first know the scriptural definition of evil.

2 Kings 17:13 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

13 YAHWEH had warned Isra’el and Judah in advance through every prophet and seer, “Turn from your EVIL WAYS; and OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS AND REGULATIONS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENTIRE TORAH which I ordered your ancestors to keep and which I sent to you through my servants the prophets.” 

Temple Scroll (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) Column 59 page 215

They shall cry out but I will not listen; they shall scream but I will not answer them because of their EVIL DOINGS. I will hide My face from them and they shall become food, plunder and prey. None shall save them because of their WICKEDNESS, because they have BROKEN MY COVENANT AND THEIR SOUL LOATHED MY LAW until they have incurred every guilt.”

Psalms 119:53 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“Fury seizes me when I think of the WICKED, because they abandon your Torah.”

So, not keeping the commandments is defined as EVIL and WICKED! And Job says to shun breaking the commandments is understanding! So again, just like all the definitions in scripture, understanding is connected to the Torah!

Deuteronomy 4:5-6 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

5” Look, I have taught you LAWS AND RULINGS, just as YAHWEH my ELOHIM ordered me, so that you can behave accordingly in the land where you are going in order to take possession of it. Therefore, observe them; and follow them; for then all peoples will see you as having wisdom and UNDERSTANDING. When they hear of all these LAWS, they will say, ‘This great nation is surely a wise and UNDERSTANDING people.”


The same scripture from Deuteronomy applies here for wisdom as well!

Deuteronomy 4:5-6 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Look, I have taught you LAWS AND RULINGS, just as YAHWEH my ELOHIM ordered me, so that you can behave accordingly in the land where you are going in order to take possession of it. Therefore, observe them; and follow them; for then all peoples will see you as having WISDOM and understanding. When they hear of all these LAWS, they will say, ‘This great nation is surely a WISE and understanding people.”

Psalms 119:98 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)


Proverbs 24:7 (Septuagint)


Sirach 9:15


Sirach 24:23-26

All this is the BOOK OF THE COVENANT OF THE MOST HIGH ELOHIM, THE LAW THAT MOSES COMMANDED US as an inheritance for the congregations of Jacob. It overflows, like the Pishon, WITH WISDOM, and like the Tigris at the time of the first fruits. It runs over, like the Euphrates, with UNDERSTANDING, and like the Jordan at harvest time. It pours fourth INSTRUCTION like the Nile, like the Gihon at the time of vintage.”

Sirach 33:2

“The WISE WILL NOT HATE THE LAW, but the one who is hypocritical about it is like a boat in a storm.”

2 Baruch 77:15-16

And I answered and said to them: “Shepherds and lamps and springs come FROM THE TORAH. And though we pass on, the TORAH ABIDES. If, therefore, you LOOK to THE TORAH AND WILL BE HEEDING WISDOM, the lamp will not be wanting and the shepherd not departing and the spring not drying up.”


2 Kings 23:25 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

No previous king was like him (Josiah); because he turned to YAHWEH with all of his HEART, with all His BEING (SOUL) and with all HIS POWER, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL THE TORAH OF MOSES.”

Temple Scroll (The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) Column 59 page 215

Afterwards they will return to Me with all their HEART AND ALL THEIR SOUL, IN CONFORMITY WITH ALL THE WORDS OF THIS LAW, and I will save them from the hand of their enemies and redeem them from the hand of those who hate them, and I will bring them to the land of their fathers. I will redeem them, and increase them and exult over them. I will be their ELOHIM and they shall be My people.”

Deuteronomy 10:12-13 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

So now, Yisra’el, all that YAHWEH your ELOHIM asks from you is to fear YAHWEH your ELOHIM, follow ALL HIS WAYS, love Him and serve YAHWEH your ELOHIM with ALL YOUR HEART AND ALL YOUR BEING (SOUL); to OBEY for your own good, the COMMANDMENTS AND REGULATIONS of YAHWEH which I am giving you today.”


John 14:21 (Hebrewgospels.com)

He who keeps My COMMANDMENTS, is He who LOVES ME. And whosoever loves Me, will be loved by My Father; and I will love Him and will reveal Myself to him.”

1 John 5:3 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

For LOVING ELOHIM MEANS OBEYING HIS COMMANDS. Moreover, His commands are not burdensome…”

Testament of Joseph 11:1

Therefore my children, you also have the fear of ELOHIM in all your works before your eyes, and honor your brothers. For EVERYONE who DOES THE TORAH OF YAHWEH WILL BE LOVED BY HIM.”

Testament of Naphtali 8:10

Therefore be wise in ELOHIM, my children, and prudent, understanding the order of His COMMANDS, and every WORD OF THE TORAH, THAT YAHWEH MAY LOVE YOU.”

1 Epistle Clement of Rome Chapter 49


Thanksgiving Hymns (Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) Hymn 8, page 258

Grant me the place of Thy loving-kindness which Thou hast chosen for them that LOVE THEE AND KEEP THY COMMANDMENTS, that they may STAND IN THY PRESENCE FOR EVER.”

Those who show YAHWEH they love Him by keeping His commandments will live forever!

How do we KNOW HIM?

1 John 2:3-4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

3” The way we can be sure we KNOW HIM is if we are obeying his commands. Anyone who says, “I KNOW HIM,” but isn’t obeying his commands is a liar — the truth is not in him.”

2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 (Aramaic)

And to you who are oppressed He shall grant to be at peace with us when our Master YESHUA HA’MASHIACH shall be revealed from heaven with the host of His angels. At which time He will avenge with flaming fire those who KNOW NOT ELOHIM and those who do not acknowledge the gospel of our Master YESHUA HA’MASHIACH; for they at the judgment day, shall be rewarded with everlasting destruction from the presence of our Master and from the esteem of His power…”

In these two verses Paul is saying that those who do not keep the commandments and believe in YESHUA just as Revelation 14:12 says, will be rewarded with everlasting fire!

Matthew 7:21-23 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Master, Master!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants. 22 On that Day, many will say to me, ‘Master, Master! Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we expel demons in your name? Didn’t we perform many miracles in your name?’ 23 Then I will tell them to their faces, ‘I never KNEW YOUGet away from me, you workers of LAWLESSNESS!’

YESHUA’s words are a perfect match to what we read in Psalms!

Psalms 119:118 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“You REJECT ALL WHO STRAY FROM YOUR LAWS, for what they deceive themselves with is false.”

Psalms 119:155 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“Salvation is far away from the wicked, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT SEEK YOUR LAWS.”


Psalms 103:7 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

He made HIS WAYS known to Moses.”

What was given to Moses on Mount Sinai? The 10 commandments which are YAHWEH’s WAYS!

Psalms 119:1 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

How happy are those who WAY OF LIFE is blameless, who LIVE BY THE TORAH OF YAHWEH!”

Malachi 2:9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Therefore I have in turn made you contemptible and vile before all the people, because you did not KEEP MY WAYS but were partial in applying THE TORAH.”

Revelation 15:3 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And they sang the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb, and said, “Great are the works of YAHWEH ELOHEI Ha-Tseva’ot! Righteousness (Deuteronomy 6:25) and truth (Psalms 119:142) are YOUR WAYS O King of kings!”

1 Kings 2:1-3 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

The time came near for David to die; so he commissioned Solomon his son as follows: “I am going the way of all the earth. Therefore, be strong; show yourself a man. Observe the charge of YAHWEH your ELOHIM to go in HIS WAYS and KEEP HIS REGULATIONS, COMMANDMENTS, RULINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT IS WRITTEN IN THE TORAH OF MOSES; so that you will succeed in all you do and wherever you go.”

Isaiah 64:4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

You favored those who were glad to do justice, those who remembered you in YOUR WAYS. When you were angry, we kept transgressing; but if we keep Your ANCIENT WAYS, WE WILL BE SAVED.”


Psalms 119:142 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Your righteousness is eternal righteousness, and Your TORAH IS TRUTH.”

Psalms 119:151 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

You are close by, YAHWEH; and all Your COMMANDMENTS ARE TRUTH.”

Psalms 119:160 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

The main thing about Your WORD is that IT’S TRUE; and all Your just rulings last forever.”

John 17:17 (Hebrewgospels.com)


2 Baruch 44:14

They are the ones who have acquired for themselves reservoirs of wisdom and with whom treasures of understanding are found. From mercy they have not withdrawn, and they have kept THE TRUTH OF THE TORAH.”


Proverbs 14:27 (Septuagint)


John 12:49-50 (Hebrewgospels.com)

For I do not speak of Myself; but the Father who sent Me, He commanded Me to speak and to command and I know that HIS COMMANDMENT IS EVERLASTING LIFE. And that which I speak is identical to that which The Father speaks—so I speak.”

Deuteronomy 32:45-47 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

When he had finished speaking all these words to all Yisra’el, he said to them, “Take to heart all the words of my testimony against you today, so that you can use them in charging your children to be careful to OBEY ALL THE WORDS OF THIS TORAH. For this not a trivial matter for you; on the contrary, IT IS YOUR LIFE!”

2 Esdras 14:29-30

At first, our fathers dwelt as aliens in Egypt, and they were delivered from there, and received the LAW OF LIFE, which they did not keep, which you also have transgressed after them.”

2 Baruch 38:2

Your TORAH IS LIFE, and Your wisdom is uprightness.”

There can be no doubts that all these words and their definitions point to the Torah! So how can the law be done away with? This should be an eye-opening message and you should now be armed with the complete truth! The scriptures and the definitions point for us to do this:

Revelation 14:12 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Here is the hope of the set-apart ones, and here are those who DO THE COMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH, AND BELIEVE IN YESHUA.”

So, when YESHUA says He is the Way, The Truth, and the Life in John 14:6, He is saying that He is the LIVING TORAH! The scriptures exhort us to obey the written Torah and have faith in YESHUA the Living Torah for they are the same thing! From now on when you see the words: Sin, Grace, Righteousness, Knowledge, Understanding, Evil, Wisdom, how to love YAHWEH with all your heart, soul, and might, Love, How do we know Him, Way, Truth, and Life, know that they all point to the TORAH that we must be obeying!

As always may YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!



As always, the words that YESHUA spoke from the original Hebrew manuscripts carry more weight and meaning as we can see what He truly taught! We as His priests and disciples have a job to do, which is to be a light and instruction to the world.

Matthew 5:13-16 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And it happened furthermore, that YESHUA MASHIACH said unto His disciples, “YOU ARE THE INSTRUCTION OF THE WORLD, but the instruction is cut off by them who are not saved, and nothing else is fit, except to cast them to the street and trample them. The LIGHT OF THE WORLD is not able to hide the city that rests on the mountain. No man lights a lamp in order to set it under a covering, but to set it upon the menorah, in order to give light to all those who are in the house. So let your lamp shine before all, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father who is in the heavens.”

Philippians 2:14-15 (Aramaic)

Do all things without disputing and doubting, that you may be sincere and blameless, like the innocent children of ELOHIM, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you SHINE AS LIGHTS IN THE WORLD; for you are to them the LIGHT OF LIFE, for my pride and esteem in the day of Messiah; for I have not run in vain nor labored in vain.”

Matthew 28:19 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Therefore go preach to ALL THE PEOPLES, and immerse them in the Name of the Father and the Son and of RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit), AND TEACH THEM, AND KEEP ALL THAT I COMMANDED YOU.”

Matthew 5:17 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Moreover YESHUA MASHIACH said to His disciples, “Do not think that I came to throw down the Torah and the Prophets, on the contrary, I CAME TO CONFIRM.”

In the Community Rule which was the FIRST PHASE of the Zadok Priests BEFORE the arrival of the Teacher of Righteousness and the Damascus Document says this in Ken Johnsons translation of the Damascus Document page 66 titled the Fruit of the Spirit-Spirit of Truth:

The Way of Light in this world is to ENLIGHTEN THE MINDS OF ALL MEN by making straight the PATH OF TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS and TEACHING THEIR HEART TO REVERENCE ALL THE COMMANDS OF ELOHIM!  Men should have a spirit of: Meekness, patience, gentleness, eternal goodness, intelligence, understanding, potent wisdom, knowledge, enthusiasm for righteousness, set-apart purpose, kindness, magnificent purity (hating all unclean idolatry), temperance, self-control. These are the foundation fruit of the Spirit for the Sons of Truth in this world. The reward for those who walk in these will be healing and peace with long life. They are spiritual sons with all the eternal blessings. They will receive joy with eternal life, and a crown of esteem clothed in light.”

Community Rule (Complete Dead Sea Scrolls) page 102

These are their ways in the world for the enlightenment of the heart of man, and so that all the paths of true righteousness may be made straight before him, and so that the FEAR OF THE LAWS OF ELOHIM MAY BE INSTILLED IN HIS HEART

YESHUA says that we are the instruction of the world, which is a perfect match to what we read in the Dead Sea Scrolls which is to enlighten the minds of ALL MEN and teach them to reverence ALL the commandments of ELOHIM! Plus, if you notice that Paul’s description of the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-25 is a match to what was written in the Dead Sea Scrolls! The Good News is to be preached, which is that YESHUA delivered us from our transgressions by dying for us on the execution stake and saving us from the punishment that we deserve, but also to tell the world about the Torah!

Wisdom of Solomon 18:4

For their enemies deserved to be deprived of light and imprisoned in darkness, those who had kept your children imprisoned, through whom the imperishable LIGHT OF THE LAW WAS TO BE GIVEN TO THE WORLD.”

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Here is the final conclusion, now that you have heard everything: Fear ELOHIM and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS; this is what BEING HUMAN IS ALL ABOUT.”

Testament of Levi 14:4

“But if you are darkened through transgressions, what, therefore, WILL ALL THE NATIONS DO, WHO LIVE IN BLINDNESS? Yes, you will bring a curse upon our race, because THE LIGHT OF THE TORAH-which WAS GIVEN TO LIGHTEN EVERY MAN…”

4th Ezra 5:27

And from all the multiple of peoples, thou has gotten for thyself one people; and to this people whom thou hast loved, thou hast given THE TORAH, WHICH IS APPROVED BY ALL.

To sum it all up I’ll say this, we are priests under YESHUA’s order of Melchizedekian priesthood, if you have not seen the message I did on this topic please view it here: https://youtu.be/RZtI7sfXDx0?si=GpYtVyHQH-TxSaoQ.

Peter and Paul both understood this:

1 Peter 2:9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

9 But you are a chosen people,[e] the King’s Cohanim (PRIESTHOOD),[f] a set-apart nation,[g] a people for ELOHIM to possess![h] Why? In order for you to declare the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

Romans 15:16 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“To be a servant of the Messiah YESHUA for the Gentiles, with the PRIESTLY DUTY of presenting the Good News of ELOHIM, so that the Gentiles may be an acceptable offering, made set-apart by the RUACH’ HA’KODESH.”

The Levites and priests operated inside the physical temple, but we are priests who operate outside of the physical temple because we are the temple filled with the RUACH HA’KODESH (1 Corinthians 3:16). The priesthood still exists, there was just a transformation of the priesthood, the same way there was a transformation of the Torah from being written on the tablets of stone to being written on our hearts!

And what was one of the duties of the priests and Levites? It was to teach the Torah!

Deuteronomy 33:8-10 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Of Levi he said: “Let your tumim and urim be with your pious one, whom you tested at Massah, with whom you struggled at M’rivah Spring. Of his father and mother he said, ‘I don’t know them’; he didn’t acknowledge his brothers or children. For he observed your word, and he kept your covenant.10 They will TEACH JACOB YOUR RULINGS, YISRA’EL YOUR TORAH. They will set incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar.”


Malachi 2:7-9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

A PRIESTS lips should safeguard knowledge, and people should SEEK TORAH FROM HIS MOUTH, because HE IS THE MESSENGER OF YAHWEH-TZVA’OT. But you turned away from the path, you caused many to fail in the Torah, you corrupted the covenant of Levi,” says YAHWEH-TZAV’OT. Therefore I have in turn made you contemptible and vile before all the people, because you did not keep MY WAYS but were partial in APPLYING THE TORAH.”

Testament of Levi 14:3-4

For as the heaven is purer in the sight of YAHWEH than the earth, so also you should be, as the LIGHTS OF YISRA’EL, purer than all the nations. But if you are darkened through transgressions, what, therefore, WILL ALL THE NATIONS DO, WHO LIVE IN BLINDNESS? Yes, you will bring a curse upon our race, because THE LIGHT OF THE TORAH-which WAS GIVEN TO LIGHTEN EVERY MAN-you desire to destroy by TEACHING COMMANDS CONTRARY to the judgments of ELOHIM.”

Nehemiah 8:9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Nehemiah the governor, ‘Ezra THE PRIEST and TORAH-TEACHER and the LEVITES WHO TAUGHT THE PEOPLE said to all the people, “Today is consecrated to YAHWEH your ELOHIM; don’t be mournful, don’t weep.” For all the people had been weeping when they HEARD THE WORDS OF THE TORAH.”

Leviticus 10:8-11 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

YAHWEH said to Aaron, “Don’t drink any wine or other intoxicating liquor, neither you nor your sons with you, when you enter the tent of meeting, so that you will not die. This is to be a permanent regulation through all your generations, so that you will distinguish between the set-apart and the common, and between the unclean and the clean; and so that you will TEACH THE PEOPLE OF YISRA’EL ALL THE LAWS OF YAHWEH has told them through Moses.”

2 Chronicles 17:7-9 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

In the third year of his reign (Yehosaphat) he sent his leading men, Ben-Chayil, ‘Ovadyah, Z’kharyah, N’tan’el and Mikhayahu TO TEACH in the cities of Judah: with them were the LEVITES Sh’ma’yahu, N’tanyahu, Z’vadyahu, ‘Ash’el, Sh’miramot, Y’honatan, Adoniyahu, Tuviyahu and Tov-Adoniyah, THE LEVITES; and with them Elishama and Y’horam THE PRIESTS. THEY TAUGHT in Judah, HAVING A SCROLL OF THE TORAH OF YAHWEH with them; they circulated through all the cities of Judah, TEACHING AMONG THE PEOPLE.”

We are in the instruction of the world; and what are we to teach the world as priests in the order of YESHUA’s Melchizedekian priesthood?

Revelation 14:12 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Here is the hope of the set-apart ones, and here are those who DO THE COMMANDMENTS OF YAHWEH, AND BELIEIVE IN YESHUA.”

As always may YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!

Spiritual meaning of Tsit-Tsit (Fringes)!

Matthew 9:19-21 (Hebrewgospels.com)

So YESHUA stood up and He went-and His disciples with Him. And behold, a woman who flowed with blood for twelve years came behind Him and touched the TSIT-TSIT of His garment, saying in her heart, “If only I could touch His garment I would be healed immediately.”

Mark 6:56 (Hebrewgospels.com)

In whatever city or town He entered into, they passed by the ways and entreated His face that they might only touch the BORDER OF HIS GARMENT, for all those who TOUCHED WERE HEALED.”

Luke 8:43-48 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“As he went, with the crowds on every side virtually choking him, 43 a woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years, and could not be healed by anyone, 44 came up behind him and touched the tzitzit on his robe; instantly her hemorrhaging stopped. 45 YESHUA asked, “Who touched me?” When they all denied doing it, Kefa said, “Rabbi! The crowds are hemming you in and jostling you!” 46 But YESHUA said, “Someone did touch me, because I felt power go out of me.” 47 Seeing she could not escape notice, the woman, quaking with fear, threw herself down before him and confessed in front of everyone why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 48 He said to her, “My daughter, your trust has saved you; go in peace.”

Sirach 38:1-7

Honor a physician with the honor due to him for the uses which you may have of him: for YAHWEH has created him. For from the ELYON (Most High) COMES HEALING and he shall receive honor from the king. The skill of the physician shall lift up his head: and in the sight of great men he shall be in admiration. YAHWEH has created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.”

Holistic doctors do serve a purpose and can help, but as with the woman with the flow of blood for 12 years no one could help her, which shows that healing comes from YAHWEH and the physician is a vessel. So, we see that those who touched the tsit-tsit that YESHUA wore were healed! So, firstly we have to remember what the tsit-tsit is for!

Numbers 15:38-41 (Septuagint)

Speak to the children of Yisra’el and you shall tell them; and let them make fringes (tsit-tsit) for themselves on the BORDERS OF THEIR garments throughout their generations; and you shall put on the fringes of the borders a lace of blue (etymology says purple). And it shall be on your fringes and you shall look at them and you shall remember ALL THE COMMANDS OF YAHWEH AND DO THEM: and you shall not turn back after your imaginations and after the sight of your eyes in the things after which you go fornicating; that you may remember AND PERFORM ALL MY COMMANDS AND YOU SHALL BE SET-APART TO YOUR ELOHIM. I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM that brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your ELOHIM: I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM.”

So, the tsit-tsit are a reminder to keep the commandments of YAHWEH, which means that they are a physical reminder of the commandments themselves! And what does obeying the commandments in the Torah do?

Leviticus 18:5 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

You are to observe My laws and rulings; if a person DOES THEM, HE WILL HAVE LIFE THROUGH THEM; I am YAHWEH.”

Ezekiel 20:11 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

I gave them My laws and showed them My rulings; if a person OBEYS THEM, HE WILL HAVE LIFE THROUGH THEM.”

Ezekiel 20:13 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But the house of Yisra’el rebelled against Me in the desert. They did not live by MY LAWS; and they rejected My rulings, which, if a PERSON DOES, HE WILL HAVE LIFE THROUGH THEM; moreover, they greatly profaned My Shabbats. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them in the desert, in order to destroy them.”

Ezekiel 20:21 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

But the children too rebelled against Me. They did not live by My laws or observe My rulings, TO OBEY THEM, which, if a PERSON DOES, HE WILL HAVE LIFE BY THEM; and they profaned My Shabbats. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them and spend My anger on them in the desert.”

And yes, Paul who observed the Torah calls the Torah righteous and gaining life through it!

Romans 10:5 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)


Damascus Document 3:14-15 (Complete Dead Sea Scrolls pg. 131)

But with the remnant which held fast to the COMMANDMENTS OF ELOHIM He made this covenant with Yisra’el forever, revealing to them the hidden things in which all Yisra’el had gone astray. He unfolded before them His set-apart Shabbats and His esteemed feasts, the testimonies of His righteousness and the ways of His truth, and the desires of His will WHICH A MAN MUST DO IN ORDER TO LIVE.”

The scriptures testify multiple times that those who keep the commandments will have eternal life by keeping them! Knowing this we can see that in the “Peshat” the literal meaning of the scripture is that YESHUA wore tsit-tsit according to the command in the Torah and that people touched them.

 In the “Remez” the hint to a deeper spiritual meaning: They reached out and touched the commandments of the Torah which were on YESHUA the Living Torah and were healed, because YAHWEH’s commandments bring forth LIFE!

Hosea 6:1-3 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Come, let us RETURN TO YAHWEH; for He has torn, and He will HEAL US; He has struck, and He will bind our wounds. After two days, He will revive us; on the third day, He will raise us up; and we will LIVE IN HIS PRESENCE. Let us know, let us strive to KNOW YAHWEH (1 John 2:3-4). That He will come is as certain as morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

Let us return to YAHWEH and obey the written Torah and believe in YESHUA the Living Torah! As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!

Instructions AFTER Feast of Unleavened Bread!

Leviticus 23:9-14 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

“YAHWEH said to Moshe, 10 “Tell the people of Yisra’el, ‘After you enter the land I am giving you and harvest its ripe crops, you are to bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the cohen (priest). 11 He is to wave the sheaf before YAHWEH, so that you will be accepted; the cohen (priest) is to wave it on the day after the Shabbat. 12 On the day that you wave the sheaf, you are to offer a male lamb without defect, in its first year, as a burnt offering for YAHWEH. 13 Its grain offering is to be one gallon of fine flour mixed with olive oil, an offering made by fire to YAHWEH as a fragrant aroma; its drink offering is to be of wine, one quart. 14 You are NOT TO EAT BREAD, DRIED GRAIN or FRESH GRAIN until the day you bring the offering for your ELOHIM; this is a permanent regulation through all your generations, no matter where you live.”

Temple Scroll Column 18, page 295 (Charlesworth translation)

…for this ram. And the BREAD and PARCHED GRAIN and FRESH GRAIN you SHALL NOT EAT UNTIL THAT SAME DAY; and they shall present…and a billy-goat for a purification-offering in order to atone for all the people of the assembly. And its meal-offering and its liquid-offering shall be according to the precept a tenth of the semolina mixed with oil, a fourth of a hin, and wine for a liquid-offering, a fourth of a hin. (VACAT) And he shall atone for the people of the assembly from all their guilt and it will be forgiven them. For their generations this shall be for them ETERNAL STATUTES…in their dwellings. And afterwards they shall offer up a ram once in a year ON THE DAY OF ELEVATING THE SHEAF.”

Leviticus 23:14 (Septuagint)

And you SHALL NOT EAT BREAD OR THE NEW PARCHED GRAIN, until this same day, until you offer the sacrifices to your ELOHIM: it is a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.”

Leviticus 23:14 (Samaritan)

And until this same day, until you have brought in the sacrifice of your ELOHIM, you shall eat NEITHER BREAD NOR ROASTED GRAIN NOR NEW GROWTH. It is to be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwelling places.”

Leviticus 23:14 (Concordant version of the Old Testament)

NO BREAD OR TOASTED GRAIN OR GROATS of the crop shall you eat until this very day, UNTIL you bring the approach present of your ELOHIM. It shall be an eonian statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.”

This command is referring to AFTER the completion of the Feast of Unleavened Bread because during the Feast of Unleavened Bread we are commanded to eat unleavened bread for 7 days. The Feast of Unleavened Bread this year is from April 3rd-9th, which means starting on the 10th-13th no bread is to be eaten until that Sunday April 14th, which is the 26th day of the 1st month, when we begin counting the 50 days to get to Shavuot. No bread, roasted grain or new growth is to be eaten until the first fruits have been given to YAHWEH. This will also make us appreciate His provision for the abundance of wheat He has given when we go without it for four days. 

In connection with the FOUR-day period leading up to firstfruits is that YESHUA is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in righteousness, which again points to Him. The number FOUR in the Otiot is “Dalet” which means door, entrance, hang, or move. YESHUA is the DOOR and the ENTRANCE way to YAHWEH the Father! He HANG on the execution-stake for our iniquities, rose from the dead, and will grant those who belong to Him eternal life at the resurrection.


1 Corinthians 15:20-22


But now Messiah has been RAISED FROM THE DEAD, and has become the FIRSTFRUITS of those HAVING FALLEN ASLEEP. For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a Man. For as all die in Adam, so also all shall be made alive in Messiah.”


2 Baruch 30:1-3


And after these, when the time of the advent (the coming) of the Messiah will be fulfilled and He will return in esteem, then all those who have FALLEN ALSLEEP IN HOPE OF HIM WILL RISE. At that time, those reservoirs will be opened in which the number of the souls of the righteous have been preserved, and they will come out, and the abundance of the souls will appear in one assembly, of one mind. The first will rejoice, and the last will not be saddened, for they know that the time has arrived of which it is said that it is in the consummation of times.”


First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians Chapter 24 verses 101-103


Let us consider, beloved, how YAHWEH continually proves to us that there shall be a FUTURE RESURRECTION, of which He has rendered the Master YESHUA HA’MASHIACH THE FIRST FRUITS BY RAISING HIM FROM THE DEAD. Let us contemplate, beloved, the resurrection which is at all times taking place. Day and night declare to us a resurrection. The night sinks to sleep, and the day arises; the day again departs, and the night comes on. Let us behold the fruits of the earth, how the sowing of grain takes place. The sower goes forth, and casts it into the ground; and the seed being thus scattered, though dry and naked when it fell upon the earth, is gradually dissolved. Then out of its dissolution the mighty power of the providence of YAHWEH raises it up again, and from ONE SEED MANY ARISE AND BRING FORTH FRUIT.”


Just as YESHUA rose from the dead, so will those who have been sold out for Him in this life by keeping the commandments of YAHWEH and believing in Him! If you have not seen or read the message I did titled “The Firstfruits Timeline” you can view it here: https://youtu.be/on97EydCs6M?si=cfiwavIjKTbbb-uL


This is also further confirmation that the Zadok Priestly Calendar is the true ancient calendar outlined in the Temple Scroll, Jubilees, Enoch, and other sources in the Dead Sea Scrolls, because Judaism mixes the wave sheaf (firstfruits) and begin the 50-day count to Shavuot DURING the Feast of Unleavened Bread when we are COMMANDED TO EAT BREAD, which would contradict YAHWEH’s command in Leviticus 23:14 where He commands us NOT to eat bread, so there is no way first fruits can occur during the Feast of Unleavened bread. The Zadok Priestly Calendar separates the two and leaves no room for contradictions. To reconcile this apparent contradiction commentators have said that this command is referring to “New grain”, because the Jews had to eat unleavened bread at this time, but that cannot be correct because YAHWEH has already eliminated that option by saying “NOR fresh grain” or “New growth”. The only way this command works is by it occurring AFTER the Feast of Unleavened Bread for four days leading up to FirstFruits.

There has been much debate about when we should begin the 50-day count to Shavuot, and the biggest part of the debate is whether we should begin counting after the first day of unleavened bread (a High-Shabbat) or on Sunday after the weekly seventh day Shabbat. It’s critical to know that the Appointed Times are separated and do not mix or overlap. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are connected, which means that firstfruits should come after the Feast of Unleavened because first fruits is connected with Shavuot. Not separating them would create a contradiction and a violation of the command. Let’s view some ancient texts to arrive at the answer.


Leviticus 23:16 (Aramaic Peshitta)


“Even to the morrow AFTER THE SEVENTH SHABBAT (The weekly 7th Day Shabbat) you shall count fifty days; and you shall offer a meal offering of a new wheat to YAHWEH.”


Leviticus 23:15 (Samaritan)

And you shall count for yourselves from the DAY NEXT TO THE SHABBAT (Sunday), from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering, there shall be seven complete Shabbats.”

Temple Scroll Column 19:11-16


And you shall count for yourselves from the day you bring in the new meal-offering to YAHWEH, the bread of the firstfruits. SEVEN COMPLETE WEEKS there shall be until the day you bring the sheaf of the elevation-offering, you shall count the morning AFTER THE SEVENTH SHABBAT, YOU SHALL COUNT FIFTY DAYS…”


The Aramaic Peshitta, Samaritan Torah, and Temple Scroll all clarify that firstfruits is AFTER the weekly 7th day Shabbat which is a Sunday and no other day; and this is when we begin the 50-day count, so clears up any confusion and contradictions when we return to the ancient path!

As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!