Aaron’s Ancient prophecy!

Since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we continue to see the gold contained within it. Everything from true doctrine versus the teachings of Rabbinical Judaism to the amazing prophecies about YESHUA! And Aaron the first high-priest of Yisrael prophesied the coming of our great High-Priest YESHUA HA’MASHIACH!

Testament of Aaron 4Q540-4Q541 (4= fourth cave, Q= Qumran, and 540/541= 540th and 541st scroll or document found.)

Column #4

His wisdom will be great. He will make atonement for all the children of His generation. He will be sent to all the sons of His generation. His word will be as the word of heaven, and His teaching will be in accordance with the will of ELOHIM. His eternal sun will burn bright. The fire will be kindled in all the corners of the earth. It will shine into the darkness. Then the darkness will vanish from the earth and the deep darkness from the dry land. They will speak many words against Him. There will be numerous lies. They will invent stories about Him. They will say shameful things about Him. He will overthrow His evil generation and there will be great wrath. When He arises there will be falsehood and violence, and the people will wander astray in His days and be confounded.”

We will go through this prophecy line by line and see how accurate this prophecy was before YESHUA walked the earth!

His wisdom will be great:

1 Kings 5:9-11 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

ELOHIM gave Solomon exceptional wisdom and understanding, as well as a heart as vast as the sandy beach by the sea. Solomon’s WISDOM surpassed the WISDOM of the people from the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was WISER THAN EVERYONE---wiser than Eitan the Ezrachi and wiser than Heiman, Kalkol and Dara the sons of Machol; so that his fame spread to all the surrounding nations.”

1 Kings 10:1-5 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

When the queen of Sheva heard what was being said about Solomon because of the Name of YAHWEH, she came to test him with difficult questions. She arrived in Jerusalem accompanied by a very great retinue (entourage), including camels bearing spices and gold in great abundance, and precious stones. When she appeared before Solomon she spoke with him about everything on her heart, and Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was hidden from the king that he could not explain to her. After the queen of Sheva had seen all Solomon’s wisdom, the palace he had built, the food at his table, the manner of seating his officials, the manner in which his staff served him, how they were dressed, his personal servants and his burnt offering which he offered in the house of YAHWEH, it left her breathless.”

Matthew 12:42 (Hebrew)

And the queen of Sheva will stand up for the day of judgment with this nation and will punish it, for she came from the end of the world to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and here is ONE WISER THAN SOLOMON.”

Even though Solomon was the wisest man in the world, the wisdom of YESHUA surpassed his for He had great wisdom being EL (Mighty One) The Son!

He will make atonement for all the children of His generation:

Matthew 26:26-28 (Hebrew)

And when they sat to eat YESHUA took the bread, and blessed it, and did a prayer of thanksgiving, and broke it and said, “Take and eat, for this is My body. And afterwards He took the cup, and did a prayer of thanksgiving and gave it to them, and said, “Drink this—all of you for this the blood of the new, which will be shed to ATONE YOUR INIQUITIES.” 

John 8:36 (Hebrew)

But if the Son makes ATONEMENT for you with haste, you will be free men.”

John 19:30 (Hebrew)

So when YESHUA had tasted the vinegar, He said, “It is completed and ended!” And He bowed His head and sent His Spirit to His Father.”

He will be sent to all the sons of His generation:

Matthew 15:24 (Hebrew)

But He answered, “I am not sent, except to the sheep that are lost—the house of Yisra’el.”

His word will be as the word of heaven:

John 1:9-11 (Hebrew)

He is truly a lamp; and He shines on every man in this world. He is eternal; and the world was made by Him; but the world does not recognize Him, NEITHER THE POWER OF HIS WORDS—even those who do not receive Him.”

Mark 11:10 (Hebrew)

And those who were walking before Him, and those who were following after Him cried out, and said, “Hoshieinu (Save us) blessed Savior! Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of YAHWEH and blessed be the KING WHO IS A SAVIOR FROM THE HEAVENS!”

John 6:36-38 (Hebrew)

But this I say to you because you saw Me and yet you did not believe in Me. Everyone the Father gave Me comes to Me, and he who comes to Me I will not cast out. For I, I descend FROM THE HEAVENS, not in order to do My own will, only the will of Him who sent Me.”

Messianic Apocalypse (Dead Sea Scrolls)

For the HEAVENS and the earth will LISTEN TO HIS MESSIAH (ANOINTED ONE), and all that is in them will not turn away from the precept of the set-apart ones.”

His teaching will be in accordance with the will of ELOHIM:

John 7:40 (Hebrew)

Then some of the crowd of the people, when they heard His (YESHUA’s) words, said, “THIS IS THE TRUE PROPHET!”

Deuteronomy 18:18-19 (Samaritan)

I will raise up a PROPHET from among their brothers like you. And I will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. And it shall come about that whoever will not listen to His words which He shall speak on My behalf, I Myself will require it of him.”

John 12:49-50 (Hebrew)

For I do not speak of Myself; but the Father who sent Me, He commanded Me to speak and to command and I know that His commandment is everlasting life. And that WHICH I SPEAK IS IDENTICAL TO WHAT THE FATHER SPEAKS—SO I SPEAK.”

John 7:14-16 (Hebrew)

But in the middle of the Feast, YESHUA went up into the Sanctuary and taught. And the Jews were astonished and said, “How does this One who did not learn, know literature?” YESHUA answered and said, “My teaching IS NOT MINE, BUT IT IS FROM HIM WHO SENT ME.”

Matthew 5:17 (Hebrew)

Do not think that I came to throw down the Torah and the Prophets, on the contrary, I came to CONFIRM.”

His eternal sun will burn bright. The fire will be kindled in all the corners of the earth:

Isaiah 42:1-4 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Here is My Servant, Whom I support, My chosen One, in Whom I take pleasure. I have put My Spirit on Him; He will bring justice to the nations. He will not cry or shout; no one will hear His voice in the streets. He will not snap off a broken reed or snuff out a smoldering wick. He will bring forth justice according to truth; He will not weaken or be crushed until He has established justice on the earth, and the coastlands wait for His Torah.”

Isaiah 49:6 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

He has said, “It is not enough that you are merely My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and restore the offspring of Yisra’el. I will also make you a LIGHT TO THE NATIONS, so My salvation can spread to the ends of the earth.”

Luke 2:29-32 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

Now, YAHWEH, according to Your word, Your servant is at peace as You let him go; for I have seen with my own eyes Your salvation, which You prepared in the presence of all peoples a LIGHT THAT WILL BRING REVELATION TO THE GENTILES and esteem to Your people Yisra’el.”

Then the darkness will vanish from the earth and the deep darkness from the dry land:

Proverbs 6:23 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

For the mitzvah (command) is a LAMP, TORAH IS LIGHT…”

Darkness represents the wickedness and/or ignorance of the people not knowing the true way, but YESHUA the Light (Living Torah) teaches it to them.

John 1:4-5 (Hebrew)

For He is life- this life is the lamp of men. And the LAMP DOES SHINE in the gloom; but the gloom and darkness do not have power over it.”

Matthew 4:12-16 (Hebrew)

When YESHUA heard that John had been seized, He turned His face to Galilee and left Nazareth His city, and He sojourned in the city Kephar Nachum, by the sea shore of the districts of Zebulon and Naphtali, in order that the prophecy of Isaiah the prophet should be fulfilled, saying “The land of Zebulon and Naphtali, is again restored, the way of the sea of Jordan valley of Galilee, the people who abide in the way of THICK DARKNESS saw LIGHT, AND A SHINING LAMP appeared unto those who abide in the shadow of death.”

Isaiah 9:1- (Complete Jewish Bible)

The people living in DARKNESS have seen a GREAT LIGHT; upon those living in the land that lies in the shadow of death, LIGHT HAS DAWNED.”

They will speak many words against Him:

Matthew 12:10 (Hebrew)

And when He had passed on further, He came to their house of assembly. And there was a man with the hand dried out. And they asked Him if it was proper to cleanse him on the Shabbat, in order that they could SLANDER HIM.”

Matthew 12:22-24 (Hebrew)

And then they sent a satan-possessed one to Him, blind and dumb, and He healed him in such a way that he spoke and saw. And all the people were astonished and looked and said, “How could this not be the Son of David?” But when the Pharisees heard this they said, “This man does not drive out the demons except by the power of Ba’al-Zevuv, the prince of the demons.”

John 8:48-59 (Hebrew)

So the Jews answered and said, “Do we rightly say that you are a Samaritan? You have some of Ha-Satan!” YESHUA answered, “There is not a demon in Me, but I honor My Father; while you despise Me. And I do not seek My honor; it is another who seeks it, and He judges true judgment. I say to you in truth that if one establishes My words, he will never die in eternity.” Then the Jews said, “Now we know Ha-Satan holds onto You! Abraham is dead, and the prophets are dead; and now You say that if one keeps Your words, death will not happen to him forever! Are you greater than Abraham our father who died, and the prophets who died? Who is it that exalts You with these honors except You Yourself?”

John 9:13-16 (Hebrew)

Then they brought him (the blind man) to the Pharisees, and said that YESHUA had made clay on the Shabbat, and opened that man’s eyes. So the Pharisees asked him, “In what manner did He restore your sight for you?” And he said unto them, “He made clay, and placed it on my eyes; and I stoop up and saw!” Therefore some of the Pharisees said, “THIS MAN IS NOT FROM EL, for He does not keep the Shabbat.” But others said, “How is a transgressing man able to do these signs?” So there was a great division among them.”

Testament of Levi 16:3

And you will persecute righteous men, and hate the reverent and you will despise the words of the faithful. And a Man who renews the Torah in the power of the Most High, you WILL CALL HIM A DECEIVER.”

Matthew 27:62-63 (Hebrew)

“And the day which came after the Passover, the chiefs of the Pharisees and the priests came to Pilate saying, “Master, we remember that that DECEIVER said that He would stand up alive (resurrect).”

There will be numerous lies. They will invent stories about Him. They will say shameful things about Him:

John 8:41 (Hebrew)

You do the work of your father.” Then they said to Him, “We, were not born out of fornication, we have one EL and One Father.”

They assumed YESHUA was born out of fornication and said a very shameful thing about Him, not understanding that He was born of the RUACH HA’KODESH through the virgin Mary.

Matthew 1:18-20 (Hebrew)

And the birth of YESHUA MASHIACH was thus: while the mother of YESHUA MASHIACH was betrothed and Joseph; before they were joined together she was pregnant from RUACH HA’KODESH. So Joseph, being righteous but not willing to deliver her to death, rather wanted to go to divorce her in secret. And while he was planning this, the messenger of YAHWEH appeared unto Joseph in a dream, and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for what she conceived, she conceived by RUACH HA’KODESH.”

Matthew 28:11-15 (Hebrew)

And when they went, some of the guards came to Jerusalem, and reported to the chiefs of the priests everything that had happened. Then they gathered the elders and held a council, and they gave a great amount of silver to the guards, that they should say that His (YESHUA’s) disciples came in the night while they were sleeping, and stole Him. And they said, “When Pilate gets to know this, we will attain that you will be safe.” So they took the silver and did what they told them. And these things are reported among the Jews until this day.”

Instead of accepting the fact that YESHUA was not a deceiver, but rather He is the Messiah who died and rose on the third day as He said He would, they chose to reject Him and invent a story to say that His body was stolen by the disciples, and this lie has been passed down ever since.

He will overthrow His evil generation and there will be great wrath:

Luke 19:41-44 (Complete Jewish Bible)

When YESHUA had come closer and could see the city, He wept over it, saying, “If you only knew today what is needed for shalom! But for now it is hidden from your sight. For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will set up a barricade around you, encircle you, hem you in on every side, and dash you to the ground, you and your children within your walls, leaving not one stone standing on another and all because you did not recognize your opportunity when ELOHIM offered it!”

Testament of Levi 16:3-4

And a man who RENEWS THE TORAH (Matthew 5:17-20) in the power of the Most High, you will call Him a deceiver; and at last you will rush upon Him and Kill Him, not knowing His dignity, taking INNOCENT BLOOD through wickedness upon your heads. And your SET-APART PLACES WILL BE LAID WASTE EVEN TO THE GROUND BECAUSE OF HIM.        

When He arises there will be falsehood:

Testament of Levi 16:1-2

And now I have learned in the book of Enoch that for seventy weeks you will go astray, and profane the priesthood, and pollute the slaughtering’s. And you will MAKE VOID THE TORAH, and set the words of the prophets at nothing by evil perverseness.”

Matthew 15:8-10 (Hebrew)

This people which honors Me with words but their heart is far from Me, they honor Me in vain, IMPOSING YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND COMMANDMENTS OF THE MEN.”


Isaiah 52:14 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Just as many were appalled at Him, because He was so disfigured that He didn’t even seem human and simply no longer looked like a man…”

Matthew 27:24-35 (Hebrew)

And when Pilate saw that he was not reaching anything, but that they still cried out, he took water and washed his hands before the people, and said, “I am he who does not know (innocent) of the blood of this righteous man. Take heed for yourselves.” So all the total answered, “Let His blood be upon us and upon our sons!” And then he released Bar-Even, and delivered to them YESHUA—beaten—to lift Him up with warp and woof (execution-stake).” Now the servants of Pilate had taken YESHUA to the great house of the judges, and the people gathered around, and they stripped Him, and covered Him with a garment of fine red linen, and set a crown of thorns upon His head, and a reed in the right hand, and bowed the knew before Him, saying, “May YAHWEH save you, King of the Jews.” And they spat on Him and took the reed, and smote on His head.” Verse 35 “And when they had hanged Him up they divided His clothes among themselves by the lot…”

Galatians 3:1 (Complete Jewish Scriptures)

You stupid Galatians! Who has put you under a spell? Before your very eyes YESHUA the Messiah was clearly portrayed as having been put to death as a criminal!”

The people will wander astray in His days and be confounded:

Wander in confusion with no direction because they killed the Living Torah Who is the Light to the path and the only way to eternal life! They chose to walk in Oral Torah versus the truth, so they chose to walk in darkness and confusion instead of the light of the truth.

Isaiah 8:14 (Complete Jewish Bible)

He is there to be a sanctuary. But for both the houses of Yisra’el He will be a stone to stumble over; a rock obstructing their way; a strap and a snare for the inhabitants of Jerusalem.”

Luke 2:34 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Simon blessed them and said to the child’s mother, Mary, “This child will cause many in Yisra’el to fall and to rise, He will become a sign whom people will speak against; moreover, a sword will pierce your own heart too. And this will happen in order to reveal many people’s inmost thoughts.”

Covenant of Damascus pg. 24 #3

Scornful men arose, spraying lying waters on Yisra’el to lead them astray to WANDER IN THE WILDERNESS, WHERE THERE IS NO WAY (Psalms 107:40).”

The Torah is THE WAY (Psalms 119;1) So they wandered in the wilderness (lost) to dry up without the Torah and without the Torah and YESHUA being the Living Torah there is no life!

Leviticus 18:5 (Complete Jewish Bible)

You are to observe My laws and rulings; if a person does them, he will have LIFE through them; I am YAHWEH.”

John 14:6

YESHUA said, I AM THE WAY, and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.”

Refusing to except the free gift of atonement that YESHUA gave us by shedding His blood for our iniquities is not an option! YESHUA is the ONLY way to eternal life and this is an ancient truth known by our ancestors throughout the scriptures and the Dead Sea Scrolls! As always may YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!


A year ago, I uploaded a video on YouTube regarding a correction to a previous message about food preparation on the Shabbat titled “Important questions for Shabbat,” and in this brief correction video I explained that I no longer keep food warm using a crockpot on the Shabbat. And just to be clear cooking food on the Shabbat was never an option to begin with nor the use of a microwave. So, I would like to give a detailed explanation as to why I no longer even use a crockpot to warm up food.

Exodus 16:23 (Aramaic Peshitta)

And it came to pass that on the SIXTH DAY they gathered TWICE AS MUCH BREAD, two omers for one person; and all the elders of the congregation came and told Moses. Moses said to them, This is what YAHWEH has said, Tomorrow is a day of set apart rest a Shabbat to YAHWEH; bake that which you will bake today, and cook what you will cook; and that which is left over, KEEP IT COLD for yourselves until the morning.” Verse 35 “And the children of Yisra’el did eat manna for FORTY YEARS until they came to an inhabited land; they did eat manna until they reached the border of the land of Canaan.”

The traditional interpretation of this scripture was not cook on the Shabbat, but that strict interpretation has come into question over the past few years, and many are allowing it, but praise YAHWEH for revealing the truth through the ancient texts like the Aramaic and the Dead Sea Scrolls. As we can see Moses not only told them not to gather the manna, but also that they must cook and bake whatever they would be eating for the Shabbat, so that they would not have to cook it on the Shabbat which would require a fire. Furthermore, YAHWEH gave TWICE as much manna on the sixth day (the preparation day) to truly show that He wants His children to completely rest on the Shabbat. YAHWEH has already given us the pattern to follow, which means that we need to prepare everything on the sixth day (Friday) before the sunsets. The weekly seventh day Shabbat is a Shabbat Shabbaton, a day for complete stopping/complete ceasing from all activity! And this occurred for forty years in the wilderness so that they would truly get the point!

Jubilees and the Zadok priests in the Damascus Document agree with what is written in the Aramaic. Firstly, is the book of Jubilees inspired and authoritative?

Torah.com says this: “What is “Torah” in Second Temple Texts? In the Second Temple Period, “Torah was not limited to the Five Books of Moses. The Book of Jubilees and the Temple Scroll saw themselves as “Torah”…”

Jubilees 2:29

Declare and say to the children of Yisra’el: the Torah of this day both that they should guard Shabbat on it, and that they should not forsake it IN THE ERROR OF THEIR HEARTS. It is not lawful to do any work on it which is unseemly, to do their own pleasure, AND THAT THEY SHOULD NOT PREPARE ANYTHING TO BE EATEN OR DRUNK ON IT, and it is not lawful to draw water, or bring in, or take out through their gates any burden, WHICH THEY HAD NOT PREPARED FOR THEMSELVES ON THE SIXTH DAY in their dwellings.”

Preparing food on the Shabbat is an “error of the heart” because the “desire” of man is to do what pleases the flesh, and the flesh wants to make the Shabbat like the other six days which produces justification for violating the Shabbat. An “error of the heart” is the perfect explanation because we have already been warned about the heart.

Jeremiah 17:9 (Aramaic Peshitta)

The HEART IS STUBBORN ABOVE ALL THINGS: who can understand it?”

Proverbs 14:12 (Aramaic)

There is a way which SEEMS RIGHT TO A MAN, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”

Jubilees 50:9

You shall do no work WHATSOEVER on Shabbat Day EXCEPT WHAT YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR YOURSELVES ON THE SIXTH DAY, so as to eat, and drink, and rest, and keep Shabbat FROM ALL WORK ON THAT DAY, and to bless YAHWEH your ELOHIM, Who has given you a day of Feast and a set-apart day, and a day of the set-apart kingdom for all Yisra’el is this day among their days forever.”

No matter how anyone tries to define what constitutes as work, Jubilees says that cooking is work! This goes completely against anyone who is saying you can cook up some beef bacon, eggs, grits, biscuits, with some freshly squeezed orange juice on the Shabbat!

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines prepare as: “The meaning of PREPARE is to make ready BEFOREHAND for some purpose, use, or activity.”

In the Damascus Document, under the section titled “Shabbat Laws” it is written:

Covenant of Damascus 10:22


Covenant of Damascus 10:22 (Penguin classics)

NO MAN shall eat on the Shabbat day except that which IS ALREADY PREPARED.”

The Zadok priests who followed YAHWEH completely followed the exact instructions that Moses gave to the children of Yisra’el in the wilderness and what is written in Jubilees. Furthermore, a footnote from Steven Fraade on page 98 states:

 “10:22: except what has been prepared (before the Shabbat). Food preparation could not take place on the Shabbat, but had to have been COMPLETED BEFORE THE SHABBAT BEGAN. For the same rule, see Jubilees 2:29; 50:9. This may be based on the manna story, Exodus 16:5, 29, in which the food for the seventh day was delivered on the sixth. Josephus (J.W. 2.147) speaks on the Essenes preparing their food on the day before the Shabbat so as NOT TO HAVE TO KINDLE A FIRE ON THE SHABBAT.”

They are not “Essenes” but rather the Zadok Priests, Levites, and converts of the Way. And they did not cook on the Shabbat nor did they warm food on the Shabbat, because a fire would have to be used to do both. We also have another witness with the Samaritans.

In the Samaritan Torah on page 204, Benyamim Tsedaka the translator explains how the Samaritans observe the Shabbat:

31:14 And you are to keep the Shabbat, for it is set-apart to you”---‘Till present times the Israelite Samaritans have kept the Shabbat AS IT IS WRITTEN, IN A VERY STRICT WAY. On Friday afternoon PREPARATIONS for the Shabbat begin including washing, and purifying the body, and changing the weekday clothes to Shabbat clothes. The clothing for the men includes a long-sleeved floor length robe in different colors, thick for the wintertime and light for the spring and summertime. It is tied with a belt, the same material as the robe. When entering the synagogue heads are covered. The priests wear red turbans on weekdays and white turbans on the Shabbat. The women of the family, along with the children, PREPARE THE FRIDAY EVENING MEAL. When the Shabbat draws near, the COOKED FOOD IS TAKEN OFF THE STOVE AND COVERED BY A THICK BLANKET.”

On page 206 he states:

Young boys, and girls begin to read with the group around the age of seven. At the end of the reading, hot drinks (STORED IN THERMOSES BEFORE SHABBAT) and pastries are served. Afterwards, the people retire to their Shabbat morning meals, prepared by the women. THIS MEAL CONSISTS OF A LARGE VARIETY OF COLD SALADS.”

This again is a direct match with Exodus 16:23 in the Aramaic “bake that which you will bake today, and cook what you will cook; and that which is left over, KEEP IT COLD for yourselves until the morning.” The Samaritans interpretation and observance of the Shabbat matches what we read about the Qumran community in the Damascus Document and what Josephus said about them not kindling a fire on the Shabbat for food.

We see that the Samaritans take the cooked food off of the stove before the Shabbat to  and cover it with a thick blanket to keep the food warm, and if they want a hot drink, it is liquid that has been kept warm in a thermos, and not heated on a stove nor a microwave. And if there was any doubt, we see that they eat cold salads on the Shabbat.

The warning:

Covenant of Damascus 12:2-3

Anyone who is controlled by the spirits of Belial and teaches apostasy/rebellion shall be judged as a NECROMANCER OR WIZARD. ANYONE WHO LEADS PEOPLE ASTRAY BY TEACHING THEM TO DEFILE/PROFANE THE SHABBATS or Festivals (AND THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIM) should not be put to death but, instead it is the responsibility of the order of the Sons of Adam (custody of men) to watch him, and when he is healed of HERESY, he should be watched for seven years and then allowed back into the Congregation.”

Cooking on the Shabbat profanes the Shabbat because it is work, and those who teach others to profane the Shabbat are viewed as heretics, necromancers and wizards, and not just them, but also those who follow them, so this is not a light matter.

Covenant of Damascus 1:18


 Seekers of smooth things are those who are lax and lenient in their interpretation of the Torah to appease the flesh! One thing we must always keep in mind is:

1 John 5:3 (Aramaic)

For this is the love of ELOHIM, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are NOT DIFFICULT.”

It cannot be a coincidence that Exodus 16:23, Jubilees, The Zadok Priests, and the Samaritans all agree that there is no cooking on the Shabbat, and we have witnesses against the warming of food as well! Let us return to the ancient path and put our desires aside on the Shabbat! There are plenty of delicious foods to eat cold or room temperature such as salads, subs, cakes, cookies, sardines, smoked fish, fruits, vegetables and more, this is by no means an exhaustive list and there are many great creative ideas out there.

As always may YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!

YESHUA in Daniel 9 prophecy!

Daniel 9:25-26 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the word to restore and build Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah the King shall be seven times seven weeks; the people shall return and build Jerusalem, its streets, and its broad ways at the end of the appointed times. After sixty-two times seven weeks, MESSIAH SHALL BE SLAIN, and the city shall be without a ruler; and the set-apart city shall be destroyed together with the coming king; and the end thereof shall be a mass exile, and at the end of the war, desolations are determined.”

The Messiah shall be slain was prophesied in many places matching the prophecy of Daniel and then fulfilled:

Zechariah 12:10 (Aramaic Peshitta)

And I will pour out on the house of David and those living in Jerusalem a spirit of grace and prayer; and they will look upon Me (YAHWEH) WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED, and they shall mourn for Him (YESHUA) as they mourn for an only son, and shall grieve for Him as they grieve over the first-born.”

Psalms 22:16 (Septuagint)

For many dogs have circled Me: the assembly of the wicked doers has surrounded Me: THEY PIERCED MY HANDS AND MY FEET.”

John 19:32-37 (Hebrew)

So the soldiers came and broke the thighs of those who were hanged up with YESHUA; but one of the soldiers took a lance in his hand and thrust YESHUA, and opened His side for Him. And those who saw it do witness of this, also he who knows that he speaks the truth-in order that you may believe in Him. For when all these things were done, the scripture was fulfilled which says, “You must not break any bone in it.” And again another scripture says. “AND THEY WILL LOOK UNTO ME WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED.”

During the seven times seven weeks which is the first 49 years of this prophecy in Daniel, Artaxerxes gave the decree to restore Jerusalem’s wall. Then the prophecy in Daniel says after the 62 times 7 weeks the Messiah will be slain, so 62 X 7=434 years stemming from the first 49 years of the prophecy to restore Jerusalem. Therefore, by adding 434 years with the first 49 years we get 483 total years. Further confirmation of this is in the book by Ken Johnson titled “Ancient Dead Sea Scroll Calendar” on page 86 he says “In the early third century, ancient church father Julius Africanus wrote a book entitled, “On the weeks and This Prophecy.” Only fragments remain today; but in fragment 16, he tells us how to calculate the exact date by converting the years to days and changing them from the Jewish prophetical calendar to the Roman calendar used in his day. Julius says that the “SEVENTY WEEKS’ PROPHECY OF DANIEL 9 STARTED WHEN ARTAXERXES GAVE THE DECREE IN HIS TWENTIETH YEAR.” Years later, Sir Robert Anderson recreated the conversion process for our modern calendar as follows: first, the sixty-nine weeks of years ENDS WITH THE MESSIAH’s death. If we multiply 69 times 7 this gives us the 483 prophetic years between Artaxerxes’ decree and the DEATH OF THE MESSIAH.”

It was important to establish the significance of the 483 years because there is a hidden message embedded within the number 483 that ties in with YESHUA and what He came to do within this prophecy!

483 in the Hebrew Lexicon is the word “illem” pronounced “il-lame’” origin (H481) and defined by Brown-Driver’s-Brigg’s as “MUTE, SILENT, dumb, unable to speak”.

So, the prophecy in Daniel tells us that YESHUA would be slain, which means to be crucified and this occurred in 483 prophetic years and the number 483 in Hebrew means to be SILENT just as YESHUA was before being put to death!

Isaiah 53:6-8 (Complete Jewish Bible)

We all, like sheep, went astray; we turned, each one, to his own way; yet YAHWEH laid on Him the guilt of all of us. Though mistreated, He was submissive He did NOT OPEN HIS MOUTH. Like a Lamb led to be slaughtered like a sheep SILENT before its shearers, HE DID NOT OPEN HIS MOUTH. After forcible arrest and sentencing, He was taken away; and none of His generation protested His being cut off from the land of the living for the crimes of My people, who deserved the punishment themselves…”

Matthew 27:12-14 (Hebrew)

And when the chiefs of the priests had slandered Him, and the elders of the people after them, HE DID NOT ANSWER A WORD. Then Pilate said unto Him, “Do you not hear how many witnesses we have against You?” But YESHUA DID NOT ANSWER ANYTHING, so Pilate was amazed.”

Mark 14:59-61 (Complete Jewish Bible)

For many people gave false evidence against Him, but their testimonies didn’t agree. Some stood up an gave this false testimony: “We heard Him say, ‘I will destroy this Temple made with hands; and in three days I will build another one, not made with hands.” Even so, their testimonies didn’t agree. Then the high priest stood up in the front and asked YESHUA, “Have you nothing to say to the accusations these men are making?” But HE REMAINED SILENT AND MADE NO REPLY…”

Acts 8:26-35

An malach (angel) of YAHWEH said to Philip, “Get up, and go southward on the road that goes down from Jerusalem to ‘Azah, the desert road.” So he got up and went. On his way, he caught sight of an Ethiopian, a enuch who was a minister in charge of all the treasure of the Kandake, or queen, of Ethiopia. He had been to Jerusalem to worship; and now, as he was returning home, he was sitting in his chariot, reading the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit said to Philip, “Go over to this chariot, and stay close to it.” As Philip ran up, he heard the Ethiopian reading from Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you’re reading? He asked. How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” And he invited Philip to climb up and sit with him. Now the portion of the Tanakh (Old Testament) that he was reading was this:

‘He was like a sheep led to be slaughtered; like a lamb SILENT before the shearer, HE DOES NOT OPEN HIS MOUTH. He was humiliated and denied justice. Who will tell about His descendants, since His life has been taken from the earth?”

“The eunuch said to Philip, “Here’s my question to you is the prophet talking about himself or someone else?” Then Philip started to speak beginning with that passage, He went on to tell him the GOOD NEWS ABOUT YESHUA.”

As shown earlier the number 483 in the Hebrew Lexicon is the word “Illem” pronounced “il-lame’” and it is spelled Aleph, Lamed, Mem.

Aleph is a picture of an Ox head and means: STRONG, EL, Power, Leader

Lamed is a picture of a Shepherd Staff and means: leader, teach, yoke, TO, bind

Mem is a picture of water and means: chaos, mighty, BLOOD

When we combine these letters together we get: STRONG EL TO shed His BLOOD!

John 1:29 (Hebrew)

And on the next day John saw YESHUA who came unto Him; and he said, “Behold this is EL, WHO TAKES AWAY THE INIQUITES FROM THE WORLD.”

So we see in the Daniel prophecy that there were 483 prophetic years from the decree of Artaxerxes until the death of YESHUA and the etymology for the number 483 in Hebrew (il-lame) shows exactly what YESHUA was prophesied to do, which included Him being silent as He was led away to be crucified for the world.

Daniel 9:26

And the set-apart city shall be destroyed together with coming king; and the end thereof shall be a MASS EXILE.”

YESHUA prophesied that the Second Temple would be destroyed, which means that YESHUA had to come and die before the destruction of the second temple, thus fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel.

Matthew 24:1-2 (Hebrew)

Then YESHUA departed from the Sanctuary, and as He was walking away, His disciples approached Him in order to show Him the buildings of the Sanctuary. So He answered and said to them,” Do you see all these things? Truly I say to you that a stone will not be left on a stone that will not be laid waste.”

Luke 19:41-44 (Complete Jewish Bible)

When YESHUA had come closer and could see the city, He wept over it, saying, “If you only knew today what is needed for shalom! But for now it is hidden from your sight. For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will set up a barricade around you, encircle you, hem you in on every side, and dash you to the ground, you and your children within your walls, leaving not one stone standing on another and all because you did not recognize your opportunity when ELOHIM offered it!”

Testament of Levi 16:1-5

And now I have learned in the book of Enoch that for seventy weeks you will go astray, and PROFANE THE PRIESTHOOD, and pollute the slaughtering’s. AND YOU WILL MAKE VOID THE TORAH, AND SET THE WORDS OF THE PROPHETS AT NOTHING by evil perverseness. And you will persecute righteous men, and hate the reverent, and you will despise the words of the faithful. And a man who RENEWS THE TORAH (Matthew 5:17-20) in the power of the Most High, you will call Him a deceiver; and at last you will rush upon Him and Kill Him, not knowing His dignity, taking INNOCENT BLOOD through wickedness upon your heads. And your SET-APART PLACES WILL BE LAID WASTE EVEN TO THE GROUND BECAUSE OF HIM. And you will have no place that is clean; but you will be a curse among the nations and a DISPERSION until He will again visit you and in pity, and will receive you through faith and water.”

This prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD by the Roman army under the command of Titus when the Second Temple was destroyed, which occurred about 40 years after YESHUA was crucified.

So, as we can see the scriptures are the living words of YAHWEH and everything that was prophesied to happen came to pass and are historical facts. And we can also see that everything points to YESHUA! Furthermore, Daniel prophesied this would happen 500 years before YESHUA walked the earth! YESHUA is EL who was made flesh, STRONG EL TO shed His BLOOD as we saw from the Hebrew word il’lame for silent, He died, rose, and ascended into heaven before the destruction of the second temple in 70 AD! YESHUA is undoubtedly EL the Son of YAHWEH, Who died for the iniquities of the world! Repent and give your lives to Him completely because without accepting His free gift of atonement no one will be saved and this goes for everyone and all religions, HalleluYAHWEH!

May YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!



Was YESHUA created?

There are many believers in the Torah community and other religions that believe YESHUA was created by YAHWEH the Father as the first act of creation. This is a false and dangerous doctrine that comes from the heretical belief called Arianism. The definition of Arianism by Oxford languages is “an influential HERESY denying the divinity of Messiah, originating with Alexandrian priest Arius (c. 250-336). Arianism maintained that the Son of ELOHIM was CREATED by The Father and was therefore neither coeternal with the Father nor consubstantial (of the same substance or essence used especially of the three persons of the Triune-ELOHIM).”

Indeed, it has been a very influential heresy that has been embraced proudly by many to this day. I will disprove this heresy with the Hebrew, Aramaic, and the early church fathers such as Polycarp and Irenaeus who came before Arius  who invented the unscriptural doctrine of Arianism. The scriptures that are used as so-called “proof texts” for the naysayers will point to Revelation 3:14 and Colossians 1:15, so I will address Revelation 3:14 first.

Revelation 3:14 (Most translations)

And to the messenger of the assembly of Laodicea write: Thus says Ahmein, the faithful witness, THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF ELOHIM, says this…”

So based off their interpretation of this scripture they believe that YESHUA was the first to be created amongst the entire creation. This is false, so now let’s see what YESHUA is really saying.

Revelation 3:14 (Hebrew)

And to the messenger of the assembly of Laodicea write: Thus says Amein, the faithful witness, THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION…”

In the Hebrew, YESHUA is saying that He was here from the beginning and is the Creator of the creation of YAHWEH, not the first to be created! How do we know that YESHUA is saying He is the Creator?

John 1:1-3 (Hebrew)


John 1:3 (Aramaic English New Testament)

Everything existed THROUGH HIS HANDS, and without Him, not even one thing existed of the things which have existed.”

In the third footnote of the Aramaic English New Testament Andrew Gabriel writes “Literal Aramaic reading; “through His hands” indicated the WORD AS A CREATIVE FORCE, LIKE A SCULPTOR working under the orders of a King.”

Isaiah 48:16 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Come close to Me, and listen to this: SINCE THE BEGINNING I have not spoken in secret, since the time THINGS BEGAN TO BE, I HAVE BEEN THERE; and now YAHWEH ELOHIM has sent Me and His Spirit.”

Furthermore, other translations of Revelation 3:14 match all the scriptures that have been presented, and make it abundantly clear that YESHUA wasn’t saying that He was created but rather that He was the Creator.

Revelation 3:14 (Aramaic English New Testament)

And to the Messenger of the assembly which is at Laodicea, write: “These things says the Ahmein, the witness, the faithful, the true, THE CHIEF OF THE CREATION OF ELOHIM.”

Revelation 3:14 (Compete Jewish Bible)

To the angel of the Messianic Community in Laodicea write: ‘Here is the message from the Ahmein, the faithful and true witness, THE RULER OF ELOHIM’S CREATION…”

Revelation 3:14 (Amplified Bible 1987 edition)

And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Ahmein, the trusty and faithful and true Witness, THE ORIGIN AND BEGINNING AND AUTHOR OF ELOHIM’s CREATION.”

Cambridge dictionary defines author as “A person who BEGINS OR CREATES SOMETHING.”

Hebrews 1:8-12 (Amplified Bible)

But about the SON [The Father says to Him], “Your throne, O EL (GOD), is FOREVER AND EVER, and the scepter of [absolute] righteousness is the scepter of His Kingdom. You have loved righteousness [integrity, virtue, uprightness in purpose] and have hated lawlessness [injustice, iniquity] therefore EL, Your EL, Has anointed You with the oil of gladness above Your companions.” And You, Master, LAID THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH IN THE BEGINNING, AND THE HEAVENS ARE THE WORKS OF YOUR HANDS; they will perish, BUT YOU REMAIN [forever and ever]; and they will all wear out like a garment, and like a robe You will roll them up; like a garment they will be changed. But You are the same [forever], and Your years WILL NEVER END.” But to which of the angels has the Father ever said, “Sit at My right hand [together with Me in royal dignity], until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet [in triumphant conquest]”? Are not all the angel’s ministering spirits sent out [by ELOHIM] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation? [Of course they are!]

Psalms 102:25-28

At the beginning You founded the earth; the heavens are the work of Your hands. Even they will perish, but You endure; Yes, all of them will wear out like a garment. Like clothing You will change them and they shall be changed.  But You remain the same, and Your YEARS WILL NEVER END. The children of Your servants will continue, and their descendants will be established before You.”

Melito of Sardis (died in 180 AD)

He that hung up the earth in space was Himself hanged up; He that fixed the heavens was fixed with nails; He that bore up the earth was born up on a tree; the Master of all was subjected to ignominy (public shame) in a naked body---EL (GOD) put to death!...In order that He might not be seen, the luminaries turned away, and the day became darkened---because they slew EL, who hung naked on the tree…This is He WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH, AND IN THE BEGINNING, TOGETHER WITH THE FATHER, FASHIONED MAN; who was announced by means of the law and the prophets; who put on a bodily form in the Virgin; who was hanged upon the tree; Who was buried in the earth; Who rose from the place of the dead, and ascended to the heights of heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father.”

Let’s now let’s examine Colossians 1:15:

Colossians 1:15 (Most translations)

Who is the likeness of the invisible ELOHIM, the FIRST-BORN OF ALL CREATION.”

This scripture is another one used as “proof-text” that YESHUA was created, because they believe that Paul is saying that He is first of YAHWEH’s creation, just as they attempt to do with Revelation 3:14. But is this the correct interpretation of this scripture? No! The scriptures CANNOT contradict itself and ELOHIM is not the author of confusion. The term “first-born” is confusing many because they are reading the scriptures with a “western mindset” versus an “eastern mindset”, so let’s view some other translations to clear up this passage and then explain the context.

Colossians 1:15 (Complete Jewish Bible)

He is the visible image of the invisible ELOHIM. HE IS SUPREME OVER ALL CREATION…”

Colossians 1:15 (Amplified Bible)

He is the exact living image [the essential manifestation] of the unseen ELOHIM [the visible representation of the invisible], the firstborn [the PREEMINENT ONE, THE SOVEREIGN, AND THE ORIGINATOR] OF ALL CREATION.”

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “Preeminent” as “Having PARAMOUNT RANK, DIGNITY, OR IMPORTANCE: OUSTANDING, SUPREME.”

So, we see the words rank and supreme in the definition of the word preeminent and the exact word that was used in the Complete Jewish Bible and the Amplified Bible agrees by using the words SOVEREIGN AND ORGINATOR OF ALL CREATION! Even in the TS2009 version there is a footnote for Colossians 1:15 which says: See (Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 3:14). In other words, Colossians 1:15 matches all the scriptures that were covered above regarding Revelation 3:14 that YESHUA is the AUTHOR, CHIEF, RULER, SUPREME, ORGINATOR, and SCULPTOR of YAHWEH’s creation and NOT a part of the creation!

Furthermore, reading the next verse in Colossians gives us the entire context of what Paul was saying:

Colossians 1:16 (Complete Jewish Bible)


Colossians 1:16 (thearamaicscriptures.com)

And by Him, everything was created that is in the Shmaya (the heavens) and in the Ara (the earth); all that is seen, and all that isn’t seen; if Thrones, and if Dominions, and if Principalities, and if Authorities, EVERYTHING BY HIS HAND (i.e. Power) AND BY MEANS OF HIM, HAVE BEEN CREATED.”

The wording in from the Aramaicscriptures.com of “Everything by His hand” sounds just like what I quoted earlier from the Aramaic English New Testament:

John 1:3 (Aramaic English New Testament)

Everything existed THROUGH HIS HANDS, and without Him, not even one thing existed of the things which have existed.”

Therefore, we can easily conclude that Revelation 3:14 and Colossians 1:15-16 all agree with John 1, Hebrews 1, Genesis 1 and Isaiah 48:16 that YESHUA is the eternal Creator and not the created and destroys the false heretical doctrine of Arianism.  

YESHUA is Eternal

Eternal is defined by Oxford languages as “LASTING OR EXISTING FOREVER; WITHOUT END OR BEGINNING.Synonyms for the same word are EVERLASTING AND NEVER-ENDING.”

“Without end or beginning” included in the definition of eternal is a perfect match for the description of YESHUA in the Book of Hebrews! which means that YESHUA was UNCREATED!

Hebrew 7:3 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Neither his father nor his mother is recorded in the genealogies; and neither the BEGINNING OF HIS DAYS NOR THE END OF HIS LIFE, BUT LIKE THE SON OF ELOHIM, his priesthood abides forever.”

John 1:9-11 (Hebrew)

He (YESHUA) is truly a lamp; and He shines on every man in this world. He is ETERNAL; and the WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM; but the world does not recognize Him, neither the power of His words.”

John 3:17-18 (Hebrew)

For ELOAH did not send His Son into the world in order to judge the world, but in order that the world may be saved through Him. Whosoever believes in Him will not be judged, but whosoever does not believe in Him is already judged—because he does not believe IN THE ETERNAL, THE ONE-ALONE BEGOTTEN SON OF ELOAH.”

John 8:24-25 (Hebrew)

Unless you believe that I AM HE (Exodus 3:14), you will die in your iniquity. Then they said to Him “You, who are you?!” So YESHUA answered and said to them, “THE ANICENT ONE, who speaks many things unto you, and speaks of you, and judges.”

Micah 5:1-2 (Complete Jewish Bible)

But you, Bethlehem near Efrat, so small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come forth to Me the future ruler of Yisra’el, whose ORIGINS are far in the past, BACK IN ANCIENT TIMES.”

The Amplified Bible version leaves a footnote that says, “LITERALLY THE DAYS OF ETERNITY.”

Eternity defined by Merriam-Webster is “the quality or state of being ETERNAL. Infinite time. LASTING THROUGHOUT ETERNITY.”

Polycarp and Irenaeus the early church fathers

Polycarp was a disciple of John who walked with YESHUA and Polycarp was a bishop of the assembly of Smyrna and wrote a letter to the Philippians in 108 AD:

Polycarp letter to the Philippians Chapter 12:

For I trust that you are well versed in the Sacred Scriptures, and that nothing is hid from you; but to me this privilege is not yet granted. It is declared then in these Scriptures, be angry, and transgress not, and, let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Ephesians 4:26 Happy is he who remembers this, which I believe to be the case with you. But may the EL (God) and Father of our YESHUA HA’MASHIACH, and YESHUA MESSIAH Himself, who is the Son of EL, AND OUR ETERNAL HIGH PRIEST, build you up in faith and truth, and in all meekness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, forbearance, and purity; and may He bestow on you a lot and portion among His saints, and on us with you, and on all that are under heaven, who shall believe in our Master and EL (God) YESHUA HA’MASHIACH, and in His Father, who raised Him from the dead.”

Irenaeus who was a disciple of Polycarp, wrote in his book Against Heresies (Book III, Chapter 19):

2. “For this reason [it is, said], “Who shall declare this generation? Isaiah 53:8 since “He is a man, and who shall recognize Him?” Jeremiah 17:9 But he to whom the Father which is in heaven has revealed Him, Matthew 16:16 knows Him, so that He understands that He who “was not born either by the will of the flesh, or by the will of man,” John 1:13 is the Son of man, this is Messiah, the Son of the living ELOHIM. For I have shown from the Scriptures, that no one of the sons of Adam is as to everything, and absolutely, called EL (GOD), or named Master. But that He is Himself in His own right, beyond all men who ever lived. EL, AND MASTER, AND KING ETERNAL, AND THE INCARNATE WORD, proclaimed by all the prophets, the apostles, and by the Spirit Himself (RUACH HA’KODESH), may be seen by all who have attained to even a small portion of the truth.”

“According to Crosswalk, traditional Arianism holds that YESHUA was created by ELOHIM as the first act of creation. However, Irenaeus believed that YESHUA was NOT A CREATED BEING but rather He was UNCREATED EL.”

We can see that this is true from the words of Irenaeus himself by stating that YESHUA is EL (GOD), Master, KING ETERNAL, and the Incarnate Word. So, we have three of the early church fathers in Polycarp, Irenaeus, and Melito of the first century, who were not too far removed from YESHUA’s day who agree that YESHUA is ETERNAL!

Ambrose of Milan (338-397) The Proceedings from the Council of Aqueila 25)

It is written that Messiah suffered: He suffered then in respect of His flesh: in respect of His ELOHIM-head He has IMMORTALITY. He WHO DENIES THIS, IS A DEVIL.”

Let us return to the ancient paths of worship and follow the true doctrine of the scriptures and turn away from all heresy in these last days.

As always may YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!


We have covered Passover, The Feast of Unleavened Bread, First-Fruits, and Shavuot. Now, we will cover two more appointed times that most are unfamiliar with that are found in the Temple Scroll which are New Wine and New Oil. Praise ELOHEINU (Our ELOHIM): YAHWEH, YESHUA, and the RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit) for returning us back to the ancient paths of worship.

 On Shavuot we begin counting 50 days to get arrive at New Wine which is on July 23rd on our Gregorian calendars but technically the 3rd Day of the 5th month; and then 50 days after New Wine will be New oil which falls on September 10th, which is the 22nd day of the 6th month. These are not High-Shabbats, so you do not have to take off from work, but they are appointed times that we are to still observe. We will discuss details of each of appointed time, what to do, prophecies concerning each one, and scriptures supporting these feasts in the 66 books.

New Wine

The Feast of New Wine is called “Chag Tirosh (Tee-Roshe)” in Hebrew and found written in the Temple Scroll which states:

Temple Scroll Column 19:11-16 and 21:3-10

And you shall count for yourselves from the day you bring in the new meal-offering to YAHWEH, the bread of the first-fruits (Shavuot), SEVEN WEEKS. Seven complete weeks there shall be until the day AFTER THE SEVENTH SHABBAT; you shall count to the fiftieth day and you shall present FRESH WINE for a liquid offering of four hins from all the clans of Yisra’el, a third of a hin on behalf of each clan, and they shall present with the wine on this day a burnt offering to YAHWEH of twelve rams from every head of the thousands of Yisra’el.” Column 21:3-10 “And they shall DRINK FROM THE NEW WINE; the priests shall drink there first, and the Levites second, and after them all the sons of Yisra’el shall drink, the leaders of the divisions first…there. And after them, all the people from the greatest to the least shall begin to DRINK FRESH WINE AND TO EAT RIPE AND UNRIPE GRAPES from the vines for on this day they shall atone for the new wine. And the sons of Yisra’el SHALL REJOICE BEFORE YAHWEH, ETERNAL STATUTES for their generations in all their villages. AND THEY SHALL REJOICE ON THIS DAY, AT THE APPOINTED TIME, when they begin to pour our the liquid-offering, fresh potent wine, upon the altar of YAHWEH year by year.”

Exodus 32:18 (Septuagint)

And Moses said, it is not the voice of those who begin the battle or the voice of those who begin the cry of defeat, but the voice of those who BEGIN THE BANQUET OF WINE I hear.”

As stated above “The Feast of New Wine’ in Hebrew is “Chag Tirosh” and the Septuagint records it as a “Banquet”! Synonyms for the word banquet are FEAST, festivity, or meal. So, it appears from the Septuagint reading that Moses was very familiar with the Feast of New Wine as the children of Yisra’el were REJOICING and having a good time, which is a command given for this day.

As we see in the Temple Scroll, YAHWEH says celebrate New Wine at its appointed time, which is the 3rd day of the 5th month and July 23rd on our Gregorian calendars, which is 50 Days after Shavuot. We are commanded to rejoice on this day just as we were commanded to rejoice on Shavuot (Deuteronomy 16:11) and we are to eat grapes and drink wine or grape juice; furthermore, YAHWEH says it’s an eternal statute which means forever.

Meaning of New Wine and prophetic importance

As with the rest of the Appointed Times that all point to YESHUA, so do The Feast of New Wine and the Feast of New Oil. And I see the same wine connection with the marriage supper of the Lamb as discussed in the Passover message!

Matthew 26:27-29 (Hebrew)

And afterwards He TOOK THE CUP and did a prayer of thanksgiving, and gave it to them, and said, “DRINK THIS-all of you, for this is the blood of the new, which will be shed to atone for your iniquities. And I say to you faithfully that from now and onward, I WILL NOT DRINK OF THIS SMOOTHNESS OF THE VINE UNTIL THAT DAY THAT I WILL DRINK IT WITH YOU ANEW IN THE KINGDOM OF MY FATHER.”

Here YESHUA is using Wedding language that His disciples would have understood according to the ancient Galilean weddings: During the betrothal ceremony in Galilee the bridegroom would pour a cup of WINE called the “CUP OF JOY” and give it to the bride to drink. At this point she can either accept the covenant/proposal by drinking the wine or reject the covenant by not drinking the wine. After she drinks the cup of joy (the wine) then the bridegroom publicly says, “You are consecrated to me according to the Law of Moses and I WILL NOT DRINK THIS CUP UNTIL I DRINK IT NEW WITH YOU IN MY FATHERS HOUSE.

Again, we see the marriage terminology that YESHUA used to describe Him marrying Yisra’el and wine was used, just as we see YESHUA turn water to WINE during the WEDDING/MARRIAGE on The Feast of NEW WINE in Galilee recorded in John 2. So, as we see the drinking of the wine is an ancient Galilean custom as YESHUA turns the water into wine in GALILEE. The connection is MARRIAGE AND WINE as we saw YESHUA mention on Passover. As stated earlier from the Temple Scroll is that New Wine is celebrated on the THIRD DAY of the 5th month:

John 2:1-10 (Hebrew)

Now on the THIRD DAY a MARRIAGE was held in Gelilah (Galilee), and Mary the mother of YESHUA was there. And YESHUA was called to the marriage with his talmidim (disciples). So when they were lacking WINE at the MARRIAGE, the mother of YESHUA said unto Him, “They do not have any wine. YESHUA answered her, “Woman, what is that to Me or to you? My time is not due yet.” The mother of YESHUA said to the attendants, “You must do everything He tells you!” (Now there were six water jars of stone there, being placed according to the custom of the cleansing of the Jews; and every one of the water jars holds two or three measures.) Then YESHUA said to them, “Fill all the water jars with water.” Therefore they filled them with as much water as they could hold. Then YESHUA said to them, “Take out from them, and bring it, and give some to drink to the leader of ceremonies.” So they brought it to her. And when the leader of ceremonies had tasted the water (they saw that He TURNED IT INTO WINE—she did not know where it came from—but the servants, those who brought the water to the leader of ceremonies knew it) she called the betrothed man and said to him, “Every man first sets down the good wine, and after they are satisfied, then the inferior remainder of wine; but you concealed the GOOD WINE until now!”

So, we see the double meaning of marriage and the Feast of New Wine being done on the same day. We are also commanded to rejoice on this day, the same way we rejoiced with the “cup of joy” being betrothed to YESHUA by entering into covenant with Him as we await His second coming to reign with Him. This appointed time of New Wine seems to be a REMINDER for us to not forget the Passover connection with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as a prophetic event. The same way YAHWEH told us to REMEMBER that we were slaves in Egypt on Shavuot 50 days earlier!

Deuteronomy 16:12

REMEMBER that you were a slave in Egypt; then you will keep and obey these laws.”

Also, new wine can represent overflowing with abundance during YESHUA’s reign and the New Jerusalem in eternity.

Numbers 13:17-24 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Moses sent them to reconnoiter (survey) the land of Canaan, instructing them, “Go up to the Negev and into the hills, and see what the land is like. Notice the people living there, whether they are strong or weak, few or many; and what kind of country they live in, whether it is good or bad; and what kind of cities they live in, open or fortified. See whether the land is fertile or unproductive and whether there is wood in it or not. Finally, be bold enough to bring back some of the fruit of the land.” When they left it was the SEASON FOR THE FIRST GRAPES TO RIPEN. They went up and reconnoitered (surveyed) the land from the Tzin Desert to Rechov near the entrance to Hamat. They went up into the Negev and arrived at Hevron; Achiman, Sheshai and Talmai, the Anakim, lived there. (Hevron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.) They came to the Eshkol Valley; and there they cut off a branch bearing ONE CLUSTER OF GRAPES, which they carried on a pole between two of them; they also took pomegranates AND FIGS. That place was called the Valley of Eshkol [cluster], because of the cluster which the people of Yisra’el cut down there.”

Micah 4:1-8 (Complete Jewish Bible)

But in the acharit-hayamim (end of days) it will come about that the mountain of YAHWEH’s house will be established as the most important mountain. It will be regarded more highly than the other hills, and peoples will stream there. Many gentiles will go and say, “Come, let’s go up to the mountain of YAHWEH, to the house of the ELOHIM of Jacob! He will teach us about His ways, and we will walk in His paths.” For out of Zion will go forth Torah, and the word of YAHWEH from Jerusalem. He will judge between many peoples and arbitrate for many nations far away. Then they will hammer their swords into plow-blades and their spears into pruning-knives; nations will not raise swords at each other, and they will no longer learn war. Instead, each person will SIT UNDER HIS VINE AND FIG TREE, with no one to upset him, for the mouth of YAHWEH-Tzva’ot has spoken. For all the peoples will walk, each in the name of its elohim; but we will walk in the Name of YAHWEH our ELOHIM forever and ever. When that day comes, “says YAHWEH, “I will assemble the lame and gather those who were dispersed, along with those I afflicted. I will make the lame a remnant and those who were driven off a strong nation. YAHWEH will RULE THEM ON MOUNT ZION FROM THAT TIME FORTH AND FOREVER.”

2 Baruch 29:5

Also, the earth will yield its fruits TEN-THOUSANDFOLD. A SINGLE VINE will have a THOUSAND BRANCHES, AND A SINGLE BRANCH will produce A THOUSAND BUNCHES OF GRAPES, and a single bunch of grapes will produce a THOUSAND GRAPES, and a SINGLE GRAPE WILL PRODUCE A KOR OF WINE.”

One grape will produce a “kor” of wine and the scriptural usage is defined according to bible.knowing-jesus.com is “kor, a measure (usually dry) a dry or liquid measure equal to 10 ephahs or baths, a dry measure containing 6.25 bushels, a LIQUID MEASURE OF 58 GALLONS (263 L).” This sounds like abundant blessings to me!

The etymology for the word “Vine” is “Gephen” H1612 and Strong’s defines it as “From an unused root meaning to bend; a vine (as twining), ESPECIALLY THE GRAPE:-vine, tree.” Brown-Drivers-Briggs says in 1c “of prosperity”.

The same way the Israelites went to spy out the land of Canaan and saw the goodness, prosperity and grapes in abundance and brought back grapes and figs, is the same promise of abundance/prosperity and blessing we will have when YESHUA returns as each man will sit under his own VINE and FIG TREE. Also, as YESHUA changed the water to wine and it ended up being the best, is how those who are married to YESHUA and endure to the end will receive the best in the 1,000 reign and eternity.

1 Corinthians 2:9 (Complete Jewish Bible)

But, as the Tanakh says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no one’s heart has imagined all the things that ELOHIM has prepared for those who love Him.”

However; those who refuse to enter into the marriage covenant with YESHUA, by returning to the ancient path, keeping the commandments of the Torah and trusting in YESHUA will find themselves on the opposite end the wine/grape blessings because they chose to continue in spiritual fornication with Babylon.

Revelation 14:9-10 (Hebrew)

And after this, the third messenger came and said with a great voice, “If one does his prayer to the carved image and to the animal, and take the sign on his hand or on his forehead this one will DRINK OF THE WINE OF FURY OF YAHWEH, which is the cup of fury, and He will be punished with fire and brimstone before His set-apart messengers and the Lamb.”

Revelation 14:17-18 (Hebrew)

And another messenger came to the heavens, and in his hand was a sickle. Then another messenger went out from the altar (and he had control over the fire), and he cried out with a loud voice to him who had the sickle and said, ‘Thrust with your sickle and HARVEST THE GRAPES OF THE EARTH, for its fruits are ripe.” So the messenger thrust with His sickle and HARVESTED THE GRAPES OF THE EARTH, and cast them into the great WINEPRESS of the fury of YAHWEH. And the WINEPRESS was outside the city, and the BLOOD OF THE WINEPRESS went up to the bridle of the horses, a way of one thousand six hundred stretches of field.”

Isaiah 63:1-6 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Who is this, coming from Edom, from Bozrah with clothing stained crimson, so magnificently dressed, so stately In His strength? “It is I, Who speak victoriously, I, well able to save.” Why is your apparel red, your clothes like someone TREADING A WINEPRESS? “I have trodden THE WINEPRESS alone; from the peoples not one was with me. So I TROD them in My anger, trampled them in My fury; so their LIFEBLOOD spurted out on My clothing, and I have STAINED MY GARMENTS; for the day of vengeance that was in My heart and My year of redemption have come. I looked, but there was no one to help, and I was appalled that no one upheld Me. Therefore My own arm brought Me salvation, and My own fury upheld Me. In My anger I trod down the peoples made them DRINK WITH MY FURY, then poured out their lifeblood on the earth.”

Isaiah 63:1-3-4 (Septuagint)

Who is this that has come from Edom, with red garments from Batzerah? So beautiful in His apparel with mighty strength? I reason about righteousness and saving judgment. Why are your garments red and your garments as if fresh from a trodden winepress? I AM FULL OF TRODDEN GRAPES and from the nations there is not a man with me; and I trampled them in my fury and dashed them to pieces as earth; and brought down their blood to the earth.” For the day of recompense has come on them and the year of redemption is at hand.”

Prophetically concerning New Wine is marriage and abundant blessings for the those in covenant with ELOHIM and wrath for those who are not in covenant with Him!

New Oil

The Feast of New Oil is called “Chag Yitzhar” in Hebrew and is found written in the Temple Scroll which states:

Temple Scroll Column 21:12-16 and Column 22:14-16

And you shall count for yourselves from this day (New Wine) SEVEN WEEKS, SEVEN TIMES, FORTY-NINE DAYS; SEVEN COMPLETE WEEKS there shall be until the DAY AFTER THE SHABBAT, the Seventh One. You shall count to the FIFIETH DAY, and then you shall present new oil from the dwellings of the clans of the sons of Yisra’el, half a hin, one from each clan, NEW OIL PRESSED (Olive oil). And they shall present the first of the fresh oil upon the altar of the burnt offering, first-fruit offerings before YAHWEH. Column 22:14-16 “Afterwards, THEY SHALL EAT FROM THE OLIVES AND ANOINT THEMSELVES WITH THE NEW OIL, for upon this day they shall atone for all the fresh oil of the land before YAHWEH, once in a year. THEN THEY SHALL REJOICE, ALL THE SONS OF YISRA’EL, in all their dwellings before YAHWEH, an ETERNAL STATUTE.”

The Temple Scroll says to celebrate New Oil, which is the 22nd day of the 6th month or September 10th on our Gregorian calendars, which is 50 Days after New Wine. We are commanded to rejoice on this day just as we were commanded to rejoice on Shavuot and New Wine (Deuteronomy 16:11) and we are to eat olives, olive oil, and anoint ourselves with olive oil. YAHWEH also says that this is an eternal statute. This is not a High-Shabbat; however, it’s still important that we observe it.

The meaning of New Oil:

Leviticus 24:1-4 (Complete Jewish Bible)

YAHWEH said to Moses, “Order the people of Yisra’el to bring you pure oil from CRUSHED OLIVES FOR THE LIGHT, TO KEEP THE LAMPS burning always. Outside the curtain of the testimony in the tent of meeting, Aaron is to arrange for the light to be kept burning always from evening until morning before YAHWEH; this is to be a permanent regulation through all your generations. He is always to keep in order the LAMPS ON THE PURE MENORAH BEFORE YAHWEH.”

Temple Scroll Column 21:15 (Penguin Classics)

You shall then offer NEW OIL from the homes of the tribes of the children of Yisra’el, a half a hin from a tribe, NEW BEATEN OIL…oil on the altar of the holocaust (burnt offering), first-fruits before YAHWEH.” Column 22 “….shall expiate with it for all the congregation before YAHWEH…with this oil, half a hin…[according to the statute, a holocaust an offering by fire, of soothing [odor to YAHWEH…WITH THIS OIL THEY SHALL LIGHT THE LAMPS…

Olives were used to light the menorah/lamp to burn continually and YESHUA is the lamp that shines forever!

Revelation 21:23

The city has no need for the sun or the moon to shine on it, because ELOHIM’s esteem gives it LIGHT and its LAMP IS THE LAMB.”

Isaiah 60:19

No more will the sun be your light by day, nor will moonlight shine on you; instead YAHWEH will be your LIGHT FOREVER and your ELOHIM your esteem. No longer will your sun go down; your moon will no longer wane; for YAHWEH will be YOUR LIGHT FOREVER; your days of morning will end.”

A reminder that YESHUA is the Light of the world:

John 8:12 (Hebrew)

And YESHUA said, “I AM THE LAMP OF THE WORLD; whosoever comes after Me will not walk in darkness and gloom; but He will indeed have life.”

James 1:17-18 (Hebrew)

Every good gift comes from above, from the LIGHT OF THE FATHER, and with Him there is no change, nor alteration of LIGHT and darkness. And He has shown to us according to His will, by the word of truth, so that we can be FIRST-FRUITS of His creation.”

As we saw from the Temple Scroll is that the first-fruits of fresh-pressed olive oil were used to light the lamps, just as we are to be the first-fruits of new oil to be a LIGHT amongst the world by teaching them through the leading of the RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit).

Matthew 5:13-16 (Hebrew)

And it happened furthermore, that YESHUA MASHIACH said unto His talmidim (disciples), “YOU ARE THE INSTRUCTION OF THE WORLD (Matthew 28:19), but the instruction is cut off by them who are not saved, and nothing else is fit, except to cast them to the street and trample them. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD is not able to hide the city that rests on the mountain. No man lights the LAMP in order to set it under a covering, but to set it upon the MENORAH, in order to give LIGHT to all those who are in the house. So LET YOUR LAMP SHINE BEFORE ALL, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father who is in the heavens.”

Covenant of Damascus (Community Rule Part 1) pg. 66

#7 Fruit of the Spirit-Spirit of Truth


YESHUA is The Light of the World and taught the truth of Torah, just as we are to follow in His footsteps by being a light to the world and teaching the commands of the Torah and telling them to trust in the Living Torah (YESHUA)!

1 John 2:6 (Complete Jewish Bible)

A person who claims to be continuing in union with Him ought to conduct his life the way He did.”

 Again, we accomplish this by the leading of the RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit) Who is a representation of the oil that goes inside the lamp.

Matthew 25:1-13 (Hebrew)

And then the heavenly kingdom will be like ten virgins who took their LAMPS and went to the path to the bridegroom and the bride. Five of them were foolish and five of them were wise. And the five foolish ones did take their lamps. And while the bridegroom delayed to come, all ten virgins slept for long—until the middle of the night. A man shouted, ‘Get up! Behold the bridegroom is coming, go out to him to the path! Then all the virgins got up and lit all their lamps. And the foolish ones said to the wise ones, ‘Give us of YOUR OIL, for our lamps have gone out.’ But the wise ones answered and said, ‘Perhaps it will not be sufficient for us, go to the sellers and buy for yourselves.’ But as they went to buy, the bridegroom came. And those who were ready, entered with him into the wedding and the door was shut behind them. And afterwards came the foolish virgins, and cried, ‘Master, master, open for us!” But he answered and said, ‘Truth-I do not know who you are.’ Therefore you must be awake, for you do not know the day and the hour.”

All ten virgins had lamps, so what does the lamp represent?

Proverbs 6:23


Why were they wise virgins?

Deuteronomy 4:4-6 (Complete Jewish Bible)

But you who STUCK with YAHWEH your ELOHIM are still alive today, every one of you. Look, I have taught you laws and rulings, just as YAHWEH your ELOHIM ordered me, so that you can behave accordingly in the land where you are going in order to take possession of it. Therefore, observe them; and follow them; for then all peoples will see you as having WISDOM and understanding. When they hear of all these laws, they will say, ‘This great nation is surely a WISE and understanding people.”

Oil goes inside the lamp to bring forth LIGHT so we can see and walk on the path:

Psalms 119:105 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Your WORD IS A LAMP for my foot and LIGHT ON MY PATH.”

The same way that oil goes INSIDE THE LAMP to bring forth the light, is the same way the RUACH HA’KODESH DWELLS INSIDE OF US to bring forth the light of the Torah so we can see clearly to WALK ON THE ANICENT PATH.

Jeremiah 6:16 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Stand at the crossroads and look; ask about the ANCIENT PATHS, ‘Which one is the good way?’ TAKE IT, and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, “We will not take it.”

This happens when we surrender to Him (The Set-Apart Spirit) and let Him lead us:

John 16:13 (Hebrew)

But when that RUACH (SPIRIT) OF TRUTH will come, He will teach you ALL TRUTH.”

The RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit) will lead us into all truth! And what is the truth?

Psalms 119:142

Your righteousness is eternal righteousness, and Your TORAH IS TRUTH.”

So the wise virgins kept the commandments of the Torah as they stuck with YAHWEH as Moses mentioned in Deuteronomy 4:6! The wise virgins were filled with the RUACH HA’KODESH who leads us into all truth, which is the Torah. The foolish virgins had lamps (the commandments) giving them the appearance from the outside that they were keeping the commandments like Pharisees, but rather walked in their own traditions of the oral torah; and anyone who chooses to go their own way opposite of the written Torah, which YESHUA rebuked:

Matthew 15:8-10 (Hebrew)

This people which honors Me with WORDS but their heart is far from Me, they honor Me in vain, IMPOSING YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND COMMANDMENTS OF THE MEN.”

Just because you are holding the lamp (the outer appearance) doesn’t mean your heart is circumcised (inwardly) to walk in the complete truth and bearing the fruits of the Spirit:

Matthew 23:25

Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and Pharisees! You clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but the INSIDE they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the INSIDE of the cup, so that the outside may be clean too.”

So, with no oil aka the RUACH HA’KODESH, they did not bear the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), nor walked in the truth of the Torah, so they were found to be empty vessels and not ready; and therefore left outside the kingdom. They were tares who grew up with the wheat and got exposed at the time of the end.

Matthew 13:28-30 (Hebrew)

And he said to them, ‘The enemy-man did this thing.’ So the servants said, ‘Do you want that we should go and gather it?” But he said: ‘No, that you do not root up the wheat with the thistles. Leave everything until the harvest. And at the time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers. ‘First gather the thistles, and bind them in burdens and burn them, but gather the wheat into my granary.”

Romans 8:14-17 (Complete Jewish Bible)

All who are led by ELOHIM’s SPIRIT are ELOHIM’S SONS. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to bring you back again into fear; on the contrary, you received the Spirit, who makes us SONS and by whose power we cry out, “Abba!” (that is, “Dear Father!”) The Spirit Himself bears witness with our own spirits that we are CHILDREN OF ELOHIM; and if we are children, then we are also HEIRS, HEIRS OF ELOHIM and JOINT-HEIRS WITH THE MESSIAH.”

Covenant of Damascus (Community Rule Part 1) pg. 66-67

#7 Fruit of the Spirit-Spirit of Truth

The WAY OF LIGHT IN THIS WORLD is to enlighten of the minds of ALL MEN by making STRAIGHT THE PATH of true righteousness and TEACHING THEIR HEART TO REVERENCE ALL THE COMMANDS OF ELOHIM! Men should have spirit of: Meekness, patience, gentleness, eternal goodness, intelligence, understanding, potent wisdom (trusting in ELOHIM for everything and depending on His great mercy), knowledge (in all plans), enthusiasm (for righteousness), set-apart purpose (with all seriousness), kindness (for all the sons of truth), magnificent purity (hating all unclean idolatry), temperance (wise behavior in everything), self-control (concealing the truth of the mysteries of knowledge). These are the foundation FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT (Galatians 5:22-23) FOR THE SONS OF TRUTH IN THIS WORLD. The reward for those who walk in these will be healing and peace with long life. They are SPIRTUAL SONS with all the eternal blessings. They will receive joy with ETERNAL LIFE, and a crown of esteem clothed in light.”

Paul is quoting the teaching of the Zadok priests that he was familiar with, which again confirms the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls. So, without the RUACH HA’KADOESH no one can be a son of ELOHIM, and if you aren’t a son of ELOHIM, you will not be joint-heirs to share in the kingdom to come, which means we all need the oil in our lamps and bearing the fruits of the Spirit, and walking in complete truth! The foolish virgins were amongst the wise until the end, just as we see the wheat amongst the tares!

Anointing as priests

Temple Scroll 22:15


As mentioned earlier we are anoint ourselves with olive oil on The feast of New oil. I see this a symbolism of the future prophecy for us being anointed to reign with YESHUA as priests.

Isaiah 61:3 (Amplified Bible)

To grant to those who mourn in Zion the following: To give them a TURBAN instead of dust [on their heads, a sign of mourning], The OIL OF JOY instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a disheartened spirit. So they will be called the trees of righteousness [strong and magnificent, distinguished for integrity, justice, and right standing with ELOHIM], the planting of YAHWEH, that He may be esteemed.”

ELOHIM will give us turbans which is what the priests wore:

Exodus 28:36 (Complete Jewish Bible)

You shall also make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it, like the engravings of a signet, ‘Set-apart to YAHWEH.’ You shall fasten it on the front of the TURBAN with a blue cord. It shall be on Aaron’s forehead…”

The same “OIL OF JOY” that the righteous servants of YAHWEH are anointed with in Isaiah 61:3, are the same words used to describe the anointing oil on YESHUA:

Psalms 45:7-8 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Your throne, ELOHIM, will last forever and ever; you rule your kingdom with a scepter of equity. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. Therefore ELOHIM, Your ELOHIM, has ANOINTED YOU WITH THE OIL OF JOY in preference to your companions.” Your robes are all fragrant with MYRRH, ALOES, AND CASSIA…”

YESHUA is the anointed High Priest and King and the righteous will be anointed to serve as priests with Him. Priests must be anointed to serve before YAHWEH just as kings and prophets were, as we see in scripture:

Leviticus 8:12 (Complete Jewish Bible)

He (Moses) poured some of the ANOINTING OIL on Aaron’s head and ANOINTED HIM, to consecrate him. Moses brought Aaron’s sons, clothed them with tunics, wrapped sashes on them and put HEADGEAR (Strongs #4021 is Migba’ah for TURBAN) on them, as YAHWEH had ordered Moses.”

Then we will be ready to fulfill what YAHWEH wanted from the beginning:

Exodus 19:5-6 (Samaritan)

And now then, if you will indeed obey My voice, and keep My covenant, then you shall be My own possession among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, AND A SET-APART SUPER POWER. These are the words that you shall speak to the Sons of Yisra’el.”

Revelation 1:5-6 (Aramaic English New Testament)

And from YESHUA the Messiah, the Witness, the Faithful, the First-born of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth; who has loved us, and released us from our iniquities by His blood; and has made us a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS TO ELOHIM THE FATHER: to whom be esteem and power, for ever and ever. Ahmein.”

Revelation 5:10 (Aramaic English New Testament)

“And you have made the KINGS AND PRIESTS to our ELOHIM; and they reign on the earth.”

Revelation 20:5-6 (Aramaic English New Testament)

This is the first resurrection. Blessed and Set Apart is he that has part in the first resurrection: over them the second death has no dominion; but they will be, and are PRIESTS OF ELOHIM AND OF HIS MESSIAH; and they will reign with Him the thousand years.”

So we started off by drinking the CUP OF JOY to be betrothed to YESHUA and ends with the OIL OF JOY to be anointed to reign with YESHUA forever as priests!

Other scriptures about new wine and oil

In scripture we can usually find New Wine and New Oil mentioned together, and here are some examples to show that the Temple scroll did not add anything to the scriptures, but rather reveals what has been hidden which gives us a new meaning when we read them in scripture now.

Deuteronomy 7:13 (Samaritan)

And He will love you, and bless you, and multiply you. He will also bless the fruit of your grain,….YOUR NEW WINE, and YOUR OIL, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock, in the land that YAHWEH swore to your forefathers to give you.”

The Samaritan Torah translates it beautifully as “New Wine”, the etymology for the word New Wine is “Tiyrosh” #8492 defined by Brown-Driver’s-Briggs as: WINE, FRESH OR NEW WINE, must, FRESHLY PRESSED WINE. Strong’s concordance says: in the sense of expulsion; must or FRESH GRAPE JUICE (as squeezed out); by implication (rarely) fermented wine: (new, sweet) wine.

And the etymology for “Oil” is “Yitshar” #3323 and defined by Brown-Driver’s-Briggs as: FRESH OIL, shining (pure) oil.

Deuteronomy 11:14 (Samaritan)

And He will give the rain for your land in its season, the early and the late rain, that you may gather in your grain YOUR NEW WINE, AND YOUR OIL.”

Deuteronomy 12:17-18 (Samaritan)

You are not allowed to eat within your gates the tithe of your grain….your NEW WINE, OR YOUR OIL, or the firstborn of your herd or your flock, or any of your votive offerings which you vow, or your freewill offerings, or the contribution of your hands.”

Numbers 18:12 (Samaritan)

All the best of the FRESH OIL and all the best of the FRESH WINE and of the grain, the FIRST FRUITS of those which they give to YAHWEH, I give them to you.”

Nehemiah 10:39 (Complete Jewish Bible)

For the people of Yisra’el and the descendants of Levi are to bring the grain, WINE AND OLIVE OIL to the rooms where the equipment for the sanctuary, the ministering priests, the gatekeepers and the singers are. We will not abandon the house of our ELOHIM.”

Haggai 1:11 (Complete Jewish Bible)

In fact, I called for a drought on the land and on the hills, on the grain, THE WINE AND THE OLIVE OIL, on what the ground brings up, on men, animals and on all that hands produce.”

Let us rejoice on these appointed times and think of the prophetic significance of them as we return to the ancient paths of worship. As always may YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!



Last week, we discussed First-Fruits and how we were to begin counting the 50-days to get to Shavuot. Shavuot means “weeks” in Hebrew being that we have to count 7 complete weeks to arrive to Shavuot. Shavuot is also known as the Festival of First Fruits, Festival of Weeks or Pentecost (Which means 50 in Greek). Shavuot is on June 4th on our Gregorian calendars which is technically the 15th day of the 3rd month and is a High Shabbat, which means we are not allowed to work. In this message we will discuss who celebrated Shavuot, importance of Shavuot, and instructions for Shavuot and the freewill offering.

Shavuot scriptures:

Exodus 23:16 (Samaritan)

And the FESTIVAL OF THE HARVEST OF THE FIRST FRUITS of your labors of which you have sown in the field…”

Exodus 34:22


Numbers 28:26

And on the day of FIRST FRUITS, when you bring a new grain offering to YAHWEH at your FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT, you have a set-apart gathering, you do no work.”

Deuteronomy 16:9-12 (Samaritan)

You shall count seven weeks to yourselves; begin to count the seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain. And then you shall keep the FEAST OF WEEKS with a tribute of a freewill offering of your hands, which you shall give as YAHWEH your ELOHIM blessed you. And you shall rejoice before YAHWEH your ELOHIM, you, and your son, and your daughter your male slave, and your female slave, and the Levite who is in your gates, and the PROSELYTE, and the orphan, and the widow, who are in your midst…

Temple Scroll Column 19:7-9

And this day shall be for you a set-apart convocation, ETERNAL STATUTES for their generations, ALL LABORIOUS WORK THEY SHALL NOT DO ON IT. It is the FEAST OF WEEKS AND THE FEAST OF FIRST-FRUITS for a memorial forever.”

Jubilees 6:21

For it is the Festival of SHAVUOT AND THE FEAST OF FIRST-FRUITS: This Feast is twofold and double nature: according to what is written and engraved concerning it, celebrate it.”

Luke 9:12-16 (Complete Jewish Bible)

The day began to draw to a close. The Twelve came to Him and said, “Send the crowd away, so that they can go and get lodging and food in the towns and farms around here, because where we are is a remote place. But He said to them, “Give them something to eat, yourselves!” They said, “We have no more than five loaves of bread and two fish—unless we ourselves are supposed to go and buy food for all these people! (For there were about five thousand men.” He said to His disciples, “Make them sit down in groups of about FIFTY each.”

John 6:9 (Hebrew)

Here is a young man who has five loaves of BARLEY BREAD and two fishes—but what will that be among all of them?”

YESHUA told them to sit in groups of 50 which represents the 50 Day count to Shavuot and Shavuot is the beginning of the barley harvest, and YESHUA fed them barley loaves of bread! I believe that this is a spiritual connection pointing to Shavuot and the abundance of the barley harvest to show that our ELOHIM provides, just as YESHUA provided an abundance of barley bread to feed the 5,000 and had 12 baskets left over.

Let’s look at Scripture to see who celebrated Shavuot and who was born on it!

Modern day Christianity says that the Appointed Times of YAHWEH are for the Jews only and that Apostle Paul did away with the law. However, you will see that Paul himself observed Shavuot as all the righteous men of scripture did.

 Acts 20:16 (Complete Jewish Bible)

For Paul had decided to bypass Ephesus on his voyage, in order to avoid losing time in the province of Asia, because he was hurrying to get to Jerusalem, if possible to CELEBRATE SHAVUOT.”

1 Corinthians 16:8

But I will remain in Ephesus UNTIL SHAVUOT…”

Why was Paul hurrying to be a Jerusalem for Shavuot? Was he following the Torah?

Deuteronomy 16:16 (Aramaic)

Three times in a year shall all your memorial gifts be brought before YAHWEH your ELOHIM in the place which He shall choose; in the Feast of Unleavened Bread, SHAVUOT (The FEAST OF WEEKS), and The Feast of Tabernacles; and you shall not appear before YAHWEH your ELOHIM empty handed…”

Jubilees 6:15-21

And He gave to Noah and his sons a sign that there should not be a flood on the earth again. He placed a rainbow in the cloud for a sign of the everlasting Covenant that there should not be a flood again on the earth to destroy it all the days of the earth. For this reason it is ordained and written on the tablets of the heavens, that they should celebrate the FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT IN THIS MONTH  ONCE A YEAR to RENEW the Covenant every year.” And this whole Festival was celebrated in the HEAVENS FROM THE DAYS OF CREATION TILL THE DAYS OF NOAH: twenty-six Jubilees and five weeks of years. And Noah AND HIS SONS OBSERVED IT for seven Jubilees and one week of years, till the day of Noah’s death. And from the day of Noah’s death his sons forsook it until the days of Abraham, and they ate blood “But ABRAHAM OBSERVED IT, AND ISAAC, and JACOB, AND HIS CHILDREN OBSERVED IT up to your days, and in your days the children of Yisra’el forgot it until you celebrated it anew on this mountain. And you shall command the children of Yisra’el to observe this Festival in all their generations for a Command unto them; one day in the year in this month (3rd month) they shall celebrate the Festival. For it is the Festival of SHAVUOT AND THE FEAST OF FIRST-FRUITS: This Feast is twofold and double nature: according to what is written and engraved concerning it, celebrate it.”

 Numbers 28:26

And on the day of FIRST FRUITS, when you bring a new grain offering to YAHWEH at your FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT, you have a set-apart gathering, you do no work.”

Both Jubilees and Numbers shows that First-Fruits and Shavuot are connected and are the same feast. Especially, since we counted the 50 days starting on First-Fruits.

Jubilees 15:1

 “And in the fifth year of the fourth week of this Jubilee, in the THIRD MONTH, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MONTH (15th Day) ABRAM CELEBRATED the Festival of the First-Fruits (Shavuot) of the grain harvest.

 There are only 30 days in a month on the Zadok Priestly calendar spelled out in Enoch and Jubilees; therefore, we know that the middle of the month is the 15th day. Our earliest indication of this is found if Genesis 7:24 which reads:

 “And the waters were mighty on the earth, one hundred and fifty days.”

 30 days X 5 months= 150 days; therefore 12 months X 30 days in a month= 360 days in a base year. Then Enoch tells us to add one intercalary day at the end of each season of spring, summer, fall, and winter to get a total of 364 days.

 Jubilees 22:1

 “And it came to be in the first week in the forty-fourth Jubilee, in the second year, that is, the year in which Abraham died, that ISAAC AND ISHAMEL came from Beersheba to celebrate the FEAST OF SHAVUOT-that is, THE FEAST OF THE FIRST-FRUITS of the harvest-to Abraham, their father. And Abraham rejoiced because his two sons had come.”

 Jubilees 44:1-5

 “And Yisra’el (Jacob) took his journey from Haran from his house on the new month of the THIRD MONTH, and he went on the way of Beersheba, and he offered an offering to the ELOHIM of his dad Isaac on the seventh of this month. And Jacob remembered the dream that he had seen at Beyth El, and he feared to go down to Egypt. And while he was thinking of sending word to Joseph to come to him, and that he would not go down, he remained there seven days, if it came to be he should see a vision as to whether he should remain or go down. AND HE CELEBRATED the HARVEST FESTIVAL OF THE FIRST-FRUITS with old grain, for in all the land of Canaan there was not a handful of seed, for scarcity of food was over all the beasts and cattle and birds, and also over man.” And on the sixteenth day YAHWEH appeared to him, and said to him, “Jacob, Jacob…”

 As we see it was the 7th day of the 3rd month when Jacob offered an offering to ELOHIM, then 7 more days passed which puts us on the 14th day of the 3rd month, and on the next day being the 15th day of the 3rd month Jacob celebrated Shavuot. After the celebration of Shavuot YAHWEH spoke to Jacob the next day which was the 16th.

 Tobit 2:1 (Apocrypha)

 “Now when I had come home again and my wife Hannah was restored to me with my son Tobi, at the FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT-which is the (kodesh) set-apart Feast of the SEVEN WEEKS-there was a good dinner prepared for me, for which I sat down to eat.”

 As we see in one of the books that was removed from the Scriptures that was included in the 1611 KJV, Tobit celebrated Shavuot and notice he says “the kodesh (set-apart) feast of the seven weeks” and we know that we count 50 days which is 7 completed Shabbats to arrive at the date of June 4th (15th day of the 3rd month). Tobit was a righteous man and he understood we should keep the appointed times even while he was in exile in Nineveh. He followed the command according to how it is written in the Torah which says:

 Leviticus 23:15-16

 “And from the morrow after the Shabbat, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, you shall count for yourselves: SEVEN COMPLETED SHABBATS, then you shall bring a new grain offering to YAHWEH.”

 2 Maccabees 12:31-32

 “They thanked them, desiring them to continue being friendly toward them. And so they came to Jerusalem-The FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT was approaching. And AFTER the FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT, they went out against Gorgias the governor of Edom, who came out with three thousand footmen and four hundred horsemen.

 Jubilees 16:13

 “And in the middle of the sixth month YAHWEH visited Sarah and did to her as He had spoken, and she conceived. And she bore a son in the THIRD MONTH, and in the MIDDLE OF THE MONTH (15th Day) at the time of which YAHWEH had spoken to Abraham, on the Festival of the First-Fruits (Shavuot) of the Harvest, Isaac was born.”

 Jubilees 28:15

 “And again Jacob went in to her, and she conceived, and bore him a fourth son, and he called his name Judah, ON THE FIFTEENTH OF THE THIRD MONTH (SHAVUOT), in the first year of the fourth week.” Isaac and Judah were both born on Shavuot.

 As we can see from all the scriptures above is that Noah and his sons, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Apostle Paul, Maccabees, and Tobit all observed Shavuot, The Festival of First-Fruits aka Pentecost. Further pointing to the fact that Noah and Abraham celebrated the Feast before there ever was a Jew.

 Covenant cut with Abraham on Shavuot:

 Genesis 15:17

 “And it came to pass that when the sun had set and it was dark, behold there appeared a smoking furnace and a burning torch passed between those pieces. On that day YAHWEH made a covenant with Abram…”

Jubilees 14:7-20

 “And He said to him, “I am YAHWEH who brought you out of Ur Kasdim, to give you the land of the Kana’anites (Cannanites) to possess it forever. And I will be ELOHIM to you and to your seed after you.” And he said, “Master, Master, how will I know that I will inherit it? And He said to him, “Bring Me a heifer of three years, and a goat of three years, and a sheep of three years, and a turtle-dove, and a pigeon.” And he took all these in the MIDDLE OF THE MONTH.”

  For the context to see what month it was we need to go back to verse 1 of this same chapter:

Jubilees 14:1

 “After these things, in the fourth year of this week, on the first day of the THIRD MONTH the WORD of YAHWEH came to Abram in a dream.”

 Jubilees 14: 10-19 continued:  And he was dwelling at the oak of Mamre, which is near Hebron. And he built there an altar, and slaughtered all these animals; and he poured their blood upon the altar, and divided them in the middle, and laid them over against each other; but he did not divide the birds. And birds came down upon the pieces, and Abram drove them away, and did not allow the birds to touch them.” Verse 20 And ON THAT DAY we cut a covenant with Abram, just as we had covenanted with Noah in THIS MONTH (Jubilees 6:15-21); and Abram renewed the Feast and ordinance for himself forever.”

 The covenant was cut with Abraham in the middle of the month being the 15th day of 3rd month.

Jacob and Laban make covenant on Shavuot:

 Jubilees 29:5

 “And in the seventh year of the fourth week Jacob turned toward Gilad in the first month, on the twenty-first day. And Laban pursued after him and overtook Jacob in the mountain of Gilad in the THIRD MONTH, on the thirteenth day. Verse 7 And on the FIFTEENTH of those days (15th Day of 3rd month) Jacob made a banquet for Laban, and all for all who came with him, and Jacob swore to Laban that day, and Laban swore also to Jacob, that neither should cross the mountain of Gilad to the other with evil purpose.”

 Genesis 31:46-49 (Complete Jewish Bible)

 “Then Jacob said to his kinsmen, “Gather some stones”; and they took stones, made a pile of them and ate there by the pile of stones. Laban called it Y’gar-Sahaduta [“pile of witness” in Aramaic], while Jacob called it Gal-‘Ed [“pile of witness” in Hebrew]. Laban said “This pile witnesses between me and you today.” This is why it is called Gal-‘Ed and also HaMitzpah [the watchtower], because he said, “May YAHWEH watch between me and you when we are apart from each other.”

 What is the importance of this day?

The importance of this day is connected with the 50-day count on first-fruits which is why it’s called Shavuot the festival of the first-fruits. ELOHIM was telling Moses that He was taking His people to a fertile land that He was giving them and would like them to acknowledge this gift. Each spring, when the harvest of the year is available the people should bring their initial crops (first-fruits) to the priest to acknowledge them before ELOHIM. YAHWEH wants us to acknowledge that He has provided for us by bringing our best offering to Him; and it also shows our trust in Him by offering our best knowing that He will provide an abundant harvest and bless us. So, when Shavuot comes 50 days later, they would reap a harvest of barely/wheat.

How do we celebrate Shavuot? Instructions!

 There are many traditions and celebrations that surround Shavuot in modern day Judaism such as the giving of the Torah to Moses; however, Jubilees 1 shows us the tablets of stone of testimony were given on the 16th which was a Monday and not on Sunday the 15th.

Jubilees 1:1

And it happened in the first year of the exodus of the children of Yisra’el out of Egypt, in the THIRD MONTH, ON THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF THE MONTH, that YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying, “Come up to Me on the Mount, and I will give you two tablets of stone of the Torah and the command, which I have written, that you may teach them.”

So stemming from that belief they will read the 10 commandments on Shavuot. Is it wrong to read the 10 commandments? No! I just want to point out that their reason for doing so is not established on the facts and furthermore we are told to have a set-apart convocation/reading on the appointed times which means that we should be reading scriptures that pertain to that certain appointed.  Another tradition of Judaism is the eating of dairy products, trust me, I’m NOT saying we cannot eat ice cream or cheesecake on this day, I’m merely pointing out that these traditions are not commanded in scripture.  How are we to observe this day according to scripture?

 Shavuot/Pentecost is a NO work day. So remember that June 4th is a High Shabbat of no work.

 Leviticus 23:21 (Aramaic)

“And you shall proclaim on that same day, that it may be a set-apart gathering for yourselves, you do NO SERVILE WORK ON IT a Law forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations.”

Leviticus 23:21 (Samaritan)

And on this same day you shall READ as well. You are to have a set-apart READING. YOU SHALL DO NO LABORIOUS WORK. It is to be a perpetual statute in all your dwelling places throughout your generations.”

Numbers 28:26 (Aramaic)

And on the day of FIRST FRUITS, when you bring a new grain offering to YAHWEH at your FEAST OF WEEKS, you have a set-apart gathering, YOU DO NO MANNER OF HARD WORK.”

Numbers 28:26 (Samaritan)

On the day of the FIRST-FRUITS, when you present a new grain offering to YAHWEH in your FEAST OF WEEKS, you shall have a SET-APART READING. YOU SHALL DO NO LABORIOUS WORK.”

Temple Scroll Column 19:7-9

And this day shall be for you a set-apart convocation, ETERNAL STATUTES for their generations, ALL LABORIOUS WORK THEY SHALL NOT DO ON IT. It is the FEAST OF WEEKS AND THE FEAST OF FIRST-FRUITS for a memorial forever.”

Freewill offering:

Deuteronomy 16:9-12 (Samaritan)

You shall count seven weeks to yourselves; begin to count the seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the standing grain. And then you shall keep the FEAST OF WEEKS with a TRIBUTE OF A FREE-WILL OFFERING of your hands, which you shall give as YAHWEH your ELOHIM blessed you. And you shall rejoice before YAHWEH your ELOHIM, you, and your son, and your daughter your male slave, and your female slave, and the Levite who is in your gates, and the PROSELYTE, and the orphan, and the widow, who are in your midst…

The definition of tribute according to Oxford languages is: an act, statement, OR GIFT THAT IS INTENDED TO SHOW GRATITUDE, RESPECT, OR ADMIRATION.”

What a beautiful opportunity to be able to show YAHWEH how much gratitude, respect, and admiration you have for Him by giving the best free-will offering you can according to how He has blessed you, and doing so with a joyful heart!

An example of the type of attitude believers should have towards the voluntary/freewill offering is defined perfectly in Exodus 35:

Exodus 35:5 (Aramaic)

Take from among you AN OFFERING for YAHWEH; whosoever is of A WILLING HEART, let him bring an OFFERING to YAHWEH, gold, silver, and brass, blue, purple, and scarlet material…”

Exodus 35: 20-22 (Aramaic)

And the whole congregation of the children of Yisra’el departed from the presence of Moses. And they came, everyone who was WILLING in HIS HEART and everyone whose spirit made him willing, and they brought offerings for YAHWEH, to the work of the tabernacle of the congregation, and for all its service, and for the set-apart vestments. And they came, both MEN AND WOMEN, as many as were WILLING-HEARTED, and brought bracelets and earrings and rings and necklaces and all sorts of jewels of gold; and every man that had set aside an offering of gold brought it to YAHWEH.”

Exodus 36:5-7 (Aramaic)

And they said to Moses, the people bring much more than is necessary for the service of the work which YAHWEH commanded to make. And Moses gave command, which the heralds proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, “Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary. So the people were restrained. For the stuff they had was sufficient for all the things they had to make, and some was LEFT OVER.”

Exodus 30:22 (Samaritan)

And the men brought with the women, every GENEROUS-HEARTED, brought a bracelet and nose ring a ring, an earring, and an adornment, all articles of gold, and all…that presented AN OFFERING of gold to YAHWEH.”

2 Corinthians 9:6-9 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Here’s the point: he who plants sparingly also harvests sparingly. Each should GIVE ACCORDING TO WHAT HE HAS DECIDED IN HIS HEART, NOT GRUDGINGLY OR UNDER COMPULSION, FOR ELOHIM LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. Moreover, ELOHIM has the power to provide you with every gracious gift in abundance, so that always in every way you will have all you need yourselves and be able to provide abundantly for every good cause—as the Tanakh says, “He gave generously to the poor; his righteousness lasts forever.”

The people brought so much that they had to stop them from bringing anything else, this is the cheerful giver that YAHWEH seeks especially when He is the One who has provided everything we have to begin with. And as Paul wrote to the Corinthians about being cheerful givers was concerning a gift to the saints and the poor. Examples of a free-will offering that we can do today can be donating to a ministry, giving to the poor, giving to orphans and widows, etc. This is not an exhaustive list, but you can pray to our ELOHIM and see how He leads you concerning this.


YAHWEH also commands EVERYONE to rejoice before Him on this day. We are not to be sorrowful or in a bad mood because YAHWEH clearly commands us to be joyous on this day.

Deuteronomy 16:11-12 says:


Remember the slavery in Egypt:

Deuteronomy 16:12

And you must remember that you were a bondman in Egypt; so you shall observe and do these statutes.”

Shavuot/Pentecost is the last Moedim/Appointed Time of the spring/summer and as you can see YAHWEH wants us to remember that He brought us up out of Egypt and on Shavuot we are to remember that we were slaves in Egypt. He wants us to remember this fact so that we do not backslide and forget His blessings. By having us remember that we were slaves keeps our focus on Him and His commandments, so we do not become disobedient.

To renew the Covenant from the flood:

Jubilees 6:16

He placed His rainbow in the cloud for a sign of the everlasting Covenant that there should not be a flood again on the earth to destroy it all the days of the earth. For this reason it is ordained and written on the tablets of the heavens, that they should celebrate the FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT in this month once a year, to RENEW THE COVENANT every year.”

Two loaves baked WITH LEAVEN and its meaning:

Leviticus 23:17-18

Bring from your dwellings for a wave offering two loaves of bread, of two-tenth parts of fine flour they are, BAKED WITH LEAVEN, first-fruits to YAHWEH.” And you shall offer with the bread seven lambs without blemish of the first year and one young bullock and two rams; they shall be for a burnt offering to YAHWEH, with their grain offering and their drink offering made by fire, an offering for a SWEET SAVOR to YAHWEH.”

Note:  1/10 of an ephah is 2 quarts which is 8 cups, so 2/10 of an ephah is a total of 16 cups of flour or
8 cups of flour per loaf. The Complete Jewish Bible says “A gallon of flour” which equates to 16 cups.

Ephesians 5:2

And walk in love; as the MASHIACH also have loved us and has given up Himself for us, and offering and a sacrifice to ELOHIM for a SWEET SAVOR.”

Leviticus 23:19

Then you shall sacrifice one kid of the goats for a transgress offering and two lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of PEACE OFFERING.”

Ephesians 2:17-20 (Amplified Bible)

And He came and preached the Good News of PEACE  to you (Gentiles) who were far way, and PEACE to those (Jews) who were near. For it is through Him that we both have a direct way of approach in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens [outsiders without rights of citizenship], but you are fellow citizens with the saints (ELOHIM’s people), and are members of ELOHIM’S household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Messiah YESHUA Himself as the Chief Cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is JOINED TOGETHER…”

We see in Leviticus 23:19 that a “Peace Offering” was required on Shavuot and Paul mentions that YESHUA brought “Peace” to both native-born and gentiles by Him shedding His blood for us all to be joined together as One Body, with Him at the head, which represents the two loaves baked with leaven.

Revelation 14:4 (Parenthesis mine)

These are they who have not defiled themselves with, for they are virgins. These are they who followed the Lamb wherever He went, these have been REDEEMED by YESHUA from among men, the FIRST-FRUITS TO ELOHIM and the Lamb.”

The native-born and the righteous gentile convert (proselyte) are one, meaning those who keep the commandments and trust in YESHUA will be the first-fruits, similar to those two loaves and Paul’s connection. And the same way the first-fruits is the BEST of the barley harvest is the same way that those who follow YESHUA to the end are THE FIRST-FRUITS the BEST (righteous) of the earth who followed the Lamb YESHUA wherever He went.

 These events connect to the RUACH HA’KODESH being poured out on Shavuot as we see Jews and proselytes joined in with Yisra’el devout men as ONE. A perfect connection of the instructions that are mentioned in the Torah concerning Shavuot.

Summary of instructions:

Shavuot is about giving thanks for the blessings of YAHWEH, giving a freewill/voluntary offering, rejoicing, renewing the Covenant YAHWEH cut with Noah, NO WORK, remembering that we were slaves in Egypt, baking two loaves of bread with leaven as first-fruits and the pouring out of the RUACH HA’KODESH  (Set-Apart Spirit.)

Giving of the RUACH HA’KODESH/The Set-Apart Spirit

Another important fact for this day is the promise that YESHUA gave before He ascended into heaven. YESHUA tells us in:

John 16:7 (Hebrew)

But I say the truth to you. It is better for you that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you at all, but if I go, I shall send Him to you.

It was important for YESHUA to ascend into heaven because He sent the RUACH HA’KODESH to dwell within us and verse 13 He tells us what the Set Apart Spirit will do:

“But when that RUACH of truth will come, He will teach you all truth. For He will not speak of His own heart, only the words which He hears He will speak, and make known to you those words. He will esteem Me-from My Father He will take, and will make known to you all the things which are My Father’s-which are Mine-and He will make them known to you.”

The RUACH HA’KODESH will guide and us lead us into all truth; and show us how to obey the commandments just as Paul says in Romans 8 and Galatians 5. It is important to mention YESHUA’s promise of The SET-APART SPIRIT during the Festival of Shavuot because The SET-APART SPIRIT was poured out on His disciples on this very day.

 Acts 2:1-4 says: (Aramaic)

“And when the day of SHAVUOT/Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one purpose in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the RUACH HA’KODESH/Set-Apart Spirit, and began to speak in various languages as the Spirit gave them utterance.”

The Book of Ruth is worth reading because it ties into Shavuot

 Ruth 1:22 says:

“So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country, of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of the BARLEY HARVEST (SHAVUOT).”

Another interesting connection with the Book of Ruth and Shavuot is the command that YAHWEH gave concerning the land, He says in:

Leviticus 19:9-10

And when you reap the harvest of your land, do not completely reap the corners of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. And do not glean your vineyard or gather every grape of your vineyard, leave them for the poor and the stranger. I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM.”

Leviticus 23:22

“And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not make clean riddance of the corners of your field when you reap, neither shall you gather any gleaning of the harvest: you shall leave them for the poor, and to the stranger: I am YAHWEH your ELOHIM.”

Deuteronomy 24:19-22

When you reap your harvest in you field, and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, do not go back to get it. Let it be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow, so that YAHWEH your ELOHIM might bless you in all the work of your hands. When you beat your olive trees, do not examine the branch behind you. Let it be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow. When you gather the grapes of your vineyard, do not glean behind you. Let it be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow.”

YAHWEH made a specific command to not be greedy and clean the fields out when you reap the harvest because you are supposed to leave what is left for the poor, stranger, fatherless, and widow. The connection was made in Ruth, because Boaz did exactly as YAHWEH commanded:

Ruth 2:2-7 says:

 “And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean heads of grain AFTER him in whose sight I shall find favor. And she said unto her; Go, my daughter. And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field AFTER the reapers; as it turned out, she came to the part of the field belonging to Bo’az, the near relative of Elimelek.”

As we see Boaz was obedient to YAHWEH’s command from the Torah and Ruth who was a widow benefited by being able to glean over his fields and also find favor in the sight of Boaz. And a side note is that Boaz and Ruth were blessed to be in the lineage of YESHUA:

1 Chronicles 2:11-15 (Aramaic)

Nashon brought forth Salmon, and Salmon brought forth Boaz; Boaz brought Obed, and Obed brought forth Yishai (Jessie); and Jessie brought forth Eliyab his first-born, and Abinadab the second, and Shim’a the third, Nethan’el the fourth, Raddai the fifth, Ostem the sixth, Eliho the seventh and David the eighth.”

Matthew 1:5-6 (Hebrew)

Salmon begot Boaz, Boaz begot Oved, Oved begot Yishai (Jessie). Jessie begot David—the king od Yisrael…”

And YESHUA comes from the blood line of David which makes Him the rightful heir to the throne. Let us prepare our hearts to get ready to rejoice before our Father YAHWEH and His Son YESHUA filled with joy through the RUACH HA’KODESH and enjoy the last Festival of the spring/summer before it picks back up again in the fall. As always please share this with those who need to hear this important message and may YAHWEH barak (bless) you in YESHUA’s Name!

First-Fruits with timeline!

 We have already begun the spring moedim (Appointed Times) of our ELOHIM and we just completed celebrating Pesach (Passover) and The Feast of Unleavened Bread. Now this coming Yom Rishone (Sunday), April 16th will be First-Fruits. This day is not a Shabbat, so you do not have to take off from work; however, it’s good to be aware of the importance of it because we are now beginning the 50 day count to Shavuot.

 Leviticus 23:9-16 (Aramaic)

 “And YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying, “speak to the children of Yisra’el, and you shall say to them, ‘When you come into the land which I give you, and shall reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first-fruits of your harvest to the priest; and he shall wave the sheaf before YAHWEH to be accepted for you; on the morrow the priest shall wave it. You shall offer that day when you wave the sheaf of a male lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering to YAHWEH. And its meal offering shall be two tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, an offering made by fire to YAHWEH for a sweet savor; and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, a fourth part of a hin. And you shall eat neither bread nor parched wheat nor green ears until that same day, until the day when you have brought an offering to your ELOHIM; it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. And you shall count to you from the morrow, that is, from the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Shabbats shall be complete; even to the morrow AFTER THE SEVENTH SHABBAT (The weekly 7th Day Shabbat) you shall count fifty days; and you shall offer a meal offering of new wheat to YAHWEH.”

Aviv in Hebrew means the month of green ears of barley when the barley is ripening. The etymology for the word “Aviv” H24 is defined by Brown-Drivers-Briggs as 1) fresh, young barley ears, barley 2, month of ear-forming, of green of crop, of growing green Aviv of exodus and Passover (March or April). Strongs defines it as “From an unused root (meaning to be tender); green, that is a young ear of grain; hence the name of the month Aviv.”

The children of Yisra’el would take the first-fruits of the barley harvest which is the earliest and best of their crops on Shabbat night (start of the first day of the week) and tie them into a bundle and bring it to the high priest. The high priest would then wave the sheaf (omer) before YAHWEH to accept the future crops and then begin the 50 day count to Shavuot. They were not allowed to put the sickle to grain nor eat any of the harvest until after this ceremony was completed. This reminded the children of Yisra’el that ELOHIM gave them this land and all the harvest belongs to Him. As we see barley is the crop that matures faster than the other crops:

Exodus 9:31-32 (Amplified Bible)

And the flax and the barley were battered and ruined [by the hail], because the barely was in the ear (RIPE, but soft) and the flax was in the bud, but the wheat and spelt (coarse wheat) were not battered and ruined, because they ripen late in the season.”

First-fruits are the best of the first produce of a harvest that has matured and ripened! The barley was ripe yet soft, which shows that it had already matured and the Septuagint agrees by saying it was “advanced” and therefore was easily destroyed by the hail. Whereas the Concordant Version of the Old Testament says about the wheat and spelt “Yet the wheat and the spelt were NOT SMITTEN, FOR THEY WERE IN BLADE.” Which means not ripened, not mature, no grain, because it was still growing.

When do we begin the counting of the omer?

 There has been much debate about when we should begin the 50-day count to Shavuot, and the biggest part of the debate is whether we should begin counting after the first day of unleavened bread (a High-Shabbat) or on Sunday after the Shabbat. It’s critical to know that the Appointed Times are separated and do not mix or overlap. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are connected, which means that first-fruits should come after the Feast of Unleavened because first fruits in connected with Shavuot. Let’s view some ancient texts to arrive at the answer.

 Leviticus 23:16 (Aramaic Peshitta)

 “Even to the morrow AFTER THE SEVENTH SHABBAT (The weekly 7th Day Shabbat) you shall count fifty days; and you shall offer a meal offering of a new wheat to YAHWEH.”

 Leviticus 23:15 (Samaritan)

And you shall count for yourselves from the DAY NEXT TO THE SHABBAT (Sunday), from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering, there shall be seven complete Shabbats.”

Temple Scroll Column 19:11-16

 “And you shall count for yourselves from the day you bring in the new meal-offering to YAHWEH, the bread of the first-fruits. SEVEN COMPLETE WEEKS there shall be until the day you bring the sheaf of the elevation-offering, you shall count the morning AFTER THE SEVENTH SHABBAT, YOU SHALL COUNT FIFTY DAYS…”

 The Aramaic Peshitta, Samaritan Torah, and Temple Scroll one of the Dead Sea Scrolls) all clarify that first-fruits is AFTER the 7th day Shabbat which is a Sunday and no other day; and this is when we begin the 50-day count, which matches the Book of Jubilees, which will be discussed below.

 Benjamin Tsedaka a Samaritan who translated the Samaritan Torah says:

 “From the day NEXT TO THE SHABBAT”---There is a fundamental difference between the counting of the sheaf between the Israelite Samaritans and the Israelite Jews. The Israelite Samaritans interpret LITERALLY AND SIMPLY, as it is written “after the Shabbat”---as it is obvious that the terminology “Shabbat” is for the SEVENTH DAY OF THE WEEK. Therefore, the Israelite Samaritans start the counting from the FIRST SUNDAY after the Festival of Passover…”

As I’ll show in this message that according to the Zadok Priestly Calendar we are to begin counting on April 16th the Sunday AFTER The Feast of Unleavened Bread is completed to arrive at the 15th day of the THIRD MONTH which is June 4th on our Gregorian calendars. Keep the 15th day of the 3rd month in mind because the Scriptures below will show that is the day when Shavuot is to be celebrated.

 So, Passover is on the 14th day of 1st month (Aviv), feast of unleavened bread is on the 15th-21st of 1st month (Aviv). And First-Fruits is on the 26th day of the 1st month of (Aviv) AFTER the Feast of Unleavened bread is completed; then that morrow after the Shabbat is first-fruits which this year is April 16th.  First-Fruits is tied to Shavuot so it cannot overlap with The Feast of Unleavened Bread, because they are separate.

 The problem is that many calendars have first fruits falling on any day depending on what day they observed Passover. The days of the Judaism calendar shift to a different day every year, whereas, on the Zadok Priestly Calendar the days are fixed and do not move.  For example, since the first day of the Feast of Unleavened bread is a “High Shabbat” Judaism interprets the next day after the first day of unleavened bread to be “Day after the Shabbat” and that is when they begin their count.

 So, this year on the Judaism calendar Passover/Feast of Unleavened bread was on Wednesday (April 5th) which means they would begin counting of the omer on Thursday (April 6th) and 50 days later would be May 25th for Shavuot. Being that the days on the Zadok Priestly calendar are fixed and do not move, the counting of the omer always falls on a Sunday after the completion of Unleavened Bread (April 16th) and Shavuot is always celebrated on a Sunday (June 4th). So being that they are starting their count of 50 days DURING the Feast of Unleavened Bread they will be celebrating Shavuot TEN DAYS too soon (May 25th as opposed to June 4th). And there is a warning given to us concerning this matter about the days and years.

Jubilees 6:36

For there will be those who examine the MOON DILIGENTLY (Lunar calendar) because it will corrupt the appointed times and it will advance from year to year TEN DAYS. Therefore, the years will come to them as they corrupt and make an abominable day the day of witness, and an unclean day a feast day, and they will MIX ALL THE DAYS, the set-apart with the unclean, and the unclean day with the set-apart: for they will GO WRONG as to the months and Shabbats AND FEASTS and Jubilees.”

 Scriptural Timeline:

The Israelites left Egypt on 15th day of 1st month (Wednesday) which is the first day of the feast of unleavened bread:

 Exodus 12:17

 “And you shall guard the Matzah (Feast of Unleavened Bread 15th Day of 1st Month), for on this SAME DAY I brought your divisions out of the land of Egypt. And you shall guard this day throughout your generations, an everlasting Law.”

 And then almost exactly TWO MONTHS later on the 12th Day of the 3rd MONTH which was a Thursday the Israelites arrived at the Wilderness of  Sinai according the Zadok Priestly calendar.

 Exodus 19:1

 “In the THIRD MONTH after the children of Yisra’el had come out of the land of Egypt, on this day they came to the Wilderness of Sinai.” For they departed from Rephidim, and had come to the Wilderness of Sinai, and camped in the wilderness. So Yisra’el camped there before the mountain.”

 So basically, if we don’t start the count of First Fruits on the 26th day of 1st month to get to the 15th day of the 3rd month, then Shavuot will be celebrated too soon, even before the Israelites entered into the Wilderness of Sinai, which on our Gregorian calendars would be June 1st. As explained earlier, on the Judaism calendar that Shavuot will be celebrated on May 25th, which means they are celebrating Shavuot 7 days before they entered the wilderness of Sinai and 10 days before the actual celebration Shavuot. The Book of Jubilees confirms this:

 By the Israelites arriving on the 12th day of the 3rd month would give them time to celebrate Shavuot on the 15th day of the 3rd month, which is always on a Sunday, then YAHWEH spoke to Moses on the next day the 16th, which means that the tablets of stone were given to Moses on a Monday the second day of the week after the Shavuot celebration.

 Jubilees 1:1

 “And it happened in the first-year of the exodus of the children of Yisra’el out of Egypt, in the third month, on the SIXTEENTH DAY OF THE MONTH, that YAHWEH spoke to Moses, saying, “Come up to Me on the Mount, and I will give you two tablets of stone of the Torah and the command, which I have written, that you may teach them.”

 Celebration of Shavuot on the 15th day of 3rd month:

 One of the biggest problems that arises is that we have been told that there is no fixed day for Shavuot. The book of Jubilees which is listed with the Torah in the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible and followed by the righteous Zadok priests knew this book was scripture and inspired.  Jubilees solves the problem of the Shavuot date.

 Jubilees 15:1

 “And in the fifth year of the fourth week of this Jubilee, in the THIRD MONTH, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MONTH (15th Day) Abram celebrated the Festival of the First-Fruits (Shavuot) of the grain harvest.” The Book of Enoch says there are only 30 days in a month; therefore, the middle of the month is the 15th day.

 Jubilees 16:13

 “And she bore a son in the THIRD MONTH. And in the MIDDLE OF THE MONTH (15th Day) at the time of which YAHWEH had spoken to Abraham, on the Festival of the First-Fruits (Shavuot) of the Harvest, Isaac was born.”

 So we see that Abraham celebrated Shavuot also known as First-Fruits in Jubilees because the two are connected by the 50 day counting of the omer.

 The messenger/angel goes into great detail about the two-fold meaning of The Festival of Shavuot and First-Fruits together:

 Jubilees 6:15-21

And He gave to Noah and his sons a sign that there should not be a flood on the earth again. He placed a rainbow in the cloud for a sign of the everlasting Covenant that there should not be a flood again on the earth to destroy it all the days of the earth. For this reason it is ordained and written on the tablets of the heavens, that they should celebrate the FESTIVAL OF SHAVUOT IN THIS MONTH ONCE A YEAR to renew the Covenant every year.” Verse 19 “But Abraham observed it, and Isaac, and Jacob, and his children observed it up to your days, and in your days the children of Yisra’el forgot it until you celebrated it anew on this mountain. And you shall command the children of Yisra’el to observe this Festival in all their generations for a Command unto them; one day in the year in this month (3rd MONTH) they shall celebrate the Festival. For it is the Festival of Shavuot AND THE FEAST OF FIRST-FRUITS: This Feast is twofold and double nature: according to what is written and engraved concerning it, celebrate it.”

Again, we know that this Festival/Appointed Time is in the THIRD MONTH because the beginning of Jubilees 6 says:

Jubilees 6:1

And on the new month of the THIRD MONTH he went out from the ark, and built an altar on the mountain.” And we have seen that Abraham celebrated Shavuot on the 15th day of the THIRD MONTH.

Jubilees 44:1-8

 “And Yisra’el took his journey from Haran from his house on the new month of the THIRD MONTH, and he went on the way of Beersheba, and he offered an offering to the ELOHIM of his father Isaac on the seventh of this month. And Jacob remembered the dream that he had seen at Beyth El, and he feared to go down to Egypt. And while he was thinking of sending word to Joseph to come to him, and that he would not go down, he remained there seven days, if it came to be he should see a vision as to whether he should remain or go down. And he celebrated the HARVEST FESTIVAL OF THE FIRST-FRUITS with old grain, for in all the land of Canaan there was not a handful of seed, for scarcity of food was over all the beasts and cattle and birds, and also over man.” And on the sixteenth (16th) YAHWEH appeared to him, and said to him, Jacob, Jacob.” YAHWEH spoke to Jacob on the 16th after he celebrated Shavuot on the 15th day of 3rd month.

 So if we count the 50 days starting on April 16th (on our Gregorian calendar) which is the 26th day of the 1st month on YAHWEH’s calendar, then we will arrive in the middle of the 3rd MONTH (15th Day) when Abraham celebrated it, Noah. So, Shavuot will be observed this year on June 4th a NO WORK day.

YESHUA the First Fruits:

What is the first-fruits connection with YESHUA? YESHUA is our first fruits, but I believe that Paul’s words have been misunderstood what he was saying about YESHUA and His connection to the first fruits. YESHUA is the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep in hope of Him as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:20, meaning that the righteous who have died and are awaiting in sheol that lived for YESHUA will be resurrected just as He was.

 1 Corinthians 15:20-22

 “But now Messiah has been raised from the dead, and has become the FIRST-FRUITS of those HAVING FALLEN ASLEEP. For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a Man. For as all die in Adam, so also all shall be made alive in Messiah.”

 2 Baruch 30:1-3

 “And after these, when the time of the advent (the coming) of the Messiah will be fulfilled and He will return in esteem, then all those who have FALLEN ALSLEEP IN HOPE OF HIM WILL RISE. At that time, those reservoirs will be opened in which the number of the souls of the righteous have been preserved, and they will come out, and the abundance of the souls will appear in one assembly, of one mind. The first will rejoice, and the last will not be saddened, for they know that the time has arrived of which it is said that it is in the consummation of times.”


This is beautiful because Paul is using Old Testament terminology in the Torah as he always does as a Torah observant Jew from the tribe of Benjamin. As mentioned above first-fruits is when the earliest and best of the crops were brought to the priest to be waved and then 50 days later would be the full harvest (Shavuot). Same applies with YESHUA, He is our first-fruits as He is the best offering being the perfect Lamb of YAHWEH who took away the iniquities of the world by becoming flesh, dying for our iniquities, and rose on the third day. In doing so YESHUA made many righteous through His blood and afterwards we became the harvest ready for reaping, now we have to walk in Torah and believe in YESHUA and found to be wheat and not the tares.


Matthew 13:24-30 (Hebrew)

And there was another parable before them- He said, “The heavenly kingdom is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while the men were sleeping, his enemies came and sowed thistles upon it---among the wheat---and went away. And when the plants grew up and produced fruit—then the thistles WERE SEEN AMONG THE WHEAT. So the servants came and said to the master, ‘Did you yourself now sow good wheat in your field? If so, who sowed thistles upon it? And he said to them, ‘The enemy-man did this thing. So the servants said, ‘Do you want that we should go and gather it?” But he said: ‘No, that you do not root up the wheat with the thistles. Leave everything until the HARVEST. And at the time of THE HARVEST, I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather the thistles, and bind them in burdens and burn them, BUT GATHER THE WHEAT INTO MY GRANARY.”

Isaiah 53:11 (Dead Sea Scrolls)

Out of the suffering of His soul He will see LIGHT (resurrection) and find satisfaction. And through His knowledge His servant, the righteous one, WILL MAKE MANY RIGHTEOUS, HE WILL BEAR THEIR INIQUITIES.”

 Romans 5:18-19 (Complete Jewish Bible)

In other words, just as it was through one offense that all people came under condemnation, so also it is through one righteous act that all people come to be CONSIDERED RIGHTEOUS. For just as through the disobedience of the one man, many were made transgressors, so also through the obedience of the other man, many will BE MADE RIGHTEOUS.”

 Another good example of this:

 John 12:23-24 (Hebrew)

 “Then YESHUA answered them, “Now the time has come that the Son of Man will be exalted truth I say to you, if a grain of mustard which falls there, does not die, it remains alone, but IF IT DIES IT GIVES MUCH FRUIT.”

 1 Corinthians 15:35-36

 “But someone will ask, “In what manner are the dead raised? What sort of body do they have? Stupid! When you sow a seed, it doesn’t come alive UNLESS IT FIRST DIES.”

 YESHUA died as first-fruits and through His death He brought forth life for us by making many righteous through His blood and we can see that illustration about a seed. The seed  dying in the ground is a representation of YESHUA dying, being buried, and then being in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights. Then the seed comes alive after it died and sprouts up (the resurrection), and produces fruit, which are the righteous ones who belong to Him!

 1 Thessalonians 4:16


Because the Master Himself shall come down from the heavens with a shout, with the voice of a chief messenger/angel, and with the trumpet of ELOHIM, and the dead IN Mashiach shall rise first. Then we, the living who are left over, shall be caught in the clouds to meet the Master in the air…”

 What are we to do on First Fruits?

 What do we offer?

Leviticus 23:13

“You shall offer that day when you wave the sheaf of a male lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering to YAHWEH. And its meal offering shall be two tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, an offering made by fire to YAHWEH for a sweet savor; and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, a fourth part of a hin.”

As for the offering, YESHUA is the Lamb of YAHWEH who takes away the sins of the world and offered Himself with His blood and not the blood of bulls and goats. It is important to see what YESHUA’s blood did for us being that we do not have to sacrifice animals for atonement today. YESHUA fulfills the animal offerings for us with His blood and is the sweet fragrance that YAHWEH mentions:

Ephesians 5:2

And walk in love, as Mashiach (Messiah) also has loved us, and gave Himself for us, a gift and an offering to YAHWEH for a SWEET-SMELLING FRAGRANCE.”

As we read in Leviticus 23 that the Israelites were not to eat any grain of the new harvest until they brought their initial crops (first-fruits) and bring the barley sheaf to the priest so he could wave it before YAHWEH to accept the future crops and begin counting down the 50 days to the next Appointed Time which is The Festival of Shavuot aka The Festival of First Fruits aka Pentecost (50 in Greek).

 Leviticus 23:14

And you do not eat bread or roasted grain or fresh grain until the same day that you have brought AN OFFERING to your ELOHIM.”

We know that YESHUA gave Himself up once and for all with His own blood and not the blood of bulls and goats. This is what Paul says about how we can also apply this by living holy lives and being obedient to our ELOHIM!

Romans 12:1

I call upon you, therefore, brothers, through the compassion of ELOHIM, to present your bodies a LIVING OFFERING-holy, well pleasing to ELOHIM-your reasonable worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you prove what is that good and well-pleasing and perfect desire of ELOHIM.”

1 Peter 2:4-5

Drawing near to Him, a living Stone-rejected indeed by men, but chosen by YAHWEH and precious-you also, as living stones, are being built up, A SPIRTUAL HOUSE, a holy priesthood, to OFFER UP SPIRITUAL SLAUGHTER OFFERINGS acceptable to YHWH through YESHUA HA’Mashiach.”

Other than that we all we need to do is count down the 50 days to get to Shavuot which is on June 5th this year.

 As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you in YESHUA’s Name!



Testament of Joseph 19:8 (parentheses mine)

 “And I saw that a VIRGIN (Mary) was born from Judah, wearing a linen shawl, and a SPOTLESS LAMB (YESHUA) was born from her.”

This scripture is from the Testament of the 12 Patriarchs found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which means that it was written long before YESHUA walked the earth. Mary was a virgin and she gave birth to the LAMB OF YAHWEH which is YESHUA So, continuing with the topic about heresy that is being preached and believed in these last days is whether YESHUA was born of a virgin or not. It seems that the plain and literal reading and interpretation of scripture is no longer acceptable as many are adding their own agendas into the text. The scriptures are being twisted, then preached, and then accepted by the masses. I have even heard believers go as far as to say that they don’t believe that Noah could put all the animals on the ark. If anyone does not believe every word written in the scriptures then they are not true believers. A little bit a leaven will leaven the entire lump and we can see why this is true. This is not a small matter by any means, because not only are they denying the power of YAHWEH,  but they are also calling Him a liar. LET IT NOT BE!

Romans 3:4 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Heaven forbid! ELOHIM would be true even if everyone were a liar!---as the Tanakh (Old Testament) says, “so that you, ELOHIM, may be proved right in your words and win the verdict when you are put on trial.”

So, with that said, I’ll show that as always that YAHWEH is true and all those who say otherwise are the liars! We will examine the scriptures, YESHUA’s words, Mary’s words, Gabriel’s words, the Zadok Priests, The Ascension of Isaiah and an early church fathers to let the truth shine forth.

Zadok Priests

The Covenant of Damascus pg. 20 under the section titled “Zadok Beliefs” we find this written as their third and fourth beliefs:

3. The Messiah would be BORN OF A VIRGIN.

4. The Messiah would come and die to reconcile us to ELOHIM THE FATHER.

Why is it so important to know that the Zadok priests believed in the virgin birth? It is very important because we have documentation of ANCIENT WITNESSES who knew the truth and never turned away from YAHWEH, so again I’ll quote the following as proof:

Ezekiel 44:15

However, the PRIESTS, who are LEVITES and DESCENDANTS OF ZADOK, who took care of My sanctuary when the PEOPLE OF YISRA’EL WENT ASTRAY FROM ME----they are the ones WHO WILL APPROAH ME AND SERVE ME; IT IS THEY who will attend Me and offer Me the fat and the blood,’ says YAHWEH ELOHIM. THEY will enter My sanctuary, approach My table TO MINISTER TO ME AND PERFORM MY SERVICE.”

Whenever there was a new initiate in Qumran after a three-year initiation process, they would be required to take an oath, which is stated in “The meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls” page 249 which says:

Every initiate into the society of the Yahad is to enter the Covenant in full view of all the volunteers. He shall take upon himself a binding oath to return to the LAW OF MOSES (according to all that He commanded) with all his heart and with all his mind, to all that has been revealed FROM IT TO THE SONS OF ZADOK----PRIESTS AND PRESERVERS OF THE COVENANT, SEEKERS OF HIS WILL…”

So the righteous Zadok Priests, the preservers of the covenant and the seekers of YAHWEH’s will understood this concept completely.

Hebrew manuscript of Matthew

 The authentic Hebrew manuscript of Matthew records the original words and teachings of YESHUA! So being that we can now accurately see what YESHUA said, let’s view one of the titles that He gave Himself that we won’t find in other manuscripts.

Matthew 13:37 (Hebrewgospels.com)

So He (YESHUA) answered and said, “He who sows good seed is the SON OF THE VIRGIN.”

Matthew 24:30 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Then a man will see the sign of the Son of ELOAH in the heavens. And then all the tribes of the earth will howl, and they will see THE SON OF THE VIRGIN coming with the clouds of the heavens with great power and image and appearance, and He will send His messengers, shouting with great voices, and they will gather the chosen ones of EL from the four portions of the world—from the heavens and unto the earth.”

 Matthew 24:37 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And just as it was in the time of Noah, so will it be at the coming of THE SON OF THE VIRGIN.”

Matthew 26:24 (Hebrewgospels.com)

And a man who walks with Me will betray the Son of ELOAH, as it was prophesied of Him. Woe to him! – To the man by whom the SON OF THE VIRGIN will be betrayed: It would have been a good thing for him if he had not been born.”

Matthew 26:63-64 (Hebrewgospels.com)

But YESHUA was quiet. So the chief of the priests said to him, “I adjure You by the living EL that you tell us whether you are Mashiach (Messiah), the Son of the living EL.” Then YESHUA said unto him, “You are saying it. Truly I say to you that you will also see the SON OF THE VIRGIN sitting at the right side of EL and coming with the clouds of the heavens.”

Can it be any doubt why these Hebrew manuscripts are unknown to the world? Although it is abundantly clear in the scriptures that YESHUA was born a virgin without the Hebrew Matthew, but if the world was reading YESHUA’s originals words, there would be no room for the heresy being preached in Torah communities today.

Joseph had sex with Mary AFTER YESHUA was born!

As we clearly saw from the authentic Hebrew manuscript of Matthew that YESHUA said that He was born of a virgin several times. However, the heretical teachers say that Joseph is the literal father of YESHUA because he had sex with Mary. This is complete falsehood! Mary conceived by the RUACH HA’KODESH because it makes YAHWEH the Father of YESHUA when He became flesh, just as YESHUA is the eternal Son of YAHWEH Who always existed and uncreated before He walked the earth.

Matthew 1:18-24 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Here is the how the birth of YESHUA the Messiah took place. When his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, before they were married, she was found to be PREGNANT FROM THE RUACH HA’KODESH. Her husband-to-be, Joseph, was a man who did what was right; so he made plans to break the engagement quietly, rather than put her to public shame. But while he was thinking about this, an angel of YAHWEH appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home with you as your wife; for what has been CONCEIVED IN HER IS FROM THE RUACH HA’KODESH. She will give birth to a son, and you are to Name Him YESHUA means “YAHWEH Saves”, because He will save His people from their iniquities.” All this happened in order to fulfill what YAHWEH had said through the prophet, “THE VIRGIN WILL CONCEIVE AND BEAR A SON, AND THEY WILL CALL HIM IMMANU’EL.” (The name means, “EL (God) IS WITH US.”) When Joseph awoke he did what the angel of YAHWEH had told him to do---he took Mary home to be his wife, but HE DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH HER UNTIL SHE HAD GIVEN BIRTH TO A SON, AND HE NAMED HIM YESHUA.”

Most translations including the Hebrew says “But Joseph did not know her until she gave birth to the son” that is because the phrase “to know” was sexual in context in the scriptures. Everyone is familiar with what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah because of their homosexual practices and the same phrase is used there:

Genesis 19:4-5

Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sedom, both old and young, all the people from every part, surrounded the house. And they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, and let us ‘KNOW’ them.”

Ascension of Isaiah 11:1-6

After this I saw, and the malach (angel) who spoke with me, who conducted me, said unto me: Understand, Isaiah son of Amoz; for this purpose have I been sent from ELOHIM. And I indeed saw a woman of the family of David the prophet, named Mary, A  VIRGIN, and she was espoused to a man named Joseph, a carpenter, and he also was of the seed and family of the righteous David of Bethlehem Judah. And he came into his lot. And when she was espoused, she was found with child, and Joseph the carpenter was desirous to put her away. But the angel of the Spirit appeared in this world, and after that Joseph did not put her away, but kept Mary and did not reveal this matter to any one. And HE DID NOT APPROACH MARY, BUT KEPT HER AS A SET-APART VIRGIN, THOUGH WITH CHILD. And he did not live with her for two months.”

Joseph kept Mary as a virgin even though she was pregnant, which means she was a virgin who conceived by the RUACH HA’KODESH, and that Joseph did not have sexual relations with her even during her pregnancy, which matches what we read in Matthew that he did not have sexual relations with Mary until AFTER YESHUA was born! And while we are at it, we can throw out the false doctrine from Catholicism that Mary remained a virgin her entire life as we see in John 7:3

But the festival of Sukkot in Judah was near; SO HIS (YESHUA’S) BROTHERS said to Him…”

Galatians 1:18-19

Not until three years later did I go up to Jerusalem to make Peter’s acquaintance, and I stayed with him for two weeks, but I did not see any of the other emissaries except James the MASTER’S BROTHER.”

When we read the scriptures for what it actually says, we can clearly see that it would be impossible for Joseph to be the literal father of YESHUA being that he did not have sexual relations with Mary, until AFTER YESHUA was born, which means that she was already pregnant WITHOUT him being involved in the process, and scripture does not leave us in doubt about how she became pregnant as we are told that she conceived by the RUACH HA’KODESH! Let’s now see what Mary and Gabriel have to say concerning her virgin status.

Luke 1:26-35 (Complete Jewish Bible)

In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by ELOHIM to a city in the Galilee called Nazareth, TO A VIRGIN engaged to a man named Joseph, of the house of David; THE VIRGIN’S NAME WAS MARY. Approaching her, the angel said, “Shalom, favored lady! YAHWEH is with you!” She was deeply troubled by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with ELOHIM. Look! You will become pregnant, you will give birth to a son, and you are to name Him YESHUA. He will be great, He will be called Son of Ha’ ELYON (The Most High), YAHWEH, ELOHIM, will give Him the throne of His forefather David; and He will rule the House of Jacob forever---there will be no end to His Kingdom.” How can this be,” asked Mary of the angel, “SINCE I AM A VIRGIN?” The angel answered her, “The RUACH HA’KODESH will come over you, the power of Ha’ ELYON (The Most High) will cover you. Therefore the set-apart child born to you will be called the Son of ELOHIM..”

Scripture wants it to be abundantly clear to us that Mary is a virgin as the term is used three times in this one passage alone, and one of those is Mary herself asking how she can have a son being that she is a virgin? In other words, she has not had sexual contact with a man before including her engaged husband Joseph. This is the reason why Joseph wanted to divorce Mary during the betrothal stage because during the betrothal stage they did not live together. The bridegroom would go back to his father’s house to prepare a place for his soon-to-be bride, so when Joseph saw that she was pregnant he thought she was being unfaithful to him knowing that he was NOT THE ONE who had sexual relations with her.

Then Gabriel the angel tells Mary exactly how she will conceive through the RUACH HA’KODESH and not through a human being. Again, going back to Matthew’s quote, we can see that he understood the prophecy as he was quoting Isaiah.

“All this happened in order to fulfill what YAHWEH had said through the prophet, “THE VIRGIN WILL CONCEIVE AND BEAR A SON, AND THEY WILL CALL HIM IMMANU’EL.” (The name means, “EL IS WITH US.”)”

Isaiah 7:14 (Aramaic Peshitta)

Therefore YAHWEH Himself will give you a sign; Behold,  A VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE and bear a son, and shall call His name IMMANU’EL.”

The beautiful thing about Isaiah 7:14 is that it contains a dual prophecy, one for the near future and one for the distant future! Sadly, many are only seeing one layer or one prophecy out of this verse and rejecting the prophecy of the virgin birth of YESHUA! There is always a physical and spiritual meaning embedded within the scriptures, especially with a prophet like Isaiah. Many will say “The word used is not virgin (betulah) but is (Almah) which means young woman or young girl. But does it only mean young woman? Let’s view the etymology of the word virgin used here:

Brown-Drivers-Briggs H5959 “Almah” definition: VIRGIN, young woman 1a) of marriageable age 1b) maid or newly married

Strongs H5959 “Almah” definition: Feminine of H5958; a lass (as veiled or private):-damsel, maid, VIRGIN.”

So we can see that the word “Almah” carries two meanings , one is a virgin and the other is a young woman of marriageable age. So, lets view the literal meaning of the passage and then view the deeper spiritual meaning.

To fully understand the literal meaning of this prophecy we have to go back to the beginning of the chapter:

Isaiah 7:1-9

During the days of Achaz the son of Yotam, the son of Uziyahu, king of Judah, Retzin the king of Aram and Pekach the son of Remalyah, king of Yisra’el, advanced on Jerusalem to attack it but were UNABLE TO CONQUER IT. It was told to the house of David that Aram and Ephraim had become allies. Achaz’s heart began to tremble, as did the hearts of the his people, like forest trees shaken by the wind. Then YAHWEH said to Isaiah, “Go out now to meet Achaz, you and your son Sh’ar Yashuv, at the end of the aqueduct from the Upper Pool, on the road to the Launderers’ Field; and say to him, “Take care to STAY CALM AND UNAFRAID; don’t be demoralized by these two smoldering stumps of firewood, by the blazing anger of Retzin and Aram or the son of Remalyah; or because Aram, Ephraim and the son of Remalyah have been plotting against you, thinking, “We will invade Judah, tear it apart, divide it among ourselves and appoint the son of Tav’el as king there.” This is what YAHWEH ELOHIM says; “IT WON’T OCCUR, IT WON’T HAPPEN. For the head of Aram is Damascus, and the head of Damascus Retzin. In sixty-five years Ephraim will be broken and will cease to be a people. The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is the son of Remalyah. Without firm faith, you will not be firmly established.” YAHWEH spoke again to Achaz, he said, ask YAHWEH your ELOHIM to give you a SIGN. Ask it anywhere, from the depths of Sheol to the heights above.” But Achaz answered, “I wont ask, I won’t test YAHWEH.”

Achaz was afraid because the kings of Aram and Ephraim were coming up to fight against him, but YAHWEH told Achaz not to be afraid because their plans would fail because He would protect them. YAHWEH told Achaz to ask for a sign, and even though Achaz refused to do so, YAHWEH told him the sign anyway. The sign was when the “Almah” the young woman gives birth to a son, which is a reference to Isaiah’s wife because she was not a virgin. We are told this in verse 3 when YAHWEH tells Isaiah to take his son with him to meet Achaz, which means this son to be born in Chapter 8 would be their second son. So the peshat, which means the literal meaning of this prophecy is that when she gives birth to their second son, it would be the sign that “EL (God) IS WITH US”, because YAHWEH would protect them from those two kings, but in the remez the hint to a deeper spiritual meaning it was a prophecy for the distant future, that a VIRGIN which is the other definition included in the etymology of the word “Almah” would give birth to a Son (YESHUA) and be called IMMANU’EL (EL WITH US)! So it’s a prophecy within a prophecy and Matthew understood this as we saw him quoting this from Isaiah. Is YESHUA EL WITH US? Yes indeed!

John 1:14 (Hebrewgospels.com)


Matthew 28:19-20 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Therefore go preach to all the peoples, and immerse them in the Name of the Father and the Son and of RUACH HA’KODESH, and teach them, and keep all that I commanded you. AND I WILL BE WITH YOU IN ALL TIME, UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD.”

Justin Martyr (Dialogue with Trypho 160 AD)

But you (Jews) and your teachers venture to claim that in the prophecy of Isaiah it is not said, ‘Behold the virgin will conceive,’ but, ‘Behold, the young woman will conceive, and bear a son.’ Furthermore, you explain the prophecy as if (it referred) to Hezekiah, who was your king. Therefore, I will endeavor to soon discuss this point in OPPOSITON to you.”

So even Justin Martyr in 160 AD was dealing with false teachers in Judaism who claimed this prophecy refers to a young woman and not a virgin, and as demonstrated above, it was a dual prophecy and shows clearly that Mary was a virgin!

Early Church fathers

Irenaeus 185 AD

As a reminder, Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp and Polycarp was a disciple of John who walked with YESHUA! Which means we have another ancient witness who was close to the original teachings as he was not far removed from YESHUA’s day. In his book titled “Against Heresies (Book III, Chapter 22) he states this:

In accordance with this design, MARY THE VIRGIN is found obedient, saying, “Behold the handmaid of YAHWEH; be it unto me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 But Eve was disobedient; for she did not obey when as yet she was a VIRGIN. And even as she, having indeed a husband, Adam, but being nevertheless as yet a virgin (for Paradise “they were both naked, and were not ashamed,” Genesis 2:25 inasmuch as they, having been created a short time previously, had no understanding of the procreation of children; for it was necessary that they should first come to adult age, and then multiply from that time onward), having become disobedient, was made the cause of death, both to herself and to the entire human race; so also did Mary, having a man betrothed to her, and BEING NEVERTHELESS A VIRGIN, by yielding obedience, become the cause of salvation, both to herself and the whole human race. And on this account does the law term a woman betrothed to a man, the wife of him who had betrothed her, ALTHOUGH SHE WAS A YET A VIRGIN…

Irenaeus wrote in 195 AD “The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching”

“VIRGINITY DURING BIRTH; sinlessness; incorruptibility; childbirth without pain—Isaias says, “Behold, the Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and He, being EL (God), is going to be with us” (Isa 7:14). And whilst, as it were, astonished at this thing, he makes known what will come about, that EL will be with us. And concerning His birth, the same prophet says in another place, “Before she who was in labor gave birth, and before the birth pains came on, she was delivered of a male child” (Isa 66.7) he indicated the unexpected AND EXTRAORDINARY BIRTH FROM THE VIRGIN.”

Irenaeus (Against Heresies 180 AD)

Messiah YESHUA, the Son of ELOHIM, because of His surpassing love towards His creation, humbled Himself to be BORN OF THE VIRGIN. Thereby, He united man through Himself to ELOHIM.”

Clement of Alexandria (150-215 AD) Paedagogus, Book I

YESHUA whom the lightening flash of Divinity THE VIRGIN BORE.”

So in conclusion we see that the righteous Zadok Priests knew that YESHUA would be born of a virgin well before He walked the earth, YESHUA called Himself the Son of the Virgin, Isaiah the prophet said that a virgin would give birth to YESHUA, Matthew knew it and wrote it in his gospel, Mary said she was a virgin, as also did Gabriel who brought the good news to her, Irenaeus, Clement and Justin Martyr wrote about it, it was prophesied in the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Testament of Joseph and the Ascension of Isaiah . Let’s let the word of YAHWEH speak for itself without adding to or taking away from it.

Testament of Levi 16:2


Don’t let this be you by despising the words of Isaiah the prophet, who spoke the words of YAHWEH and setting aside the prophecy of the virgin birth in order to build a wall of heresy.

As always may YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!


ELOHIM is 3 in 1!!!

This is another hot topic that is highly debated amongst the Torah community and one that needs to be addressed as heresy continues to increase in these last days. Many believe in the doctrine of “Unitarianism” which is the belief that ELOHIM is a single entity and not three forms as I like to call the Triune-ELOHIM aka 3 Persons operating as One United ELOHIM! This will be explained further in the message.

Many well-meaning Torah teachers and believers will say that believing in a Triune-ELOHIM is a pagan concept that was developed by the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. and then they will go on to call those who believe this doctrine as following pagan Christianity doctrine! Again, as I mentioned in the message “Zadok Priest: A Day is Evening to Evening Part 3”, is that just because a group of people who is not walking completely in the truth DOES NOT mean that everything, they believe is false or pagan, again that is throwing out the baby with the bath water and we have to simply examine the evidence. So, I will show that the early Hebrew manuscript of John, the Zadok Priests, the early church fathers, The Ascension of Isaiah, and even Buddha clearly prove that a Triune-ELOHIM is not a pagan concept but rather a scripturally based one that existed long before the Council of Nicaea. Furthermore, the Council of Nicaea did not invent this as many believe.

Patheos.com writes in an article titled “Do you know the Doctrine of the Trinity was NOT established at Nicaea, in 325 A.D.?” States:

The main purpose of the Council of Nicaea was to resolve a debate within the Catholic Church which was threatening the peace of the Roman Empire. It was whether YESHUA is fully EL (God) or essentially subordinate to EL the Father, thus not equal to the Father in essence. It is quite clear in the writings of the church fathers of the second and third centuries, who were called “apologists,” that they subscribed to the belief that YESHUA was EL/deity yet essentially subordinate to the Father. Thus, they could call the Father “EL Almighty,” yet refrain from doing that same regarding YESHUA. I call this “big EL and little EL.” Origen even called YESHUA a “SECOND EL.”

 I have already proven from a 12-part series that YESHUA is EL (God) the Son, and again anybody who does not believe that YESHUA is EL or that He is a created being is a heretic. I will also prove that the Triune-ELOHIM concept always existed, and as the article stated the Council of Nicaea discussed whether YESHUA is EL (which He is) NOT about them inventing a “Trinity” doctrine. Many well-meaning Torah observers will shout out loud that the book of Matthew is the MOST JEWISH BESORAH (GOSPEL) yet because of biases they will automatically throw out YESHUA’s own words quoted in Matthew. This is exactly what happens when emotions get involved versus accepting the scriptures for what it says.

Matthew 28:19 (Hebrewgospels.com)

Therefore go preach to all the peoples, and immerse them in the Name of the FATHER AND THE SON AND OF RUACH HA’KODESH (THE SET-APART SPIRIT), and teach them, and keep all that I commanded you.”

We can clearly see that YESHUA mentions 2 others that are ELOHIM that are not Himself, but yet ONE, UNITED WITH! How can this be? We see the first application of this in Genesis!

3 in 1 (Triune-ELOHIM) is a scriptural doctrine!

The first clue is given to us in the very beginning, where we see that in the beginning “ELOHIM created”! The word ELOHIM in itself is plural and means “MIGHTY ONES!” Strongs H430 defines ELOHIM as “PLURAL of H433; gods in the ordinary sense, but specifically used (in the PLURAL THUS, especially with the article) of the SUPREME GOD).”

Genesis 1:26 (Complete Jewish Bible)

Then ELOHIM said, “Let US make humankind in OUR image, in the likeness of OURSELVES…” Verse 27 “So ELOHIM created humankind in HIS OWN IMAGE; the image of ELOHIM He created him: male and female.”

We can clearly see the plural usage of ELOHIM in verse 26 by the descriptors US, OUR and OURSELVES, then in verse 27 it says ELOHIM created humankind in “HIS OWN IMAGE” to paint the picture of ELOHIM being 3 Persons yet ONE UNITED ELOHIM!

Genesis 2:24 (Complete Jewish Bible)

This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and stick with his wife, and THEY are to be ONE flesh.”

The etymology for the word one here is Echad and Strong’s #H259 says “A numeral from H258; PROPERLY UNITED, that is, one…”

We know that Adam and Eve did not morph into one human being! They were two separate people being husband and wife yet ONE (ECHAD) flesh through the marriage, which is the same concept YESHUA was referring to when we read His Words in the Hebrew manuscript of John.

John 8:16 (Hebrewgospels.com)

For when I judge, my judgment is true, because I am not alone-for I AND THE FATHER who sent Me-WE ARE ECHAD.”

John 10:29-30 (Hebrewgospels.com)

My Father who gave them to Me, is greater than everything-and no man is able to tear them from the hand of My Father. I AND The Father, WE are ECHAD.”

But then, you will hear some Torah observant followers that will point to John 17 and say “We are echad with ELOHIM, does that make us ELOHIM too?” Even though YESHUA has emphasized twice about He and His Father being One. So my response is, did YESHUA say to be immersed in the Name of The Father, The Son, The Set-Apart Spirit AND the human beings He created? Absolutely NOT because we aren’t divine, and nobody is going to immerse anybody in our name!

1 Corinthians 1:12-13

I say this because one of you says, “I follow Paul”; another says, “I follow Apollos”’ another, “I follow Peter”; while still another says, “I follow the Messiah!” Has the Messiah been split in pieces? WAS IT PAUL WHO WAS PUT TO DEATH ON A STAKE FOR YOU? WERE YOU IMMERSED INTO THE NAME OF PAUL?”

So, we can go ahead and easily throw out that heretical argument!

John 16:13 (Hebrewgospels.com)

But when that RUACH (Spirit) of truth will come, He will teach you all truth. For He will not speak of His own heart, only the words which He hears He will speak, and make known to you those words. He will glorify Me-FROM MY FATHER He will take, and will make known to you all the things which are My Father’s-Which are Mine—and He will make them known to you.”

Again, we can clearly see 3 Persons being mentioned, especially in the Hebrew manuscript. Some people argue that the RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit) is YAHWEH; however, the Hebrew disproves that theory. YESHUA says that the RUACH HA’KODESH will take the words from YAHWEH the Father and announce them to us, so the RUACH HA’KODESH is clearly not YAHWEH. Again, YESHUA mentions two others that are not Himself, but yet ONE (ECHAD) UNITED WITH!

All these scriptures are a perfect match with the Tanakh (Old Testament) scripture found in Isaiah where we see YESHUA speaking pre-incarnate before coming in the flesh and walking the earth.

Isaiah 48:16 (Parenthesis mine)

Come close to Me (YESHUA), and listen to this: since the beginning I have not spoken in secret, since the time things began to be, I have been there; and now YAHWEH ELOHIM has sent ME (YESHUA) and His SPIRIT (RUACH HA’KODESH).”

Now it makes more sense when you read the Shema found in Deuteronomy and see that this concept is an ancient one:

Deuteronomy 6:4 (Complete Jewish Bible)


So, in the Torah we find YAHWEH ECHAD seeing that YAHWEH is ONE UNITED ELOHIM which is: YAHWEH The Father, The WORD OF YAHWEH (YESHUA), and the SPIRIT OF YAHWEH (The RUACH HA’KODESH/Set-Apart Spirit). And yes, the righteous Zadok Priest believed in 3 Persons operating as ONE UNITED ELOHIM!

Zadok Priest

On page 20 of the Damascus Covenant, Ken Johnson the translator writes in the section titled “Zadok Beliefs” writes:

The Zadok priests interpreted the Old Testament by the writings of the Patriarchs, the lineage from Adam through Aaron, Moses’s brother. There was a collection of some forty testaments from these people. Currently, less than half of these still exist, and most are fragmented. But if we couple these together with the commentaries from the scrolls, they give us a good picture of what the Essenes believed. Here are a few of their teachings.


Ascension of Isaiah

Scholars say the Ascension of Isaiah was written between 70 AD to 175 AD, which means this is WELL before the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Here are the words of a scholar concerning chapter 9 in the Ascension of Isaiah:


Some scholars have noted that the Ascension reflects a proto-Trinitarian perspective,[13] such as when the inhabitants of the sixth heaven sing praises to "the primal FATHER AND HIS BELOVED CHRIST, AND THE SET-APART SPIRIT". Larry Hurtado writes;

The most extended narrative of heavenly worship is in 9.27–42, however, where a similar TRIADIC view is presented. Having reached the seventh heaven, which is bathed in incomparable light, Isaiah sees innumerable angels and "all the righteous from the time of Adam onwards" (9.6–9). Then, after his angel guide explains how the descent of the Beloved One will make it possible for the righteous to receive their robes, crowns, and thrones (9.10–26), Isaiah sees a figure "whose glory surpassed that of all being worshiped by Adam, Abel, and all the other righteous and angels (9.27–28). Crucially, at this point the angel guide directs Isaiah to "Worship this one," whom the angel identifies as "the Master of all the praise which you have seen" (9.31–32), the Beloved One; Isaiah joins in the worship and sung praise directed to this figure.”

 This is YESHUA! Back to the article:

 “Then ANOTHER glorious figure approaches, subsequently identified as "the angel of the SET-APART SPIRIT who HAS SPOKEN IN YOU and also in the other righteous" (9.36), and Isaiah is likewise told to join the angels in worshiping this one (9.35–36).


This is The RUACH-HAKODESH! Back to the article:

 “Finally, in a carefully prepared climax to this scene, Isaiah sees "the Great Glory" (but with his spirit, for it appears that his eyes are blinded by the light of this glory, 9.37), and he relates how "my Master" and "the angel of the Spirit" both offered worship to this THIRD FIGURE, along with "all the righteous" and the angels (9.40–42).[3].”

 This would be YAHWEH the Father! The footnotes in the Ascension of Isaiah leave no doubts if that was not clear enough:

The footnote on page 65 says “27-32 Vision and worship of the SECOND PERSON OF THE ELOHIM-HEAD.” This is a reference to YESHUA the Son!

The footnote on page 66 says “33-35 Vision and worship of the THIRD PERSON OF THE ELOHIM-HEAD.” This is a reference to the RUACH HA’KODESH (The Set-Apart Spirit).

The footnote on page 68 says “37-42 Vision and worship of the FIRST PERSON OF THE ELOHIM-HEAD.” This is a reference to YAHWEH the Father!


Polycarp was a bishop of Smyrna, he was born in 69 AD and died in 155 AD, he was a direct disciple of John the disciple who walked with YESHUA! So here we have someone who learned from John, and John taught Polycarp what YESHUA taught him, and this again is well before the Council of Nicaea.

Martyrdom of Polycarp, 14 states

O YAHWEH ELOHIM Almighty, the Father of thy beloved and blessed Son YESHUA HA’MASHIACH, by whom we have received the knowledge of Thee, The ELOHIM of angels and powers, and of every creature, and of the whole race of the righteous who live before thee, I give Thee thanks that Thou hast counted me worthy of this day and this hour, that I should have a part in the number of Thy martyrs, in the cup of thy Messiah, to the resurrection of eternal life, both of soul and body, through the incorruption imparted by the RUACH HA’KODESH (THE SET-APART SPIRIT). I bless Thee, I glorify Thee, along with the everlasting and heavenly YESHUA HA’MASHIACH, Thy beloved Son, with whom, to Thee, and the RUACH HA’KODESH (THE SET-APART SPIRIT), be glory both now and to all coming ages. Ahmein.”


We also have another witness in Irenaeus who was a disciple of Polycarp, and as mentioned above Polycarp was a disciple of John who walked with YESHUA! We clearly saw from John’s writings in Hebrew that YESHUA is EL (God) and that John himself believed YESHUA to be EL, and that YESHUA spoke of the Triune-ELOHIM! So, being that Irenaeus was not to far removed from YESHUA’s day and was a disciple of Polycarp who learned from John himself, it would be good to see what Irenaeus would have to say as an early church father. And this was in 180 AD, which again shows this belief was accepted as doctrine well before 325 AD.

Suprisinggodblog.gci.org writes:

Irenaeus on the Trinity

“In about A.D. 180, Irenaeus wrote the statement below concerning the TRIUNE NATURE of ELOHIM. Here we find the basic elements of the doctrine of the Trinity. Note, in particular, the distinct role of each member of the ELOHIM-HEAD and its relationship to all of humanity.

This is the rule of our faith, the foundation of the building, and what gives support to our behavior.

EL the Father uncreated, who is uncontained, invisible, one ELOHIM, creator of the universe; this is the FIRST article of our faith.

And the SECOND is: The Word of ELOHIM, the Son of EL, our Master YESHUA HA’MASHIACH, who appeared to the prophets according to their way of prophesying and according to the dispensation of the Father. Through him all things were created. Furthermore, in the fullness of time, in order to gather all things to himself, he became a human being amongst human beings, capable of being seen and touched, to destroy death, bring life, and restore fellowship between ELOHIM and humanity.

And the THIRD article is: The Holy Spirit, through whom the prophets prophesied, and our forebears learned of ELOHIM and the righteous were led in the paths of justice, and who, in the fullness of time, was poured out in a new way on our human nature in order to renew humanity throughout the entire world in the sight of ELOHIM.”

And for the record, Irenaeus believed that YESHUA always existed and that He was NOT A CREATED BEING as many people falsely teach! This false teaching called “Arianism” which is the belief that YESHUA is not EL and is a created being is false and heresy.

According to Crosswalk1, traditional Arianism holds that YESHUA was created by ELOHIM as the first act of creation. However, Irenaeus believed that YESHUA was NOT A CREATED BEING but rather HE WAS UNCREATED EL (GOD)2. “

 Buddha knew this!

What is truly amazing is that Buddha prophesied the coming of YESHUA and that He would die for the world, and he also knew that ELOHIM is a Triune ELOHIM which matches all the evidence above.

According to Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia in an article titled “Siddhartha Guatama Buddha prophesies Jesus” states the following:

“Near his death (483 B.C.) Buddha (The Enlightened One) told his followers, "Regardless of how many laws you have kept, or even if you pray 5 times a day, you cannot be free from your sin. Even though you burn yourself, even though I become a hermit, or am reborn another 10 times, I also shall not be saved." (Manuscript, Praising Temple, Chiengmai Thailand).

Buddha taught that he was not a "god", but only a man, a truth seeker. But on his death bed Buddha taught that there would be a FUTURE MESSIAH, Master of Mercies", who would be able to free men of their sinsBuddha said, "...He is the Master of Mercies, His name shall be called the King of Kings, the Master of masters. He is all knowing, all wise. He knows all that is in the human heart. He is Master of all the angels and of all humans. No one is greater than He." (Sutrapridot 3:107).

Buddha continued to teach of the Master of Mercies, that "...His side has a wound where he was pierced, and his forehead has many scars. He will carry you to heaven where you will find the TRIUNE ELOHIM (GOD). Thus give up following the old way. A spirit from heaven will come and dwell in your heart." (Manuscript, Praising Temple, Chiengmai, Thailand).”

Either way, from all the witnesses from scripture, the Zadok Priests, Polycarp, Irenaeus, the Ascension of Isaiah, and even Buddha we can clearly see that the Triune-ELOHIM is not a new, pagan concept, but rather an ancient, accurate, true, and scriptural one!

All praises be to our Father YAHWEH, His Son YESHUA, and the RUACH HA’KODESH! As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!

Zadok Priests: A Day is from evening-to-evening Part 3!

Over the past two years I have written messages about the topic of when does a day begin and end; however, the topic has been heating up again and I would like to present more evidence to prove that day is from evening to evening. This time I will use a book called the “The New Covenant of Damascus”. So before quoting from this book, I would like to explain who wrote it.

In the book titled “The meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls”, page 215 under the section titled “The Damascus Document” says “In 1896 Solomon Schechter of Cambridge University, working with texts from a genizah in Cairo, identified a full copy (16 columns) and a smaller one (two columns paralleling to some extent columns 7-8 in the longer one) of a work that he called Fragments of a ZADOKITE WORK.  Then in the 1950’s, fragmentary remains of the SAME WORK were found at Qumran: eight copies in Cave 4, one in Cave 5, and one in Cave 6. Some of the these copies preserve the beginning and end of the text, which are missing from the genizah versions.”

A little further down of the same paragraph states “The Damascus Document falls into two principal parts. First is a scripturally based admonition in which a teacher urges the SONS OF LIGHT to separate from the wicked, speaks of the origins of the group 390 years after Jerusalem’s destruction by Nebuchadnezzar, draws lessons from biblical history, warns about the three nets of Belial (fornication, wealth, defilement of the sanctuary), and threatens punishments for those who prove unfaithful to the new covenant. The second part is a legal section in which one finds a list of transgressors; RULES ABOUT ZADOKITE PRIESTS, skin diseases, and feminine kinds of impurity; and laws connected with crops, purity and impurity, oaths, marriages, business transactions, purification, THE SHABBAT, the Temple and Temple City, blasphemers, gentiles, and foods.”

Why is it important to know that this is a Zadokite writing?

Ezekiel 44:15

However, the PRIESTS, who are LEVITES and DESCENDANTS OF ZADOK, who took care of My sanctuary when the PEOPLE OF YISRA’EL WENT ASTRAY FROM ME----they are the ones WHO WILL APPROACH ME AND SERVE ME; IT IS THEY who will attend Me and offer Me the fat and the blood,’ says YAHWEH ELOHIM. THEY will enter My sanctuary, approach My table TO MINISTER TO ME AND PERFORM MY SERVICE.”

As discussed in the Passover message, the Zadokite Priests are the righteous covenant keepers and the ones who served YAHWEH without turning to the left or the right, and it is the Zadokite priests who lived at Qumran; therefore, being that the priests ministered before YAHWEH and kept track of the calendar and time, so it would be important to see  how to reckoned time and when does a day end and begin.

The Damascus Covenant translated by Ken Johnson on pg. 45 under the section titled “The Weekly Shabbat” states the following:

Guard the Shabbat according to its law. NO MAN is to do work on the SIXTH DAY from SUNSET when the DIAMETER OF THE SUN CAN STILL JUST BE SEEN ABOVE THE HORIZON. For that is what He said, Guard the Shabbat day to keep it set-apart (Exodus 20:8 Deuteronomy 5:12)

Firstly, we can clearly see that the Zadok Priests recognized sunset as the indicator to stop work as the passage says “No man is to do work on the sixth day from SUNSET” because once the sunsets it is the start of next day and notice there is no mention of sunrise at all being the indicator.  And here the emphasis is on the sixth day because when the sunsets, it would be the start of the 7th Day which is the Shabbat. But they did not stop there in case anyone would be in doubt, because we are given more detail to make sure that we understand that the Zadok priests are emphasizing sunset as the end of the day and the start of another, as we read “When the DIAMETER of the sun can still just be seen above the horizon.”

What is the definition of diameter? According to cuemath.com “In a circle, DIAMETER IS A LINE THAT PASSES THROUGH THE CENTER and meets the circumference at opposite ends. It is twice as long as that of the radius of the circle. In other words, the diameter of a circle is the line that passes THROUGH THE CENTER AND DIVIDES THE CIRCLE INTO EQUAL PARTS.”

So, the sun is a circle and when you draw a line (diameter) through the middle of the circular sun dividing it into equal parts, what do you get? You get a visual of the SUN SETTING ON THE HORIZON. The Damascus Covenant also gives us an illustration next to the passage which literally shows the sun setting on the horizon! This perfectly matches the Otiot, which is the ancient pictograph Hebrew language that existed before paleo and modern Hebrew.

The letter Quph is a picture of the SUN ON THE HORIZION and it means: TIME, condense, circle, CYCLE AS MOEDIM (Appointed Times) and light. The light means growing or diminishing and we see that the Zadok Priests made it clear that the light in this instance was “diminishing” to end the day and not “growing” for sunrise.  Our Father YAHWEH does not do anything by coincidence and has given the truth right in plain sight. And this is another reason why the Otiot is so important because the pictures cannot be changed or distorted, thus allowing it to retain the original meaning that YAHWEH was giving to His people. As we see one of the meanings of Quph is “time” which is a reference that the setting of the sun shows us what TIME the day is ending and another begins.

Let’s now view a quote from Josephus and two other translations of the Damascus Covenant to see if it is consistent with what we read above. In an article written by Bill and Karen Bishop titled “Evening or morning” from returningtothegarden.com states:

“The Works of Josephus, Complete and Unabridged by William Whiston – The Wars of the Jews, Book 4, Chapter 9, Verse 12, (582) – pp 691-692 … one of the priests stood of course, and gave a signal beforehand, with a trumpet, AT THE BEGINNING OF EVERY SEVENTH DAY, IN THE EVENING TWILIGHT, as also at the EVENING WHEN THE DAY WAS FINISHED, as giving notice to the people when they were to leave off work, and when they were to go to work again. So this was what was being observed in the days of Josephus. Maybe THIS is one thing that should NOT have changed! But – was that simply Rabbinical? “

“What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say? We have quoted directly from two different translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Each translation uses a subtitle before the actual quote, so these subtitles are shown before the text of each quote:

The Dead Sea Scrolls by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr., & Edward Cook - Under the second part of the Damascus Document called the STATUTES – in fragment 10 of 4Q270 – p 68: About the Sabbath, how to keep it properly A man may not work on the sixth day from the time that the solar orb is above the horizon by its diameter, because this is what is meant by the passage, "Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy (Deut. 5:12).

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English by Penguin Classics – Under the second part of the Damascus Document called the STATUTES – in fragment 10 of 4Q270 – p 141: Concerning the Sabbath to observe it according to its law No man shall work on the sixth day from the moment when the sun's orb is distant by its own fulness from the gate (WHEREIN IT SINKS); for this is what He said, Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy (Deut. v, 12). The text we quoted is drawn from the ZADOKITE FRAGMENTS (or the Damascus Document). This particular segment relates to the “Sabbath code” and how they observed it. This segment of the scroll showed their orientation to Deuteronomy 5:12. Being the Zadokite Fragments, it should be obvious that those who used the ZADOKITE CALENDAR would have used this interpretation regarding Sabbath observance. The Zadokite priesthood was fastidious (very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail) about specifications and precise restrictions relative to Statutes. This specific wording was in a section of the Scrolls sometimes called the Statutes, so these fragments would have been engineered to provide an exact snapshot of the precise timing for Sabbath to begin for their community.”

Again, the Penguin Classics translation said “No man shall work on the sixth day from the moment when the sun's orb is distant by its own fulness from the gate (WHEREIN IT SINKS).” Notice that this translation says the sun is sinking meaning going down and not rising as in coming up? And then Ken Johnson’s translation said “Sunset” and not “Sunrise” and by this there would be no confusion on the issue. It’s clear the Zadokite Priest paid so much attention to detail that they literally gave us a painting of the sun setting on the horizon with their words to make sure that the Shabbat would not be profaned. As a brother in YESHUA said, “when the sunsets, the sun gets the final say in our day as it ends one day and starts another.”


The last witness I would like to add is the Samaritans regardless about how some people feel about them. The Samaritans reject the Oral Torah and they also reject the Talmud, yet they still recognize that a day is from evening to evening. So if Judaism was completely wrong wouldn’t they have rejected evening to evening for the morning to morning doctrine? We cannot reject truth simply because Judaism is doing it as some well-meaning Torah observant communities do. As the saying goes, they will “Throw the baby out with the bath water” and that is not how we examine evidence.

The Samaritans follow a strict observance of the Shabbat, which means that they want to make sure they do everything properly: A Rabbi named Simeon ben Gamaliel commented on the Samaritans saying “They were as Israelites in all things, and KEPT THE LAW AND THE PRECEPTS OF IT, AND EVEN MORE EXACTLY THAN THE ISRAELITES THEMSELVES DID…”

Benjamin Tsedaka the translator of the Samaritan Torah writes the following in the footnote of Exodus 31:14 saying:

31:14 “And you are to keep the Shabbat, for it is set-apart to you.”---Till present times the Israelite Samaritans have kept the Shabbat as it is written, IN A STRICT WAY. On FRIDAY AFTERNOON preparations for the SHABBAT begins---including washing, and purifying the body, and changing the weekday clothes to Shabbat clothes. The clothing for the men includes a long-sleeved floor-length robe in different colors, thick for the winter-time and light for the spring and summer-time. When entering the synagogue heads are covered. The priests wear red turbans on weekdays and white turbans on the Shabbat. The women of the family, along with the children prepare the FRIDAY EVENING MEAL. WHEN THE SHABBAT DRAWS NEAR, the cooked food is taken off the stove and covered by a thick blanket. At the synagogue they pray passages from the Torah related to the Shabbat and sing FRIDAY EVENING prayers of various hymns…”

As we see the Samaritan women and children prepare the Shabbat meal on Friday afternoon and they take the food off the stove when the Shabbat is drawing near meaning before the sunsets, because Friday evening is the start of the 7th Day Shabbat. Also, Benjamin states that they go to the synagogue to read scriptures from the Torah on the Shabbat starting Friday evening, which clearly shows that the Samaritans also recognized that a day shifts to the next day when the sunsets.

I bring this up to show that the observance of a scriptural day being evening to evening is not some Oral Torah Rabbinical Judaism invention, but rather the Zadok priests who faithfully followed YAHWEH spelled out in detail, Josephus said it, and also the Samaritans also agree and still observe it this way today. In conclusion, we can see that this is one that Judaism as gotten right and would add a fourth witness to all the information presented.

As always may our Father YAHWEH bless you all in YESHUA’s Name!