“Returning back to the ancient path of worship by keeping the commandments of Torah and trust in YESHUA HA’MASHICAH The Living Torah.” (Jeremiah 6:16 and Revelation 14:12)

Introduction, please read:

Dedicated to serving YESHUA The Annointed One in TRUTH! He is the Written Word that became Living Flesh meaning that He is the entire Word; therefore, The Law is not done away with because He is the Living Word/Torah/Law! He is The Way, The Truth and The Life:

The Way (Psalms 119:1)
The Truth (Psalms 119:142)
The Life (Proverbs 13:14, Deuteronomy 32:46)
And you will discover that The Way, The Truth, and The Life all connect back to the Torah; therefore, He was summarizing that He is the Living Torah!

YESHUA (Yeh-shoo-ah) is the Hebrew Name for our Messiah and Savior which literally means YAHWEH IS SALVATION! The Name of our Father is YAHWEH (YAH-WAY), when you say HalleluYAH you are saying the short form of YAHWEH, which means praise You YAHWEH. This page is dedicated for serious believers and those who want to know and serve our Messiah in truth.

Time is running out! Repent and walk in truth!

Just like the days of Noah, the world has forgotten how Holy The Elohim of Yisra’el is! Do not delay any longer! Repent and give your life to Him TODAY! It is my prayer that this website wakes up brothers and sisters up all over the world to get them away from the lawless doctrines of modern day Christianity. The world wants to bring our Father YAHWEH and His Son YESHUA down to their level, instead climbing to reach His! He created us, we didn’t create Him!

Ask yourself this, if Satan is lawless which got him cast out of heaven for rebelling, then how can Christianity say that the law is done away with? Isn’t that lawless doctrine what Satan is? LAWLESSNESS! See the deception? Satan told Eve “You surely shall not die” and she ate the fruit and gave to Adam and they broke the ONE command that our Father gave them. So now Satan is using the exact same tactic on believers today saying “You surely shall not die for breaking the commands, they are done away with!” He is encouraging believers to rebel against the commandments, the same way he did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Their disobedience got them banished from the Garden, plus sin and death came into the world. Now Satan wants you banished from eternal life and to go to eternal punishment. The choice is yours, it’s time to stand up in truth my fellow brothers and sisters.

Just to be clear, the Biblical definition of SIN is transgression of the LAW (1 John 3:4)! We all have sinned and fallen short of the esteem of ELOHIM (Romans 3:23, Isaiah 53:4-6, 1 Kings 8:46) and we deserve to die (Romans 6:23), and we ALL need a Savior and that is why YAHWEH sent His Son YESHUA to die for us so that we may live! Being that YESHUA came to die because we broke the law (Titus 2:14), why would we continue to break the law when that is the reason why He died? The commandments are how we KNOW Him (1 John 2:2-4) and how we LOVE Him (John 14:21, John 15:10, 1 John 5:3). Turn back to the ancient path of worship and follow YESHUA in truth!

The Spirtual detox available in spanish: Disponible en español – Descargue el libro gratuito “La guía definitiva de la desintoxicación espiritual”. Limpie su espíritu de las impurezas de las tradiciones y conductas aprendidas haciendo clic en el “enlace de tienda gratis”.

Below outlines what this book is about and it is absolutely free! Download your copy today and may it bless your walk with The Messiah Yeshua: CLICK ON THE PICTURE ABOVE TO DOWNLOAD FREE BOOK!

Satan wants to sabotage your salvation and he uses deceitful tactics to accomplish this. He knows that worshippers of Elohim won't willfully bow down to him so he has crept into the true path of worship through pagan holidays, traditions, and celebrations. This book is for those who want to walk in truth and dispose of the lies we have been taught to believe. And the best part is that this book is completely free, because it's that important to the Body of Messiah. Let’s come and renew the days of old with our Creator.